Hellobee Boards


August 2016 moms!

  1. pregnantbee

    grapefruit / 4717 posts

    @LCTBQE: Haha, thank you! Ugh I'm sorry it's so cold by you! That's one reason I love CA

  2. pregnantbee

    grapefruit / 4717 posts

    @ShootingStar: I was obviously mostly joking. I know how expensive it is here -- you can't beat having family help. We don't have any family here -- no idea how we'll manage 2 without family help!

  3. MrsSCB

    pomelo / 5257 posts

    @LCTBQE: it is bitter! We just checked into our hotel in Mass. and the guy at the desk said the wind chill is supposed to be -20 or -30

  4. mrschickpea

    clementine / 928 posts

    For the love of eff, I already miss the cooler weather you ladies are getting! Texas is super bipolar with its changing weather, it was almost 80 again today and will be for the next 10 days! I used to live in PA and love the colder weather!

  5. OldpuebloJenn

    kiwi / 595 posts

    For any ladies like me, who've had trouble sleeping, I can't sing the praises of Nighty Night Tea enough! I bought it at Whole Foods under the recommendation of my midwife. I have no issue falling asleep, but don't really stay asleep. But two nights with this tea, I've slept great!

  6. pregnantbee

    grapefruit / 4717 posts

    @OldpuebloJenn: Oooooh. Would you have been able to get up and function in the middle of the night if someone needed you? And any lasting morning tired side effects?


    nectarine / 2461 posts

    @pregnantbee: I swear every week I hear of another acquaintance jumping the NYC ship to move to LA. it's the great migration seasonal; only happens in the winter.

    @mrschickpea: ha, I don't know if "cooler" quite captures the misery of single digits plus windchill but I think these few days are going to be the worst of it. I really miss Texas weather, go have an iced tea in the shade for me! and PS how was your visit with your birth mom? hope it went okay

    @OldpuebloJenn: great tip, thank you. I think insomnia is going to be a problem for me on and off throughout and don't want to rely on Unisom the entire time. I'll give it a try!

  8. OldpuebloJenn

    kiwi / 595 posts

    @pregnantbee: yes. I got up 3x to pee (ugh) and once to get the DD cold water because her water wasn't cold enough. Each time I just crashed back asleep!

  9. mrschickpea

    clementine / 928 posts

    @LCTBQE: you know, it was ok! But it usually is when it's just a visit and not my whole life lol. She is taking it pretty hard that we are Team Green and I have no idea why. She wants us to send her an envelope with the sex in it and I was like, well why? What difference will it make if you know now or then? We don't need any clothes since we have quite a bit of gender neutral clothing since it's what we prefer anyways. There's always time after the baby is born to get something "gendered" if it's THAT important. It was just kind of weird how she kept harping on it!

  10. mrschickpea

    clementine / 928 posts

    @OldpuebloJenn: thank you for that tea rec! I'm having a terrible time staying asleep since being pregnant and it doesn't help that I work overnights and sleep during the day I'll have to try some of this!

  11. pregnantbee

    grapefruit / 4717 posts

    @OldpuebloJenn: Ok cool. I'll have to track this down

  12. T.H.O.U.

    wonderful clementine / 24134 posts

    Happy valentines day to all! ❤💕❤💕

    We had a party with some friends this weekend and actually started spreading the news. It's fun!

  13. pregnantbee

    grapefruit / 4717 posts

    @T.H.O.U.: Hooray! That's so fun! Happy Valentine's Day to you!

  14. pregnantbee

    grapefruit / 4717 posts

    Happy Valentine's Day, everyone.

    I have to be at work for 9 hrs today, and DH (who is not feeling well) is with DS all day. Also, I realized that my rings are starting to get tight and uncomfortable....so on this day that celebrates love, I had to stop wearing them. Am still wearing a different ring that DH gave me, but it's not the same.

    ETA: Last night, DH surprised me with the BEST V-Day present ever! A giftcard to my favorite spa for 2 pregnancy massages!

  15. OldpuebloJenn

    kiwi / 595 posts

    @pregnantbee: i took off my rings this week too. What a lovely surprise! Enjoy those massages!
    @t.h.o.u.: how fun to spread the news!

  16. pregnantbee

    grapefruit / 4717 posts

    @OldpuebloJenn: I'm sad that we both had to....but it actually feels a little better knowing I'm not alone having to do this at 16w.

  17. LCTBQE

    nectarine / 2461 posts

    @pregnantbee: @OldpuebloJenn: curious how bad you think it would have gotten if you're just left your rings on and they'd gotten stuck until postpartum. My rings are tight to begin with (I had them sized that way because I hate hate hate anything to be loose/wiggly) and I've noticed they've gotten a bit tighter in the past month even though I've only gained a couple of pounds so far (12.5w). Am I going to regret it if I leave them on and they get stuck? I love them and don't want to take them off unless it's a very bad idea not to. What's everyone else going to do about this?

  18. Silva

    cantaloupe / 6017 posts

    @LCTBQE: I gained 35 lbs last time but had minimal swelling, and could wear my rings until pretty late in pregnancy, I think. But it gets uncomfortable when they are really tight!

    Eta: that wasn't meant to be bragging or anything, just saying I think it can be different for everyone!

  19. LCTBQE

    nectarine / 2461 posts

    @pregnantbee: PS bummer about work but NICE present!! my husband and I both forgot it was Valentine's Day until my mom emailed me about it. I would totally take a massage though

    @mrschickpea: that's great that her visit was easy and drama-free--sounds like you've figured out how to handle her, although I *totally* understand that dread (maybe too strong of a word? anxiety?) leading up to it. about the team green thing, I have to admit that I was (am) annoyed that my sibling is TG for #1 and now #2 because dammmit I want to know! but I've managed to keep it to complaining privately to our parents about my 100% selfish impatience sounds like you're not entertaining giving in to the nonsense though, good for you!

  20. LCTBQE

    nectarine / 2461 posts

    @Silva: good to know, thank you--maybe I'll just hold out and see if I really need to pry them off at some point.

    This is another conversation, and it seems like a delicate one, but I've been wondering about weight gain and would love to hear from ladies on their second and third: did you feel like you were in control of how much weight you gained, or did it feel like whatever it ended up being was what it biologically needed to be? My OB told me as a general guideline 25-35 lbs, depending on starting BMI. I'm within healthy range (I think about 20 bmi) so I guess about 30 pounds would be good, but I have no idea how that's supposed to happen, or if it would be "bad" if I ended up gaining more. Does your body takes what it needs and you start gaining weight without doing anything special, or did you allow yourself to eat more often? And when did it take off in the pregnancy?

  21. coopsmama

    cantaloupe / 6059 posts

    Omg. The pregnancy hormones are real, y'all. My husband just drove a half hour because I was craving Chipotle and he came home with my burrito and it was full of sour cream. I'm allergic to dairy products - to the point where I have anaphylaxis! Cue the tears and pregnant hormonal drama. He swears he told them no sour cream and I believe him...but I was so disappointed. And I told him I would eat something else but he is in the car yet again driving to get me a burrito. Ughhhhh I did not handle that disappointment well.

  22. OldpuebloJenn

    kiwi / 595 posts

    @LCTBQE: my engagement ring is really wide/thick, much more so than the usual band, then my wedding ring, plus I wear a very thin band that was my grandmothers....my rings go up to my knuckle. So I take off my engagement ring at the first sign of swelling, it gets terribly uncomfortable. I have a silver band I wear in place.

  23. coopsmama

    cantaloupe / 6059 posts

    @LCTBQE: I gained 50 lbs with both pregnancies. As long as you are eating relatively healthy I don't buy into their being an ideal range as I lost all of the weight relatively quickly both times. I just ate until I was satisfied. In fact, with my second I had only gained 20 lbs by 30 weeks and figured that I would maybe get to 35 lbs total -- nope. It all snuck on there yet again!! Note I did have bigger babies though at 9lbs each. I do, however, know a few women who have allowed themselves to view pregnancy as an opportunity to drink a Blizzard a day or eat fast food all the time - and those women not only gained a ton but it has never come off easily, either.

  24. LCTBQE

    nectarine / 2461 posts

    @coopsmama: interesting--so sounds like the impression I was under, that your body will do what it needs to do, be it more or less. I am not doing the Blizzard approach for sure, but I really don't want to get fixated "managing" the whole thing. my OB also recommended not weighing yourself and just trying to get most of the calories through nutritious meals, which I guess is more important than the number.

  25. coopsmama

    cantaloupe / 6059 posts

    @LCTBQE: I think your OB sounds wise. It really is more about nutrition than number of calories or the number on the scale! I also know a woman who was fairly overweight (and she would say that herself, I'm not being rude here) and she didn't monitor her eating beyond the GD protocol. As it turned out, she only gained like 5lbs but had a very healthy baby and weighed less than she had when she got pregnant when she walked out of the hospital! Our bodies are amazing to know just what to do when given optimal nutrition.

  26. LCTBQE

    nectarine / 2461 posts

    @coopsmama: that's fascinating! pregnancy is so weird.

  27. Silva

    cantaloupe / 6017 posts

    @LCTBQE: eat healthy foods, when you are hungry. That was my approach. Like I said, I gained 35 pounds. I lost it all by six months post partum, I think. I ate a lot during the first trimester, because I was so tired and starving constantly. I did start having a glass of milk every day, and increased my meat intake intentionally.

    I haven't gained any weight yet this time- lost a pound, actually. It doesn't surprise me. Eating feels annoying and I'm not that interested in most foods. It's hard to pay attention to my hunger cues when I'm distracted by a toddler.

  28. pregnantbee

    grapefruit / 4717 posts

    @LCTBQE: I personally wouldn't leave them on. I've heard stories of people needing to get them cut off bc they are THAT tight. I wouldn't want to be in physical pain or have to hurt something so expensive. It's worth it to me to wear a stand-in ring. Last time I was able to wear mine comfortably until maybe 36w? But since I'm still up 20 lbs and only going up from here, they're tight and I don't want to chance it.

  29. pregnantbee

    grapefruit / 4717 posts

    @coopsmama: Oh no! I'd probably cry too!

  30. coopsmama

    cantaloupe / 6059 posts

    @pregnantbee: thanks for your commiseration. 😝 I'm eating my new burrito now and it was worth the wait. My DH is a saint.

  31. pregnantbee

    grapefruit / 4717 posts

    @coopsmama: Sounds like a keeper. DH also takes my cravings very seriously

  32. ShootingStar

    coconut / 8472 posts

    @LCTBQE: So I'm kind of a weird case because I had GD from early on (10w) and I didn't gain anything, I actually lost weight. But I'm of the belief that your body just does what it's going to do during pregnancy. If you eat relatively healthily and gain weight, I wouldn't stress. But I also don't think pregnancy is a license to go crazy eating anything you want.

    I generally eat relatively healthy, and if I'm really craving something, I have it. We were on vacation last week and 3 or 4 days in a row I got ice cream (1 scoop cup) and no regrets .

  33. T.H.O.U.

    wonderful clementine / 24134 posts

    @LCTBQE: another thing to think about would be the need to remove them if you need a c section. Even though my rings fit until 35 weeks or so I knew I needed to take them off prior to the hospital (and sometimes the fluids in the hospital make you swell even more). So it was just better at that point to just take them off safely so they didn't get completely stuck.

  34. T.H.O.U.

    wonderful clementine / 24134 posts

    @LCTBQE: the hard part with the weight recommendations is first of all some women do the best they can and their body just doesn't allow them to stay in that range. Secondly everyone Gaines at different points and rates. Some women that have bad morning sickness and loose weight first Tri end up gaining a ton. Or you could gain slowly throughout.

    My issue was during the summer heat just general water weight and swelling.

  35. Pirouette

    pomegranate / 3331 posts

    @mrschickpea: I'm so glad your birth mom visit went ok. And yea, she has no right to know the sex, especially before you!

    @LCTBQE: I do think a lot of it is your body and genetics. I only gained around 22 lbs and worked really really hard to get there (like meals loaded with butter and cream by the end!) But I'm petite and was a good weight pre pregnancy, and my doc was never concerned. I did gain that weight very steadily, just on the low end of the average. I expect to gain more this time naturally because my body is more used to it and has been there so to speak. But I've also been eating like a horse and way more indulgent than I was in early pregnancy with my first. Not to sound weird, but I'd love to gain a little more this time and not field the "you're so tiny!" comments.

    @T.H.O.U.: yay for sharing the news! We told a few friends today, but I'm so nervous with my nt scan on Tues. I don't want to have to untell!

  36. Pirouette

    pomegranate / 3331 posts

    @pregnantbee: amazing gift!!!

  37. LCTBQE

    nectarine / 2461 posts

    @Silva: I love your approach-- only in the past few days have I been pushing myself back towards my low carb, veggie/fat/meat-heavy eating habits. unfortunately I ate a lot of crap (crackers and pasta and stuff) in the first tri, but out of necessity. I know what you mean about disinterest--food aversions ruled my life the past few weeks. cannot *imagine* going through this with a toddler

    @pregnantbee: @T.H.O.U.: yep, I thought there might be a worst-case ring scenario, and these sound like it. I am going to start by taking off my slightly-tighter wedding band tonight and will certainly graduate to removing my diamond ring soon enough. thanks for the reality check, ladies! also forgot they always get tighter in the summer--when I am not an extra 35 lbs of blood, water, fetus, and bloat.

    @ShootingStar: @T.H.O.U.: @Pirouette: thank you for affirming that the way to go is being responsible but otherwise letting my body do what it needs to do. going into this expecting to be totally average, but I will take a large chill pill if I fall on either side. you all sound super level-headed, which I so so appreciate.

    @Pirouette: ha, I'll bet you were so cute! has your body started showing already since you're on #2? and ALL my fingers crossed for a smooth, easy, boring NT scan for you. I forgot, are you doing the Harmony/Panorama, or just the NT? (and if you're doing the blood test are you getting your gender this week?!) Sorry guys, I am practically salivating to find out what everyone is having Except TG-er's who I totally totally respect (really!).

  38. coopsmama

    cantaloupe / 6059 posts

    @LCTBQE: oh my gosh don't even feel bad about what you ate during the first tri. The first tri is straight up survival mode for me every time, too!! I have maybe had one soda in a year...and then had like 10 during the first tri. Sometimes that was only thing that I could keep down! It disgusts me to think about but I just have to remind myself...survival!

  39. LCTBQE

    nectarine / 2461 posts

    @coopsmama: I'll just put the last few weeks of eating in the same box that I keep ill-advised undergrad tequila benders and stupid mid-twenties flings in it was alllll a dream...

  40. Pirouette

    pomegranate / 3331 posts

    @LCTBQE: thank you!! I had the panorama test last tues. Assuming there is sufficient fetal dna, I could have the results by the end of this week! My body has rounded out a little more than at this point of my first, but I'm not showing yet at all. I have very tight abs with my first that took forever to expand so I didn't show for a long time, but I don't have those abs anymore so I'm sure I'll show earlier, but it hasn't happened yet. I am only 11.5 weeks though!

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