Sorry for the long, rambling post, but I'm operating on no sleep...

DS will be 3 in September and has always been an awesome sleeper, basically since he was born. We never had to do any kind of sleep training because he just went to sleep and slept through the night. (Yes, I know that's very, very lucky, and rare.) Until a few weeks ago and now we're making up for 3 years of sleep deprivation all at once. As in I literally haven't slept a minute in 3 nights.

DD was born in May, and he seemed to adjust really well. Then July 4 weekend we potty trained and moved him to a toddler bed, both of which he did great with. Almost immediately he started waking up once or twice a night to use the potty, which we are fine with - he's been dry every night since we started potty training.

Then suddenly about 2 weeks ago he started fighting bed time. Comes out of his room over and over again, for up to 3 hours. We've tried marching him back to his room repeatedly, we've tried a baby gate (which resulted in 3 hours of screaming when we finally gave up), but the only way he will go to sleep now is if one of us sits next to his bed. Not a huge deal at bedtime since he falls asleep pretty fast but this has quickly morphed into waking up ALL NIGHT LONG and refusing to go back to sleep unless someone sits by his bed. He literally says "Can you watch me go to sleep?" And the minute I leave, he's awake again.

I'm at a complete loss for what to do at this point. I feel horrible that he's had so much change in his life the last few months, but I also need sleep. And so does he. Day care actually called last week to ask if everything was okay at home because she said he's cranky and falling asleep at the breakfast table. Not to mention I've also got an 11 week old I'm nursing, and I go back to work in a few weeks. Feel like I'm about to lose my mind.

Anyone? Any advice? I don't really WANT to lock him in his room and just make him cry it out, but he also needs to sleep again. I'm also afraid to bring him in our bed that we'll never get him out of there.