Hellobee Boards


February 2018 moms!

  1. MaryM

    pomelo / 5129 posts

    So, DH and I had a fight last night about soy sauce of all things. Well, not really a fight. I just got super pissed at him and he didn't know what to do with me.

    I grew up in a rural area. So I'm used to having food on hand. We were 30 minutes from the store so we had to plan meals ahead in order to have everything.

    DH will go to the store EVERY.SINGLE.MEAL. He doesn't understand the concept of replacing staples when you use them up or keeping things in the freezer or cabinet to eat later.

    I keep a list of things we need immediately, and things I'd like in the future. But he never adds to it. And even though he does most of the shopping (he gets home earlier than me most nights), he never takes the list with him and even if he does, he never buys everything on it.

    He was running late last night so I went to Trader Joe's and got rice and veggies to make stir fry for myself. I get home and am almost done making it, and I look for the gluten free soy sauce and can't find it. I just had stir fry last week, so I figure it must be on a top shelf I can't reach or something (he also doesn't put things back where they came from or within my reach).

    He says he can't remember the last time we had soy sauce. He's been making some other type of sauce (which he did, but he didn't make enough of it and it was watery and didn't really change the taste of the food...so I sat angry eating flavorless vegetables and white rice until I gave up eating because it was so freaking boring)

    Food is a huge frustration for me since I gave up gluten. I seriously don't have a favorite food, and it's really rare that I can even think of what I might want to eat for dinner. So the fact that I had something in mind and couldn't make it because we were missing what I'd consider a staple ingredient was SO freaking frustrating.

    DH complains that I rarely cook. But the last thing I want to do when I get home after commuting for an hour and a half is go to the grocery store AND cook. So I told him I'd appreciate it if he'd at least write down when he uses the last of something so if I'm going shopping, I know what we need. And that maybe I'd cook more often if we ever had anything in the house to cook. He shops on the weekends too, so it's not like he can't stock up then!

    I feel so stupid that I got so mad over something so tiny, but I was SO mad! And freaking hungry!

  2. bushelandapeck

    pomelo / 5720 posts

    @MaryM: So funny about the pickles! I eat a ton of pickles and cucumbers and I never noticed a difference but I'm going to keep tabs on it now. lol.
    As for the argument with DH...food/hunger is such a huge trigger for me so I totally get why you were upset. I am the primary cook/shopper and DH and our nanny literally never write down when we are out of things! It drives me insane, especially when I go to use something for myself and it's gone.

  3. skiierchck99

    kiwi / 518 posts

    @periwinklebee: I think I also have an anterior placenta and with so many people saying they feel movement I am of course freaking out that I feel nothing at 17 weeks, despite knowing that an anterior placenta diminishes it. Hoping to have a good scan next week to ease my mind!

  4. skiierchck99

    kiwi / 518 posts

    @bushelandapeck: I would also suggest making a smoothie and adding chia seeds, or eating chia pudding. Colace was also doing nothing for me, but eating a little chia every day works wonders.

  5. periwinklebee

    grapefruit / 4466 posts

    @skiierchck99: I think that's definitely normal with an anterior placenta. And beyond that, some babies just prefer to hang out in a position where it's harder to feel them. Of course, once you feel movement, then you can start worrying why the baby hasn't kicked for the past hour, it never ends But is so, so worth it.

    I hope that you have a great scan next week!

    @MaryM: I hugely sympathize with getting hangry. The hunger that comes with second trimester is no joke...

  6. JJ2626

    kiwi / 549 posts

    @periwinklebee: google tells me some people don't feel movement until 25 weeks and many until 22. I don't feel anything and I'm 18 so hoping it's normal.

  7. MaryM

    pomelo / 5129 posts

    DH made up for the great soy sauce incident by making gluten free crispy beef proper for dinner.

  8. periwinklebee

    grapefruit / 4466 posts

    @JJ2626: At my anatomy scan at 18 weeks, we could see the baby moving all over the place and the tech said he was super active, but I couldn't feel a thing. I think it's definitely normal not to feel anything at that point...

    @MaryM: Jealous! I love my husband to death but he doesn't cook. That sounds delicious!

  9. MaryM

    pomelo / 5129 posts

    @periwinklebee: I'm trying to stay out of the kitchen so I don't get mad at how messy it is! There's corn starch everywhere...

  10. periwinklebee

    grapefruit / 4466 posts

    @MaryM: Hah, the next time I fantasize about someone making me a home cooked meal, I'll bring myself back to reality by imagining cleaning up a big mess But still, it sounds delicious!

  11. MaryM

    pomelo / 5129 posts

    @periwinklebee: I successfully stayed out of the kitchen last night, but did do the dishes this morning while waiting for my toast to toast. There's still sauce and corn starch EVERYWHERE...but maybe DH will be happy with the empty sink and wipe the counters down tonight?

    A girl can dream...

  12. periwinklebee

    grapefruit / 4466 posts

    @MaryM: When I hint to my husband that maybe he could be better about wiping down the counters, instead he complains that there's not a counter wiping robot, lol

  13. MaryM

    pomelo / 5129 posts

    @periwinklebee: My husband just doesn't "get" it.

    Somehow, he's immune to the mess. If things are put away, that's "clean."

    ETA: and by "away", that just means unseen. Nothing ever goes back to where it came from. Just wherever there's room (which is usually a top shelf that I can't reach)

  14. periwinklebee

    grapefruit / 4466 posts

    @MaryM: Mine is the same way! I think my influence has slowly worn off, but very slowly...

  15. dominobee

    pear / 1553 posts

    @MaryM: I feel like it's always the little things that set off a major argument. I think your request that he write down when you're out of something is totally reasonable! Do you have a standard place to write it down? We have a chalkboard wall where we keep various notes including things we need to buy the next time one of us goes the store.

    DH and I don't have this particular issue but we have plenty of other ones - mostly revolving around taking initiative on chores and home projects. Sometimes I feel like he doesn't hear me until I'm in tears. I can ask him nicely to do something ten times and he ignores me. Then when I freak out he will FINALLY do it. I'm like, I don't want to have a blowout argument about cleaning the toilet or folding the laundry, please just listen to me the first time!

    My husband also has a habit of cooking an extravagant meal and making a huge mess. I tell him if he's going to decide to make something extra messy - like fried chicken last week - it's his responsibility to do the cleanup. I don't mind doing the dishes if he makes dinner but I'm not going to be cleaning fry oil splatters off the stove when he's the one who decided to make a messy dinner. And my DH does the same thing with not putting stuff back where it came from. I told him I'll be cleaning out and organizing every closet, drawer and cabinet before the babies come, so when he opens one, he should take a moment to think to himself "Is there a rhyme or reason why xyz is all together on this one shelf or in this bin or whatever?"

    Oh and my DH doesn't do the top shelf thing but for some reason he INSISTS on opening windows from the top. So he'll move the screen up and pull the window down instead of pushing it up. Which means I can't reach most of them! I'm like, dude, I don't want to have to pull a chair over every time I want to close a window!

    @periwinklebee: The hunger I've experienced in the last few weeks is the most intense of my life!

  16. MaryM

    pomelo / 5129 posts

    @dominobee: Yeah. I keep a notepad on the fridge for groceries. I think he thinks because he does the shopping that it's just a way for me to tell him what I want. But I think he gets it now that maybe if he finishes something, he better replace it or add it to the list.

    Overall we're pretty solid on household balance. I have allergies so I use natural soaps and detergents, but he doesn't think clothes are clean unless they smell good. So we each do our own laundry. And probably the top priority for our new house (after living in a tiny townhouse with one bathroom for three years) was separate bathrooms. His bathroom is disgusting. But I only use it when I wake up in the middle of the night and want the closest one.

    The thing that's probably going to bother me the most once we have a kid in the house is all his "stuff." If he has anything in his pockets when he comes home, it ends up on the coffee table. Whether it's something he'll need later for work, or trash, or whatever. All kinds of crap just builds in piles. It drives me crazy, but for now, I just accumulate bigger piles and present them to him occasionally.

    But with a kid once they're mobile, he's going to have to quickly learn that anything within reach ends up in mouths or lost or ripped up.

  17. dominobee

    pear / 1553 posts

    Good morning! Today I got both an egg sandwich AND a pumpkin muffin for breakfast from Starbucks because babies. Also I guess all I had to do was start to worry about the lack of weight gain to solve that problem, because I've gained 3 pounds in 3 days, ha.

  18. MaryM

    pomelo / 5129 posts

    @dominobee: I've been doing two breakfasts for a while! But I forgot to bring another box of oatmeal to work so I'm debating which part of lunch to eat first.

  19. skiierchck99

    kiwi / 518 posts

    @dominobee: I think my biggest change in eating has been at breakfast! I eat one and then 20 minutes later I am STARVING again. Similarly, I cannot wait till hubby gets home at 7:30 to eat dinner, so I snack

  20. MaryM

    pomelo / 5129 posts

    I've been eating toast or toaster waffles or pancakes on the way to work, then oatmeal once I get there.

  21. dominobee

    pear / 1553 posts

    A good friend of mine recently confided in me that she is 5 weeks pregnant. That was last weekend, so she's basically 6 weeks now. This is her 6th pregnancy, and she has one living child, who just turned 2. That means she has lost 4 pregnancies, including a stillbirth at 25 weeks, which was absolutely devastating for her (but happened before we met). She told me about the pregnancy in confidence and asked me not to tell anyone but my husband. She hasn't even told her partner that she told me, because he also feels weird telling people about pregnancies since they have lost so many.

    I'm seeking advice on how I can be supportive of her at this time. I checked in with her yesterday and she just texted back today and said she's feeling terrible - really, really sick. Which I know is a good sign - more nausea is associated with a lower rate of miscarriage. I offered to help with cooking and cleaning because I know how hard it can be to get around to those things when you're feeling sick for weeks at a time. But I want to know what else I can do to support her during these early weeks. I know many of you have dealt with loss so I thought you might have some ideas about what your friends did for you that was helpful, or what you wish they had done or said. Thanks.

  22. MaryM

    pomelo / 5129 posts

    @dominobee: I think just simply checking in is the most helpful thing. As her about milestones (when will she see her doctor? etc.) and make a note to make sure to ask her about how it went.

    I'd also try to make interactions focus on her pregnancy as much as you can, and only talk about yours if she asks. It might seem odd, but even though I'm pregnant, it's still hard for me to hear too much about babies being born and pregnancies going well. My SIL is due pretty soon, and I have to say I've appreciated that she's mostly left it up to me to ask her about her pregnancy when I'm ready and that she hasn't overshared (but it's also her 10th child...so I think she's tired of talking about pregnancy too!)

    Just keep in mind that it might still be hard for her to deal with other people's pregnancies.

    Do you know when her baby was stillborn? If you do, be sure to keep in close contact then and mention the baby on it's birthday.

  23. dominobee

    pear / 1553 posts

    @MaryM: I know it was around Thanksgiving, so we are approaching the roughest time of year for her, as she also had a previous first trimester miscarriage around that time.

    Thank you so much for your thoughts and advice. I really appreciate it.

  24. dominobee

    pear / 1553 posts

    @MaryM: Also, 10 children... woof. That sounds exhausting.

  25. dominobee

    pear / 1553 posts

    Additionally, this is reminding me to check in on another close friend whose mom is battling pancreatic cancer.

  26. MaryM

    pomelo / 5129 posts

    Also, don't be afraid to ask what she needs.

    A lot of people will say "Let me know if you need to talk or how I can support you" but that's a lot easier to ignore than if you ask directly what she needs and how you can be a good friend.

    And with any of my IF/Loss friends I usually tell them that I'll update them on my pregnancy if they want, but that I won't be offended if they say they aren't in a good place for it at the moment.

  27. bushelandapeck

    pomelo / 5720 posts

    @dominobee: I've only had 1 m/c so this isn't as applicable for me but I do have several friends who have had multiple losses, some later in their second tri (including my sister). I have one friend who is 6.5w pregnant now and had 3 losses between her 1st and 2nd son. She also used IUI to conceive her second so this pregnancy was a surprise. I've been checking in with her as often as I can and making sure to check in when I know she has an appt/test, etc. I am just trying to be as supportive as I can be without asking her too many details, unless she wants to share.

  28. dominobee

    pear / 1553 posts

    @bushelandapeck: Thanks for sharing.

  29. dominobee

    pear / 1553 posts

    Feeling lots of tiny flutters and bubbles today. I think I'll be feeling a real kick very soon! I can't wait!

  30. bushelandapeck

    pomelo / 5720 posts

    @dominobee: so exciting!!

  31. periwinklebee

    grapefruit / 4466 posts

    @dominobee: You are a really good friend. I think the other suggestions are great. One thing that I really appreciated after multiple losses was friends who told me that they were hopeful for me. I still struggle to shake this very visceral fear that because we had multiple losses, my body just doesn't do pregnancy well and this baby will die too. I know it's not really a rational feeling; others being hopeful somehow makes me feel more positive as well, whereas when the response was guarded, it just stoked these fears.

  32. lazypanda

    kiwi / 636 posts

    @dominobee: I've had 2 miscarriages, one of which we saw the heartbeat & that due date is coming up this month. I concur with everything others have chimed in on. I shared with others so that I wouldn't feel like they (pregnancies) weren't real and at the same time it helped when others did not share about their own pregnancies as I was hurting for my loss. I've been pretty open about my struggles with IF to hopefully normalize the fact that pregnancy is difficult, miscarriages are real and do hurt the person who has experienced loss. ❤

    @periwinklebee: @theotherstark: thinking of you as we face this lost "due date" month. 👼

  33. dominobee

    pear / 1553 posts

    @lazypanda @periwinklebee: Thanks ladies.

    Public service announcement: Short preggo bees, get thee to Kohl's immediately! All their summer stuff is on crazy sale. I bought 2 pairs of "capri" maternity jeans for $10/each, but since I'm 5'3" they fit like regular pants!

  34. MaryM

    pomelo / 5129 posts

    @dominobee: thanks for the tip!

  35. periwinklebee

    grapefruit / 4466 posts

    @lazypanda: @theotherstark: Thank you Also thinking of you guys during our due date month. How are you doing?

  36. skiierchck99

    kiwi / 518 posts

    Alright ladies...what should I be reading? Any suggestions for books particularly related to life in the first year, feeding, sleeping, etc?

  37. bushelandapeck

    pomelo / 5720 posts

    @skiierchck99: are you planning on breastfeeding? If so, I liked Ina Mays book. I also had the AAP guide to the first 5 years that I liked. As for sleep, Happiest Baby on the Block is great. I had a million other books about sleep too but have lent them out and can't remember the names! Happiest baby is great though.

  38. DesertDreams88

    grapefruit / 4361 posts

    @skiierchck99: happiest baby on the block, as mentioned by PP, also has a DVD .... DH & I just watched the DVD. I think it *really* helped him feel more confident, and he verbally referenced the 5Ss a couple times during the newborn period, so I know he remembered.

  39. bushelandapeck

    pomelo / 5720 posts

    We finally bit the bullet and bought a bigger car! Now I'm shopping around for good deals on new car seats so I can fit 3 across. I'm hoping maybe Black Friday or around the holidays there will be some good deals. Anyone else mapping out their purchases for the baby(ies)? I'm also started to get antsy to start cleaning out the guest room as my oldest will be moving into it and the baby will be in his current room. So much to do!

  40. periwinklebee

    grapefruit / 4466 posts

    @bushelandapeck: I made an Amazon registry with everything we need, for the completion discount. Since this is our first, we have nothing. I'm planning to buy it all I think on Black Friday, in hopes there will be some good deals. That's about six weeks before my due date, so the timing seems good anyways.

    Congrats on the new car! What did you get? We're also thinking about buying a car, but I think that will get put off for another couple of months, if it happens at all.

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