Hellobee Boards


August 2015 Postpartum Chat

  1. Mrs. J

    pomelo / 5132 posts

    @MrsADS: oh no! I hope the Prevacid helps!!

  2. buttermilk

    nectarine / 2086 posts

    @MrsADS: thinking of you guys! can't imagine how tough this must be. Hugs!

  3. MrsADS

    nectarine / 2262 posts

    Thanks everyone for your kind words! We all have our struggles with these new babies, it is not easy for anyone. I have also struggled with the parenting issues with DH that some of you have written about - I can tell he's nervous caring for LO alone with all his issues, but I can't be "on" 24/7. Like for example, he is just not as good as settling him when he's crying as I am (but it's because he hasn't done it as much). And it's SO hard for me not to just swoop in and take the baby, or tell him "do this, try this", but I am trying to be better about it.

    On another topic, for those of you with slightly older LOs, when did you start taking them out places? M will be 3 weeks old tomorrow (how?!?!) and I am still not wanting to go out to public places just yet (i.e. Target, church, etc). Of course with the reflux it may be a while anyway- he's either screaming or soaking everything in spit up which makes it tough to leave the house!

    LO also officially outgrew NB diapers, we've switched to size 1s. Hard to believe!

  4. Ms. RV

    pear / 1930 posts

    @MrsADS: We started taking C places before she was a week old... 5 or 6 days, I forget. We had the pediatrician's blessing, so long as the place isn't crowded. So no church, grocery stores/Target in the evening/weekend, etc. Granted, she's an easy baby. If she was reflux-y like your LOI'd probably be as hesitant as you. We took her grocery shopping the other day and I forgot the paci in the car. So I was the lady with the crying baby. Oops.

  5. buttermilk

    nectarine / 2086 posts

    @MrsADS: I started taking R out of the house at only a few days old. Mostly to doctor, park, stop at a coffee shop. We went to a BBQ for Labor Day, and I've taken her shopping once. And even to a happy hour lol.

    Omg yesterday I asked DH to prepare a bottle of formula for R, only an hour after I showed him how to do it - first he comes in with a bottle that has DOUBLE the amount of water it should have in. I got upset obv and asked him to remake it. So then he comes back in with the new formula and also a bottle of pumped milk. Sits down to feed her and spills the entire bottle of breast milk on her bc he hadn't screwed the cap on well enough! I lost it. I work so hard for that little bit of milk! He is a great dad and means well but omg how am I supposed to trust him to do things when he isn't paying attention to detail?

  6. MrsADS

    nectarine / 2262 posts

    @buttermilk omg I would seriously be livid!!! I am so upset for you. I know what you mean about details though - M is on 3 different reflux meds, all at different time intervals, and DH is always asking me "is it time for his meds?" because apparently I am the only person who can keep track of what they are, the dosage, and what time to give them.

  7. getjazzy

    persimmon / 1179 posts

    @buttermilk: Did you tell him you feel that way (the trust thing)? Maybe he needs a wake up call that he needs to pay better attention. The diluted formula is frightening because that CAN actually be damaging to R's health and growth.

  8. Ms. RV

    pear / 1930 posts

    @MrsADS: There has to be an app to remember timing/dosage of meds. Insist he downloads it maybe?

  9. buttermilk

    nectarine / 2086 posts

    @getjazzy: @MrsADS: yeah I was so pissed. it made him super flustered too and somehow he tried to blame me for spilling the milk even tho he was the one who assembled the bottle??? whatever! I think I've just accepted my fate after 10 years together. I'm not sure he will ever be better at these kinds of things! He is amazing in so many other ways though.

    @MrsADS: so annoying about the meds, and I would definitely see if he can download an app! I just DL'd one the other day called Mango Health for keeping track of meds.

  10. Ms. RV

    pear / 1930 posts

    C starts daycare a week from today. Time (and maternity leave!) flies. She was on an awesome schedule all of last week. Past two days she decided she wanted to eat between her MOTN feeding (3am) and her morning feeding (was 7am, now 9am I think?). Hopefully she picks a schedule and sticks to it at least a little bit so I can figure out what time to start work.

    Anyone else have LO on a schedule (or at least attempting it)?

  11. lilteacherbee

    cantaloupe / 6791 posts

    @Ms. RV: I was just thinking about this yesterday. With LO1, I went back to work at 8 weeks and my mom watched him. I started a loose schedule a week before I went back. This time, I'm staying home, so I don't know when to attempt it. It's also way harder to stick to anything with a toddler in the mix.

  12. abmamma

    kiwi / 641 posts

    Y'all- my baby (my first baby) started preschool today!! I can't believe how big she is. It seems like only yesterday that she was as little as N and now she is a total threenager, off at school. The cliche about the days being long but the years being short is so so true! I am trying to remind myself of that with N- part of me so wants to fast forward past the newborn stage because I know how much more fun (and easier) he will be once he is a little bit older but I am trying not to wish away these days since soon enough he will be a big kid too.

    PS I am having challenges with the co-parenting thing lately too. I thought that would be easier the second time around but turns out DH has less patience this time- he also wants to fast forward past the newborn stage and tends to get annoyed with N easily which then totally pisses me off. Sigh. I know it's an adjustment for all of us so trying to bite my tongue but it's hard.

  13. MrsADS

    nectarine / 2262 posts

    Great idea y'all on an app for the meds. DH would like that. Today's my first full day alone with M. (My mom was here until last Thursday, DH stayed home Friday and over the weekend). So far, he's just in a diaper, the house is a wreck, and I'm topless in pajama bottoms and we're both super sticky from milk and spit up. LOL. He JUST finally fell asleep so I was able to put him down.

    Here's another discussion topic for today. M is a major sleep fighter and I think he gets SUPER overtired and that makes it harder for him to go to sleep. Plus the reflux keeps him up, so if I nurse him, he gets sleepy and then starts screaming since it hurts. But those of you who have sleep fighting babies, what are your tips and tricks to get them down? We're doing a lot of rocking, bouncing, shushing which sometimes works and sometimes doesn't. At midnight last night DH put him in the stroller and walked around the neighborhood - he fell asleep, but of course woke up as soon as he got home and started crying again! M LOVES to nurse but overfilling his belly with milk just makes the problem worse. I wish I had an empty boob with no milk so he could just suck on it and fall asleep!!

    Also for those of you nursing does your baby go BALLISTIC for the boobs? We crack up at how nuts M gets to nurse. He tries to latch on to DH, your shoulder, my shirt, anything he can and starts this super fast piggie grunting sound. And lunges his head around with his mouth as wide as he can get it. It's so cute - I can't decide if I have just a normal baby or I'm gonna have a little linebacker!

  14. lilteacherbee

    cantaloupe / 6791 posts

    @abmamma: Aww! My LO (Nathan, I think that's your LOs name, right?!) will be 2 in a couple months and it's so true! It does fly by Hope your LO has fun today! I taught preschool for 5 years and I know it's usually harder for the parents than the kids

  15. Ms. RV

    pear / 1930 posts

    @MrsADS: C has been off the boob for at least a week now but will try to latch onto anything if she's hungry. She seriously tried to latch onto a wet diaper when I was changing her. Now they go immediately in the genie and don't rest on the changing table until we're all done. Lesson learned!

  16. Portboston

    persimmon / 1281 posts

    @MrsADS: M is a sleep fighter & gets SO overtired. He literally beats his little hands on whoever is holding him when he's about to fall asleep!!! My magic trick is putting him in the ergo, covering his head with the hood & walking around the block or house. That Knocks him out almost immediately. And one day (hopefully soon) I'll be able to take him out of the ergo once he falls asleep! HA! (I can take him out for bedtime but not nap time)

  17. MrsADS

    nectarine / 2262 posts

    @Portboston I tried a carrier yesterday and my M was NOT having it. I hope he learns to like it, it would make my life a lot easier! He also goes nuts kicking and flailing his arms.

  18. Portboston

    persimmon / 1281 posts

    @MrsADS: yea he'll fight the carrier for about 5 min before he settles down. Not screaming or anything just fussing and hitting my chest. He's just like his dad!...hates to go to sleep.

  19. OhCaptain

    kiwi / 696 posts

    We are having out first "hard" day over here. I realize this is relative. E. Is tired, and taking short naps. When she wakes she acts hungry, eats for three minutes and then spends 20 mins spitting up. Then she only wants to be held. This is how my first was, so I know it's "normal" I've just been spoiled!

  20. abmamma

    kiwi / 641 posts

    @MrsADS: both DD and N were/are babies easily overtired (and would scream once we hit that point). For both kids, a tight swaddle (I love the woombie), loud white noise , and rocking was/is the key to knocking them out. DD never fell asleep in the stroller but that seems to work for N most of the time.

    @lilteacherbee: yes, N is Nathan too DD did great. Had lots of fun and seems excited about going back Weds. She also had her 3 year check up this afternoon and didn't flinch when they gave her the flu shot. I still remember freaking out the first time they gave her shots at 2 months!! Time flies...

  21. buttermilk

    nectarine / 2086 posts

    @MrsADS: my go to for nap times is a tight swaddle and dancing around to music. she actually likes the music kind of loud and the dancing more vigorous than you'd think! at night, and whenever I'm desperate, a tight swaddle and nursing always puts her out. since you don't have any empty boobs, what about letting him suck on your pinky instead? That always calms R down.

  22. MrsADS

    nectarine / 2262 posts

    @Buttermilk I should try the swaddle at naptime. We swaddle sometimes at night but with arms out and he doesn't really like it - he gets SUPER MAD if you leave his arms in (he likes to have them up by his head). But he's been up since 1pm and he's sooo crabby right now. I have been rocking him for an hour, he's so sleepy in my arms, I put him down and his eyes pop open and then eventually he starts crying! I have the sleep sheep going too. I can already tell I'm gonna have to pick him back up and do it again. How many calories are burned rocking and bouncing a baby?? Can I lose my baby weight this way, at least?!?!

  23. Mrs. Microscope

    pear / 1788 posts

    @MrsADS: try the Love to Dream swaddle! It is arms up!

    P is having better diapers, and less baby acne, so I think the mspi diet is working!

    Otherwise we are dealing with standard 6 weeks witching hour fussing etc. Not bad, but not perfect. Can't complain too much. She is such a doll!

  24. Torchwood

    pomelo / 5607 posts

    @MrsADS: Are you willing to let him sleep in your arms? That's what I do most of the time, but we're working on putting her down more. Usually rocking (fairly vigorously) while holding her tight (so she can't flail) puts her out. She'll sometimes cry for a minute, then pass out.

  25. MrsStar

    nectarine / 2994 posts

    I've been reading along! Sorry you're dealing with different issues!

    Got discharged from my midwife yesterday! Lo is up to 10lbs 14oz and officially doesn't fit NB clothes, even some of her 0-3month clothes are getting close to being outgrown which is crazy to me since lo1 stayed in nb for 4ish months! She's still snuffly (thanks to her older sister being nearly always sick) so I think we'll delay her 6 week immunizations for a week or 2 so she can get better.

  26. MrsStar

    nectarine / 2994 posts

    What are you all doing for birth control after baby?

    I got the mini pill but haven't started it yet. I was going to get a mirena but had a bad experience in the past and also we want #3 at some point (will probably start trying when Isla is 1) so didn't want anything long term just yet.

  27. buttermilk

    nectarine / 2086 posts

    @MrsADS: Ramona also usually eventually sneaks her arms out, and generally hates the ACT of being swaddled, but she always calms down after a second once it's done. I find that if she isn't swaddled when I put her down, and even if her arm gets loose right away, she isn't in a deep enough sleep yet for her jerky little baby movements not to wake her back up. But if she is tight enough when I put her down we don't have any issues.

  28. Portboston

    persimmon / 1281 posts

    @MrsADS: there is no putting M down right now. He naps great on me but if I want him to stay asleep I can't put him down. I actually posted about that last week & everyone told me it's a phase and will pass!

    @MrsStar: we'll just be using condoms for a while. I had a blood clot a few years ago so I'm hesitant to take any form of BC that is hormonal. So that pretty much only gives me the option of the copper IUD but I'm not thrilled of the idea of having that inside of me. I'm almost 100% sure we're one and done so I'll be asking DH to get snipped in the next few years...we'll see how that goes!

  29. lilteacherbee

    cantaloupe / 6791 posts

    @MrsStar: Probably nothing other than pull and pray, which is what we did last time. We want a third and I hated the pill when I was on it before. After LO1, my period didn't return until 11 months pp and that cycle, I got pregnant (aka I've had one period in over 2.5 years!). I hope I have a similar experience this time because I haven't missed it haha. Since I'll be having another c-section next time, I'll either get a tubal or DH will get snipped.

  30. lilteacherbee

    cantaloupe / 6791 posts

    @abmamma: Nathans are the best! And yay, I'm glad she had a great day!!

    @OhCaptain: We had one of those days over here, too. Basically nothing got done today because if he wasn't being held or being worn, he wasn't happy. Between that and the toddler, I'm exhausted!

  31. Torchwood

    pomelo / 5607 posts

    @MrsStar: We're not having any more kids (and we'll adopt if we change our mind), so DH is getting snipped before the end of the year (our insurance is maxed, so best to do now).

  32. MrsADS

    nectarine / 2262 posts

    Will someone come take my baby for a while. I'm so tired. 2 hours and counting per night wake up. Ugggh

  33. Portboston

    persimmon / 1281 posts

    @MrsADS: is the Prevacid not making a difference??
    M's reflux seems to be worsening (although not nearly as bad as what you're dealing with) it's been screaming fits for 2 days now. we're going to his ped tomorrow to reassess his meds.
    I keep wondering what I did to deserve this

  34. Ms. RV

    pear / 1930 posts

    @MrsStar: We will be using NFP. It worked before for us, I'm concerned about before I get AF but honestly we are always NTNP when we aren't TTC. NFP isn't a religious choice for us, I just don't do well on hormonal stuff.

    @Portboston: @MrsADS: Hang in there! You are doing much better than I would.

    I don't know when to throw in the EP/BF towel. My supply is getting less and less every day despite making every effort to increase it. There is no physiological cause and the LC is stumped on other ways to increase it. Worst part is I am 95% sure I'll be told I have PPD/PPA either when I see my therapist today (for pre-existing anxiety) or my OB on Thursday.

  35. buttermilk

    nectarine / 2086 posts

    @Ms. RV: I'm in the same boat lady. I'm over here in crazy town nursing/pumping/supplementing around the clock. It's so hard! Idk how I will keep it up long term if that's what ends up needing to happen. I'm waiting til her next weigh in on Friday and hoping for good news.

    I am taking Goat's Rue now bc I suspect IGT and it helps to build mammary tissue. Also taking fenugreek, lots of water, oatmeal, and power pumping every evening. I do notice very gradual increases in what I am able to pump after each nursing session, but it's still under 4 ounces for the whole day. Also supplementing with 4 ounces of formula each day. You?

  36. Portboston

    persimmon / 1281 posts

    @Ms. RV: I'm sorry to hear about your supply. EP-ing is no joke & I commend anyone who can stick with it but there is no point in going through all that stress if your supply isn't sufficient. We are pushed so hard to breastfeed & for those who can do it, fabulous. But there's a point in time when your sanity becomes more important.

    I'm heading to a mental health provider Wednesday. I'm struggling with PPD due largely to the issues M has had. I just feel like we get over one hump & there's another right around the corner. And while thankfully none are life threatening, it's overwhelming. It feels never ending.

  37. abmamma

    kiwi / 641 posts

    @Ms. RV @buttermilk @PortBoston: I am so sorry you all are having to deal with supply/feeding issues. I definitely know what it's like (although perhaps not to the same extent this time around as you). I am a fairly well-endowed person, and I often get really frustrated since I feel like my big boobs are of absolutely no use (and likely a hindrance) when it comes to feeding my kids.

    I have been EP-ing for the last 3 weeks and I thought it would be less stressful than trying to nurse given that I'd know exactly how much N is getting and since my supply seemed better than with DD. But I am constantly worrying about how much I pump each time and how to increase it to meet his growing needs. Somehow I end up with a clog in one boob or the other every other day too which doesn't help with the output or the stress level. I am constantly questioning whether I can keep this up. I did it for about 4 months with DD but she was a little older so I wasn't having to pump as often and my supply was such that I had no choice but to supplement with formula so once I made the decision to pump/supplement, everything was less stressful. I told myself this time that I wouldn't drive myself (or DH or LO) crazy trying to make BFing work and I'd do whatever I needed to make sure the baby was fed and my sanity was intact. Easier said than done. I keep hoping I can avoid the formula this time (at least on a daily basis) and am pumping around the clock so the stress level is way higher. It's so so hard.

    But despite the pressure I am putting on myself, I do know that formula is not the end of the world! DD thrived on a mix of formula/breastmilk for 4 months and then for another 4 months on just formula when my supply totally dried up. There is just so much pressure to EBF these days....I wish there could be more balance. Hang in there ladies-- and know that you are not alone.

  38. MrsADS

    nectarine / 2262 posts

    Thinking of you ladies with supply issues! Hang in there!

    @MrsStar I haven't even thought about PP birth control although I guess I need to eventually (I'm only 3 wks pp). We had IF (male factor + low progesterone/short luteal phase for me) and had to do IUI + clomid to conceive this baby. But, I have heard too many stories about people having IF and then having an oops 2nd baby! I think we want to have a 2nd but definitely not for a while. I don't really want to go on hormonal BC but I am not really crazy about getting an IUD either... so I dunno.

    @Portboston I am not sure if the Prevacid is helping M much or not. I guess he's maybe choking a little less, so that's good. But he still screams after we feed him... and honestly he is pretty inconsolable all the time unless he's asleep or nursing. I am so tired and just shot from all the crying. His ped said reflux + overtired are the babies from hell (well, you know what I mean). She said it's super important to put them to sleep after no more than an hour and 15 mins of awake time, before they show any sleepy cues, and do NOT overstimulate them (she said even a lot of bouncing, shushing, etc. can sometimes be too much). So she recommended really watching the clock VERY carefully. Which is easier said than done when he's up screaming for hours. But, I will give it a try. I think my mom may take some more time off work and come down to stay with us for another week or two to help out, which I feel really guilty about but I also feel like I am going to have a nervous breakdown and I don't know if I can mentally handle it by myself for weeks and months at a time.

  39. buttermilk

    nectarine / 2086 posts

    @Portboston: you have a great attitude about it! I told myself today that I was gonna stop stressing so much. Certainly can't be helping my supply issues! So far I'm feeling better. I am doing everything I can and will do it for as long as I'm able, but other than that it is out of my control and some formula will not be the end of the world. I can probably keep at it through next week without seeing much improvement. I'd really like to be able to enjoy the second half of my maternity leave with this little one!

  40. Portboston

    persimmon / 1281 posts

    @MrsADS: are you using an app? It's crazy how quickly an hour passes when you're tending to a screaming baby. I know keeping tabs on an app might be too much to deal with right now but is really kept me on track!

    @buttermilk: you're right, stress will kill your supply!!! I pump occasionally and totally see a difference when I'm well rested and when I'm not (and by well rested I mean I got 6 hours of sleep HA!) and formula is a perfectly acceptable way to feed your baby. Plenty of people who are now adults were on formula and turned out just fine! Breastfeeding is great but I think there's way too much pressure put on new moms that it's the only way.

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