hello everyone, just looking for some words of advice for a newbie IVF-er. just made the decision to go straight to IVF after 5 failed IUIs (1 unmedicated, 4 medicated). just a bit of background- i am in my early 30s, i have an almost 3 year old daughter that was conceived naturally after a year of trying on our own, and it's been about a year and a half of trying for our 2nd child. there is nothing "wrong" with either myself or my husband, so i'm hoping for the best.
some questions-
1) my RE seems to be more supportive of a frozen transfer, but i would like to try a fresh transfer as long as my body behaves after egg retrieval. thoughts?
2) has anyone done genetic testing? it's quite costly and i didn't really consider it, but my RE says the success rates shoot up to 80-90% with genetic testing.
3) how is it being on stim meds? i've only tried clomid and femara, so i'm not sure what to expect from these other meds. just received my box of meds today and am overwhelmed to say the least!