Hellobee Boards


August 2015 Moms!

  1. krispi

    clementine / 911 posts

    @buttermilk: I can't tell her position, but most of the movement I feel is lower in my belly. That could be because of the placenta though. The last couple ultrasounds I had, she was head down and facing backward, but it's been a little over a month since I had an ultrasound. I have another one next week, so we'll see.

    @Torchwood: My heartburn and reflux have definitely increased lately.

    I'm with you all on not wanting to have the aches, pains, and swelling for another 3 months but at the same time feeling like that's not much time before having an infant to take care of. My sleep has been really rough lately, so maybe that's getting me ready.

    I can't believe I'm almost at the 3rd trimester! I'll hit 28 weeks at the end of this week. I'm at the point now where my doctor wants to see me every 2 weeks, and they're going to do monthly ultrasounds because I have a fairly large fibroid sitting on the top of my uterus that they want to keep an eye on. We have all the big pieces in our nursery done now, but we still have a lot of little decorating type things to do. And I'm starting to get antsy to begin washing some of her clothes and putting them away. I've been trying to wait until after my showers.

  2. Mrs.Scientist

    cherry / 211 posts

    I'm with everyone on the heartburn and reflux. I'm also starting to get to the uncomfortable stage of pregnancy at 29 weeks today. I had to travel for work this week and I stupidly wore a pair of strappy sandals on the plane. When I went through security it was a workout taking them off and putting them back on with my big belly in the way. I also painted my own toenails last night and it looks like a 2nd grader did it. Time for a professional pedicure!!

  3. OhCaptain

    kiwi / 696 posts

    I reached 29 weeks on Saturday and it im definitely feeling like I'm in the third tri. I travelled this past weekend and felt very motion sick on my outgoing flight. And my heartburn kicked in half way through the flight, and I'd left my tums at home! It was the first time I felt really uncomfortable and like non-stop complaining to anyon who would listen.
    My feet have been a bit swollen but I think it's mostly from flying, we will see if it gets better now that I'm home and back into routine.
    I am having an issue with my left hip. My hips have been aching during sleep my whole pregnancy, but now I've got some persistent pain. Might be time for regular chiropractic visits!

  4. Mrs. J

    pomelo / 5132 posts

    I'm on and off uncomfortable (I'm 29 weeks tomorrow).

    We asked DS yesterday what we should name his little brother, and he said yellow. Haha. We asked again a few minutes later, and he said yellow again!

  5. lilteacherbee

    cantaloupe / 6791 posts

    @Mrs. J: Haha Yellow Michael J. has a nice ring to it

  6. getjazzy

    persimmon / 1179 posts

    @buttermilk: I think baby is posterior . I am pretty sure that baby's back is along my right to middle of belly, bum up by my ribs and feet on the left side but I feel distinct tickles lower down (pretty much right above my pubic bone) which I did with my first too, and those were his hands. I'm doing forward leaning inversions, cat/cow stretching and side lying releases every night. Going to be adding in some rebozo sifting too and hoping to turn this little turd around before she gets too big. With my first, I didn't intercept and try to change positioning until very late in my pregnancy because my OB kept assuring me that "babies will turn in labour". Even though I laboured on hands and knees and leaning over the furniture, this didn't happen for me as LO was too long to maneuver himself around so hopefully with the earlier intervention this time, I can turn her before labour even begins. Sorry for the novel, this has been weighing heavily on me!

    @Torchwood: I feel you on the digestive issues! Heartburn like crazy again this time around, although slightly less than last time. My DS was completely bald and I had tons. With slightly less this time, I'm curious if this baby will have more or less hair haha (if less is even possible!). Sucks about your doula

  7. getjazzy

    persimmon / 1179 posts

    So I repair ultrasounds for a living and had one in my office today so I can confirm that baby is in the position that I thought however, from what I could tell she was moving her head around so it's not necessarily guaranteed she will remain posterior. I have also only felt the low tickles intermittently so there's still hope! I do feel the "back" of her back on the outside of my belly which would tell me at least part of the time she's facing anterior.

  8. Mrs. Microscope

    pear / 1788 posts

    I passed my gd test! Woo! No hypothyroidism either, and iron is perfect. Woo! Just gotta watch the cheese and carbs now to not gain tons of weight!

    I have felt.hiccups a few times, at least i think that's what it is! I feel baby flipping still, so no set position yet. Hopefully she settles correctly when it's time.

  9. Mrs. J

    pomelo / 5132 posts

    Passed my test! 91! Woo. Also measuring perfectly, so take that people at work who think I'm huge!

    Also, hiccups started today!

  10. kjpugs

    grapefruit / 4862 posts

    @Mrs. Microscope: @Mrs. J: Congrats on passing!!!

    Also- I've never felt hiccups! Not with DD1 or 2!!!

    Add me to the list of those wondering/worrying about position. I never worried about it with DD1 but this time I'm anxious for her to turn head down. All my kicks and such have been lower. I dunno why but I am worried about her being breech! My OB said we have a while before we worry. I wish I remembered when E turned. It was before I even thought about it though. They just said "oh she's head down." And I realized I hadn't considered the alternative!

  11. raspberries

    pear / 1955 posts

    I got the results back from my 3-hour GD test, and I just. barely. squeaked in under the line. I'm still going to try to cut back on carbs a loooot though, because I know I haven't been very good about it. But phew - glad that's over with!

  12. Mrs. J

    pomelo / 5132 posts

    @raspberries: Woohoo!!!

  13. lilteacherbee

    cantaloupe / 6791 posts

    @raspberries: @Mrs. J: @Mrs. Microscope: Yay for passing!!! Such a huge relief!

  14. getjazzy

    persimmon / 1179 posts

    @raspberries: @Mrs. J: @Mrs. Microscope: Congraa guys! Nice to have that peace of mind.

  15. getjazzy

    persimmon / 1179 posts

    DS has been sick with a stomach bug since Friday and I'm sooooo exhausted. Haven't been taking care of myself in terms of eating on time and keeping my water up so I'm dealing with heart palpitations and a bit of shortness of breath. Hoping the gets better quickly so I can get back on track.

  16. Mrs. Microscope

    pear / 1788 posts

    @getjazzy: TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF!!! No complications allowed on this board!

    And that goes for everybody on this board! Us mamas need to make it until August (or at least late July) in one piece, no medical complications! We have been doing pretty well so far, just one more trimester to go! WE CAN DO IT!!!

  17. buttermilk

    nectarine / 2086 posts

    @Mrs. Microscope: lol! I agree, we can do it!!

    Congrats on all the positive GD results! I'm taking mine tomorrow.

  18. buttermilk

    nectarine / 2086 posts

    DH totally scored a free, barely used Graco Pack n Play from a random grandma on the street! He was out canvassing yesterday for Election Day and she offered it to him since she said he was so nice! I went to pick it up and it's a really good one! Yay for freebies bc we are the first of our friends having a baby and have essentially no hand me downs.

  19. buttermilk

    nectarine / 2086 posts

    OMG I just squeezed my boob and stuff actually came out! Sorry guys, totally new territory for me! I screamed and called my mom lol.

  20. cat620

    pear / 1809 posts

    @getjazzy: I'm worried about my baby being posterior too, but I'm not sure how to tell at this point. The doctors always say the baby can turn at any point, but like you, I had a baby that didn't turn last time. Posterior is no fun!

    @buttermilk: Haha that's totally normal! I remember I was freaked out the first time that happened to me. I was sitting on the bed reading with no bra on, and I looked down and noticed a wet spot on my t-shirt right by my nipple. I yelled at DH, "I'm leaking!" It was so weird to me.

  21. OhCaptain

    kiwi / 696 posts

    @buttermilk: lol. I remember when this happened to me with number one. I was simultaneously freaked out and proud.

  22. getjazzy

    persimmon / 1179 posts

    @buttermilk: Haha love it! Yay boobs!

  23. buttermilk

    nectarine / 2086 posts

    @aprild: @OhCaptain: @getjazzy: boobs!!

  24. MrsStar

    nectarine / 2994 posts

    @buttermilk: Haha mine have been leaking for the past month. Breast pads are my friends! I have let-downs several times a day. Boobs are weird

  25. kitty

    apricot / 315 posts

    @buttermilk: I've been squeezing mine too, to see if anything comes out but nothing yet!

    I had a visit with my OB today and when he measured my uterus he said that I'm measuring right on, but that it might not be a good thing because I'm small and a large baby could be problematic for my body (not that I'm tiny, I'm just average height and slim). My husband was well over 9lb so on the one hand I'm thinking maybe that's why baby boy is so healthy in size, but at the same time I'm worried about GD or having to be induced or have a C-section if he is too big. I have the prescription for the glucose test and have to take it in 2 weeks so I guess I'll find out soon enough about that!

  26. MrsADS

    nectarine / 2262 posts

    So glad everyone is passing their GD tests, woohoo! Mine is Tuesday. My mom is a diabetes nurse so last week, we did a mini glucose test at home (LOL) - basically, I got up in the morning and had a big bowl of sugary cereal, and she checked my blood sugar an hour later. It was 101, which is well within the range of passing. I know that's not *identical* to the GD test but it makes me feel like I will probably pass!

    I have no idea what baby's position is. It seems like at every ultrasound (and I've had a million with all this preterm labor stuff), he is in a different position! I wonder if in the last few days maybe he has flipped posterior, though? I was feeling a lot of kicking/punching movements (like, you could see my belly move) last week. This week, I still occasionally feel movement but WAY less and it's not as "violent" as last week. So maybe he is facing my back and that's why I'm feeling him less?

    I see my regular OB next week (+ GD test) and MFM next week as well for an ultrasound to check my cervix. Still having a ton of painful contractions... still trying to just take it easy at home. Don't know what to think about all of it. I am going a little stir crazy though. DH and I are usually active/busy people, we walk a lot, go on little trips on the weekends, etc. and I'm getting depressed sitting at home! MFM dr said specifically "take it easy, no lifting, don't do a ton of walking like walk around at the mall"... which pretty much eliminates everything. Usually for Memorial Day we do a little mini trip (we live in Florida, so usually like a theme park, beach, zoo, etc) and I'm feeling kind of bummed to be stuck at home. But, better to be safe than sorry and keep this little guy on the inside as long as possible.

  27. buttermilk

    nectarine / 2086 posts

    @MrsADS: I'm sorry you're feeling all cooped up! I'd be going stir crazy too.

    I'm really not sure about baby's position myself either but hoping midwife can help me figure it out next week. For the most part, I feel a big round bulge on the left side of my belly button, and more "movement type" feelings there. I'm thinking head or butt? Then on the right side is where I feel all the kicks and jabs and can definitely feel some little parts poking me in there if I press on my tummy. I feel less strong feelings below my belly button. And am having some weird numb type rib pain. So my best guess these days is she is laying sideways across my belly facing the left? And maybe a I feel little hands Above and below the belly button. So fun to guess!

  28. OhCaptain

    kiwi / 696 posts

    @kitty: this is anecdotal of course, but I know several "small" women who have birthed large babies with no issue.

  29. Mrs. J

    pomelo / 5132 posts

    Have you all scheduled your hospital tour if you need one? Although this is my second pregnancy, I will have to go because it's a different hospital. They have tours specifically for the midwife patients, but the next one isn't until I'm 37 almost 38 weeks, so I have to see if I can go to just a regular one!

  30. MrsADS

    nectarine / 2262 posts

    @Mrs. J Our hospital actually just offers tours twice a week, on Wednesday evenings and Saturday mornings and apparently you don't have to register or anything, you just show up! I am waiting till at least 32 weeks to do mine, though, because if I deliver before 32 weeks I have to go to a different hospital (with a higher level NICU).

  31. Mrs. J

    pomelo / 5132 posts

    So the nurse called and I'm slightly anemic (I had dropped the iron from my prenatal because it was making me puke). Guess I need lots of burgers!

  32. OhCaptain

    kiwi / 696 posts

    So, I got my first "you look like you are ready to pop" comment today! Really???? I still have 10ish weeks to go!!

  33. Mrs. J

    pomelo / 5132 posts

    @OhCaptain: THIS!!! Everyone at work thinks I'm HUGE, but the midwife says I'm measuring perfectly.

  34. raspberries

    pear / 1955 posts

    @OhCaptain: Ha, how coincidental - I just got my first "Are you sure it's not twins?!" in the kitchen at work today. Seriously, people...

    @Mrs. J: We just did our hospital tour last weekend, as part of our prepared childbirth class - super convenient!

  35. lilteacherbee

    cantaloupe / 6791 posts

    @OhCaptain: Haha people at work love to tell me that I'm "waddling." Awesome! When you're barely 5' tall and 7 months pregnant, I guess you have to waddle. I'm embracing it

    @Mrs. J: You're definitely not huge!! Maybe because you were so tiny before they think you're just crazy big now, in comparison?

  36. lilteacherbee

    cantaloupe / 6791 posts

    @kitty: I had GD and a c-section with my first and he was measuring huge the entire time. He ended up being almost 9lbs at 39 weeks and I'm barely 5' and petite. My OB said his positioning and my pelvis was more of an indicator than his size alone. I know several women who are small that have had big babies!

  37. buttermilk

    nectarine / 2086 posts

    @OhCaptain: @Mrs. J: @raspberries: @lilteacherbee: what is wrong with ppl?!

    I just drank the gross orange drink. Fingers crossed!!! My mom had GD with me so I am a little nervous.

  38. lilteacherbee

    cantaloupe / 6791 posts

    @buttermilk: Good luck!! I was totally expecting to have it because I had it last time (and diabetes runs in my family), but everything was normal this time around! Fingers crossed for you!

  39. Mrs. Microscope

    pear / 1788 posts

    @buttermilk: good luck!

    @Mrs. J: you are so tiny! You look amazing! I'm pretty sure the general public doesn't know what a full term pregnant woman looks like!

    Our hospital tour is part of the birth class at 32 weeks, and nurse preregistration probably the week after. Getting closer!

  40. buttermilk

    nectarine / 2086 posts

    I can't believe it's already time for the June labor board. We're only 2 months behind them!

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