We are in the thick of the 4 month sleep regression and everything I am reading suggests it doesn't go away on its own. I could use some help on how to meet our sleep goals so we can get back to at least a basic level of functioning!

We cosleep at night, mostly in a pack and play but I pull her in bed after the what feels like the tenth wakeup. Naps are a hodge podge of swing, on my lap, baby wearing and the stroller (and rarely, the car seat.) She does not do drowsy but awake EVER. I have been a nanny for ten years so I stated trying on day 3. She just lays there for awhile and then screams bloody murder. No in between stage-- and patting, shushing and singing at any stage do nothing. Nursing or rocking are the sleep crutches of choice.

My goals are:
*crib as primary spot for nap, phase out swing.
*bed time of 8:30, start process between 7:45 and 8. This currently works well but it does mean a 4th nap most days. I would go earlier but it means my husband would pretty much not see her all week. She sleeps until 7:30/8 most mornings unless she poops.
*Dream feed between 10&11
*1-2 additional night wakeups. How on earth do I discourage the other ones? She doesn't even wake up for long, just wakes up, cries until I pick her up and either goes right back to sleep or nurses and goes right back to sleep.

She is almost reverse cycling, she is so distracted during the day that feeding her is a nightmare. Also she won't reliably take a pacifiestarted! This is a nightmare! Help!