I have repeatedly had problems with my daycare, and I'm wondering if this is just the typical daycare experience or if our daycare is just particularly crappy.

DS is 17 months and so far we've had:
- Months of nap problems due to a loud and busy infant room/too many distractions
- A little girl got hurt by putting her finger in the door while I was there/kids were constantly playing in the doorway and crowding us as we came in
- Months of clinging, crying and screaming at drop-off, teachers not trying to help

For most of these problems I get told that they're doing everything they can, and that to some extent it's my fault. I had a conversation with the director last week and I was told:
- I should have been more aware of what could happen with the door when the little girl walked behind me and that I should have taken responsibility for it
- The drop off problems are my fault because I don't spend enough time there

For many reasons we are going to be using a new daycare, but I'm curious whether constant problems/dissatisfaction is normal, or if I just need to lower my expectations. And maybe my expectations are high because what we spend there is equal to our old mortgage.