I don't even know if I am asking for advice or just want to vent. It doesn't really matter because I'm leaving my job in two months (I am in a slow burning hell of quitting my job in September, then agreeing to stay on till January part time from home).

One of my co-workers, who isn't my supervisor, but technically above me in the hierarchy, is not very good at her job. Some parts she is fine at, but the stuff that doesn't interest her, she just doesn't even try at. I am constantly having to correct her. Like today she was supposed to finalize a document and it was still covered in mistakes, She also asks me to do a lot of stuff that is her job, not mine. I usually say yes because I can do it quicker/better (I've been at the job a lot longer, to be fair.)

Gah. I have talked to the boss about it, but its kind of tough since they are friends. It's a huge reason why I quit, actually.

I just want to be done!