Hellobee Boards


First Time Newbie TTCers

  1. snowjewelz

    wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts

    @whenoceansrise: Me too!

  2. whenoceansrise

    nectarine / 2053 posts

    @BakerBee: Aww, thank you,. Yes, it was exactly what I needed and it's crazy how she had no idea what I had been praying for- but God still used her to show me He's listening.

  3. snowjewelz

    wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts

    @whenoceansrise: I tried (failed a lot haha) to apply the same mindset I had when I was praying for a husband! I was single for quite a while in my late twenties but for some reason I had so much peace about it and trusted God wholeheartedly for His plan & His timing and He did some amazing things for DH & I. Long story short, there was no way we could have been together even if we crossed paths even 1 year earlier. So I tried to prepare in my heart for anything. Even now, waiting through the 1st trimester, it's scary not to know whether the little seed inside is meant to be or not so faith is involved every step of the way!

  4. whenoceansrise

    nectarine / 2053 posts

    @snowjewelz: I love love love that there are other believers like you on here

  5. simplyfelicity

    cantaloupe / 6634 posts

    @MrsHansen82: I'm sorry! I am struggling, too. I just found out that a coworker is PG and she isn't trying. I was so thrilled when she told me and started jumping up and down. Later on, I felt a little twinge of jealousy. I haven't even O-ed this month and I am a bit jealous. I don't like this...

  6. simplyfelicity

    cantaloupe / 6634 posts

    @whenoceansrise: @snowjewelz: I know there are lots of go-to verses about not worrying but I love this psalm. "By day the Lord directs His love, at night His song is with me-- a prayer to the Lord of my life" Psalm 42:8. This verse has so many implications. He is with us in the darkness whether it be fear, worry, nervousness, doubt or despair. He will comfort us in the black of "night."
    After feeling jealous of my coworker, I feel convicted to lay it all down at His feet. I know He is God and He wants to shoulder our worries just like a father...we (I) just need to let Him.

  7. MaryM

    pomelo / 5129 posts

    @whenoceansrise: I Love your story!

    I've been trying to focus more on being thankful for what I do have and to pray not for a child, but for understanding no matter what happens.

    But it can be so hard to let go when your heart hurts!

  8. snowjewelz

    wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts

    @simplyfelicity: Thanks for sharing! I know, I totally fall into the jealousy train too. I was really crushed when I was trying last month that a friend that wasn't even trying yet got KU. And even with my BFP now, I feel like I'm "behind". I literally have to go to God every single day to confess all my of jealousy, worries, etc! My fav book is Ecclesiastes... Trusting in God that there is a time for everything!

  9. simplyfelicity

    cantaloupe / 6634 posts

    @snowjewelz: One of my favorite books in the bible.:) I feel "behind" some of my friends that got married sooner. It makes no sense because it wouldn't be DH! Anyway, I totally understand the need to release these things to God daily.

  10. snowjewelz

    wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts

    @simplyfelicity: Me too! We're so conflicted sometimes haha. I feel bad for DH b/c his younger sister is already expecting #2 and we're just expecting #1. He's a pastor and some of the kids he used to pastor are now married w/ kids too. He doesn't care but I definitely secretly compare a lot I literally read Ecclesiastes everyday to drill it into my head that everyone has a different path!!

  11. whenoceansrise

    nectarine / 2053 posts

    @simplyfelicity: @snowjewelz: Ecclesiastes is also one of my faves!

  12. whenoceansrise

    nectarine / 2053 posts

    @MaryM: That's so good. and I totally agree. My prayer life has been more of a thankful one and even telling God that I'll still love and trust Him even if He doesn't bless me with a child because He's already blessed me with Him and that's enough

  13. Kbee

    kiwi / 560 posts

    @snowjewelz: @whenoceansrise: @MaryM: @simplyfelicity: Loved logging in this morning and reading all that you ladies have posted in the last few days. I needed that! I am also trying to remind myself that not having a sticky baby yet is somehow in God's plan for me, and I'm praying for contentment with whatever happens over the next few months. I want so much for everything to happen the way I "planned" it, and well, God is letting me know that my plans I make for myself don't quite matter as much as His plans!

  14. simplyfelicity

    cantaloupe / 6634 posts

    @Kbee: It's so hard and, I don't know about you, but I need constant reminders that its not in my timing!

  15. MaryM

    pomelo / 5129 posts

    In regards to the jealous train - I got over that pretty quickly since my sister had her first baby at 19. I KNEW I wasn't ready for that!

    I somehow can't fathom that she and my SIL are only 2 years older than me. They have 4 and 8 kids each. But it was only with the last baby my SIL announced that I got jealous (and then quickly after got a BFP and MCed).

    But looking back over the last 10+ years...there's been so much I've been able to do (and things I could do more easily) than my sisters.

    I bought a house because I didn't have kids to provide for. When my father was sick I was able to jet home every other weekend without having to worry about sitters or kids. And after he passed away my relationship with my mom was super close because I was able to be there for her with no distractions.

    So when I start to get jealous NOW that I'm ready...I try to remember there HAS to be a bigger plan and maybe I'm needed for other things in the present than to be fully devoted to a baby.

    It's really that relationship that I have with my mother that made me want to have my own child, so I'm just trying to convince myself that that perfect baby for me just isn't quite ready to be born yet (but I can still hope it will be soon!!!)

  16. snowjewelz

    wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts

    @MaryM: Wow... talk about perspective! I def am not jealous over having kids at 19, and also having 4 or 8

    Thanks for your sharing! I def don't count my blessings enough! You are absolutely right. I also think that I was not ready to be married & have kids any sooner. God was still molding me and I needed those years in my twenties to grow, to learn, to live, etc.

  17. MaryM

    pomelo / 5129 posts

    @snowjewelz: My sister's husband was still in school when they had their first kid, and she came home for the summer when he was about 6-9 months old. I remember screaming to my mom about the noise (my sister and I shared a room...so I had to share a room with a baby. I was 17) about how I didn't get knocked up so I shouldn't have to deal with that. I ended up sleeping on a couch half the summer. lol

    I think that perspective put off children for me for a good long while! lol

  18. snowjewelz

    wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts

    @MaryM: Haha seriously! You really got the front row seat to motherhood in real life! Best birth control for a teen

    I actually realize I'm forgetting all the times when I was so happy to be single, then so happy to not have children! I think when I set my sights on what I want, then it's so easy to be consumed by it!

  19. whenoceansrise

    nectarine / 2053 posts

    @Kbee: Sometimes what God is planning for us doesn't really make sense right away, but eventually we will see that He really does work all things for our good! That's always a good reminder

  20. whenoceansrise

    nectarine / 2053 posts

    @MaryM: I so agree with everything you said! Sometimes we just need to pray that God helps us be happy for those around us and for us to embrace the life He has blessed us with right now. Our time will indeed come, so right now it's great to be thankful for all that we have going on for us today.

  21. turquoisemama

    persimmon / 1481 posts

    @MaryM: 8 kids!? Yikes!

  22. turquoisemama

    persimmon / 1481 posts

    @Kbee: I'm having to keep the same mind set. You and I both have had chemicals recently, so we just need to keep our heads up and remember lots of people go through the same thing and go on to have beautiful, amazing little ones.

  23. turquoisemama

    persimmon / 1481 posts

    @snowjewelz: I feel the same way. I was NOT ready for a baby or a marriage even 2 years ago. I feel so good that I waited and found my perfect match who will be the father of my children!

  24. Kbee

    kiwi / 560 posts

    MrsHansen82: Yes, you're right!

    I haven't been around much lately, so I've been trying to catch up! How is everyone doing? Hanging in there?

  25. simplyfelicity

    cantaloupe / 6634 posts

    @Kbee: Doing well over here! I think I might be O-ing soon. I posted a pic on the April board-- I am so new to this, I am not sure,

  26. As Time Goes By

    apricot / 346 posts

    Sooo... I'm at CD13 and starting to feel a pinch on my right side! When I was on BCP I had a couple ultrasounds done because I was having a similar sensation and it turns out I was one of the few people that was still ovulating on the pill. I have a very fertile family (mom and sister got pregnant using contraceptives) so I feel like I am adding pressure comparing myself to them, but today I'm feeling really positive about it all!

    How's everyone else doing?

  27. As Time Goes By

    apricot / 346 posts

    @simplyfelicity: I saw you post on the other thread, I haven't used pols but it looks good based on what I've seen here

  28. Kbee

    kiwi / 560 posts

    @simplyfelicity: Just looked at your OPK, looks very positive! Get goin' girl!! I saw you mentioned the clearblue advanced opks. I use those and love them!

    @AsTimeGoesBy: yay for pinching! better get to BDing

  29. whenoceansrise

    nectarine / 2053 posts

    @Kbee: 6DPO and counting... how are you doing? have you found a good doctor yet?
    @As Time Goes By: Wishing you good luck this cycle!

  30. HellOnHeels

    clementine / 899 posts

    Hope the newbies are doing well today! Been more active on the POAS thread, but am officially out now. Am okay with it as I wasn't expecting a BFP, even thought I felt like I was having symptoms, but at the back of mind I was still thinking it was all a coincidence. Think it would be better to have a Jan baby as Dec is already busy enough.
    Here's to BD EOD right from the get go in cycle 3! DH is excited, lol.

  31. snowjewelz

    wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts

    @HellOnHeels: Cycle 3 was the magic # for me... Hope it will be for you too

  32. ChiCalGoBee

    nectarine / 2028 posts

    @HellOnHeels: sorry you're out:-(. Hoping cycle #3 does the trick! January sounds like a great time for a baby

  33. whenoceansrise

    nectarine / 2053 posts

    @HellOnHeels: Sorry you are out! I know what you mean though, I am usually kind of relieved when AF comes. At least I KNOW that I'm not KU rather than going crazy wondering if I am or not. Hoping for a January baby for you

  34. theotherstark

    pomegranate / 3045 posts

    @HellOnHeels: Cycle #3 was our BFP cycle too, so I have a good feeling for you January would be a great time to have a babe - you can make people fetch you food and goodies over the holidays and you have an excuse! I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you for next month!

    @whenoceansrise: Ahhh 6 dpo!! Hope this is it for you

  35. whenoceansrise

    nectarine / 2053 posts

    @theotherstark: Ahhhhh, thank you! I sooooo want this to be the cycle for me. Keep your fingers crossed! I'm going to start testing at 10DPO

  36. theotherstark

    pomegranate / 3045 posts

    @whenoceansrise: They are definitely crossed - toes too! Ha, I told myself I would test at 10 dpo, but I broke down at 9. Hope you are able to hold out longer

  37. HellOnHeels

    clementine / 899 posts

    @snowjewelz: @ChiCalGoBee: @whenoceansrise: @theotherstark: Thanks all! I would be ecstatic for a Jan babe. I think DH would be too. It's our last cycle before DH is gonna get super busy, so we're gonna try and make sure it's our last, lol.

  38. whenoceansrise

    nectarine / 2053 posts

    @theotherstark: I am going to try!!

    Are any of you ladies on Instagram? I would like to follow you if you don't mind

  39. whenoceansrise

    nectarine / 2053 posts

    @HellOnHeels: Woo! Hoping O comes quickly and that you have lots of fun with all of the BD

  40. snowjewelz

    wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts

    @whenoceansrise: I am on pins & needles waiting for you! I'm almost as anxious as if it's my own TWW lol. I'll wall you my IG!

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