Hellobee Boards


Inclusion at Work

  1. MrsSCB

    pomelo / 5257 posts

    @erinbaderin: Yes, exactly. Sure, it's doable. But it's basically saying, "Hey, let's talk about how you can be included more and how we can increase diversity in the workplace by taking time from your personal life. If you want to be included more, stay at work for 10 hours today instead of eight!" It sends the message that the topic isn't important enough to discuss during the workday, which seems like the opposite of what they're trying to accomplish. Just an odd choice on their part.

  2. macintosh

    pear / 1750 posts

    I keep coming back to this question in my mind. Is it inconvenient? Yes. Would I make time for this if I were you? Probably not. Then again, there are all kinds of sacrifices that we make to have children in the first place.

    There are lots of things that I'd like to have time to do that I just don't. I wish I could get up earlier to work out, stay up later to clean my house, make time on the weekends to organize. But I just don't have enough time to do everything.

    I get what you're saying about hosting an event like this after hours - it's totally ironic. Yes, working mothers typically carry more burden and have less flexibility than working fathers. But what about single mothers? What about parents who work shift work and can't find reliable child care? I'm not sure what my point is, but the world is a very frustrating place for me right now. I just feel lucky to have a 9-5 job that allows me time to care for my family.

  3. rachiecakes

    coconut / 8279 posts

    @MrsSCB: "But it's basically saying, "Hey, let's talk about how you can be included more and how we can increase diversity in the workplace by taking time from your personal life. If you want to be included more, stay at work for 10 hours today instead of eight!""
    Exactly this.
    I'm sure there are many important topics that are discussed during business hours. This should be one of them.

    @macintosh: I solo parent every night during the work week. I do pick up, dinner, bedtime, etc., as my husband works evenings and I work typical 9-5.

    I'd be tempted to pick up my kids, bring them to the meeting and feed them dinner while I'm there to discuss inclusion in the workplace


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