Hellobee Boards


August 2016 moms!

  1. pregnantbee

    grapefruit / 4717 posts

    @mossyslane: Oh no! Haven't been through it, but sending good thoughts and best wishes that baby can stay put and that you're both ok. xo

    ETA: If you're up to it, please keep us posted.

  2. AprilFool

    nectarine / 2591 posts

    @mossyslane: No experience but thinking of you. Keep us updated

  3. ShootingStar

    coconut / 8472 posts

    @mossyslane: I did at around 37 weeks last time. Every few days I had to do a 24 hour urine catch, and I had to monitor my BP at home. The protein ended up going down a bit and my BP was controlled as long as I was resting. At week 38 I was put in bed rest and I made it to my induction at 39w (pre-determined because of GD).

    I'm a little worried that like you, I'll have the same symptoms this timd, only earlier. I'm 30w right now.

  4. T.H.O.U.

    wonderful clementine / 24134 posts

    @mossyslane: i hope it clears up with rest for you. Stay put baby.

  5. T.H.O.U.

    wonderful clementine / 24134 posts

    Due dates as of June 15

    July 24: Thismustbetheplace (#2) - 34 w, 3 d
    July 25: APRILFOOL (#2) - 34 w, 2 d
    July 26: Umberto (#1 ) - 34 w, 1 d
    July 28: TeawithPaloma (#2) - 33 w, 6 d
    July 30: dcw6411 (#3 ) - 33 w, 4 d
    July 30: pregnantbee (#2 ) - 33 w, 4 d
    July 30: mossyslane (#2 ) - 33 w, 4 d
    July 31: AANDMKLOVER (#3 ) - 33 w, 3 d
    August 1: MrsBeluga (#2 ) - 33 w, 2 d
    August 2: coffeemom (#2 ) - 33 w, 1 d
    August 8: mrschickpea (#1 ) - 32 w, 2 d
    August 11: silva (#2 ) - 31 w, 6 d
    August 11: coopsmama (#3 ) - 31 w, 6 d
    August 13: glitter (#2 ) - 31 w, 4 d
    August 16: oldpuebloJenn (#2 ) - 31 w, 1 d
    August 16: MrsSCB (#1 ) - 31 w, 1 d
    August 16: T.H.O.U. (#3 ) - 31 w, 1 d
    August 17: KOALAHUGZ (#2 ) - 31 w, 0 d
    August 18: pwnstar (#2 ) - 30 w, 6 d
    August 19: stratosphere (#2 C/S 8/16) - 30 w, 5 d
    August 20: jojogirl (#2 ) - 30 w, 6 d
    August 22: shootingstar (#2 C/S 8/16) - 30 w, 2 d
    August 24: agold (#1 ) - 30 w, 0 d
    August 25: LCTBQE (#1 ) - 29 w, 6 d
    August 28: mrskerch (#1 ) - 29 w, 3 d
    August 29: clairhuxtable (#2 ) - 29 w, 2 d
    August 30: pirouette (#2 ) - 29 w, 1 d

  6. T.H.O.U.

    wonderful clementine / 24134 posts

    Question - how are those of you that are team green doing? Ready to find out? Were you able to get the nursery and gear together you wanted? How about names?

  7. Silva

    cantaloupe / 6017 posts

    @T.H.O.U.: I so prefer not knowing. You may recall our little accidental reveal, followed by a redaction. I'm much more comfortable not knowing! I prefer a gender neutral style anyway, for the most part. I will say that the recent Hanna Andersson, tea, and boden sales are killing me because we don't need any more baby clothes and I'd be buying 6-12 months summer clothes. I remain fairly convinced it's a boy, and I really want to get him some romper/short-alls/whatever they are called.

    We are hopefully painting and finishing up the crib in the next few weeks and then I can get it all set up and take some photos for you guys.

  8. mossyslane

    cherry / 215 posts

    @pregnantbee: @AprilFool: @T.H.O.U.: Thank you all so much. They said that even though the labs read "high" for my protein that it is still considered on the normal level of high and since my other pre-e labs were all fine that I'm just going to need to monitor everything very closely for now. Such a relief since this baby surely needs more time.

    @ShootingStar: Yes, it feels inevitable. Hopefully things will hold out for both of us for full-term. All best wishes to you.

  9. pregnantbee

    grapefruit / 4717 posts

    @mossyslane: OK, wonderful. That's the best answer possible in this situation. Please keep us posted and hang in there

  10. Pirouette

    pomegranate / 3331 posts

    @mossyslane: so sorry you are going through this, but glad to see it's just a monitoring situation for now. I'll be thinking of you!

    You guys, are we seriously less than 6 weeks from the 1st due date?!?! these babies are coming!!!

  11. pregnantbee

    grapefruit / 4717 posts

    @Pirouette: I'm in serious denial that it's all so soon. As of now, I'm going on leave July 8. That's only 3ish weeks away!

  12. pwnstar

    pear / 1718 posts

    @Pirouette: @pregnantbee: I am so ready (at least I am today!). I have so little patience for anything at work . . . I am really starting to check out mentally.

  13. Pirouette

    pomegranate / 3331 posts

    @pregnantbee: OMG!!! that's so soon!!!

    @pwnstar: i hear you. i also have a cold which is making me miserable. I still have a long way to go though! you guys will all have long deserted me for some postpartum board before my little guy gets here

  14. pregnantbee

    grapefruit / 4717 posts

    @Pirouette: Well, I'll still be checking in over here and will be cheering you on!

  15. Pirouette

    pomegranate / 3331 posts

    @pregnantbee: aw thanks - the pics/stories of your newborns is going to be what carries me through the last few weeks for sure!

  16. mossyslane

    cherry / 215 posts

    @pregnantbee: @Pirouette: Thank you so much. I'm very grateful to have more time to just monitor things and let my girl keep growing.

  17. CoffeeMom

    cherry / 239 posts

    @mossyslane: Thinking of you!!

  18. agold

    grapefruit / 4045 posts

    @mossyslane: I'm so glad that all you need right now is continued monitoring. Phew.

    @pregnantbee: OMG. So lucky you are starting your maternity leave so soon. I still have not even talked to my work about my maternity leave.

  19. pregnantbee

    grapefruit / 4717 posts

    @agold: Uh....maybe it's time?? xo

  20. agold

    grapefruit / 4045 posts

    @pregnantbee: ha! Maybe. (digs head in sand farther)

  21. T.H.O.U.

    wonderful clementine / 24134 posts

    @agold: yea my boss and I have talked about scheduled work activities that will need to take place while I'm gone but I haven't done any paperwork to officially tell them when I'm going on leave and when I'm planning on returning.

  22. mossyslane

    cherry / 215 posts

    @CoffeeMom: @agold: Thanks so much for the kind thoughts.

  23. pregnantbee

    grapefruit / 4717 posts

    @agold: @T.H.O.U.: Oh, I haven't done any paperwork yet, but I'm getting everything in order. I have to write a list of responsibilities that I do that others will have to take over, etc. I also feel like I should tell people not only what, but also HOW I do things and where things are so others can find them.

  24. Aandmklover

    kiwi / 506 posts

    I tried to call about my insurance about seeing if or what kid of breast would be covered but I got a message that said "due to an emergency the call center is closed please call back at a later date" then it hung up on me. I guess I'll try again tomorrow.

    I'm really excited. I ordered a Tula stretchy wrap today. I'm super excited. It's just like a moby but thinner and more breathable which is nice for a summer babe!

    @mossyslane: so sorry to hear about the preeclampsia watch. My SIL had it with my nephew last year. She was in the hospital for a bit before she delivered but her and baby are great. I'll be keeping you in my thoughts.

  25. MrsSCB

    pomelo / 5257 posts

    @mossyslane: sorry about the pre-e stress! I hope baby can keep cooking for awhile longer

    @pregnantbee: your leave is starting so soon! I still need to teach people how to do a bunch of stuff before I go and I just...don't feel like it, haha.

  26. LCTBQE

    nectarine / 2461 posts

    @mossyslane: just catching up here... sorry this is happening but so glad everyone's okay right now. hang tight and keep us posted

  27. LCTBQE

    nectarine / 2461 posts

    @pregnantbee: omg, July 8 is going to be here in a FLASH. so jealous, I haven't even thought about maternity leave yet.

    @Pirouette: you're not getting abandoned! if I remember correctly, your RCS is the same day as my due date--so maybe I'll run into you at Sinai sorry that you and @pwnstar: and you are under the weather, summer colds are so annoying.

    @Aandmklover: oooh, haven't heard of the soft Tula. I got a Solly wrap that I'm excited to try. and after much handholding from these ladies, finally bit the bullet and ordered the Medela Freestyle even though it was $195 instead of free--at least I put it on our HSA card.
    guys, I think I have mentioned this but I am super excited about the calorie-burning potential of breast feeding. don't let me down, metabolism!

  28. LCTBQE

    nectarine / 2461 posts

    PS, way silly and unnecessary, but who wants to share their going-home outfit? I got unicorns

  29. MrsSCB

    pomelo / 5257 posts

    @LCTBQE: love the unicorns! I got this little tree outfit

  30. AprilFool

    nectarine / 2591 posts

    @T.H.O.U.: My husband and I were only talking about this the other day and we're really finding it quite easy. I am getting excited to know but am more over everyone telling me what the sex is. I went with a black and white theme so was easy to get everything I needed. As for names we have some ideas but am loving not having to stress about finalising a name because what would the point be. Last time I was so stressed about deciding on a name and this time I am so relaxed. I love it!

    @mossyslane: That sounds reassuring

    @LCTBQE: That is sooo cute. Where is it from?

    @MrsSCB: Super sweet.

  31. pregnantbee

    grapefruit / 4717 posts

    It will be one of these 2 outfits depending on baby's size. They only had the white one with pink hummingbirds in newborn or 3-6 mo. The one on the right is 0-3 mo. I have a thing for hummingbirds

  32. pregnantbee

    grapefruit / 4717 posts

    @LCTBQE: @MrsSCB: So cute! Both outfits!

  33. OldpuebloJenn

    kiwi / 595 posts

    @T.H.O.U.: team green here!
    Ready to find out? Yeah, but I'm ready to meet baby in general!
    Were you able to get the nursery and gear together you wanted?: the nursery was decorated for my team green baby in 2012, colors are staying (deep robins egg blue, and bright yellow), I ordered new prints for the room, since what we bought before transitioned to DD big girl room. My mom arrives tomorrow and we'll touch up paint, deep clean the room and wash baby clothes, we still need to figure out a new car seat and double stroller options, but sex of the baby wouldn't determine those decisions anyway!
    How about names?: yeah, I currently have a list of 14 names! 5 for a boy, rest for a girl. We have no idea. I'm totally okay going into the birth without having a name picked out. With my daughter we'd picked a boy's name and had a short list of 3 girl names, we named her after about 24 hours.
    Other than weirdos telling me I'm traumatizing my daughter by not knowing the sex of the baby, we are fine not knowing!

  34. AprilFool

    nectarine / 2591 posts

    Our growth scan went well today. Babe seems to measuring a week bigger but has since the 20 week scan so not concerned. Estimated current weight of 2.6kg or 5lb 12oz. We got a small glimpse of the face and it seems boyish to me so we'll see

  35. T.H.O.U.

    wonderful clementine / 24134 posts

    @OldpuebloJenn: My daughter totally did not care that she didn't know boy/girl. She was just excited a baby was coming. This time she knows we are having a girl and besides the gender reveal I dont think it really matters to her.

  36. T.H.O.U.

    wonderful clementine / 24134 posts

    @AprilFool: Exciting! Its so crazy to imagine these big 'ole babies in there! I hope they continue to grow before they come out!

  37. T.H.O.U.

    wonderful clementine / 24134 posts

    @LCTBQE: @MrsSCB: @pregnantbee: Very cute outfits!

    DD wants baby sister to wear her coming home outfit so I guess thats what we will do. Its a crochet white knit dress with purple trim. I need to find some white soft pants or something to go underneath. I will probably still pick out a fun/cute out for in the hospital.

  38. OldpuebloJenn

    kiwi / 595 posts

    @T.H.O.U.: oh my daughter doesn't care one way! I shared a story here last week when a wonan told me it was "extremely detrimental" to older siblings not to know the sex if the younger. I know she's off her rocker, I was just referencing that encounter!

  39. pwnstar

    pear / 1718 posts

    @Pirouette: We're not leaving our wingman, yo.

    @mossyslane: So glad to read your update! I had similar issues much later on in my first pregnancy (38 weeks), but it was late enough (and there were a couple of other issues as well) that they just went ahead and induced me.

    @LCTBQE: @MrsSCB: @pregnantbee: Seeing these adorable little outfits makes me feel weepy (and very pregnant)! So so sweet!

  40. MrsSCB

    pomelo / 5257 posts

    @pregnantbee: so cute!! I've been wondering if I should also bring a 0-3 month outfit as backup. Probably couldn't hurt.

    @T.H.O.U.: that is so sweet of your daughter to want to share!

    @AprilFool: glad your scan went well!

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