Hellobee Boards


August 2016 moms!

  1. Pirouette

    pomegranate / 3331 posts

    @JoJoGirl: yay!!! what a huge relief!

    @MrsSCB: yea, I feel like sometimes people think it's easier to lie than to admit that you were ttc and didn't tell anyone. Of course, it's no one's business, but I feel like some people just aren't comfortable admitting it. It's silly!

  2. pwnstar

    pear / 1718 posts

    @mrschickpea: If your migraines persist, ask your OB about Fioricet (and benadryl too, to help you fall asleep with the migraine). During my first pregancy, I had a migraine that lasted several weeks, and Fioricet was the only thing that provided any relief.

    @JoJoGirl: What an awesome reaction - so glad it went well!

  3. pwnstar

    pear / 1718 posts

    @Silva: I am having more pains this time around too. Most of the time, I find that if I sit down and drink water it really helps. I tend to get them around dinner/bath/bed time too, which makes me think it's because it's already been a long day at that point, and my body is tired (and thirsty).

  4. mrschickpea

    clementine / 928 posts

    @pwnstar: thank you for the rec! I will definately talk to my doc if it persists! I've taken Benadryl a few times now to help with getting to sleep!

  5. pwnstar

    pear / 1718 posts

    @Pirouette: I am getting back into my old routine of early morning workouts . . . just before 5 a.m. Since I fall asleep so early, it's not tough to get up (most mornings anyway), and that makes it easy for me to workout, shower, and get ready for work before I wake my little up to get her ready for daycare.

  6. T.H.O.U.

    wonderful clementine / 24134 posts

    @mrschickpea: You can also use Phenegren to fall asleep and help with any nausea. My OB also ok'd a baby aspirin which sometimes helps.

    @JoJoGirl: Congrats! I told my boss (interim boss I guess) and he wasn't upset. I dont know how to start telling the rest of the office though. I will probably tell my 2 staff tomorrow.

  7. Pirouette

    pomegranate / 3331 posts

    @pwnstar: good for you!! I could set an alarm for sure, and get it in before my daughter wakes up, but I end up staying up pretty late because my husband is a night owl, so I would have a hard time dragging myself out of bed that early. I should though, i really should. It makes my whole day better!

  8. pwnstar

    pear / 1718 posts

    Also, my tights are on inside out today. #winning

  9. JoJoGirl

    cantaloupe / 6206 posts

    @Pirouette: @pwnstar: That's when I go too! Bed at 9, up at 4:45am to get to Crossfit by 5:30am class. DH is home in the mornings to take her to school, but even if he wasn't, I'd try to do something at the same time at home.

  10. agold

    grapefruit / 4045 posts

    @OldpuebloJenn: Thanks for telling me about your workout. Do you still do planks? Those are always hard for me, anyways. Plank into bear isn't even something I have ever been able to do but was getting close .... and then I got pregnant. The pilates owner said that a handlful of girls got pregnant the same time as me so shes working on a pre-natal class, which would be awesome. I hope to be able to reactive my monthly membership soon.

    @Pirouette: Thanks for telling me about your experience. I've never heard of "relaxin" so I'm going to look that up today.

    @Silva: That's probably the worst place to get pains. I hope you are feeling better and that the pains have gone away! And I've never heard of the "round ligament" issue. I hope you aren't experiencing anything too serious.

    @LCTBQE: I love hearing you so excited about your baby! And yes, I'm trying so hard to be an "ignorance-is-bliss pregnant girl" at the moment! It really feels nice to be getting to this point.

    @JoJoGirl: Its great your work took your announcement so well. Phew. I'm sure that's a relief.

  11. pregnantbee

    grapefruit / 4717 posts

    @JoJoGirl: Yay! That's wonderful. Sounds like a great reaction!

  12. JoJoGirl

    cantaloupe / 6206 posts

    @agold: @pregnantbee: Thanks!!

  13. Pirouette

    pomegranate / 3331 posts

    @JoJoGirl: I seriously admire you!! but you guys are inspiring me to give some thought to trying to reintegrate morning workouts at least occasionally.

  14. JoJoGirl

    cantaloupe / 6206 posts

    @Pirouette: Aw thanks but you shouldn't!! It's more that I turn into a mean, no-patience mom-beast when I DON'T work out, so a lot of days it has to trump sleep or everyone suffers

  15. Glitter

    persimmon / 1281 posts

    Good job to all you mamas working out! I would love to but my fear of mosquitoes and zika is keeping me indoors basically 6 out of 7 days a week.

  16. agold

    grapefruit / 4045 posts

    @Glitter: Oh yikes! You poor thing. I forgot you live in an at-risk area. That's so tough. I hope you stay safe!

  17. pwnstar

    pear / 1718 posts

    @Glitter: Oh my goodness! How stressful - I hope you stay safe!

    @Pirouette: @JoJoGirl: I have zero excuses for not working out . . . I have a full size elliptical in my house (and free weights and all that jazz). So yeah. I don't even have to put on pants if I don't want to . . . I could just work out in my undies, sneaks, and sports bra, and nobody would be the wiser. Not that I have done that before or anything!

    @agold: As you move into the second tri, there are some exercises you should avoid to minimize/help prevent diastasis. I'm pretty sure regular planks are on that list. But side planks are okay! Here's a link to a blog I like that might be helpful: http://diaryofafitmommy.com/15-minute-prenatal-abs-core-workout/

  18. agold

    grapefruit / 4045 posts

    @pwnstar: Oh darn. no more planks.

  19. Pirouette

    pomegranate / 3331 posts

    @pwnstar: haha yea i have a treadmill in my house, so i have no excuse either! These ladies still put me to shame with their classes!! I do generally run a few days a week, but it's so hard to have the energy after working all day, and i can only imagine how much better id feel if i could squeeze in a few mornings.

  20. pwnstar

    pear / 1718 posts

    @agold: Hahahaha-right?!

    @Pirouette: The end of the day is brutal for me too. For a good while, I would split my workout and do either weights/cardio in the morning, and whatever was left over at night. But that was long before I got knocked up again!

  21. OldpuebloJenn

    kiwi / 595 posts

    @agold: yes, @pwnstar is right. I do planks on the barre, or side planks for now.

    @lctbqe: this is baby number 2 for me, so I look about 5mo already! I'm looking forward to trying the online prenatal workouts, but I've been pretty good about going in studio, I'm sure that'll change soon!

  22. coopsmama

    cantaloupe / 6059 posts

    @agold: I'm doing good, thanks for asking! Happy to be officially in the second trimester now according to every source and just hoping to feel better soon. I have an appointment a week from tomorrow and the irrational side of me is nervous even though I have absolutely no reason to be.

    DH is dropping the kids off at my mom and dad's right now so we have late night dinner reservations (okay...7pm...that's late for us now post-kids!!) at a really nice Japanese sushi restaurant and then we'll have the house to ourselves this evening and most of tomorrow - yay!!

    @Glitter: Oh dear. Sorry you're in one of those areas! I hope you avoid all mosquitoes from now until delivery.

    @JoJoGirl: Oh my gosh, up at 4:45?!? Amazing. I could never do that...pretty sure pregnant or not. 🙈👎😝

    @pwnstar: I always seem to put my undershirt camis and tights on inside out. My husband gives me the hardest time, I wonder why? 😜

    @mrschickpea: sorry about your migraine! I've only had one in my life and it was the worst - I can't imagine enduring it during pregnancy! Hope it's gone by now.

  23. Glitter

    persimmon / 1281 posts

    @agold: @pwnstar: @coopsmama: thanks! I'm trying hard to keep safe! I have found that mosquitoes still seem to love teasing me despite being bathed in OFF and wearing repellant bracelets while having AC on full blast. I actually spotted a bite about 2 weeks ago, and all the mosquitoes here are the Aedes Egypti carriers but I refuse to go into panic mode.

  24. OldpuebloJenn

    kiwi / 595 posts

    @Glitter: how stressful! I hope all your preventive measures give you peace of mind! My husband travels to Brazil 3-5x a year so I went into full fledged panic mode calculating his last visit and the outbreak dates...really like I needed anything else to worry about this pregnancy! I think we're in the clear and the rest of his trips have been tasked to some one else through the reminder of my pregnancy.

  25. Glitter

    persimmon / 1281 posts

    @OldpuebloJenn: Oh my I can just imagine the panic and all that must have entailed! Good that he is no longer making those trips and you can breathe!

  26. Glitter

    persimmon / 1281 posts

    @coopsmama: sounds like you have a lovely night planned! Hope it's going well!

  27. MrsKerch

    apricot / 256 posts

    @pwnstar: thank you for posting this! I have been looking for something like this to share with the leadership at my studio! The work out that I do is an interval based class. 56 minutes total, 25 minutes of cardio (treadmills and spin bikes) and 25 minutes of strength (body weight exercises on the floor, TRX, Barre, Bosu, etc) followed by 6 minutes of stretching to finish up. they break it down into 5, 6, 8, 10 or 12 minute rounds. I've been told it's very similar to orange theory but I've never been to one of those classes to personally attest. I love it because it changes so frequently that it's over before you know it!

  28. Silva

    cantaloupe / 6017 posts

    If anyone is looking for a good pair of casual jeans, I have these and they are really comfortable. And I think they will work well into early summer because they look best rolled up a little. Great price!:

  29. Pirouette

    pomegranate / 3331 posts

    @coopsmama: congrats on being officially official in the 2nd tri! I never really know when that mark is, so it's definitely comforting to have passed all the possible options! I decided I'm going to basically consider the 1st tri over next week at 12 weeks when i have my NT scan results back. Mostly because I'm eager to mentally believe it's over And hope you had a wonderful dinner!! totally jealous!

    @MrsKerch: that sounds like an awesome workout! I totally miss belonging to a gym for the classes, even though I know I'd probably never make it to them these days haha

    Happy friday everyone! anyone have fun plans? It's going to reach -10 (yup, negative degrees F!) supposedly this weekend, so I'm hoping to lay low. Although my husband wants to get a few of his friends together sunday for dinner, which means I may be sharing our news with more people! I prefer to wait until after the NT scan on tues, but I'm not going to hide it 2 days before.

  30. Pirouette

    pomegranate / 3331 posts

    @Silva: Jcrew has a maternity line? i never knew this!

  31. MrsKoala

    cantaloupe / 6869 posts

    @Pirouette: It's just pants.

  32. Silva

    cantaloupe / 6017 posts

    90% sure I felt movement yesterday when I was driving home.
    Also, give me all the salt. All of it.

  33. MrsSCB

    pomelo / 5257 posts

    @Pirouette: omg, the cold is awful this weekend! We're visiting my family and while it's in the 70s at home in Texas, in NYC and Massachusetts where we're visiting it is freeeeeezing! I'm not used to this! Good to see family though, we'll be telling everyone the news today And we got to see the musical Hamilton last night, which was incredible.

    I hope everyone has a nice relaxing weekend!!

  34. Pirouette

    pomegranate / 3331 posts

    @MrsKoala: ah bummer...well it's a start?

    @Silva: OMG! movement already?! that is so exciting! I can't wait for movement and seriously, save some of the salt for me. i'm usually a sweets eater but this pregnancy i am having NONSTOP salty cravings!

    @MrsSCB: yay for telling the family!!! Hamilton is supposed to be incredible. glad you enjoyed it! although I will say these few days of absolutely freezing weather are the worst days of the year to be in NYC - the wind is just piercing! I'm sure Mass is even worse

  35. Silva

    cantaloupe / 6017 posts

    @MrsSCB: have fun telling your family!!!

  36. OldpuebloJenn

    kiwi / 595 posts

    @Pirouette: -10?! It's going to be mid-80s here! If we are all finally healthy (strep for DH, fevers for DD) we'll take a hike and enjoy the weather!

    @Silva: I keep thinking I'm feeling the first flutters, but I really have no idea! So exciting!

  37. MrsSCB

    pomelo / 5257 posts

    @Silva: thank you!

    @Pirouette: yes, it's supposed to be about -6 in Mass. 😳 We lived in NYC before moving to Texas and I don't remember it being quite this cold very often....Although I think my blood has also thinned since living in warmer climates

  38. MrsKerch

    apricot / 256 posts

    @Silva: omg me too! I ordered a salt bagel this morning and I am a sweet breakfast person 99% of the time!

  39. MrsSCB

    pomelo / 5257 posts

    @Silva: @MrsKerch: I'm the opposite -- I've never had a sweet tooth and I can't get enough dessert these days!

  40. T.H.O.U.

    wonderful clementine / 24134 posts

    I am not craving chocolate but am craving soda and baked goods!

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