Hellobee Boards


August 2016 moms!

  1. OldpuebloJenn

    kiwi / 595 posts

    @Silva: we are solidly in the dress camp here. The tees were super cute, but they'll just sit in her closet like all the other tees.


    nectarine / 2461 posts

    @MrsSCB: @OldpuebloJenn: I've been having a tremendous amount of pain right where you describe, ribs about an inch or two under my bra line, since the beginning of the third tri. It gets worse after sitting up in an office chair all day but is now getting to the point of hurting even when I'm lying down.

    @Silva: awesome, thanks for the heads up! I've gotten a few of the zip-up jammies from HA but def in the market for more.

    @MrsSCB: @T.H.O.U.: insomnia is back *full force* over here too. two options: take 1/2 a unisom, STTN, and have an exhausted hangover all day the next day, or not take one and wake up at 3:30am and vacillate on buying obscenely priced shoes on the internet and go back to bed at 8am (weekend) or drag myself to the subway (weekday). do you two get the Unisom hangover, too? are we there yet?!


  3. OldpuebloJenn

    kiwi / 595 posts

    @Pirouette: where you at, lady? Hope everything is good!

  4. MrsSCB

    pomelo / 5257 posts

    @LCTBQE: @OldpuebloJenn: sorry you guys are dealing with this, too, it is so uncomfortable I figured it might be muscles or ligaments stretching/tearing, or maybe something nerve-related because the area feels slightly numb, too. I hope it goes back to normal after baby...

    @LCTBQE: Half a unisom makes it a little harder to wake up in the morning, but luckily it doesn't last all day. i'm taking it every other day at this point, and I may just check with my doc again on tuesday and resign myself to every day. Otherwise, I get maybe three hours of broken sleep and it's just miserable. And did you get the shoes, or what? the shape reminds me of the comme des garcons converse, though those have the heart logo. But definitely more affordable, lol.

  5. pregnantbee

    grapefruit / 4717 posts

    Hang in there, ladies! So so close! You know how uncomfortable and impatient I was at the end, and now somehow I'm on the other side. I have a beautiful baby girl...and extremely painful nipples! Always something. Thinking of everyone. xo

  6. coopsmama

    cantaloupe / 6059 posts

    I think it was @OldpuebloJenn: who posted the study about dates and preparation for labor. I've started having 5-6 a day the last 4-5 days in the form of homemade bliss balls/Lara bars and smoothies and have been amazed at the uptick in contractions I've had. It could just be a coincidence but I thought I'd share. They are painful contractions, too - I know that every contraction counts and gets you closer to the finish line regardless of when actual labor starts (according to my midwives) so I am happy to be seeing something going on!

  7. OldpuebloJenn

    kiwi / 595 posts

    @coopsmama: yay for dates! That's amazing.

    I'm official crack pot crazy today. Crying all day, short tempered, feeling off...I think I'm just over tired (f you pregnancy insomnia). I'd give anything for a vacation from life, I feel like I need to be recharged before this baby comes, instead I'm just running on empty.

  8. coopsmama

    cantaloupe / 6059 posts

    @OldpuebloJenn: oh lady, that was me yesterday. I cried last night before bed and accused DH of not supporting me as well emotionally as I'd like to be supported before going into labor. 🙈 Really I just know that I am freaked out to do it again and am tired and have too much going on and I cracked emotionally. But the tears were helpful. I feel more refreshed. I hope you are able to catch some relaxing moments despite the crazy and feel a bit more rested before baby arrives.

  9. Silva

    cantaloupe / 6017 posts

    @coopsmama: wow, maybe you won't go late! Lots of painful contractions is a good sign! I have zero signs and I'm super crabby about it. Next appt is Wednesday and I'm desperately hoping for enough progress to do a membrane sweep.

  10. MrsSCB

    pomelo / 5257 posts

    @coopsmama: I started on the dates yesterday! I figure it can't hurt and I've found some fun ways to use them. Yesterday I made a grilled cheese with chopped dates in it for lunch and this morning I had a vanilla date smoothie. Even if it doesn't end up useful at least it's tasty

  11. MrsKerch

    apricot / 256 posts

    @MrsSCB: @LCTBQE: @Oldpueblojenn: Ive also been experiencing the exact same pain/burning & numbness. Glad I'm not alone but frustrated by it! I tried using PT tape for a bit but it didn't end up doing much. Oh well, inching closer!

  12. ShootingStar

    coconut / 8472 posts

    I've been having a bunch of mild to moderate contractions tonight and 1 really painful and long one. I'm partially happy that my body's doing something, and partially "whatevs" since I'm only 36 + 6, it's not like it's probably going anywhere.

  13. Pirouette

    pomegranate / 3331 posts

    @OldpuebloJenn: hi!!! I'm here, i'm sorry i've been MIA. i started my new job and things have been kinda crazy between that and lots of appointments, etc. but i'm good! still a few weeks to go. I have what is hopefully my last growth scan this thursday (assuming he's measuring above 10th). i feeling like i'm slowing down, and the crazy heat wave hasn't helped, but par for the course having an august baby!

    @ShootingStar: I plan on asking every single nurse for a refill on the mesh undies to stock up as much as possible. i LOOOOVED them with the c section! normal granny underwear managed to hit right at the scar and were not comfortable.

    @MrsSCB: I had this last time REALLY bad, and it's not as bad this time around. it felt like nerves for me, like my ribs were expanding and the nerves were trying to figure out how to deal with it? it hurt to wear a bra, and it was seriously uncomfortable. it's been only mild and sporadic this time, thankfully. I'm sorry you are feeling it too!

  14. Glitter

    persimmon / 1281 posts

    Just popping in quickly to update that baby Juliet is here!

    My water broke on Saturday evening at 6pm and she arrived Sunday morning around 9am after 15 long gruelling hours of labor. Here's my sweet girl.

  15. OldpuebloJenn

    kiwi / 595 posts

    @Glitter: congratulations mama! She's gorgeous!

  16. T.H.O.U.

    wonderful clementine / 24134 posts

    @Glitter: congratulations!!!

  17. AprilFool

    nectarine / 2591 posts

    @Glitter: Congratulations! She is beautiful

  18. pregnantbee

    grapefruit / 4717 posts

    @Glitter: Oh my goodness! Congratulations! She's gorgeous. Love her name!

  19. pregnantbee

    grapefruit / 4717 posts

    Hi all! Since I just had the baby and spent 2 nights in the hospital, I thought it might be helpful to list what I actually used out of everything I brought or wish I had brought for my stay (note that my situation may be different since I was only at the hospital for 1:15 before she was born, and it had an unmedicated vaginal birth):

    Brought and used:

    - lightweight robe. Perfect for visitors and easy breastfeeding access.
    - makeup, hair brush. Even if you do 1 swipe of mascara and blush, makes a girl feel good and look a little better.
    - shampoo, soap, toiletries. The only item provided was a wall unit with genetic "face, body, shampoo" gel in it. Even if you're not bringing anything fancy, your normal stuff is better than their stuff.
    - water bottle.
    - hair elastic.
    - nursing tanks. Truly one of my favorite things. I brought maybe 5 and used 3. I labored in one so pretty much didn't want to wear that after. (Brought nursing bras but didn't bother with them)
    - stretchy maternity skirt - also great for visitors or walk down the hall. This time, I only wore a hospital gown for an hour. I really preferred my own clothes. Let's be honest - I mostly just wore the mesh undies and a nursing tank the whole time. Covered with a sheet in bed.
    - phone and long charging cable. Perfect for entertainment and notifying the world that she arrived. I also had preloaded a book so could read that if I tired of the Internet and social media.
    - NURSING PILLOW. Key this time. I am so happy I remembered it. Was perfect for nursing in bed.
    - hands-free pumping bra. I did end up pumping once while there because my nipples were so sore from breastfeeding. It gave them a break and DH was able to spoon feed her with drops of milk/colostrum.
    - snacks with protein for me and DH. I way way way over brought, but we both ate least a few items.
    - they provided the mesh undies so I didn't even bother bringing my own.
    - flip flops just for walking around.

    Thing that would have been nice to have:

    - my own pillow in a colored case. I forgot how awful hospital pillows are. If you forget this, you'll be fine. It would have felt better to have it, though.

    Really that's it!

    Good luck to the rest of you for a speedy labor and dream delivery. xo

  20. MrsKerch

    apricot / 256 posts

    @Glitter: Congrats!! She's perfect

  21. pwnstar

    pear / 1718 posts

    @Glitter: Congratulations!!! Welcome Juliet!

  22. pwnstar

    pear / 1718 posts

    @pregnantbee: This is awesome - thank you so much for taking the time to do this update! This will certainly help me edit my packing list . . . and it made me re-think a few things, e.g., a nursing pillow (especially since it looks like I am going to have a c-section, this is probably going to be a huge help for BFing), and nipple shields (my nipples were so torn up within the first day or so!).

  23. T.H.O.U.

    wonderful clementine / 24134 posts

    MRSWHIT1 (Born 7/15) - 0 Months, 21 Days
    Thismustbetheplace (#2 born 7/28) - w, 0 d
    APRILFOOL (#2 Jack born 7/22 - 0 Months, 10 Days
    Umberto (#1 born 7/29) - 0 Months, 3 Days
    July 28: TeawithPaloma (#2) - 40 w, 4 d
    dcw6411 (#3 Luke born 7/21 ) - 0 Months, 11 Days
    pregnantbee (#2 born 7/29) - 0 Months, 3 Days
    Mossyslane (#2 born 7/13) - 0 Months, 19 Days
    AANDMKLOVER (#3 Wes born 7/12) - 0 Months, 20 Days
    August 1: MrsBeluga (#2 ) - 40 w, 0 d
    Coffeemom (#2 born 7/12) - 0 Months, 20 Days
    mrschickpea (#1 Anya born 7/18) - 0 Months, 14 Days
    August 11: silva (#2 ) - 38 w, 4 d
    August 11: coopsmama (#3 ) - 38 w, 4 d
    Glitter (#2 Juliet born 7/29 ) - 0 Months, 3 Days
    August 16: oldpuebloJenn (#2 ) - 37 w, 6 d
    August 16: MrsSCB (#1 ) - 37 w, 6 d
    August 16: T.H.O.U. (#3 ) - 37 w, 6 d
    August 17: KOALAHUGZ (#2 ) - 37 w, 5 d
    August 18: pwnstar (#2 ) - 37 w, 4 d
    August 19: stratosphere (#2 C/S 8/16) - 37 w, 3 d
    August 20: jojogirl (#2 ) - 37 w, 4 d
    August 22: shootingstar (#2 C/S 8/16) - 37 w, 0 d
    August 24: agold (#1 ) - 36 w, 5 d
    August 25: LCTBQE (#1 ) - 36 w, 4 d
    August 28: mrskerch (#1 ) - 36 w, 1 d
    August 29: clairhuxtable (#2 ) - 36 w, 0 d
    August 30: pirouette (#2 ) - 35 w, 6 d

  24. coopsmama

    cantaloupe / 6059 posts

    @Glitter: Congrats to you all! She is a cutie!

    @pregnantbee: Thank you so much for this! I can't believe I've already done this two times already and I still struggle with knowing what to pack - I had like 20+ contractions yesterday so DH told me I needed to pack my bag last night and I did but was struggling to decide what to bring. I love the mention of the stretchy maternity skirt - will bring that to wear with my nursing tanks. I hadn't thought of it but that's really perfect! Some of your other thoughts helped me this AM, too, as I finished up that task.

  25. pregnantbee

    grapefruit / 4717 posts

    @coopsmama: Oh I'm so glad I could help. I tried to pack well, but I am notoriously an over packer. You should have seen how much we brought. And the room was smaller than what we had last time. So so claustrophobic with all our things!

  26. Glitter

    persimmon / 1281 posts

    Thanks all! Its such a dream having her here, and early! Looking forward to more exciting news as AUGUST is finally here!

    @T.H.O.U.: thanks for the updated list! Just one correction - Juliet was born on July 31st.

  27. pwnstar

    pear / 1718 posts

    I had another u/s this morning. As expected, my little guy is still breech (and still has too much cord around his face and neck for a version). But he looks awesome (and goodness is he busy!), so I am a happy mama. I should have a date for the c/s sometime this week, but I probably have 1.5-2 weeks tops from today (for the scheduled c/s - although let's be honest, I would be happy if he arrived a little earlier!). I feel really at peace with everything and am just so so grateful that he is healthy.

  28. T.H.O.U.

    wonderful clementine / 24134 posts

    @Glitter: Thanks! I'm loosing my mind this morning. I was wondering how the sheet calculated her as 4 days old already!

    MRSWHIT1 (Born 7/15) - 0 Months, 21 Days
    Thismustbetheplace (#2 born 7/28) - w, 0 d
    APRILFOOL (#2 Jack born 7/22 - 0 Months, 10 Days
    Umberto (#1 born 7/29) - 0 Months, 3 Days
    July 28: TeawithPaloma (#2) - 40 w, 4 d
    dcw6411 (#3 Luke born 7/21 ) - 0 Months, 11 Days
    pregnantbee (#2 born 7/29) - 0 Months, 3 Days
    Mossyslane (#2 born 7/13) - 0 Months, 19 Days
    AANDMKLOVER (#3 Wes born 7/12) - 0 Months, 20 Days
    August 1: MrsBeluga (#2 ) - 40 w, 0 d
    Coffeemom (#2 born 7/12) - 0 Months, 20 Days
    mrschickpea (#1 Anya born 7/18) - 0 Months, 14 Days
    August 11: silva (#2 ) - 38 w, 4 d
    August 11: coopsmama (#3 ) - 38 w, 4 d
    Glitter (#2 Juliet born 7/31 ) - 0 Months, 1 Days
    August 16: oldpuebloJenn (#2 ) - 37 w, 6 d
    August 16: MrsSCB (#1 ) - 37 w, 6 d
    August 16: T.H.O.U. (#3 ) - 37 w, 6 d
    August 17: KOALAHUGZ (#2 ) - 37 w, 5 d
    August 18: pwnstar (#2 ) - 37 w, 4 d
    August 19: stratosphere (#2 C/S 8/16) - 37 w, 3 d
    August 20: jojogirl (#2 ) - 37 w, 4 d
    August 22: shootingstar (#2 C/S 8/16) - 37 w, 0 d
    August 24: agold (#1 ) - 36 w, 5 d
    August 25: LCTBQE (#1 ) - 36 w, 4 d
    August 28: mrskerch (#1 ) - 36 w, 1 d
    August 29: clairhuxtable (#2 ) - 36 w, 0 d
    August 30: pirouette (#2 ) - 35 w, 6 d

  29. pregnantbee

    grapefruit / 4717 posts

    @pwnstar: I'm sorry he's still breech, but yay for the end in sight. Keep hanging in there with that positive attitude!

  30. agold

    grapefruit / 4045 posts

    @Glitter: Congratulations! Juliet is beautiful and YOU look super beautiful!!

  31. agold

    grapefruit / 4045 posts

    @pregnantbee: Thank you so very much for taking the time to write out this list. You are amazing and this is so helpful. I can't wait to hear your birth story!!!!

  32. agold

    grapefruit / 4045 posts

    @T.H.O.U.: All of the births popping up on your list is making me nervous!! I can't imagine imagine when my name is the next up on that list. YOUR name is coming up pretty close!

    So I'm starting to have to plan things in the next coming months and its SOOOOO weird for me to factor baby girl into my plans. For example, this morning I scheduled an appointment to have a stupid wide cut on my dark freckle (came back moderate-severe atypical, blah) and I almost picked a Monday morning. But quickly changed it to a Thursday since that's when husband is home and can watch the baby. So crazy to think about who will watch the baby while I do my normal stuff!!!

  33. T.H.O.U.

    wonderful clementine / 24134 posts

    @agold: Yes! On one hand I'm excited we are making our way through the list and on the other hand i'm think, wait, I still have a while to go! 18 days worse case scenario for baby but only 8 more days of work!

  34. agold

    grapefruit / 4045 posts

    @T.H.O.U.: Wow! Only 8 more work days. Are you super busy? Do you have lots to get done? Finishing work is currently my ONLY source of anxiety. (Being here on hellobee clearly doesn't help.)

  35. T.H.O.U.

    wonderful clementine / 24134 posts

    @agold: Yes, pretty busy time of year for us. I'm trying to delegate as much as possible right now so I'm not stuck mid task if I do go in the next two weeks.

  36. agold

    grapefruit / 4045 posts

    @T.H.O.U.: Having to go out on leave before I finish most of what I am working on has me freaked out! Hahaha. Gees. Well, we can only do so much!

  37. T.H.O.U.

    wonderful clementine / 24134 posts

    @agold: Yes, staying focused is really hard. I'm trying to set myself a few to-dos per day that can be finished within the day. Larger projects I have to involve the team because there is just no way those will be done.

  38. MrsSCB

    pomelo / 5257 posts

    @Glitter: Congrats, she is gorgeous!!

    @agold: I'm in the same place -- work is really the only thing that has me a bit stressed at this point. I'm training people this week in how to help take care of my responsibilities so once that's done, I think I'll feel a lot better. It feels really weird to be handing over my work to other people.....I just hope I can get it all back when I return! Also, I feel like I'm not a great teacher, but I did create super detailed step-by-step how-to documents complete with screen shots, so hopefully people find that helpful.

  39. OldpuebloJenn

    kiwi / 595 posts

    @pwnstar: I'm so in awe of your great attitude! Healthy baby is the ultimate goal, regardless of how he arrives! I'm sorry he never turned for you, but he's healthy and active! Yay! And there's something to be said about knowing a date!

  40. OldpuebloJenn

    kiwi / 595 posts

    @coopsmama: thanks for your encouragement yesterday! It helps to know I'm not the only one! DD sttn last night, so, so did I- except for peeing 5x, but I feel refreshed and new today. I went and worked out and DH is home today, it's like a 180 from yesterday! Hope I can keep this attitude up for the remainder of this pregnancy! Hope you are having better days too!

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