Hellobee Boards


August 2017 moms!

  1. peachykeen

    pear / 1648 posts

    How far along? 12w6d

    Gender guess? Found out yesterday she's a girl!

    Ideas for names? Haven't discussed first names yet, but happy we get to use Joy for a middle name (my mom died in 2015 and it's similar to her name)

    Are you decorating a nursery? If so, ideas/pictures?
    Yes - we moved this fall so I have a fresh nursery to decorate. No idea on décor yet, though, since I was convincing myself baby was a boy

    What kind of coming home outfit do you picture/or what did you use with the LO you already had?
    With DD #1 we had a personalized gown with her name on it. I'm hoping to go through DD's old clothes this weekend and will probably pick something from that, but open to a special new outfit as well. DD was also an August baby so the clothing should all match up well!

    Does your LO(s) know? How did they react? We told her after our ultrasound at 7 weeks. She is SO excited and keeps singing the song from Daniel Tiger about a new baby coming to our family

    How will you announce on social media if you will announce? We figured we would announce around Valentine's Day, but I think we may actually post a little bit beforehand. I found a cute idea for DD with a mixer, bowl, baking supplies, and a "recipe for a big sister", so we'll probably do that.

    Any funny comments? Not really, but DD keeps getting worried that she's "sitting on the baby" when I pick her up and tries to squirm away from my belly, so she announced the pregnancy to her daycare teachers that way.

    Also, I put the baby on the nursery list for fall at DD #1's daycare, and they said they're almost full for fall already!

  2. peachykeen

    pear / 1648 posts

    @Mrs. Blue: I love the name Rosalie - it's been on my list for this babe too!

  3. peachykeen

    pear / 1648 posts

    @Torchwood: That's awesome news! Glad insurance is doing something right for a change.

  4. KNS

    cherry / 136 posts

    How far along? 14 weeks today, hello second tri!

    Gender guess? I am hoping for a girl, DH would like a boy. Don't want to get my hopes up too much but we should find out at the end of this week from our NIPT

    Ideas for names? Hah, not something we have even started discussing

    Are you decorating a nursery? If so, ideas/pictures? Probably not, we are contemplating a large remodel that wouldn't even start until after baby is here.

    What kind of coming home outfit do you picture/or what did you use with the LO you already had? We used a gray onesie for DD and will probably use the same regardless of the gender.

    Does your LO(s) know? How did they react? Yes, she knows and sort of seems to be excited but I think that is only because she doesn't really fully grasp what the reality will be, she is 2.5 now and will be just 3 when the new baby comes.

    How will you announce on social media if you will announce? Not likely to announce on social media, I am not a super avid user and didn't announce last time, just a picture once she arrived.

    Any funny comments? When I ask DD if she wants a boy or girl baby, she always says, just a baby which is amusing.

  5. coddergirl

    coffee bean / 42 posts

    How far along? 10w1d

    Gender guess? DH's family only makes boys, so I'm guessing that. But... we'd love to be surprised by a daughter!

    Ideas for names? Thea (short for Alethea) for a girl, Charlie for a boy. DS has an unusual name so we want to go more phonetically standard to save spelling out multiple names for people all the time

    Are you decorating a nursery? Nope. Don't own our house!

    What kind of coming home outfit do you picture/or what did you use with the LO you already had? Haha - just something that fits. Last time I was dumb as an oyster about babies and brought a 0-3m outfit that DS was SWIMMING in. I had to avert my eyes from all the bossy nurses who came in to check on him.

    How will you announce on social media if you will announce? Not a big FB user so no plans.

  6. Petitduck

    kiwi / 624 posts

    How far along? 14w3d (I think!-at least that's what it is based on the two ultrasounds I have had). So I think my due date will get moved to the end of July, I hope anyway.

    Gender guess? Boy, but I guessed boy last time and was wrong. My husband and I are both feeling like we're going to go the anatomy scan though and see a boy flashing his bits all over the screen and not be able to have it a secret. haha

    Ideas for names? We haven't even talked about them yet. I have been daydreaming a bit and adding more to my list to tell my hubby.

    Are you decorating a nursery? Nope, using the same one and same colours since we were team green last time too (it's light teal with some dark gray furniture). Big sister will be moving into a new room.

    What kind of coming home outfit do you picture/or what did you use with the LO you already had? We bought two sleepers one newborn and one 0-3 month. I had a 9+ pound baby and nothing newborn fit. They were cute gender neutral sleepers I liked so we'll probably do the same this time and get new ones I think.

    Does your LO(s) know? Yes, but she's 15 months...so not really.

    How will you announce on social media if you will announce? We won't. Didn't last time either.

    Any funny comments? Nope. It's still fairly under wraps too. Telling the rest of family at the beginning of next week.

  7. pmerr

    apricot / 491 posts

    I don't think I posted this here yet. So sorry if I did. I've shared with a few groups. I had my first OB appt yesterday! We heard the heart beat, it was 170. I will be going on aspirin everyday starting at 12 weeks to help prevent pre-e, as well as continuing my high blood pressure meds. I'll have my next u/s at 20 weeks (the anatomy one, but we won't find out what), and then we'll have one every 4 weeks until the baby is born to make sure the size is fine. The latest I'll go is 39 weeks (which would be by 8/11). 38-39 weeks would be expected if things are pretty normal. If any pre-e signs start happening I'll go at 37 weeks. Crazy that I have my latest date already!!

  8. peachykeen

    pear / 1648 posts

    @pmerr: Strong heartbeat! I've been on baby aspirin too - my doctors all seem really confident about it preventing pre-e. Is the early delivery because of pre-e or something else?

    I'm really hoping to go into labor naturally this time, on my own timeline. The early induction was so stressful but DD turned out just fine, so hopefully I'll be less nervous if it turns out to be necessary this time.

  9. pmerr

    apricot / 491 posts

    @peachykeen: It would be, yes. I'm not 100% sure of the reasoning.

  10. littlejoy

    pomegranate / 3375 posts

    How far along? 13w 2d

    Gender guess? Girl, but only based on the nub theory.

    Ideas for names? We haven't agreed on any - I like Olive, Rosalie (Rosie), and Vera ... husband likes Anna. If it's a boy, we like Julian or Ari.

    Are you decorating a nursery? If so, ideas/pictures? We aren't!! The baby will roomshare with us for the first several months (possibly a year). Then the two kids will share a room. Our LO's room has a very loose "adventure" theme.

    What kind of coming home outfit do you picture/or what did you use with the LO you already had? We are planning a home birth, but I am excited to see this baby in some of LO1's newborn clothes!!

    Does your LO(s) know? How did they react? She does. She was excited. She asks me a lot of questions about the baby.

    How will you announce on social media if you will announce? We just wrote a little blog post to share with FB. I shared a photo of the NT scan to announce on IG.

    Any funny comments? Our 3 y/o asked if my head is going to grow too.

  11. Revel

    pear / 1563 posts

    How far along? 10+5

    Gender guess? No intuition this time, although I don't think I had an idea last time either. Girls are more common in both of our families but my husband would love a boy.

    Ideas for names? I have a big list but we haven't started discussing names really. @Torchwood: my husband loves Apollo and at first I wasn't sure but it's kind if grown on me! Haven't heard it used much. We are in philly so i worry about the Rocky reference but not sure that matters.

    Are you decorating a nursery? Haven't gotten this far - we may be decorating a room for my daughter and giving baby her old room.

    What kind of coming home outfit do you picture/or what did you use with the LO you already had? LO 1 wore something with yellow flowers I think, haha, little memory of it! Maybe we will get something special for this one.

    Does your LO(s) know? How did they react? Not yet, can't wait! We plan to tell her after my next appointment on Feb 15 assuming all is well with NIPT and the doppler.

    How will you announce on social media if you will announce? Prob just a short post on FB, maybe a photo of our daughter.

    Any funny comments? Nothing yet but very few people know. I think it must be obvious at the gym but so far no one has called me out.

  12. sojellybean

    cherry / 100 posts

    How far along: 10 + 1

    Gender Guess: Girl, but only because I'm feeling similar to how I did with DD. My husband did the Chinese prediction and it was boy, so he's pretty sure it's a boy.

    Ideas for names: I have a girl first name I would love to use (Eliza) and a boy first name that will probably get vetoed (Harvey). Probably won't get serious about it until after the anatomy scan.

    Nursery plans: We'll be reusing DD's nursery, maybe with some updates since she has a big girl room now.

    Coming home outfit: Kickee Pants! I'm a tad bit obsessed. I'll probably find a preemie size set since DD was less than 5 lbs when we left the hospital.

    Does your LO know?: Not yet, thinking about telling her this weekend.

    How will you announce on social media?: We'll probably announce on Facebook after we know the gender.

    Any funny comments: Today I met with the nurse OB coordinator to go over medical history and pregnancy information. She told me not to lift my toddler unless she was already standing on a chair because I might hurt my back or sciatica. That made me lol, guess I've been doing it wrong!

  13. Cole

    grapefruit / 4649 posts

    I'm loving reading everyone's answers!

    How far along? 14+5
    Gender guess? It's a girl! (Nipt results)
    Ideas for names? Not sure yet but Gray is likely to be the middle name
    Are you decorating a nursery? If so, ideas/pictures? The girls will share a room at least initially. We will rearrange a bit but there's plenty of room and my daughter still sleeps in our room from about 1am on anyway and I figure the new baby will be in our room for at least the first 6 months. The bedroom is perfect fit putting two twin beds flanking the windows and I desperately want to get them two Jenny Lind beds.
    What kind of coming home outfit do you picture/or what did you use with the LO you already had? I'm not sure, we are having a home birth so it's less critical to decide. DD wore a pretty basic pink kimono top and stripe pants. I looked forever for a perfect outfit and gave up!
    Does your LO(s) know? How did they react? She knows, we never officially told her we just kept talking about it in front of her and she picked up on it. She kept telling us it was a baby sister so when we told her it was she basically said yeah, I know.
    How will you announce on social media if you will announce? I won't, my husband probably hasn't even thought about it yet. I think last time he just posted a picture of her when she arrived.
    Any funny comments?
    We told our families over FaceTime about both the pregnancy and the baby's sex at the same time. My husband said something about "we just found out today" and my mother in law was freaking out thinking we just realized I was pregnant. She was so confused that we knew it was a girl already too. It was a pretty funny conversation.

  14. Mrs. Blue

    blogger / pomelo / 5361 posts

    Ladies, I can't believe I'm saying this, nut the girl streak continues! We got the testing results and this little card to open. I am so excited and so in shock that we are actually having a girl.

  15. KNS

    cherry / 136 posts

    @mrs. blue ah, congrats! So jealous you got your results already, I am anxiously awaiting mine!

  16. Mrs. Blue

    blogger / pomelo / 5361 posts

    @KNS: it was exactly one week for us.

  17. MommySLP

    apricot / 431 posts

    @Mrs. Blue: so, so exciting! She's going to have 3 big brothers watching over her!

  18. Petitduck

    kiwi / 624 posts

    @Mrs. Blue: congrats. So many girls now! Someone needs to be having a boy soon, or maybe August will be known as the month of girls!

  19. peachykeen

    pear / 1648 posts

    @Mrs. Blue: Congratulations! So many beautiful little girls this month

    I still feel paranoid they're going to say 'boy' at the anatomy scan for us... Doesn't feel real yet.

  20. peachykeen

    pear / 1648 posts

    Aug 2 - KNS (#2)
    Aug 3 - PetitDuck (#2)
    Aug 7 - MamaFern (#2), LittleJoy (#2)
    Aug 9 - MrsD2442 (#1)
    Aug 10 - Mrs. Blush (#1), PeachyKeen (#2)
    Aug 11 - Cole (#2) , Sunset840 (#2)
    Aug 15 - Mrs. Blue (#4)
    Aug 16 - MommySLP (#3), SapphireSun (#2)
    Aug 17 - Nolababy (#2), Mrs.Pinecone316 (#2)
    Aug 18 - Pmerr (#2), sparklemama (#2)
    Aug 19 - Rachebon (#2), MrsBrewer (#2)
    Aug 21 - Torchwood (#2)
    Aug 22 - Mrs. Microscope (#2)
    Aug 25 - Revel (#2), PhillyDogLover (#1), Mrs. Pickle (#2)
    Aug 29 - CodderGirl (#2)
    Aug 30 - sojellybean (#2), Lmpeavley (#1)
    Feb 3 - sojellybean, PeachyKeen
    Feb 14 - Mrs. Microscope
    Feb 15 - MommySLP
    Feb 16 - Mrs. Pickle
    Feb 24 - Mrs. Pickle, PeachyKeen
    Mar 6 - Mrs. Brewer

  21. Revel

    pear / 1563 posts

    @Mrs. Blue: congratulations! What an awesome surprise!

    @Petitduck: @peachykeen: all girls so far! Funny thing is I lurk in the August 2017 babies subreddit and that group is like 10-1 boys to girls so far, for those who know gender already.

  22. Mrs. Blue

    blogger / pomelo / 5361 posts

    @peachykeen: same here. I keep thinking, "What if they accidentally gave us the wrong card??"

  23. Cole

    grapefruit / 4649 posts

    @Mrs. Blue: congratulations!
    @peachykeen: I keep thinking the same thing! I would be so upset!

  24. Mrs. Microscope

    pear / 1788 posts

    @Mrs. Blue: how special! congratulations!

  25. T.H.O.U.

    wonderful clementine / 24134 posts

    @Mrs. Blue: Congratulations!!! Are your boys excited?

  26. Mrs. Blue

    blogger / pomelo / 5361 posts

    @T.H.O.U.: they are insanely excited. Well, the twins are; Graham doesn't really get it.

  27. MrsBrewer

    coconut / 8854 posts

    How far along? 11+5

    Gender guess?I think it's a boy, this pregnancy is so much different than my first which was a girl!

    Ideas for names? We haven't started thinking about them yet until we find out the gender. But it will start with a J for sure.

    Are you decorating a nursery? If so, ideas/pictures? Nope.... Baby will stay in our room for awhile, and then the baby will just share with DD.

    What kind of coming home outfit do you picture/or what did you use with the LO you already had? No idea. Truthfully I had no idea this was a thing. We forgot to even bring an outfit for DD to come home in. MIL bought and washed one for us.

    Does your LO(s) know? How did they react? Not yet, but she's only 20 months, I'm not sure she will even understand truthfully!

    How will you announce on social media if you will announce? We are still thinking about this, we have 2 dogs and we included them in the first announcement with DD. So I think we will try and do the same for #2

    Any funny comments? None yet!

  28. pmerr

    apricot / 491 posts

    @Mrs. Blue: Eeeee! Congrats!!

  29. pmerr

    apricot / 491 posts

    @peachykeen: Next time you update (if you think about it) I'm ! And my next appt is 3/2!

  30. littlejoy

    pomegranate / 3375 posts

    @Mrs. Blue: Yeahhhh!!! Also, how sweet is that little card?!?

  31. peachykeen

    pear / 1648 posts

    @pmerr: Got it - I'll add next time. Thanks!

  32. Mrs. Blue

    blogger / pomelo / 5361 posts

    @littlejoy: Right??!? I literally thought it was going to be a plane white card with the gender just written on it.

  33. Cole

    grapefruit / 4649 posts

    @Mrs. Blue: I was impressed too, it's a nice touch!

  34. Torchwood

    pomelo / 5607 posts

    @Mrs. Blue: Congrats! But nooo! I know what y'all have won't actually impact me, but the odds of us all having girls are so low! I'm trying to think of pluses to a boy. Like I'll have more excuse to buy clothes, since as open minded as I am working on being, even I won't put a boy in girl clothes all the time. And everyone bought us a LOT of girl clothes.

    Anyone got any other positives to a boy to keep me from freaking out if that's what we're having?

  35. sojellybean

    cherry / 100 posts

    @Mrs. Blue: Congrats!! So exciting for your family!

  36. Mrs. Blue

    blogger / pomelo / 5361 posts

    @Torchwood: well, I have a long list of things I love about my boys, but honestly I think most of those things could be true whether it'a a boy or girl. I was legit scared to be a boy mom when we found out the twins were boys; I just felt like I wouldn't be able to relate to them,we wouldn't want to do the same things, etc. Of course, that was all silly; I couldn't be any closer to my boys and I love their crazy, adventurous spirits. I hope you get the girl you want, but I promise abbot will bring just as much fun and love!

  37. T.H.O.U.

    wonderful clementine / 24134 posts

    @Torchwood: Sorry still following this thread!

    Now that I have a boy and a girl (2 girls!), I love that my little guy is so sweet (momma's boy) but still a tough little kid (follows daddy around). Also, he seems to be much more independent than my girls. He's always been much better at playing solo.

    Also because of potty training, we were teaching him proper anatomy terms. His response was "'Dats not my peanuts!" His favorite snack these days are peanuts and he didn't understand why we were telling him thats what he had!

  38. Torchwood

    pomelo / 5607 posts

    @Mrs. Blue: @T.H.O.U.: Thank you for the encouragement! I'm seeing the good side more. Though I still don't love the idea of a teenage boy. My sister and brother are both teenagers, and they never have to force my sister to put on deodorant. Boys can be gross. 🙄

    I'm worried a boy would wind up causing a rift between us and our families though, especially mine. They've been known to make fun of the boys in our family for crying for their mommy, and telling them to man up, even as toddlers. That will NOT be acceptable if it's my kid. And heaven help us all if I have one who likes girly things and wants to wear his sister's dresses. A girl would just be so much simpler.

  39. T.H.O.U.

    wonderful clementine / 24134 posts

    @Torchwood: Oh yes, boys are gross. But girls can be gross in their own way too.

    Yes, I struggle with that as well. I dont think boys should be treated that way either.

  40. littlejoy

    pomegranate / 3375 posts

    @Torchwood: @T.H.O.U.: Haha. Girls can absolutely be gross!! My husband changed our nephew's diaper a few years ago, and cringed at wiping poop from all of the wrinkles/stuff, haha. All kids (at different times) can be nasty.

    We think this baby is a girl (which is awesome), but the tech's guess confirms that I really didn't have a preference - because now I find myself super excited but also wondering what having a son would be like. This is our last baby. Cliche to say - I was just happy to see a growing babe.

    @Torchwood: Your family sounds like they suck in that way. I'm really sorry. Hopefully if that happens, you'll be a great advocate for your kiddo. That kind of thing kills me.

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