Hellobee Boards


August 2017 moms!

  1. MommySLP

    apricot / 431 posts

    Anyone still not feeling well? I'm 12+2 today and am back on the nausea meds. I've been feeling pretty good the last 2 weeks & now I'm all day nauseous & throwing up again. I also am having a hard time finding food to eat---I'm basically surviving on cereal, bagels & pb & j. I'm also so exhausted---I took the afternoon off today & slept 3 hours!! Trying to keep positive that second trimester is almost here & things will get better.

  2. Mrs. Blue

    blogger / pomelo / 5361 posts

    @MommySLP: I'm also still not feeling great. I'm so sorry! Hope you feel better soon.

  3. peachykeen

    pear / 1648 posts

    @MommySLP: I'm 13+1 and still have periods of nausea (lately it's been mid-mornings) but it's less severe than it was and slowly getting better. My food aversions are definitely better than they were but I still have days where I only feel up to eating carbs and dairy (like yesterday). Hope it gets better for you soon

  4. peachykeen

    pear / 1648 posts

    I had my nuchal translucency US at MFM yesterday and doctor said everything looks good so far - still measuring right on target. Disappointed in the 2 pictures they sent us though. I was hoping to use one in our reveal so guess I should have asked for one of the whole baby.

    I found out I will still be seeing MFM at least a few more times because they can't feel confident about my pre-eclampsia risk until 23 weeks. It will be nice to see baby more often but I'm already dreading the expense.

  5. Cole

    grapefruit / 4649 posts

    @MommySLP: I'm right there with you. I have upped medication and I'm still sicker than I was a couple of weeks ago. It really stinks! I hope you get relief soon!

    @peachykeen: I'm glad your NT scan went well! It stinks that they didn't get you a good photo though, you'd think they would just know you want a good one!

  6. Revel

    pear / 1563 posts

    @MommySLP: @Mrs. Blue: @peachykeen: @Cole: sorry you guys are still struggling. I am still not 100% better, def sicker than my first pregnancy. I am still taking diclegis 2x at bedtime, tried to drop to 1 and had a bad few days. I'm just 11+1 so hoping this is the week I get better. Food aversions are mostly better but nausea, especially late afternoon and evening is there almost every day.

  7. sojellybean

    cherry / 100 posts

    @Revel: I feel you on the afternoon/evening nausea. Why does it have to worst at dinner/bedtime when there is stuff I need to do?

    Had my 10 week appt yesterday and heard the heartbeat, 170. We told DD (she doesn't really get it) and started telling family. I kind of miss having our little secret, but it will be nice to have other people to talk to about it!

  8. Revel

    pear / 1563 posts

    @sojellybean: i know! Just when I'm trying to finish out my day at work nd be mom for dinner and bedtime I feel like crap. Hoping it ends this week!

  9. littlejoy

    pomegranate / 3375 posts

    @Revel: So much for it being "morning" sickness, right? When DH gets home (around 5:45), I am DONE, and I don't even parent all day - LO goes to school.

  10. MommySLP

    apricot / 431 posts

    Sorry to hear others are still feeling bad too---hope things look better for all of us in the next couple weeks!

  11. Torchwood

    pomelo / 5607 posts

    I should not make cookies while pregnant. I don't have to self-control not to eat the dough. 😄

  12. Revel

    pear / 1563 posts

    Watched Arrival last night and could not fall asleep! Not sure I recommend that movie to watch while pregnant...

  13. Mrs.Pinecone316

    persimmon / 1316 posts

    How far along? 12+4
    Gender guess? I think girl but who knows! We did genetic testing this week so we could know as early as a couple weeks.
    Ideas for names? No idea, it was so hard agreeing on a name last time around I know it will be no different this time too haha.
    Are you decorating a nursery?Yes. Really excited to own a brand new home and have a perfect little room just waiting to be decorated. Far different from last time when we were in a 1 bedroom apartment.
    What kind of coming home outfit do you picture/or what did you use with the LO you already had? Its hard to picture until I know what we are having. I am all for the comfy soft clothes for newborns so nothing overly cute I am sure.

    Does your LO(s) know? How did they react? She is only 20 months so she says "baby picture" when she sees the ultrasound pic and says "mommy tummy" when we talk about it. She loves saying big sister but she really is too young to know what it all means.
    How will you announce on social media if you will announce? I think we will do a cute Valentines Day announcement.
    Any funny comments? Not really! Just taking things week by week:)

  14. Mrs. Pickle

    blogger / wonderful cherry / 21628 posts

    I got my NIPT results! Everything came back normal. I'm going to be ridiculous and wait to tell y'all the sex after I tell my DH tonight. I'm so relieved.

  15. Torchwood

    pomelo / 5607 posts

    @Mrs. Pickle: Yay! I know that's a huge relief with your genetic issues.

    Our results should be in this week! I KNOW tomorrow is the earliest I could possibly get them, and later in the week is much more realistic, but I'm still checking my email obsessively. 😄 And talked to the midwives and we're going to do the blood test for neural tube defects too. Gotta cover all our bases for peace of mind!

  16. Mrs. Microscope

    pear / 1788 posts

    @Mrs. Pickle: what a relief! This really is your miracle baby!

    @Torchwood: I'm getting every test too. My nerves can't handle it. I had a nightmare this weekend that baby had a trisomy, and we had a tmfr. I cried so much when I woke up. My blood draw isn't until next week (13 weeks is late! Also for the NT) so I have 2 weeks to wait for results. At least we should get some preliminary results about trisomies at the NT scan itself. I'm a mess.

  17. littlejoy

    pomegranate / 3375 posts

    @Torchwood: @Mrs. Microscope: I know some women who skip all testing and u/s's ... only hear doppler starting at 16 weeks. I am NOT that person. I need reassurance and hitting certain milestones (like, dating scan, heartbeat, genetic testing, certain weeks) is really, really helpful to me.

  18. Mrs. Microscope

    pear / 1788 posts

    @littlejoy: I have a friend like that. Only gets a dating ultrasound at about 7weeks, and that's it. No blood tests, no other ultrasounds, nothing! She used a homebirth midwife for each of her boys, but only had one success (first birth she had an emergency hospital transfer).

    I could never do anything even close to that.

  19. littlejoy

    pomegranate / 3375 posts

    @Mrs. Microscope: We are working with homebirth midwives (we did last time too), but they totally support my "need to know" approach, which I'm really thankful for!!

    And, I tell myself - women have been having babies for eons (without any sort of medical information), so I know it's possible ... but I am so thankful to be a mom in 2017!!!

  20. peachykeen

    pear / 1648 posts

    @littlejoy: @Mrs. Microscope: Not the same because we had a dating US and anatomy US, but with our first we declined all testing.

    All the testing and extra monitoring is so new to me this pregnancy but I'm grateful for it after a previous loss. We also needed to do a level 2 US at 21 weeks with our first to double-check a potential issue with the anatomy scan (turned out to be absolutely nothing) and the perinatalogist told us if we'd had the testing they wouldn't have even said anything at our anatomy scan. So I guess it's a trade-off.

  21. Mrs. Microscope

    pear / 1788 posts

    @littlejoy: she and her first baby would have died without the transfer. And mothers and babies die all the time without access to medical care. I think there is a fine balance between having a medically sanctioned homebirth (what you are obviously having! ) and just blindly having a baby in the woods somewhere (I know someone who did that too. She had 2 hospital births, no complications, and for #3 decided she knew what she was doing, read some stuff on the Internet and her husband and her did it themselves in an RV in the woods. I don't know specifics, she is alive and ok, but the baby died during birth)

  22. Torchwood

    pomelo / 5607 posts

    @littlejoy: @Mrs. Microscope: Honestly, people like that absolutely infuriate me with the level of ignorance that goes into making that decision. I know it's an overreaction, but it makes me just sick to think about how things could have turned out with R (pregnancy before L that we had to terminate at 33 weeks) if we hadn't had any ultrasounds. I could be dead now, and even if not I can't imagine how much more horrific it would have been had we gone through a full pregnancy expecting the joy of our rainbow baby, only to have her come out with a birth defect that would have made her deformed and almost certainly killed her if I had gone full term. At least we had months to prepare and talk to neurologists. If we had felt like there was a chance and hadn't terminated, we knew we needed to deliver early and have emergency teams on hand and her surgery already planned. I remember what it's like to be naive enough to think testing and ultrasounds weren't important, but I can't handle that anymore.

  23. littlejoy

    pomegranate / 3375 posts

    @peachykeen: I think you caught why I feel like I need all of the tests (which really, I only do betas, 3 u/s and the 1st tri blood test) ... because I've had losses, it's like a little piece of me being able to feel in control of something that we have no control over.

    @Mrs. Microscope: Yikes! I think those stories (like baby dying, or major complications requiring medical intervention) give homebirths a bad name. And, unassisted birth is totally different, but people group them together. Studies have shown that homebirth (when attended my CNM's, and in normal pregnancies) have similar outcomes to hospital birth. We chose a very conservative midwifery group, because I appreciate midwives who aren't too "proud" to transfer in case of an issue. I think my mother in law assumes our midwives show up with sage and and drums.

  24. Torchwood

    pomelo / 5607 posts

    @littlejoy: We're sticking with the hospital and I still think my family thinks that when we talk about the fact that I see midwives instead of OB's. But they are so much better than any doctor I've ever seen!

  25. littlejoy

    pomegranate / 3375 posts

    @Torchwood: I've seen many types of births (home, hospital with OB's, hospital with midwives, birth centers, etc.), and I can say that nurses and midwives TOTALLY make the difference in births I've seen. One of my good friends is an OB nurse, and she LOVESSSSS her job - she knows the nurses are such a big part of the birthing experience. I'm thankful to have options (even if family doesn't understand).

  26. Cole

    grapefruit / 4649 posts

    @Mrs. Pickle: yay! I'm so glad everything came back normal, I'm excited to hear boy or girl!

    @peachykeen: we skipped a lot with my first pregnancy too but wound up needing extra ultrasounds etc as a result so it was just a frustrating experience. I also had a miscarriage since then which made me extra anxious. A woman in my mom's club had a baby with trisomy 18 and it made me extra anxious.

    We are having a home birth this time but I feel confident that for us it's a good choice-and one that wouldn't even be given the side eye in other countries. My midwives are very conservative in regards to situations where they need to transfer and have good relationships with both of my local hospitals, one hospital is 3 minutes away (no NICU though) and the one with the NICU is about 6 minutes away. Plus ambulance response times here hover around 2 minutes. My first birth was quick and straight forward as well. There's no chance in hell I'd ever deliver in the woods in an RV... That's honestly just irresponsible in my opinion.

  27. Mrs. Microscope

    pear / 1788 posts

    @Cole: it was very irresponsible. And it ended badly. I'm glad that you are also having a safe, medically sanctioned homebirth.

    I'm sticking with my OB and hospital. I have way too much anxiety to feel safe otherwise. And I had a great birth experience last time, so I know it is a good choice for me.

    It is nice that there are choices and options for all women in our country. At least this year. Big reason we decided to ttc when we did.

  28. Revel

    pear / 1563 posts

    Got our NIPT back -super fast, on the 6th business day. Low risk for all trisonomys and I am bucking the trend with a boy! Kind of shocked as I was apparently assuming it was a girl. Husband is excited, and I will get there!

    So glad we came back low risk and we are closer to going public. Next week after my appointment!

  29. Torchwood

    pomelo / 5607 posts

    @Revel: Yay! Congrats!

  30. Mrs. Pickle

    blogger / wonderful cherry / 21628 posts

    @Revel: congrats!

  31. Mrs. Pickle

    blogger / wonderful cherry / 21628 posts

    We're adding another girl to the family. I hope DD likes having a sister so close in age.

  32. KNS

    cherry / 136 posts

    @Revel and Mrs. Pickle: Congrats to you both on good results!

    We got our NIPT back today and all risks are the lowest possible so feeling good about that. My husband is out of town until tomorrow so he wants me to wait to find out the sex until he gets home and we can log on together. I am so bad with waiting, the suspense is killing me!

  33. Mrs. Microscope

    pear / 1788 posts

    @Revel: the first boy! Congrats!
    @Mrs. Pickle: sisters! Congrats!
    @KNS: can't wait for your reveal!

  34. Petitduck

    kiwi / 624 posts

    @Mrs. Pickle: awww. Adorable.

    Glad everyone is having great results from their tests! We just told the rest of our family today, some by email, so tomorrow everyone should know. Eek! My due date also got changed to July 29th. I have my anatomy scan booked for just over a month from now. I'm sort of jealous everyone knows the gender already, but we did really like the surprise last time so I think we're going to stick with team green.

  35. peachykeen

    pear / 1648 posts

    Congrats @Revel: @Mrs. Pickle: @KNS: - busy day for August moms!

    July 29 - PetitDuck (#2)
    Aug 2 - KNS (#2)
    Aug 7 - MamaFern (#2), LittleJoy (#2)
    Aug 9 - MrsD2442 (#1)
    Aug 10 - Mrs. Blush (#1), PeachyKeen (#2)
    Aug 11 - Cole (#2) , Sunset840 (#2)
    Aug 15 - Mrs. Blue (#4)
    Aug 16 - MommySLP (#3), SapphireSun (#2)
    Aug 17 - Nolababy (#2), Mrs.Pinecone316 (#2)
    Aug 18 - Pmerr (#2) , sparklemama (#2)
    Aug 19 - Rachebon (#2), MrsBrewer (#2)
    Aug 21 - Torchwood (#2)
    Aug 22 - Mrs. Microscope (#2)
    Aug 25 - Revel (#2) , PhillyDogLover (#1), Mrs. Pickle (#2)
    Aug 29 - CodderGirl (#2)
    Aug 30 - sojellybean (#2), Lmpeavley (#1)

    Feb 14 - Mrs. Microscope
    Feb 15 - MommySLP
    Feb 16 - Mrs. Pickle
    Feb 24 - Mrs. Pickle, PeachyKeen
    Mar 2 - Pmerr
    Mar 3 - PeachyKeen
    Mar 6 - Mrs. Brewer

  36. peachykeen

    pear / 1648 posts

    We mailed homemade Valentine cards to the grandparents today "from your girls" with an ultrasound photo with a pink bow, so we will probably officially announce to friends and family next weekend.

  37. Cole

    grapefruit / 4649 posts

    @Revel: congratulation! First boy of the group too, so exciting!
    @Mrs. Pickle: another girl! Hurray!
    @peachykeen: Do they already know or will these be extra super exciting Valentine's?

    I think we've told everyone in our immediate families and the friends we see on a regular basis. I think we're pretty much at the point where if it comes up we'll tell anyone though. My daughter has moved the ultrasound photo lower on the fridge so she can see it and every time she walks by it she says "that's my baby sister!" It pretty much kills me every time, it's so darn cute.

  38. littlejoy

    pomegranate / 3375 posts

    So many awesome updates today!!!

    Not exciting, but I got the OK to start drinking pregnancy tea (red raspberry leaf, oat straw, alfalfa, nettles and dandelion) today, since I'm in the 2nd trimester. Such a weird thing to celebrate, but maybe it's making me feel like the morning sickness will actually end now.

  39. peachykeen

    pear / 1648 posts

    @Cole: We told them we're pregnant back in January but they don't know that we know the sex yet (didn't do the NIPT last time).

    I was wanting to hold off telling them so we'd get less unusable stuff from the in-laws (they can't seem to buy clothes that fit DD and buy her way too many toys) but DH pointed out they'll end up buying those things regardless of when tell them.

  40. Cole

    grapefruit / 4649 posts

    @littlejoy: ooh, I loved dining rrl tea last time- I basically made it by the gallon and added lemonade. I suspect it will be a staple this summer too!

    @peachykeen: why is it so hard to buy clothes that fit?! I swear my mil has gotten it right like twice ever. She keeps buying sports team apparel for our home town teams (which my husband loves) but she buys super cheap stuff and the company must just look at a kid and sketch a pattern and send it to production, no way it fits any kid! It drives me batty!

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