Hellobee Boards


February 2017 moms!

  1. Ajsmommy

    pomegranate / 3355 posts

    @oskarsmommy: aww thanks!! I stalk you too! I saw you're going to get results next week! I'm sure it'll be all good.... Will you get the gender prediction too? I'll be checking for your update next week

  2. Beehive

    nectarine / 2054 posts

    @josina: @Pumuckl: @Ajsmommy: @MrsA: @Nana87: Thanks!

  3. josina

    pomegranate / 3973 posts

    @nana87: Updated.
    If anything else is wrong/needs to be updated let me know and I'll edit...

    Feb 5 - MrsA (#2) ; Beehive (#2)
    Feb 6 - Gilmoregirl (#2) nana87 (#2)
    Feb 7 - Maggierose (#2)
    Feb 9 - deerylou (#2)
    Feb 14 - gentlelunette (#2)
    Feb 14 - babybean404 (#2)
    Feb 16 - NorthStar (#2)
    Feb 16 - pumuckl (#3 & #4)
    Feb 22 - josina (#2)
    Feb 23 - Ajsmommy (#2)
    Feb 24 - Wyattnewbabysmama (#2)
    MaryM Frances Ruth, 8/10/16)

  4. NorthStar

    pear / 1881 posts

    We received our Maternit21 results yesterday and they said that it came back normal. We are not finding out the sex, so once the formal results get sent, I need to delete the email before looking. Talk about torture!

    I was hoping to tell my boss this morning that I'm preggo, but other people are monopolizing her time. Looks like it might be next week. I seriously feel like I'm going to throw up at the thought of telling her. I am due in mid-Feb, right in the smack middle of tax busy season. I don't do taxes; however, am super busy during that time. I can just hear the comments from coworkers, which will put me over the edge. We went through 3 IVF transfer to get here and I have no patience for uneducated comments. *sigh*

  5. Pumuckl

    pomegranate / 3601 posts

    @NorthStar: Hope your boss will have time for you soon! And I really hope your coworkers will have their tongues in check.

  6. josina

    pomegranate / 3973 posts

    @NorthStar: Yay for normal results on the tests.
    I hope your boss is nothing but happy for you!! Does she/your coworkers know about your struggle? Hopefully they keep the sarcastic comments to a minimum!!

  7. gilmoregirl

    persimmon / 1273 posts

    @Beehive: welcome!

    @NorthStar: congrats on good results! That's great news. I hope telling work goes well. I was nervous to share with my principal because of an awkward comment made at the end of the school year about how hiring young women always leads to needing to find subs or something along those lines. But it went fine...and not my problem (well, sorta) if they've got to find a sub for me. Oh well.

  8. gilmoregirl

    persimmon / 1273 posts

    How's everyone doing? Anything exciting coming up?

    I've been back to work for a week and school's finally starting this week. I am not at all prepared for students but I'm feeling ready to get this show on the road.

    I keep thinking I have lots of time to prep stuff for this baby, but we've got a busy fall ahead and I have a feeling time's just going to disappear.

  9. Ajsmommy

    pomegranate / 3355 posts

    @NorthStar: yay for good results!! and good luck being strong enough to not look at the gender prediction... I keep looking at mine

    @gilmoregirl: Nothing exciting here... good luck with your first week with kids!

  10. NorthStar

    pear / 1881 posts

    @Ajsmommy: @gilmoregirl: @josina: @Pumuckl: Thank you, ladies! So, my portal has the results on it (including the sex), but I can't delete it!!! It seems that it stays there forever, which OMG, is TORTURE! We haven't looked and I emailed the doctor to see if they can delete them out of there.

    I told my boss on Thursday and she was super supportive, told me not to stress about being gone during tax season and was perfect. Now to tell some other co workers later this week.

  11. josina

    pomegranate / 3973 posts

    @NorthStar: oh man, I'd totally be looking! Good luck NOT peeking!! Torture for sure!
    Glad your boss was good about it!

    @gilmoregirl: Everything is good here. Not much coming up, DH and I are taking a day-trip Friday for our 4 year anniversary, so looking forward to that.
    Hope your first week back at school goes well!

  12. Ajsmommy

    pomegranate / 3355 posts

    @NorthStar: be strong!! better you than me bc I'd be looking... eek! I have a friend and he and his wife are team green. It's amazing to me bc I'm so type A I gotta know

  13. Ajsmommy

    pomegranate / 3355 posts

    @josina: what are you planning for your day trip? It's nice to just spend some alone time together. DH and I just took last Friday off after going to see Bob Saget thurs night to shop and order our new custom couch. We had lunch at pf changs. It was nice.

  14. WyattnewbabysMama

    olive / 59 posts

    Found out baby GIRL over here!
    Officially "out" at work--telling people as I see them and it comes up.

    Do you all consider 13 weeks or 14 weeks to be the start of 2nd trimester? I'm seeing conflicting things online.

  15. josina

    pomegranate / 3973 posts

    @Ajsmommy: We're going about 1-1/2 hours north to a Mississippi River town - casino, lunch somewhere, mini-golf and possibly go-carts, some shopping. Should be nice! Usually we just do dinner and a movie on our day-dates so will be a change of pace, and nice to get out of town.

    @WyattnewbabysMama: YAY, congrats on a girl!
    I'm 13+5, Ovia tells me 1st trimester, my My Pregnancy app tells me 2nd. I'm going with 2nd. Close enough.

  16. josina

    pomegranate / 3973 posts

    Feb 5 - MrsA (#2) ; Beehive (#2)
    Feb 6 - Gilmoregirl (#2) nana87 (#2)
    Feb 7 - Maggierose (#2)
    Feb 9 - deerylou (#2)
    Feb 14 - gentlelunette (#2)
    Feb 14 - babybean404 (#2)
    Feb 16 - NorthStar (#2)
    Feb 16 - pumuckl (#3 & #4)
    Feb 22 - josina (#2)
    Feb 23 - Ajsmommy (#2)
    Feb 24 - Wyattnewbabysmama (#2)
    MaryM Frances Ruth, 8/10/16)

  17. josina

    pomegranate / 3973 posts

    How is everyone doing with symptoms?
    The exhaustion is gone for me, but bloody noses have started, I had them a lot with DS.

    Any fun baby-purchases yet? None for me since we don't know gender yet but I'm so ancy to find out!

  18. NorthStar

    pear / 1881 posts

    @josina: All good here and no symptoms! OH NO with the bloody noses!!! I had them horrible with DD too and they were seriously the worst. I got one in rush hour traffic 45 minutes from home one time. Yeah, that was a lot of fun

    No baby purchases yet. We are trying to get our basement completed to move DD down there (so I've been planning and figuring out a few things for her room). I did redo a bookshelf and an antique dresser of DD's that will be used for the baby. DD will be getting a new dresser (probably from IKEA) and still need to figure out where the heck to put all of her books.

  19. Beehive

    nectarine / 2054 posts

    @josina: I hate the bloody noses! I had one two days ago, literally just before I was about to leave my office to meet with my boss.

    I haven't bought anything yet, but I measured all the furniture in DS's room to figure out where to move everything to fit a twin bed and a crib in the room. I think we figured it out, but the rocking chair will need to live in the living room. We also got a storage space, so my next project will be sorting through all of DS's old clothes, taking out the clothes that won't work for a girl, and organizing them so we can grab the next size from storage when we need to. That will free up a lot of closet space!

  20. josina

    pomegranate / 3973 posts

    @NorthStar: @Beehive: Horrible timing for both those! My worst with DS was right before a wedding, I was running around with a clothes pin on my nose so I could get ready!

    A friend of mine has a toddler bed for us I need to go pick up and paint white for DS. Baby 2 will get DS's crib. Its going to be a tight fit in their room as well!

  21. MrsA

    apricot / 444 posts

    I've bought some clothes already I use an online consignment website and had some credit so I had a little fun in the baby boy section.

    We need to excavate our office/guest room, clear it out, and move DD and new baby's furniture in there. It's an overwhelming task so I'm just ignoring it right now.

  22. nana87

    cantaloupe / 6171 posts

    I've also done some measuring to make sure a toddler bed and crib will fit in the room our girls will share! It'll be a tight fit but I think I'll only have to move lo's anywhere chair out of the room

    I think the only thing we've bought so far was a new activity mat during prime day since it was on sale for like 30% off. Lo's got messed up and I think we threw it away! I got the one I wished I'd gotten in the first place, it's cuter than the one we had for lo, haha

    My symptoms are still milder than with lo, but I'm definitely still feeling fatigued at times, and random pains/cramps that are prob rpl, mostly when I'm overdoing it/need water. We've been traveling and I feel like I'm constantly telling dh to walk slower! I swear he forgets I'm pregnant sometimes! The other night I randomly was freezing and had chills-- neither dh nor lo were cold at all-- it sucked!

  23. MrsA

    apricot / 444 posts

    For those whose kids will be sharing a room, how are you prepping your older child? Ours will be a little different because they'll both be going in the bigger room (so DD will be moving and sharing!). I am, as I always do, probably overthinking this, but it seems like a big adjustment.

  24. Beehive

    nectarine / 2054 posts

    @MrsA: I think we'll probably talk about it when we rearrange the furniture. Our plan is to have the baby in a bassinet in our room until she is sleeping pretty well, then make the move, so it will be a few months after she arrives if all goes well. A friend passed on a good tip she heard from someone with two - they suggested not to make any changes to the older kid's room 3 months before the baby arrives. That makes sense to me, then it isn't a lot of huge changes at once, and the older kid can get used to the rearranged room before the baby comes, so I think we'll try to do that too.

  25. gilmoregirl

    persimmon / 1273 posts

    @josina: Your trip sounds fun! Happy anniversary! We are traveling kid-free around the time of our anniversary, but it's for a wedding and kinda stressful. I'm looking forward to flying sans toddler though.

    @WyattnewbabysMama: congrats on your girl!!

    I am so exhausted from back to school. And my acid reflux is sooo much worse this time. I'm also very achy. I don't remember having such intense back pain with my son. But overall I feel pretty good. At this point with my son, I was still throwing up 3x a day so it's all relative.

  26. LovelyPlum

    eggplant / 11408 posts

    @nana87: another girl?! Aah!!

    Also, I'm now officially only a few weeks behind you and @gilmoregirl: Eek!

  27. gilmoregirl

    persimmon / 1273 posts

    @LovelyPlum: omg really?!? Yay! Congratulations!!!

  28. nana87

    cantaloupe / 6171 posts

    @LovelyPlum: YAY!!!!!!!! I'm so excited for you, congrats!!!

  29. nana87

    cantaloupe / 6171 posts

    @MrsA: oh gosh, I haven't really thought about prepping lo to share! The baby will be in a bassinet in our room for at least a month, probably longer, but maybe we'll try crib naps with both of them in the same room before trying overnight sleep? So much to think about!

  30. Ajsmommy

    pomegranate / 3355 posts

    @josina: Hi all!! I tried to reply yesterday but my answer got eaten

    I've had one bloody nose but that's is thus far. They are the worst and always hit at the most inopportune times!

    As for symptoms, still on the food-aversion-everything-sounds-yukky-road and gag-me-while-brushing-my-teeth-blvd. I am tired but I attribute that to my DD who decided Monday night at 130 am was a good time to wake up and stay up until 3 am. I still haven't recovered!!!

    I have not purchased anything yet. I am going to a consignment sale in Sept so I am hoping that I can go crazy there and get all I need for 0-6 mos.

    I have started going through DD"s clothes in order to give them away/donate/sell them. Has anyone else done this? what did you find worked best?? I have a community sale site and I posted a few sleepers there but no hits... should I just donate everything that I don't give to friends?

    Off topic question:
    since we are all second time mom's (I believe) will you have a shower/sprinkle? anything for this baby?? Are they taboo? Or ok?? Thoughts?

  31. NorthStar

    pear / 1881 posts

    @Ajsmommy: Regarding shower/sprinkle, I am not planning one. It's not really frowned upon around here, per se, but in reality, I've never seen one for a 2nd (or later) child. That said, with all that we went through to get this baby, I would certainly entertain something small as I feel that all babies should be celebrated. But, you won't see me asking someone to throw one

  32. WyattnewbabysMama

    olive / 59 posts

    @MrsA: Ooh good idea on the online consignment. I've used thredup in the past--what do you use?

    R.e. room sharing. I've been thinking about this a lot too. My son already does really well with his naps Monday through Friday with my friend's baby in his room. (We do a nanny share and for naps her baby is in a travel crib while my son sleeps in his crib in the same room.) So that is somewhat encouraging. I think the plan is to put newbaby in our room until we get her sleeping through the night and then buy a 2nd crib and move her to my son's room. Of course, we may have some bumps along the way--especially since he'll be a bit older then. But... eh? What can you do?

    @Ajsmommy: No sprinkle/shower for me. I think that since my first is only 1 we have everything we need. Well, I mean I'd love girl clothes, but will probably get them myself 2nd hand. And I think we'll get a 2nd crib because I don't want to have to move my son out of his yet but I am thinking I don't even want to get it until newbaby is a few months old and moving into his room. We just don't have space for an unused crib before that!

    As an aside, my son turns ONE this weekend! How did that happen so fast!?!

  33. Pumuckl

    pomegranate / 3601 posts

    No bloody noses thus far for me.

    I am not giving clothing away since we'll likely need all of it again.

    We have not purchased anything yet. We'll need a new car though so we will have to take care of that soon. And we need a new stroller and a new carseat etc. So we'll definitely have to go shop at some point.

    Showers/Sprinkles are unknown culturally here so nothing planned there. (Babies are gifted after they are born, not before).

    My kids will have to room share too since we don't have enough rooms so all 4 can have their own. We'll either put the two older ones in one room or depending on gender of the twins by gender. The twins will share a crib in our room in the beginning so we have some time to see how we distribute the kids.

    @WyattnewbabysMama: Wow 1 already! Congrats on your first year of mommyhood!

  34. josina

    pomegranate / 3973 posts

    @gilmoregirl: Thanks!
    @MrsA: Probably won't do much prepping here. Baby 2 will be in a R&P in our room for a couple months, and DS actually ends up in our bed right now every night around midnight. My goal is to NOT have baby 2 end up co-sleeping at all, since it's going to be enough of a struggle getting DS to stay in his room/bed all night. We'll see how that goes!
    @Ajsmommy: Still major gagging when brushing teeth here yet too. For reselling I've had good luck with my step daughter's clothes on facebook garage sale sites. I usually just make lots and sell a bunch of items together for a couple dollars each piece.

    Probably won't have a shower/sprinkle here unless my sis would decide to throw one. I only know of one and she just asked for diapers as gifts.
    Maybe a gender reveal party if anything? Not sure yet.

  35. gilmoregirl

    persimmon / 1273 posts

    No shower or sprinkle for me, but we need hardly anything. I would need clothes if it's a girl, but I have a couple friends with similar season baby girls and could prob score hand me downs.

    We have a guest room right now which we will eventually turn into a nursery. My son is technically in a toddler bed (but he chooses to sleep on a pillow on the floor) so we are going to swap the crib to the nursery and use the guest bed as a floor matress in my son's room. But I'm in no hurry to make that happen. I feel like we have so long!

  36. nana87

    cantaloupe / 6171 posts

    I doubt we'll have any kind of sprinkle-- not only do we have everything we need pretty much, since I'm in grad school my social circle is pretty transient and my two best girlfriends have moved away recently sad face about them moving, not no party, haha

  37. Ajsmommy

    pomegranate / 3355 posts

    @NorthStar: I agree that I want to celebrate this LO bc of the rocky road it took to get here! plus all babies should be CELEBRATED I agree though that I won't ask anyone to have anything. I was asking bc I can already bet that my mom will want to do something and I wanted to see what others thought about it... maybe we could do small with just family and close friends..?
    @WyattnewbabysMama: @gilmoregirl: @nana87: I also have everything we need except boy clothes and diapers. But obviously you can't just ask people to get clothes and diapers
    @josina: I was considering a gender reveal party.. maybe something to think about

  38. gentlelunette

    kiwi / 698 posts

    Blurg! I'm not sure why I stopped getting email alerts about this thread but clearly I'm behind again.

    I think I'm finally through the woods with the nausea. Yay! Really starting to feel better and get my energy back.

    We very likely won't have a sprinkle (I don't think that's a thing where I live). I'm sure people will bring gifts when they come to visit after the baby is born despite the fact we don't need much of anything, but I don't want people to feel that's an expectation.

  39. Beehive

    nectarine / 2054 posts

    I don't think I'll do a sprinkle, we don't really need much stuff (just a few bigger items like an infant carseat and a baby bathtub) and I think I would feel a little self-conscious about it. A friend had a casual one that was very fun - brunch at her house with her closest girlfriends, and we all just chipped in on a cloth diaper service she was interested in.

  40. MrsA

    apricot / 444 posts

    I think if my sisters wanted to throw a sprinkle I wouldn't say no but I'd want to keep it small and low-key. They haven't mentioned anything yet though.

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