Hellobee Boards


August 2015 Postpartum Chat

  1. Torchwood

    pomelo / 5607 posts

    @OhCaptain: Our appointment scheduled was a bit off because of the nicu stay, but we didn't have a one month. Just 2, then 4 is next.

  2. lilteacherbee

    cantaloupe / 6791 posts

    @OhCaptain: We were supposed to have 3 day, 2 week, and 2 month appointments. At his 3 day, I was worried about him spitting up, so they had us come back a few days later for a weight check. He was only an ounce less than birth weight, so we went back a few weeks after that. Ours was actually 3 day, 6 day, 1 month, 2 months.

  3. lilteacherbee

    cantaloupe / 6791 posts

    @buttermilk: I'm sorry this is so difficult You're doing a great job trying to find what works for your little girl. Lots of moms supplement, so if you end up going that route it will be okay. She's still getting so much from you. These other ladies have some great ideas for helping your supply!

  4. lilteacherbee

    cantaloupe / 6791 posts

    @MrsADS: ugh, you guys are having the worst luck. I hope everything is okay today

  5. getjazzy

    persimmon / 1179 posts

    @OhCaptain: We were suppose to have a 4 or so day check up, but my doctor was booked solid so we had an 8 day, then the 2 week appointment for us was at 3 weeks so our 1 month (with vaccines) will be at 5 weeks instead of 4. After that we should be back to the normal schedule.

  6. Mrs. Microscope

    pear / 1788 posts

    @OhCaptain: we had 3 days, 6 days (weight check), 2 weeks, and 2 months in a few weeks from now. We called in to discuss the mspi and they just told me to eliminate dairy, and we will evaluate at the 2 months appointment. They said no appointment now, even though she is pooping blood.

  7. MrsADS

    nectarine / 2262 posts

    @Mrs. Microscope thinking of you with the MSPI! Is there any way you can see a pediatric GI? I think it's going to make all the difference in the world for M. I love his ped, but I find they are not completely up to date about the best treatment for his GI issues (his ped wanted to treat his reflux with weighted feeds - ehhh). The GI dr had a proactive plan to immediately start addressing M's issues, and the ped's answer was sort of wait and see, maybe try adding some oatmeal cereal, etc. which I was not willing to do.

    Sorry I have been complaining so much! M's belly button is ok today - only a little red around it and does not seem to hurt him, although it's pretty oozy with pus and stuff. His ped called me this AM to check on him (I couldn't believe it - so nice). She is OK with waiting it out another day, so I am crossing my fingers we'll be ok. She says even if it's not infected, she may have to send us to a pediatric surgeon to get it cleaned up, but apparently it's something they can do in their office, and not really a "surgery," so it wouldn't be a big deal.

  8. Mrs. Microscope

    pear / 1788 posts

    @MrsADS: day 3 of mspi diet. P is the same, maybe less acne? She has no reflux, or you'd better bet I'd be at a GI to get some help! Only symptoms are the baby acne and the green poop with bloody mucous. She had less blood this morning, but who knows! I hope you are doing okay on the mspi diet... On top of the bellybutton issues and reflux and over supply!

  9. buttermilk

    nectarine / 2086 posts

    @abmamma: also in response to others: I think it's the curve?? She dropped off her curve this past week. I guess they should gain 4-8 ounces per week which she has been doing, but it's always been more growth one visit, less growth a few days later. Idk, she was just an ounce under where she should have been to meet the minimum. It's so hard! My mom wants me to tell them all to F off and just do what my body does - breastfeed! I feel similarly, but it's also hard to watch her fall off her curve and for the doctors to be concerned. I want her to thrive! I'm definitely getting less pumping now since I stopped doing it as frequently, so I know I need to beef up my supply. So I'm doing everything, and yeah I should try power pumping with this new hospital pump I got today! Maybe I should try that in the evening since my supply seems to be lower then anyway? Also I've decided not to give her more than 4 oz formula per day. I really don't want to do too much and risk it affecting my supply.

  10. buttermilk

    nectarine / 2086 posts

    Oh I also bought more fenugreek, a bottle of Goat's Rue and am drinking a TON of water. And I'm trying switch nursing!

  11. Torchwood

    pomelo / 5607 posts

    @buttermilk: I don't remember if you've said, is she seeming satisfied? If so, I'd lean towards telling them to bite me and just nurse. But it's so hard to go against doctor recommendations! Also, it seems obvious, but are they using the growth chart for breastfed babies? Formula babies grow faster, typically.

  12. buttermilk

    nectarine / 2086 posts

    @Torchwood: I didn't ask about the growth chart. It's hard! So hard. Sometimes she seems satisfied but like right now not at all. We just fed for 30 mins, and she was okay but now 10 mins later she is wailing while I am sitting here trying to pump. God I do not know what to do! It's so hard to do all of this when I'm home all day with no help too.

  13. buttermilk

    nectarine / 2086 posts

    I thought she was still hungry just now but started blasting Beyoncé and dancing with her and now she is fine lol. Maybe baby just needed a little Bey.

  14. abmamma

    kiwi / 641 posts

    @buttermilk: hang in there! I had supply issues with my first that led to her falling way off her growth curve but it didn't manifest itself until she was older (4 mos) and I couldn't do much about my supply at that point and supplementing worked out best for us from a health (for her) and wellbeing (for me) perspective. But the good news is you are still in the formative stages of supply building so hopefully you can bump things up and be able to EBF for the long haul if that is what you want to do!

  15. buttermilk

    nectarine / 2086 posts

    @abmamma: thanks! I'll be okay with it in the end, but in the meantime I am trying my hardest to EBF!!

  16. OhCaptain

    kiwi / 696 posts

    @buttermilk: my default is almost always to latch the baby again, even if it's only been 10 mins. Also, Google the "WHO" growth curve, it's for EBF babies, like torchwood said.

  17. Torchwood

    pomelo / 5607 posts

    Ugh, had a rough evening. I'm trying SO hard to let DH do things his way and not undermine him or make him think I don't trust him as a dad, but it's hard! He just can't seem to get that he can't just hold her and watch tv and expect her to fall asleep. And related, he doesn't help her sleep when she needs to, so she gets overtired and cries. By the time he takes it seriously it's too late. He winds up resorting to muting the tv and turning off the lights and she still won't sleep soundly for him. If he'd just turn off the tv and rock her for 5 minutes to begin with, it would never get to that point. But I've told him that and demonstrated it, so I need to let him deal with her being overtired a bit so he'll take me seriously. But I hate doing that to her! She cried a lot today.

    Anyone else have issues letting things go with the whole coparenting experience?

  18. OhCaptain

    kiwi / 696 posts

    @Torchwood: I really really really struggled with this with my first. If he fussed at all while my husband was holding him, I wanted to swoop right in. Now that we have a three year old and an infant, I have to be able to let it go, so I can give whichever child im currently attending to my undivided attention. Sometimes that means the baby is sitting with my husband while he watches TV and I read the three year old his bedtime story even though I know I could just nurse Her and she'd be asleep in a few minutes.
    My only advice is to let him do his thing. Figure out a way to tell him what you know to be true and then let him work through it. This time is short and before you know it she will be two and all of this will seem very far away.

  19. Portboston

    persimmon / 1281 posts

    @Torchwood: yes. It's SO difficult for me to just let DH try to calm him. I want to tell him everything he's doing "wrong" because I know the baby is just getting more worked up and eventually it's going to become my problem when DH can't handle it anymore. It's gotten a lot better since the beginning but he still does things that make me question him.

    One night a few weeks ago he offered to take the baby so I could eat dinner. I handed him over and said "he needs to go to sleep" he proceeded to walk around the brightly lit house talking to him. I said "ummm are you going to try to get him to sleep?" He responded "if he's tired won't he just fall asleep?" NO!!! Especially not if you're talking to him and stimulating him!!! GAH!

  20. Portboston

    persimmon / 1281 posts

    @buttermilk: I agree with the others. It seems like she's growing well and supplementing too much will only end up hurting your supply.
    There are many evenings when I think M isn't satisfied. He nurses well & then 10 min later he's
    fussing for the boob again but when I latch him all he does is chew. So maybe R is satisfied but wanting to comfort nurse sometimes...?

    Have you thought about renting or buying a baby scale? I actually bought one from Amazon for $40 just to ease my mind. I have anxiety that he's not getting enough (which is completely unfounded because he's a little butterball but these hormones are making me crazy!) so I figure it can't hurt to be able to do weighted feeds at home!

  21. Torchwood

    pomelo / 5607 posts

    @Portboston: He does exactly that! I'll hand her to him and say she's sleepy and it's time for her to sleep, so he plays with her and does super baby and I'm just trying to bite my tongue! But I usually wind up having to deal with her so it's extra frustrating.

  22. getjazzy

    persimmon / 1179 posts

    @Torchwood: I feel like I wrote that post! I had SUCH a rough day, finally got S bathed, in pjs and fed.. I was had to do 2 things.. Get a dose of gripe water and prepare the swaddle blanket to get her all wrapped up and ready for bed. She was in her bouncy seat so I asked DH to either prepare he blanket and bounce her a bit or get the gripe water. He didn't move much off the couch so I assumed he wanted to stay with her, off to get the gripe water and I hear her start crying because he's FINISHING A BATTLE on a stupid iPhone game. I was like no, I work so hard to keep her quiet and happy all day, your stupid game doesn't get to interrupt that so either you quit playing all together or when I need your help with her, you toss your phone down and forfeit whatever you're doing. There's no way some game is trumping me.

    He later apologized and said I was right, but that's just one example. Men aren't as attached at first so their instinct isn't the same as ours, plus we all know mom does it better anyway haha. But yes, I correct him/help him a lot. He gets mad sometimes but when I tell him I'm just trying to help him because I've gotten to knew her quirks better due to being home with her 3 24/7 he usually lightens up.

  23. getjazzy

    persimmon / 1179 posts

    Sorry for the typos.. 4:15 am haha 😉

  24. MrsADS

    nectarine / 2262 posts

    Have been up 5 hrs straight with M. Seriously F this stupid reflux. He gets hungry, I feed him and he's SCREAMING for 2 hours in pain. Not to mention he's probably spit up 20 times in the last 5 hours at least, which makes him cry harder because it shoots out his nose and terrifies him. When he gets sleepy and I put him down in his rock n play, the reflux makes him start coughing and choking and crying again, so I'm afraid to lay him down, what if he chokes or aspirates and I fell asleep. So he's dozing now but I'm just holding him upright in my arms.

  25. buttermilk

    nectarine / 2086 posts

    @Torchwood: @getjazzy: @OhCaptain: @Portboston: OMG I feel you guys about DH. it's so hard to give up control! He means very well, I just can't help myself. This morning we have her a bath bc she peed all over herself and after watching him bathe her for a minute I said "I can just do it..." Then we had a big argument about how he hates when I say that bc he knows I think he is screwing it up and be wishes I would just teach him instead. Of course I say I didn't mean it like that at all, and I think he jumps to conclusions too quickly. It's a bad cycle and so hard to break when there is a crying baby in the room!

  26. Portboston

    persimmon / 1281 posts

    @MrsADS: you said he's on Zantac right? Maybe it's time to try the next step up? (I think Prevacid) we're just upping M's dose now because he's put on a little weight since we started & he's starting to show symptoms again. It was starting to get better, not perfect but tolerable, until the past few days

  27. Torchwood

    pomelo / 5607 posts

    @MrsADS: I'm so sorry you're dealing with this! It sounds so overwhelming and upsetting. Do you think the new doctor is going to be able to help? I really hope so, for both your sakes.

  28. getjazzy

    persimmon / 1179 posts

    @MrsADS: I hope you get some help soon, I know what it's like to experience the constant crying.. I can't even imagine doing it on no sleep 😢

  29. Torchwood

    pomelo / 5607 posts

    @getjazzy: @OhCaptain: @Portboston: @buttermilk: Sorry ya'll are struggling a bit with coparenting as well, but I'm really glad I'm not the only one. It's just so frustrating because I need the break, but I struggle to let him screw up.

  30. getjazzy

    persimmon / 1179 posts

    @Torchwood: I don't blame you because the aftermath of the screw up is then ours to deal with. It will get better though, babies get easier with time!

  31. Torchwood

    pomelo / 5607 posts

    @getjazzy: That's true. I'm almost always the one left to calm her down. Arg!

  32. Mrs. Microscope

    pear / 1788 posts

    Day 5 of the mspi diet, and P had no blood in her diaper, and her baby acne is significantly less today! Still green poop, but more milk curds, so progress?

    I haven't pumped since this started, because what's the point of saving milk that makes her sick? I just don't know what to do with the 40+ oz in my freezer... Once P is back to normal poop, I will pump again and build up a mspi friendly stash. But I have no idea what to do with the older stash?!

  33. getjazzy

    persimmon / 1179 posts

    @Mrs. Microscope: Keep it, she may outgrow the MSPI before it goes bad! I'm glad she's doing better though.

  34. Portboston

    persimmon / 1281 posts

    @Mrs. Microscope: are you hardcore avoiding dairy/soy? My LC said I should try going hardcore with reading labels not just avoiding the big stuff like milk, yogurt, etc.

  35. Mrs. Microscope

    pear / 1788 posts

    @Portboston: yup, hardcore! Label reading, the whole shebang!

  36. OhCaptain

    kiwi / 696 posts

    So, I'm starting to wonder if I need to cut dairy, E has a rash/baby acne? And she's super spitty. She's not unhappy when she spits, but it's frequent and often curdled. Her poop was green but I assumed it was a fore/hind milk balance and it went away with block feeding. But it has come back a little. I just never know what is "normal" and what isn't.

  37. MrsADS

    nectarine / 2262 posts

    @Portboston yep he's on Zantac, and we just started Prevacid on Wednesday. The GI said that would take about a week to kick in.

    Thursday night (when I posted that I was up with him all night) was SO scary. The reflux is so bad he was refluxing up into his throat and then closing off his airway, choking with his eyes bugging out, and we'd have to bang on his back and he'd start breathing and SCREAMING. It was hell and so scary. I called the on call ped and she had us go to the ER so we spent most of the day there - she was concerned he aspirated. Well, thankfully it's just severe reflux, which can affect the breathing. They basically told us just watch him, and once the meds kick in it should improve somewhat. Because of the breathing thing, his GI also started him on weighted feeds to keep them down in his stomach - we use this stuff called Gelmix, so every other feeding he gets a bottle of pumped milk mixed with Gelmix powder (instead of nursing), which thickens the consistency so it stays down better. I think it's a little better, but needless to say we haven't slept much since Thursday. I hate being melodramatic but this is so, so hard. I need to sleep for like 24 hours straight.

    @Mrs. Microscope @Portboston @OhCaptain I am just cutting out dairy, not soy (yet, at least) - and I just started really being "hardcore" about it because I realized I was getting some "hidden dairy" in processed foods. I am not sure if M has an allergy or intolerance, but apparently cutting out dairy can help some reflux babies so it's worth a try. No blood in his poop but it tends to be mucus-y and we've had some green poops as well. For what it's worth his GI said he doesn't really think that is from a foremilk/hindmilk imbalance and doesn't really think that's a real problem.

  38. Mrs. Microscope

    pear / 1788 posts

    From what I've read, frothy, bright green poop is the foremilk imbalance, darker green, mucous poop with or without blood is the dairy intolerance. So hard to tell when you are sleep deprived and have a crying baby!

  39. OhCaptain

    kiwi / 696 posts

    @MrsADS: you poor thing. Seriously. Hang in there mama. It will get easier.

  40. lilteacherbee

    cantaloupe / 6791 posts

    @MrsADS: I can't imagine how scary that must have been. I hope the new meds help and things get better soon. Hang in there

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