Good morning ladies! I woke up before my alarm, so I thought I would get the thread started!
Please share a mantra/phrase that gives you peace/solace.
Good morning ladies! I woke up before my alarm, so I thought I would get the thread started!
Please share a mantra/phrase that gives you peace/solace.
kiwi / 636 posts
Since I already updated last night, here's one of my mantras courtesy of @MrsTal: from the IF sock swap a couple months ago. ETA: another positive thought is: There's always a rainbow after the rain, even if it may take some time to see/get there.
persimmon / 1404 posts
@lazypanda: Mine is also when life hands you lemons... all I have to say to my husband now is "lemonade" and he knows what I'm getting at.
That's a super cute card btw!
No updates from me. I'm 16dpo right now, which means that AF should be here any time. I wasn't sure if things would go back to normal quickly after the chemical pregnancy but I O'd on time so I guess that's a good sign.
I've been so busy this week and I have so much to do next week that I'm completely exhausted right now! I just want to sleep for, like, a month.
coconut / 8475 posts
hmm...I like these:
I like the last one because I always want to wake up with hope, and if life doesn't go the way I'd hoped, I want to be able to go to bed with peace that better is coming and peace with where my life is at that moment. Easier said than done some days.
But let's be honest, most days (especially when people ask me why I'm not pregnant, or when I am 10 days late with a BFN, I mostly feel like i'm walking around like this:
nectarine / 2705 posts
@lazypanda: I love that card - I bought it for my mom It made me laugh. Today's only the 20th though, right?
My mantra is tied to a breathing exercise I try to do when I'm feeling anxious, worried, stressed out..."positive in, negative out" I take deep breaths, think positive thoughts as I breathe in, and let out all of the negativity as I breathe out.
I had my saline sonogram yesterday, it was a lot less saline this time - the last time I had it done I felt like gallons of saline came back out! Everything looks good in my uterus, so now we just wait for the bloodwork results and then hopefully I make the call next month on CD1 to start the injectible IUI cycle for baby #2. Now if only my husband and I weren't both battling sickness right now so we could have that miracle baby before we ever have to jump back into fertility treatments....(ha! it's so hard for me to even believe that's possible...a pregnancy without fertility treatments...I don't want to let myself get my hopes up only to be let down...hmm, maybe I need to practice that mantra )
pomegranate / 3533 posts
My IVF mantra is this:
@lazypanda: BTW-- I still LOVE that card!
I am feeling a LOT better today (physically) and am starting to scheme about a FET in a few months....
kiwi / 636 posts
@sweetooth: hahaha! I am so off on my dates this week! Oops! Should we go to the other thread? Can I say it's the TWW crazy brain going on? And yay for good sonogram results!
I went to work today, & totally thought it was Thursday already. when I went into work on Tuesday, I thought it was Monday because I had taken Monday off!
cherry / 115 posts
@lazypanda That card put a smile on my face! AF showed today, so I needed a laugh!
@alohaorchid I'm also 16dpo today. This has been my longest cycle of my life so I was a little hopeful, but I guess I was just really late. Are your cycles usually this long?
@cupquakewalk I feel you, girl! My friend keeps asking me if I'm still trying because she's worried about the timing of her upcoming wedding (I'm the MOH). I'll hang in there if you hang in there!
@sweetooth Glad to hear your sonogram went well. Hope you and your husband feel better soon!
cherry / 115 posts
My personal mantra is A Better Son/Daughter by Rilo Kiley. Here are the lyrics that really help me.
My hubs has gotten really aggressive about IF lately. He started taking three new supplements so now he's up to 8 pills a day! Poor thing.
kiwi / 636 posts
@alohaorchid: I love the mantra! & so sweet that DH is your lemonade!
@CupQuakeWalk: Cinderella's expression with that line is priceless!
@FliegepilzHut: scheming/planning is great! Sometimes the greatest schemes in life are the ones that are very well thought out because it makes the outcome that much sweeter after planning for so long!
kiwi / 636 posts
@Warbler: I'm glad the card made you laugh, it definitely made me laugh hard when I opened it! I hope you're able to pamper yourself today! Also, what a trooper your DH is for taking the supplements! what supplements is he taking? My acupuncturist recommended DH to start fish oil pills. I've already got him on daily gummy multivitamins.
cherry / 115 posts
@lazypanda He was taking Fertility Blend and Fish Oil in addition medicine for his thyroid. But after four months of no change, he switched to Fertilaid and that company's additional supplements MotilityBoost and CountBoost. We're just trying everything before we head down the IVF in Decemeber!
cantaloupe / 6630 posts
Love all of these mantras I can't think of one right now, I'll come back to it later and find one.
Well I got a smiley face on my digital ovulation stick yesterday so we are getting down and dirty last night and the next few in hopes of a miracle . Our immigration stuff is a long way from being sorted so I will have to cancel my next appointment with my fertility doctor and as I haven't done cycle monitoring at the clinic this month I have no idea what my follicles are looking like etc, I'm trying just to go with the flow. I would have been 19 weeks pregnant now and it is getting easier to accept my current situation. I have ovulated on my own so very few times in my life, so I'll take that smiley face and run with it!
@sweetooth: Exciting stuff that you get to start soon!
@FliegepilzHut: so glad you are feeling better!
@Warbler: That's awesome that your DH has been taking the supplements. I hope they work!
@CupQuakeWalk: When people ask me about baby making I tell it to them straight these days. Then I feel bad because they didn't realize what they were asking, really.
@lazypanda: I love the rainbow one. So true.
@alohaorchid: It's great that you O'd on time! Sorry about the cp
bananas / 9229 posts
I have a handful of phrases I tell myself, depending on how I am mentally and emotionally. Lately, it's been: "God never gives us more than we can handle."
kiwi / 636 posts
@travelgirl1: sorry the immigration piece isn't coming together but yay for the smiley face & "gettin' it on!"
@LindsayInNY: I love that quote. We are such strong woman after having to experience IF. I really never thought I would have felt so many highs and lows in such a short time frame.
bananas / 9229 posts
@lazypanda: I also often tell myself that everything happens for a reason. I know we will one day be parents, whether it takes science, adoption, whatever. It *will* happen. And the fact that it's not happening now? There's a reason for that, even if we don't know why that is at the time. Most days I believe all of this. On occasion, I sulk though, LOL.
hostess / wonderful apple seed / 16729 posts
Back to the IF threads this week, last week after coming back from vacation, then getting sicker and starting to come to terms with moving onto IVF. It was a hard week.
My mantra after the curveball of the IUI failures. Gotta hit IVF out of the park.
My updates. None really but my egg retrieval will probably be Oct/Nov based on what my IVF coordinator told me. Just starting BCP today.
bananas / 9229 posts
Question for all of you seeing a RE (or really, any doctor helping with IF):
How much do you question your RE/nurse on things? A little back story... When AF started, I calculated and realized that I would likely be Oing just after Labor Day weekend (based on last two Clomid cycles). Obviously I want to avoid that since were planning on being out of town (semi-local) and my RE is only open then on an on-call basis (so procedures but no monitoring). The nurses recommendation was timed intercourse, and I nicely reminded her that we'd rather not since that's clearly not working for us (I feel like she tries to discourage treatment sometimes). She also made some comment about me being the boss. I wanted to start Clomid on CD4, again like the last two times), for fear that starting one day earlier would move up O and prevent IUI this cycle. I went to the RE today, CD3, and the nurse was going to ask the RE about starting Clomid tomorrow instead of tonight. When she called back, she told me to return in one week on next week Thursday. I asked about Clomid again and she said yeah that's fine. I also asked why they want me in next Thursday instead of Friday with the holiday weekend and she said in case I'm ready, they do IUI on Friday. I've never once in my life Oed on CD10 (which is what next Thursday will be) so those odds are so slim to none. I figure I won't be back again until the Tuesday after Labor Day (when I've naturally started surging twice now). Nurse again made some comment about me calling the shots. (She's not the most personable...)
Sorry this is so long... I guess I just don't know if I'm wrong in speaking up or questioning things. Maybe I'm just more educated than most other patients? And I guess I wonder how much they check my chart and past cycle details when planning a current/future cycle or are they just comparing me against the "norm"? DH thinks I need to just do what they say and follow their instructions and that's it...
pomegranate / 3809 posts
@LindsayInNY: You are absolutely not wrong about speaking up and questioning things. You need to be comfortable with everything going on and are your own best advocate. If this is not your first rodeo with Clomid and you know for a fact you do not O that early and don't feel monitoring is necessary on CD10, I would go ahead and skip it. (Personally, I'm a control freak and would like to see how things are progressing, so I'd go in anyways). I do ask a lot of why this or why not that and felt I had some control of my treatment. I was the one that decided to give up on Clomid and try Letrozle, and decided how many times I would try that. For things like dosage and analysis of data, I trust the doctor.
pomegranate / 3533 posts
@PurplePumps: How are your stims going?
@LindsayInNY: I'm kind of a control freak...but if they're really adamant about something (after I've voiced my concerns/objections), I usually roll with it. With very few exceptions, IVF is the ultimate exercise is "trusting the doctor" and "going along with the plan (whatever that may be)."
pomegranate / 3809 posts
@FliegepilzHut: I'm still on the 2 weeks of BC. Suppression check is scheduled for Tuesday, and stims to follow. The meds are getting delivered tomorrow and I'm scared to see the needles!
pomegranate / 3533 posts
@PurplePumps: Oops... Hope you get the go-ahead on Tuesday! And I sincerely hope the needles aren't bad! Do both of those come as pens?
hostess / wonderful apple seed / 16729 posts
@LindsayInNY: I would definitely be annoyed by those comments, but I'm a push over and would just ignore them... until other issues begin to pile on and I end up leaving the clinic. Yeah, I wasn't really happy with my nurse at old clinic and I'm so glad that and other things factored into me switching.
When it comes to things they suggested like coming in for monitoring on day X, I just agreed and did it. I wanted to follow whatever protocol they had to get me pregnant. I didn't really know any better with my first trio of IUIs. (Looking back, I don't think it would have made a difference. They didn't do the appropriate diagnostic tests prior to my IUIs to find my diagosis. Just different protcols at different clinics, I guess.) As for them asking you to come in on Thursday, I personally would just do it just in case I O'd early. I'm thinking if stress can delay the O day, I'm thinking a number of other biological reasons or environment related could possibly make me O earlier. I guess I would rather be safe than sorry and miss that time. Oh, are you doing OPKs? You could do ask to do OPKs and if you see a positive OPK, then you could come in early. Otherwise keep it on a Friday.
For some reason, I'm O'ing earlier on femera on the last trio of IUIs versus the first trio of IUIs at the old clinic. It might have to do with femera dose. My first clinic saw that I had cysts and wouldn't proceed with IUI so they lowered my dose to reduce the cysts, I think.
I do have to say that the day you take femera can make a difference. I was late on taking femera by a day and I think it made a difference on the number of follicles I had. When I took it on day 4, I had 4 mature follicles on day 9. When I took it on day 5, I had 2 follicles. Not sure if there is a scientific reason for it. As for O day, the first time (with 2 follicles, I came in at day 11 or 12 (can't remember) and my follicles were ready. That's why they pushed the date I came in to day 9 for my next 2 cycles.
bananas / 9229 posts
@PurplePumps: @FliegepilzHut: @bluestriped bee: Okay, you ladies made me feel a TON better!! I didn't mind the nurse until DH met her at the IUI and commented about how she's not the warmest of people...
@PurplePumps: I don't mind monitoring usually and try to ask questions to get details from them during the u/s since they don't tell me numbers and measurements on their own. But it's the holiday weekend that's the issue here... I figure I'll go in once before and once after and hopefully my body doesn't change anything up on me!
@FliegepilzHut: Very true. And, so far, the nurse hasn't been super adamant about anything so I don't think I'm asking/suggesting anything all that crazy?
@bluestriped bee: That's interesting... I've had at least 1 mature follicle each of the two times before (maybe 2, I don't know? and I know there have been smaller ones). I did ask the nurse the other day about ways to have more mature follicles but it sounds like it's a risk they don't want to take by upping my Clomid dosage if I'm already responding. I was fearful taking Clomid one day early would ruin my chance for IUI this cycle. CD15 falls on the Tuesday after Labor Day which is the next time I'll be able to go in and when I've been naturally surging. I don't know, I just wasn't sure if I was in the wrong somehow...
pomegranate / 3533 posts
@LindsayInNY: I think that's a pretty good indicator. I usually feel best when I can check my (sometimes lunatic) ideas with more than one having the nurse check with the dr., if I can't contact them directly. It sounds like what you're asking is very reasonable. Sending good vibes and lots of !!!
pomegranate / 3809 posts
@FliegepilzHut: Yea, the pharmacist said they come in pens and I dial in the dosage... I'm not sure exactly what that is though.
@bluestriped bee: @LindsayInNY: I had a big difference in the way Femera worked for me also. I only did it two cycles, but the first I O'ed CD25 or 28 and the second I O'ed CD13 and I took it CD5-9 both times. I was pretty consistent with Clomid, O'ing CD17 or 18.
pomegranate / 3533 posts
@PurplePumps: In my experience, the pen needles were very tiny, very manageable! Hope it's the same for you!
blogger / pear / 1563 posts
@LindsayInNY: I think you are absolutely smart and right to question your RE, especially when you're going through your nurse! It's YOUR money and YOUR body, so you have to be totally confident and comfortable with what they're doing.
I thought I would update here since I finally went back to a different doctor yesterday. I had some serious charting going on for a few month (like having to check for mucus EVERY single time I went to the bathroom... it's called the Creighton Method). Anyway, I had another u/s, which looked good, including a follicle the perfect size to ovulate today, but he says I just need progesterone to boost my luteal phase. So, I start that in a couple of days.
I think we'll also do some IUIs this fall, but by the new year if we haven't been matched yet in adoption or gotten a BFP (which I doubt), we'll decide if it's time to put a hold on adopting again while pursuing either IVF or embryo adoption.
I'm glad to have a plan and a doctor I really like and trust (so far, heh!).
And best of luck to all of you! It seems like there's quite a few of you gearing up for IVF! That's so exciting!
nectarine / 2600 posts
@lazypanda: haha, that is too funny!
@CupQuakeWalk: the Cinderella one is basically me, everyday!
nectarine / 2600 posts
As for mantras that I have, I can't really think of any! If I come across one this week, I'll post it.
We're in the middle of a week of stims, I go in on Monday to have a scan. We have been so bad this week about doing injections the same time every night! We finally are dog free this week, so we went to the movies one night, and had to bring the shots with us. We did it in the car after the movie! The next night, I just completely forgot about it til 11pm, and last night we got home later from dinner than we thought we would. Oy...
Question, where's the weirdest place you ever did a shot?! The car in a parking garage on Tuesday was our first "weird" place! I feel like I've reached some milestone or something, lol.
Also...from yesterday! (Still have to go back in finish it! Next appt. is in November.)
pomegranate / 3533 posts
@TheSwissWifeStyle: Beautiful! Will you have things filled in/color added your next visit? Good luck with your cycle! I think the strangest places I ever gave injections would have been in various friends' bathrooms...pretty boring, but those were all PIO injections. I think I gave one Follistim dose at my desk at work.
@Mrs. Pinata: Wishing you lots and lots of luck! And that sounds like a hard series of decisions....
nectarine / 2600 posts
@FliegepilzHut: yeah, more filling in and a few touches of color.
hostess / wonderful apple seed / 16729 posts
@TheSwissWifeStyle: That tattoo is awesome! Look great!
kiwi / 636 posts
@Mrs. Pinata: that's an awesome update! I hope the progesterone works for you!
@TheSwissWifeStyle: That is amazing! I like how the koi is between the two lotus flowers. What will your DH's koi look like?
blogger / pear / 1563 posts
@TheSwissWifeStyle: Ok. You must have a WAY higher pain tolerance than I do! There's NO way I could get a tattoo that big on me! I'm impressed!
@lazypanda: Oh thanks! We'll see.... I'm not too hopeful at this point about anything. But, I'm glad we're in our "final sprint" at this point. At least I hope it's our "final sprint"! We've been known to say that before trying something different.
grapefruit / 4703 posts
@TheSwissWifeStyle: that's beautiful! Did you get all that done in one session? How long did it take?
kiwi / 636 posts
Ladies, I'm cross posting this from what I wrote on another infertility thread last night as I had been debating on whether to post here or not. I wanted the IF ladies to know first as this has been a shared journey with many of you. I wish to be mindful & sensitive to the feelings of what had been expressed & will continue to read this thread but not be an active participant. A large part of me is cautious whether this may end up as a chemical again.
Ladies, I'm literally shaking as I type this. I've been having dreams of twins recently & actually had names for the twins. Super weird! The last time I dreamt of having a baby, it was the cycle when I had my chemical pregnancy. I took an OPK because I did not want to waste my FRER, saw that the OPK was darker this morning than yesterday, so I used the Babi HPT (the dark blue test with FMU). It seemed faint so I thought, well it's too early anyways. I started craving pickles and waffles (at the same time, sounds gross). I took another Babi just now & the line was faint but much more noticeable so I took out my FRER. This line is so much darker than my BFP that was a chemical pregnancy! Also I think today is 9dpo because my Wednesday progesterone results were only 17.5 & 2.5 the previous Wednesday.
pomegranate / 3533 posts
I hope you have rising betas and are able to relax and enjoy the ride!
pomegranate / 3105 posts
Happy to say my surgery consult is on September 25, hopefully the wait for surgery after that isn't too bad. The next few weeks should fly by. I'm going to be super busy with work and I have a trip to Vancouver/Seattle for work the week before I go.
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