Hellobee Boards


August 2015 Moms!

  1. Mrs.Scientist

    cherry / 211 posts

    How far along: 25 + 2
    Total weight gain: 18lbs as of Monday (ugh)
    Stretch marks: None yet. I evaded them with LO#1 so hope I'm just as lucky this time.
    Gender: Girl!
    Names picked: We haven't settled on one yet
    Nursery theme/progress: Baby girl will be staying in our room for the first several months. We may be moving in the first months of her life so for now we are not planning a nursery until we know our plans.
    Birth plan: Still undecided if I'll try for a VBAC or RCS
    Are you taking classes: No
    How long are you taking off: Not sure yet. At least 8 weeks but I'll have some flexibility so I may extend it to 12 or just go back gradually after 8.
    Baby shower plans: None
    Where did you register (or plan to register): Personal amazon registry
    Milestones: Viability, passed glucose test
    Struggles: LO#1 was super sick all last week and now I've been sick this week.
    What are you most fearful/concerned about: Handling a newborn and 18 month old.
    What are you most excited about: Seeing my two babies interact
    What else is going on in your life (non-baby): I have a big month of work-related travel coming up and I'm pretty nervous about it.

  2. Mrs. J

    pomelo / 5132 posts

    @lilteacherbee: like 25 school days plus some workshop days that I'm teaching!

  3. abmamma

    kiwi / 641 posts

    I'm so behind on this board but I will start with the update and circle back on other goings-on later! Fun idea for a check-in.

    How far along: 24 weeks-ish (a day less or a day more depending on if you go by EDD or my own calculations)

    Total weight gain: Not keeping a super close eye this time around but somewhere in the 10-12 range, I think. OB said I was on track at my last appointment.

    Stretch marks: None that I've noticed

    Gender: Boy!

    Names picked: Not yet-- we have a short list of about 4 that we are considering but not 100% sold on any yet. I may have to do a name post soon to see if there are other ideas out there.

    Nursery theme/progress: We are re-using most of DD's stuff (furniture, bedding, etc.). I did order fabric for curtains and we are likely to do some painting but haven't settled on it yet. Not a theme per se but we are going with blue, gray, and green (colors from DD's bedding) with reddish/orange accents and a charley harper print.

    Birth plan: I am generally go with the flow based on my experience last time around (induction due to growth concerns). No doubt I'll be going for the epidural again this time if I can

    Are you taking classes: No birth classes this time. I may take a breastfeeding refresher class since I had a hard time with DD.

    How long are you taking off: TBD -- 14 weeks maybe?

    Baby shower plans: I won't have a shower this time but one of my best friends has already insisted on a girls' brunch this summer to celebrate the baby which I've agreed to (since as she's said, every baby deserves to be celebrated!).

    Where did you register (or plan to register): I have a small Amazon registry for family (and completion discount)

    Milestones: viability

    Struggles: I feel more uncomfortable than I did at this point last time. Lots of round ligament pain and general discomfort...does not bode well for the remaining 16 weeks! Continue to worry about growth issues due to experience with DD and my marginal cord insertion issue-- but hope to no more at my follow-up growth scan next week.

    What are you most fearful/concerned about: That the baby continues to grow as he should; handling the early sleep deprivation with a very active toddler.

    What are you most excited about: Seeing DD with her baby brother!

    What else is going on in your life (non-baby): We just finished conveting DD's room from nursery to big girl room complete with transition to a real (full sized) bed! So far, it has gone WAY better than I thought it would. I guess she was ready!

  4. Torchwood

    pomelo / 5607 posts

    How far along: 24w5d

    Total weight gain: I'm not really tracking, and I don't know exactly where I started, but around 15lb, which I'm fine with.

    Stretch marks: Nothing new that I've noticed. I was a lot heavier in high school than I am now, so I have some leftover from that.

    Gender: Girl!

    Names picked: We're calling her Daisy for now, because we don't announce the name till birth. But we have one in mind!

    Nursery theme/progress: It's still mostly painted and that's it. DH should be able to finish up in the next couple of weeks though. And I think we've bought (or got as gifts last time) most everything, except for maybe a laundry hamper and something to put on the walls. We're doing a woodland critters theme, with an emphasis on foxes (my grandmother's maiden name is Fox).

    Birth plan: Med-free hospital birth with midwives, if all goes according to plan. We'll see!

    Are you taking classes: Yep, we're 3 weeks in to a 12 week Bradley course. I LOVE it so far, and DH even enjoys it. I'm supposed to attend a La Leche League meeting as part of my homework for that as well. And we'll do an infant CPR.

    How long are you taking off: Housewife now and SAHM once she's here, so forever? Or at least until she's older.

    Baby shower plans: Not doing a shower per se, but planning a "baby celebration." I'm doing it all myself, and I'm really excited!

    Where did you register (or plan to register): No new registries this time, and we'll specifically say no gifts in our celebration invite, but we kept our old ones at BRU, Target, and Amazon. We want the completion coupon, and it's just easier for us to keep track of what we haven't bought yet.

    Milestones: Viability this week! I think my biggest goal is to get past 33 weeks, since that's how far I got last time. And, you know, to go to term, obviously.

    Struggles: Peeing a lot? Honestly, I've been more comfortable than I expected. My biggest problem right now is eating enough protein. I have to track it for my class, and it turns out I don't eat much!

    What are you most fearful/concerned about: Just anything going wrong, after all we've been through. A bit scared of birth, after having had such a nasty past experience, but the classes and my doula really help so far. And the worst thing last time was that DH couldn't be there, so just knowing he'll be by my side the whole time makes me feel a LOT better. Also, still haven't figured out how to handle my mom, but that's not really something I'm "fearful" about. Oh, and I keep having the "wtf were we thinking, I love my life as it is!" moments. But pretty sure that's normal.

    What are you most excited about: Having a healthy baby! Really looking forward to seeing DH with her. He's going to be so sweet as a daddy.

    What else is going on in your life (non-baby): Lots of baking! I'm doing a cake and cookies for a baby shower this weekend (cookie dough is chilling in the fridge right now!), and cookies for a bachelorette next weekend. And I'm getting paid! Only charging cost, because I'm such a novice and can't honestly guarantee how it will all come out, but it's a big step!

  5. OhCaptain

    kiwi / 696 posts

    @buttermilk: I find that the every 10 minute thing happens to me at the most annoying times, like running errands with a toddler.

  6. MrsStar

    nectarine / 2994 posts

    Awesome idea doing an update post!

    How far along:25 weeks 4 days!
    Total weight gain: Don't know!
    Stretch marks: None so far (well no new ones) I didn't get any when I was pregnant with DD so hopefully that will repeat this time.
    Gender: Girl
    Names picked: Isla Brooke (I'm still not sold on Brooke as a middle name but it's DH's favorite.
    Nursery theme/progress: Kind of doing a safari animals theme (There's photos on the nursery thread) it's all painted (light green) and we're using dd's old furniture so I just need to organise curtains and do some organisation in there and it will be done!
    Birth plan: Med free in the hospital with a midwife. We think this labor will go much faster this time so I discussed with my midwife what would happen if I had an accidental homebirth.
    Are you taking classes: None this time
    How long are you taking off: I'm a SAHM
    Baby shower plans: None!
    Where did you register (or plan to register): None!
    Milestones: Viability
    Struggles: Hip pain at night
    What are you most fearful/concerned about: The sleep deprivation again, also I'm scared my labor/birth won't be as easy as last time
    What are you most excited about: Seeing dd with her baby sister
    What else is going on in your life (non-baby): Just signed dd up to the waiting list for kindergarten! Looks like she'll be starting in June, so I've been making to-do lists of what is needed to be done before then. Also nesting is kicking in, on Monday night I decided to vacuum at 7.20pm at night, then at 10pm I decided to clear out the pantry and then Tuesday I decided to clean the windows!So I'm hoping I'll have a spotless house by the time Isla is born!

  7. raspberries

    pear / 1955 posts

    Yay, this is fun!

    How far along: 24w 4d

    Total weight gain: ~22lbs give or take - I'm okay with that!

    Stretch marks: None yet, but my mom and grandma got them toward the end of their pregnancies, so I'm assuming it's only a matter of time.

    Gender: It's a boy!

    Names picked: None yet - we have a few we like, but none that are definite winners, unfortunately. I really wish we could just settle on one!

    Nursery theme/progress: Doing good - got all of our furniture, but still need bedding and decorations!

    Birth plan: I'll be taking any and all meds that are offered to me

    Are you taking classes: Yes! We just signed up for prepared childbirth, infant CPR, and an infant care class.

    How long are you taking off: 13 weeks - then I'll be coming back part-time afterwards.

    Baby shower plans: Family baby shower in Pittsburgh on Memorial Day weekend, then friend baby shower in Boston after that. I can't wait for these!

    Where did you register (or plan to register): Amazon and Target - gotta love those completion bonuses!

    Milestones: Viability - and I picked up my drink for the glucose test, if you can count that as a milestone

    Struggles: Never ending heartburn, and randomly panicking about silly small stuff (I woke up the other night suddenly freaking out about college funds?!)

    What are you most fearful/concerned about: Raising this baby without family nearby.

    What are you most excited about: Seeing DH with him - I can't wait!

    What else is going on in your life (non-baby): Getting excited for our trip to New Orleans next week (and just being away from work, which has been crazy hectic lately.)

  8. Mrs. Microscope

    pear / 1788 posts

    I love reading these!

    How far along:24 weeks today
    Total weight gain: 14 lbs. as of yesterday, so right on target!
    Stretch marks: None. I lube my belly and hips with Mama Bee oil every night before bed. Maybe it is working, or I just don't have any yet?
    Gender: Girl
    Names picked: Penelope or Veronica. We want to see her before deciding!
    Nursery theme/progress: No real nursery here! We have a bag of baby stuff sitting on the floor of our guest room. We will get a rocking black leather recliner in June, and a Pack n Play with changer. Some baskets to make "drawers" for a bookshelf we already have. Baby girl will be in our room in a RnP for the first few months anyways!
    Birth plan: Hospital with a doula, epidural if needed!
    Are you taking classes: Express Birth with medicated options 6 hour class in June.
    How long are you taking off: 4 weeks at least before going in for an hour or 2 with baby girl. I have a unique situation with the brewery!
    Baby shower plans: Co-ed shower in June. Its travel themed, and we plan to announce we are having a girl to our friends. Its been hard to keep a secret!
    Where did you register (or plan to register): Babies r us, Target, Amazon
    Milestones: Viability, looking forward to 32 weeks (no life complications) and 37 weeks (full term)
    Struggles: Hip and back pain. Chiropractors and massages are amazing!
    What are you most fearful/concerned about: To be totally honest, dying in childbirth. Both me and baby. Since I got the positive HPT, its been my number one concern.
    What are you most excited about: Having a little buddy! Seeing DH be a daddy!
    What else is going on in your life (non-baby): Getting my balcony garden set up. Brewery construction stuff. Getting ready for Babymoon next month!

  9. buttermilk

    nectarine / 2086 posts

    @MrsStar: Girl, totally feel you on the hip pain at night. Always on my right side and I can hardly walk for the first few minutes after waking. WHY!? Love the name!!!!

  10. MrsStar

    nectarine / 2994 posts

    @buttermilk: Yes the right side! I swear it's fine all day until I try to get into bed. I've tried sleeping with a pillow between my legs but doesn't seem to help so far

  11. buttermilk

    nectarine / 2086 posts

    @MrsStar: Samesies!!

  12. OhCaptain

    kiwi / 696 posts

    How far along: 25w5d

    Total weight gain: 0-3lbs depending on my sodium intake. Last time I was already +22lbs

    Stretch marks: Just this week I noticed my existing stretch marks were starting to tinge pink at the tips, maybe they are just going to get longer?

    Gender: Girl!

    Names picked: We've narrowed it down to 3-4 we like.

    Nursery theme/progress: the theme will be hot air balloons. We've made zero progress. Haha. I'm still undecided on how/where the baby will sleep. we probably won't drag the crib out of storage until we decide where we will set it up (our room? Room sharing with brother? Move to the downstairs master and set it up in our room there?!?)

    Birth plan: VBAC at a standalone birth center with a CNM.

    Are you taking classes: I just missed one at the Birth Center. The next one is in July, hopefully I can take that one!

    How long are you taking off: don't know! I nanny part time for a family that just had their third, so my schedule will be sporadic until July when their older boys will be going to a summer preschool camp. Then I have no idea!
    Baby shower plans: my local friends are throwing me and another friend a "sprinkle."

    Where did you register (or plan to register): Personal amazon registry

    Milestones: hmm viability I guess!

    Struggles: Sleep. And walking for exercise, it makes my belly feel like its in a vice.

    What are you most fearful/concerned about: not going into labor eaely enough to have a vbac.

    What are you most excited about?: feeling like our family is complete.

    What else is going on in your life (non-baby):Just usual life stuff!

  13. lilteacherbee

    cantaloupe / 6791 posts


    How far along: 24w5d

    Total weight gain: About 14lbs

    Stretch marks: Not yet! I got away with never getting them the first time. Crossing my fingers!

    Gender: !

    Names picked: Carter Michael

    Nursery theme/progress: Totally not sure yet. He'll be in our room for awhile and eventually sharing with big bro. I kinda want to make the third bedroom a playroom.

    Birth plan: Repeat C-Section.

    Are you taking classes: Nope. Last time, we took a "prepared childbirth" class where they talked about the different kinds of birth and breastfeeding basics which was helpful. We also did an infant care class because DH really wanted to. I'm first aid/CPR certified for my job.

    How long are you taking off: The plan is to become a SAHM after this school year, but that depends on a few things. If not, I'll be taking about 10 weeks off.

    Baby shower plans: No shower unless someone throws a sprinkle, but I'm not expecting one

    Where did you register (or plan to register): No registry since we'll have almost everything we need with 2 boys less than 2 years apart.

    Milestones: Viability!

    Struggles: Getting through work each day. I'm super exhausted and I'm on my feet chasing a class of 5 year olds (who are not very good listeners!).

    What are you most fearful/concerned about: 2 under 2! I have irrational fears like my toddler will resent me for bringing home this strange creature or he'll have a super hard time adjusting. Also, just the recovery of a c-section with a 20 month old.

    What are you most excited about: Re-living the newborn days (I'm one of the crazy ones and I enjoyed the early days. I may not actually remember them well and I may change my mind later...hahaha)

    What else is going on in your life (non-baby): School is almost over, thank goodness! We have a field trip tomorrow and one next week and after that, the weeks should go by quickly!

  14. getjazzy

    persimmon / 1179 posts

    Great idea!! We needed an update!

    How far along: 25w 3d

    Total weight gain: I think roughly 16 or so lbs

    Stretch marks: No new ones. I didn't get any at all with my first until like 34 weeks so I'm sure the ones from him with show back up.

    Gender: Girl (!!) can't believe I'm saying that haha.

    Names picked: None narrowed down yet, we have difficulty with names haha.

    Nursery theme/progress: Keeping the same nursery from DS which is a neutral colour palette with owl/tree mural .

    Birth plan: Hospital VBAC attempt with OB care, RCS if I go too late as they won't induce me.

    Are you taking classes: Not this time. We took one last time and I still feel good about it. Taking prenatal yoga though and I find that very helpful and hoping it helps to avoid another posterior baby/csection.

    How long are you taking off: In Canada, so a year. DH is taking a month of parental leave too, so he'll be home with me the first month.

    Baby shower plans: No shower, second baby.

    Where did you register (or plan to register): None, since stores in Canada are lame and don't offer completion discount otherwise I would make a fake one for myself just for the coupon haha.

    Milestones: Viability, tons and tons of movement which I'm loving!

    Struggles: Lots more pain and discomfort this time. Struggling with low blood pressure stuff too, feeling faint super often and out of breath.

    What are you most fearful/concerned about: I wouldn't say fearful but c-section. Hoping to avoid that. Besides that, nervous about the unknown of a vaginal delivery.

    What are you most excited about: Meeting baby girl and seeing DH/DS with her!

    What else is going on in your life (non-baby): Work is crazy and I'm exhausted ALL.THE.TIME. I got written off on medical leave prior to delivery last time and have a feeling that I'm slowly inching closer to that again. We'll see how long I can make it.

  15. MrsADS

    nectarine / 2262 posts

    How far along: 22 weeks

    Total weight gain: I think about 14 lbs... probably too much! Agh!

    Stretch marks: None yet but it's still early... I do use cocoa butter everywhere but I am not sure that's gonna really do anything!

    Gender: Boy

    Names picked: Nothing yet, we are really struggling! We have a few we like but nothing really jumping out as "the name." Something traditional - Benjamin, Alex, Daniel, Matthew...

    Nursery theme/progress: Again, no progress - we have to clean out two rooms (husband's office is moving downstairs, moving guest bedroom into office, guest bedroom becoming nursery) - then we have to paint, etc. Uggh, so much to do.

    Birth plan: Hospital

    Are you taking classes: Not yet, but we are going to take a childbirth class, prenatal breastfeeding, and baby care

    How long are you taking off: 12 weeks, trying to negotiate to get 16 and come back after the new year.

    Baby shower plans: Having one at home a few states away in early June. My work is also going to throw me one.

    Where did you register (or plan to register): Buy buy baby and Target

    Milestones: None yet I guess? Looking forward to viability.

    Struggles: Fatigue and working full time with a really long commute. It's really wearing on me. Also I'm starving all the time and gaining weight too fast, worry I am going to gain too much.

    What are you most fearful/concerned about: Just actually having the baby here safely and him being okay. In terms of less important things, my #1 concern after baby gets here is how I'm going to handle the lack of sleep. I don't function well when I don't get enough sleep. #2 concern is going back to work.

    What are you most excited about: Finally having him here! It still doesn't feel real sometimes.

    What else is going on in your life (non-baby): A lot of work, bleh. But taking a few little trips - Disney in May!! (I only live 3 hours away)

  16. LauraBear

    cherry / 215 posts

    How far along: 22 weeks tomorrow!

    Total weight gain: 8 lbs as of my appointment last week. Probably at least 9 now. I feel like I've popped this last week.

    Stretch marks: Not sure. I see some wrinkles around my belly button as it's starting to flatten but not sure if that counts. Have been using the Mama Bee lotion after showering every day!

    Gender: Boy!!

    Names picked: Cormac, Raymond, and Michael are our top picks right now. I love family names and DH hates them so it's tough.

    Nursery theme/progress: We've gotten a huge old map of South America for the wall and I'm in the middle of refinishing a nightstand, but that's it. It will be a sort of travel and nautical theme, I guess. My mom is doing the curtains and crib bedding and is coming to visit in June. I'll wait to get the crib and glider until right before she's here so we can set it up together

    Birth plan: Hoping for a med-free hospital birth with a mid-wife. Who knows, though!

    Are you taking classes: Not yet but I hope to do the home hypobabies one.

    How long are you taking off: Around 14 weeks with just 6 paid. DH is taking the first 8 weeks paid.

    Baby shower plans: Family one in June when my mom flies out - will be with DH's family that lives nearby. Couples one in July, I think.

    Where did you register (or plan to register): Buy Buy Baby, Land of Nod, Amazon.

    Milestones: Since the second trimester started, the weeks have been flying by and it's been fun to tell people now that I'm noticeably showing. I feel good these days but am doubling up on my evening grad classes so that I have less classes left once the baby is here. So that makes me see the end of the quarter - June 12th - as a huge milestone for me. Can't wait til it's here and I can relax!

    Struggles: Evening grad school. Thankful we're really fertile but wish I had finished school first. Working full-time and having evening classes with a baby will suck. Trying to be positive as I know it will be worth it in the long run, but I wish I had time to just enjoy this pregnancy. I am not someone who likes being busy. But I guess I have had zero time to worry so that is nice!

    What are you most fearful/concerned about: The first few weeks of breastfeeding, being up all night, being stressed. Trying to keep up with my classes those first few weeks. DH and I both get pretty crabby when we haven't slept enough so I hope we can be kind to each other.

    What are you most excited about: Meeting this little guy!! So excited to snuggle with him and have DH get to experience him and for him to meet our dog It's pretty exciting to think of us as a little family!

    What else is going on in your life (non-baby): Evening grad school Also, DH is doing a lot of house projects to get ready for the baby! He is currently putting in hardwood floors on our whole first level. I'm so proud of him. Is anyone else just crazy about their DH these days?? I feel like I just can't get enough of him and he can do no wrong (which believe me, is kind of weird for us! haha). But he has been really great about everything lately and just has been such a source of support

  17. Torchwood

    pomelo / 5607 posts

    @LauraBear: I'm with you on thinking DH is amazing right now! It's not that unusual for us, but it's definitely more so right now!

  18. getjazzy

    persimmon / 1179 posts

    @LauraBear: Thats awesome that you feel so close to hubby! I wish I felt that haha. He's currently crunching food noisily and making me want to kick him. Haha gotta love hormones!!

  19. kjpugs

    grapefruit / 4862 posts

    OH FUN! I love updates!

    How far along: 22+5
    Total weight gain: Maybe 5-8 lbs? Not a lot but was too heavy going into it.
    Stretch marks: No new ones, still have old faded ones from growing up.
    Gender: Girl!
    Names picked: Isabel "Izzie"
    Nursery theme/progress: She'll be with us until she is able to move in with her sister.
    Birth plan: Epidural if needed, tearing not episiotomy (sp), an added this time- NO discussion of breast feeding.
    Are you taking classes: Nope
    How long are you taking off: I get 6 weeks
    Baby shower plans: None- 2nd kid
    Where did you register (or plan to register): I'll probably do one for the 10% completion, haha. But nothing public. Really only need a double stroller.
    Milestones: Lots of kicks, felt kicks from the outside, and had Effie call Izzie by name once when we asked! Looking forward to viability in a week and a half.
    Struggles: Severe back/hip pain, nausea (still)
    What are you most fearful/concerned about: Being a good mom to two, recovery, getting my back issues under control post-baby, having them share a room
    What are you most excited about: Seeing her sweet face, seeing their sisterly relationship
    What else is going on in your life (non-baby): Landlord issues, excited about my THREE nephews due in July, buying a mom mobile within the next month, seeing my mom for Mother's Day!

    Anyone else struggling with a middle name!? We knew Effie's going into it so this time I'm stuck. We have a frontrunner but I have two others I like!

  20. buttermilk

    nectarine / 2086 posts

    @LauraBear: @Torchwood: I concur! DH and I have never gotten along better. He totally adores me right now! Maybe bc I'm actually being nice to him lol.

  21. Mizhi

    coffee bean / 46 posts

    How far along: 25+4

    Total weight gain: 20 lbs (?) Too much …

    Stretch marks: Not yet! *crossing fingers*


    Names picked: Still up in the air, but we do have a Korean middle name that FIL picked out.

    Nursery theme/progress: No progress. We recently moved, and the nursery room has a red wall (!) so our original color scheme got tossed. It looks like our color scheme will be a hodgepodge of black furniture with white, gray, pink, and (hopefully) Tiffany blue accents. Ahh! Too many colors!

    Birth plan: Most likely a scheduled c-section due to a high risk pregnancy.

    Are you taking classes: Planning on taking a Red Cross Adult and Pediatric First Aid/CPR/AED class as well as a few other birth related classes offered on base.

    How long are you taking off: SAHM

    Baby shower plans: No plans since we’re overseas. We may have a “Last Hoorah without Babies BBQ” before the baby gets here.

    Where did you register (or plan to register): Amazon with links from other places (Target, Etsy, etc.). I just discovered that Amazon doesn’t ship all baby items to APO addresses! So far that includes a cloth baby book, two toys, and an infant bath, yet they’ll ship a huge convertible car seat, stroller, Bac-out spray, medicine, etc. It makes absolutely no sense …

    Milestones: Viability and stronger, more frequent movement.

    Struggles: Eating to the point of no return. Navigating the bump aka trying not to knock things off the table accidentally.

    What are you most fearful/concerned about: Potential pregnancy complications, early emergency C-section and C-section recovery. Breastfeeding.

    What are you most excited about: Meeting baby! And losing the extra weight afterwards.

    What else is going on in your life (non-baby): We recently moved into a new apartment, but my pregnancy is beating me up physically so I haven’t been able to put away and organize everything. It’s driving me nuts! Next week is my 1 hour glucose test, and I finally get to meet the MFM specialist the week after. Our Tokyo babymoon/shopping trip is the week after that at 28 weeks. Hopefully there are no issues and I'll be cleared to fly.

  22. cat620

    pear / 1809 posts

    I'm back from my babymoon to Barbados! We had a great time relaxing and enjoying some time away together. I left my son with his grandparents, and they took good care of him. I'm glad we went when we did, because 24 weeks pregnant is a good time to travel. My morning sickness is finally gone, and I'm not so big that I'm getting uncomfortable.

  23. cat620

    pear / 1809 posts

    How far along: 24 + 4
    Total weight gain: I think I've gained about 12 pounds from my pre-pregnancy weight.
    Stretch marks: None yet.
    Gender: Boy!
    Names picked: Still deciding, but we have a couple we like
    Nursery theme/progress: No progress made yet. I'm procrastinating with this one
    Birth plan: I think I want a VBAC, but I'm still weighing the risks
    Are you taking classes: No
    How long are you taking off: I'm a SAHM
    Baby shower plans: No shower for this baby
    Where did you register (or plan to register): Personal amazon registry
    Milestones: Lots of movement. Baby seems healthy
    Struggles: Feeling tired easily. It's hard to keep up with a toddler while pregnant
    What are you most fearful/concerned about: Balancing my attention between the new baby and my toddler. He's still very needy
    What are you most excited about: Seeing my sons interact and grow up together
    What else is going on in your life (non-baby): Just got back from my babymoon, which was awesome!

  24. autumnlove

    hostess / wonderful watermelon / 39513 posts

    How far along: 21.5 weeks

    Total weight gain: 2ish lbs over preg preg weight. I dropped below prepreg weight during the first tri but I think I gained 4lbs in the last few weeks.

    Stretch marks: tons from my previous pregnancies!


    Names picked: I think so!

    Nursery theme/progress: She will sleep in our room for the first 3-4 months.

    Birth plan: RCS

    How long are you taking off: I return to work in Jan.

    Baby shower plans: Nah, 3rd kid!

    Milestones: Looking fwd to viability.

    Struggles: I had lots of nausea and food aversions up until 20 weeks. My appetite is back and I want to eat everything now....within reason since I have GD.

    What are you most fearful/concerned about: Delivery....a placenta issue is suspected so I have high risk appointments every 2 weeks.

    What are you most excited about: I can't wait to meet my girl. I am also excited about maternity leave!

    What else is going on in your life (non-baby): Work and family! We have a few weddings in May and we will shop around for a minivan very soon!

  25. Mrs. Microscope

    pear / 1788 posts

    @aprild: I am so happy you had a great time! And that your son had a nice time with the grandparents. Welcome back!

  26. lil owl

    apricot / 345 posts

    Sorry I've been MIA!!
    Long story short: I've been in the hospital several times due to heavy bleeding (and I lost parts of the placenta....but everything seems to be ok now)

    How far along: 25 weeks
    Total weight gain: due to HG I'm still 12 lbs down
    Stretch marks: I got none with DS but it looks like I won't be so lucky this time...
    Names picked: not yet. We're still debating whether to honor family tradition or not... either way we can't agree on a name yet...
    Nursery theme/progress: DD will share the nursery with DS, but I guess from the looks of it they'll both sleep with us till they move out...
    Birth plan: last time was a terrible experience, but I hope to go med free again...
    Are you taking classes: no
    How long are you taking off: 2 years. The state is very generous over here.
    Baby shower plans: baby showers are uncommon here, so no one will throw me one (just like last time)
    Where did you register (or plan to register): personal amazon registry
    Milestones: viability
    Struggles: well, HG, bleeding, lots and lots of pain... lots of back pain, too... exhaustion...
    What are you most fearful/concerned about: another midwife turning out to be a sadist (and threatening the babys life)
    What are you most excited about: DS interacting with DD
    What else is going on in your life (non-baby): not much else... DH want's to change jobs... we'll see how that turns out...

  27. getjazzy

    persimmon / 1179 posts

    @lil owl: I'm sorry to hear about the bleeding and the subsequent worrying! I'm glad it sounds like they got it under control for you and hoping the rest of your pregnancy is uneventful ! I am so so thankful for my year long maternity leave but 2 years is glorious! Where do you live?

  28. MissLace

    apricot / 311 posts

    How far along: 22w1d
    Total weight gain: 20lbs so far but its all in my belly
    Stretch marks: nope!
    Gender: girl!
    Names picked: Sienna Rosalie
    Nursery theme/progress: just painted last weekend & built the crib! Turquoise & yellow walls w/pink accents in decor
    Birth plan: hospital/obgyn
    Are you taking classes:not yet but plan on it
    How long are you taking off: 12 weeks
    Baby shower plans: may 31st!
    Where did you register (or plan to register): BRU & amazon
    Milestones: just over halfway there!
    Struggles: so tired & recently shin splints on my walk to work everyday
    What are you most fearful/concerned about: just having baby girl be healthy
    What are you most excited about: meeting her! and decorating the nursery in the meantime
    What else is going on in your life (non-baby): super busy at work (have to fly to TX for 6 days in may), lots of bridal showers going on for friends.

  29. MrsStar

    nectarine / 2994 posts

    @lil owl: So sorry you've been having a rough time. Hope the rest of the pregnancy is a big improvement!

  30. MrsStar

    nectarine / 2994 posts

    @MissLace: Love the name you picked!

  31. lil owl

    apricot / 345 posts

    @getjazzy: I'm in Germany. Maternity leave is technically shorter: you are forbidden to work 6 weeks prior to your EDD and 8 weeks after. During this time you'll be paid fully. But you have the right to stay home and care for your child for two years and your employer needs to guarantee to take you back at the same position. The first 14 month of your childs life you get about 65% of what you made before. From month 15 till 36 you get about 170+200 $ when you're not sending you child to state day care. After that you get about 200 till the child is 18 or finished his/her education (till 25)

  32. Ms. RV

    pear / 1930 posts

    How far along: 24 + 6

    Total weight gain: 10 - 12 lbs

    Stretch marks: Not yet.


    Names picked: She'll be going by Cece for short.

    Nursery theme/progress: Ordered four paint samples last night. Walls will be a grayish purple. The bedding and mobile will be Glenna Jean Melrose (http://s7d1.scene7.com/is/image/BedBathandBeyond/29854941619872p?$478$) because I love the colors and hedgehogs.

    Birth plan: Whatever my OB says!

    Are you taking classes: No... not sure if I will or not.

    How long are you taking off: 1-2 weeks before EDD, 6-8 weeks after.

    Baby shower plans: I don't think I'm having a real one (fine by me- I hate being the center of attention), but my trivia team says that they'll bring cupcakes/small gifts one week.

    Where did you register (or plan to register): BRU & BBB

    Milestones: Viability!

    Struggles: The whole month that I was dealing with the ventriculomegaly diagnosis was so rough. Now I just have simple struggles like missing my old wardrobe and dealing with people commenting on my bump.

    What are you most fearful/concerned about: Bringing her home!

    What are you most excited about: Meeting her!

    What else is going on in your life (non-baby): Just went to a trade show/convention for work. I never had any idea there was so much different types of fire equipment! I so did not mind being away from work for a few days on someone else's bill with no real agenda.

  33. buttermilk

    nectarine / 2086 posts

    @MissLace: sweet name!

    @Ms. RV: cute bedding!

    @lil owl: sorry for your complications by glad things are looking up! And that mat leave is amazing!

  34. cat620

    pear / 1809 posts

    @lil owl: Heavy bleeding sounds scary! I'm glad everything's okay now.

  35. buttermilk

    nectarine / 2086 posts

    Finally finished the baby registry last night! Phew! Now I just hope that people actually use it and we don't end up with a million frilly dresses, ha!

    OMG you guys on Friday - I had the most insane gas pains. They were wrapping front to back all up and down my left side, I thought I was going to die. Tried stretching at work, could not get comfortable. DH brought me gas-x which did nothing! Eventually I had to leave work early and I spent the rest of the day sprawled out in my bed naked trying to stretch the gas out! Only thing that finally worked after a few more hours was a hot water bottle and a nap. Anyone else had some fun like this lately?

  36. krispi

    clementine / 911 posts

    Today is my first day back at work after our beach trip. We had a great time relaxing, and the resort was gorgeous. My only regret is that we couldn't stay longer.

    How far along: 24w1d

    Total weight gain: 20 lbs? I'm afraid to check after all the eating we did on our trip!

    Stretch marks: A few on my hips where I already had them, but not too bad so far.

    Gender: Girl!

    Names picked: Emily is the first name. Still trying to decide on the middle name.

    Nursery theme/progress: My husband has painted the top half of the walls and put up wainscoting on the bottom part of the walls. He's painted one coat of white on the wainscoting, but it still needs another coat or 2. We've finally got our furniture ordered through a local store after getting the run around multiple times from BRU.

    Birth plan: Definitely an epidural and trying to avoid a c-section if at all possible.

    Are you taking classes: Our birthing class is the last weekend of this month. We're also taking a breastfeeding class and maybe an infant care class in June.

    How long are you taking off: 12 weeks

    Baby shower plans: We'll have 2 in June, dates still TBD

    Where did you register (or plan to register): BRU and Target right now, although we're pretty unhappy with BRU over our furniture situation.

    Milestones: Babymoon completed, reached viability

    Struggles: Having a lot of swelling. My other vital signs look good, but it makes me worried for complications down the road. The traveling also was pretty hard on my back, which has been sore since our trip.

    What are you most fearful/concerned about: Labor and delivery, c-section, sleepless nights, taking care of a newborn. I'm worried that I'll develop pregnancy complications in the 3rd trimester, although I don't really have a good reason to think that. I'm also worried that my MIL won't be able to respect our need for space once the baby's here.

    What are you most excited about: Meeting her, seeing what she looks like, not being swollen

    What else is going on in your life (non-baby): My husband has a major client starting tomorrow, so his work is about to get super hectic.
    Just got back from vacation and trying to get back into the normal routine.
    I also finished up my next to last semester of grad school over the weekend. This was an easy class, thank goodness. Summer will be my last class, and I'm worried it will be time-consuming.
    Lastly, we found out we're getting a new niece or nephew later this year! My brother and his wife have been trying for their second for about a year now, and they're due in early December.

  37. OhCaptain

    kiwi / 696 posts

    @buttermilk: I found that most people
    Bought something from the registry AND an outfit. After all my showers with my son I literally had thirty size 3-6 month onesies. Also, blankets. Unless you want a very specific blanket. I wouldn't register for them, or flannel receiving blankets. People love to buy those too!
    As for the gas....I've had something crazy like that too, where my belly really feels like it's going to explode.

  38. Mizhi

    coffee bean / 46 posts

    I had my 1-hour glucose test yesterday. I ate a fried egg with a slice of muenster cheese in the morning, went to the lab, chugged the lemon-lime flavored liquid, waited around for an hour, and then had my blood drawn. I ate half a tuna sandwich and chugged water on the drive to meet DH for lunch at Chili's where I had a guacamole jalapeno burger with fries.

    Overall the experience wasn't as bad as I was expecting. The drink wasn't too bad. Just remember that if it's cold when they give it to you, you'll get brain freeze if you chug it too fast ... Also, I had a headache for the rest of the day afterwards, probably due to a sugar high/crash?

    I probably won't get the results back until Monday when I see the specialist. Hopefully I passed and won't have to take the 3-hour!

  39. MrsADS

    nectarine / 2262 posts

    Has anyone else had Braxton Hicks contractions this early? Disclaimer, I have a regular appointment with my OB in an hour so I will ask her, but I have noticed over the past week or so, and a lot of over the past few days, I will get this tightening of my uterus for 30-60 seconds, then it goes away. It sometimes only feels like it's one side of my uterus, though (like, lower left/lower right). It's not really painful but sometimes I feel kind of crampy. It also doesn't seem to be related to when I'm more active, or dehydrated, or anything like that. Like last night, it probably happened 3 or 4 times over a few hours when I was just laying on the couch, and a few times during the middle of the night.

    It almost seems like it tends to happen when I need to pee, or when the baby is moving?! I was super active all day Sat & Sun and didn't really notice any.

    I'm 23 weeks - my 20 week ultrasound showed no changes to my cervix so I don't THINK it's something like preterm labor. But after googling I'm a little concerned. Anyway, hopefully my OB says "it's totally normal!" and not "here's your ticket to the hospital for monitoring."

  40. getjazzy

    persimmon / 1179 posts

    @MrsADS: Yep sounds exactly like BH. With my first pregnancy I didn't get them until around now or later (26 weeks or so) but with this one I was getting them since before 20 weeks. As long as there's no bleeding or leaking of amniotic fluid they are normal starting really early on. For example, when I started getting them before 20 weeks I googled it to see if that was ok and everything I read said it was normal for some ppl to start getting them that early.

    I'm interested to see what your OB says. I've never remembered to ask mine about them.

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