C is over a year old now (what?! How?) and BFing is still going strong. She shows no signs of wanting to drop any sessions and I'm happy to continue for a while, so I don't expect to wean for at least a few more months. But, I feel like it would be good for her to be introduced to cow's milk so she can get used to it, plus I'd like to be able to be away from her without worrying about pumping or frozen BM for her.

We normally nurse 4 times a day. I have skipped a feeding entirely and felt fine, but we gave her frozen milk while I was out. Is it possible to just give her a cup of cow's milk instead of nursing? How do I do this? We have her one year appt with the ped next week but they haven't been super helpful with specific questions like this. I'm a SAHM so don't have to worry about pumping milk for her during the day or whatever.

Oh, and she has had milk IN things (like, in scrambled eggs or pancakes) just not to drink, so I'm not concerned about an intolerance, though I'd want to start slow anyway I guess?