Hellobee Boards


January 2016 Moms!

  1. lauren0817

    apricot / 369 posts

    @travellingbee: easing up sounds wonderful! Fingers crossed that MS is on it's way out and you will be feeling much more normal soon

  2. smith

    cherry / 154 posts

    @sera_87: @MaryM: @travellingbee: @mrs.shinerbock: Thanks, ladies!

  3. kristinleigh

    cherry / 178 posts

    First prenatal exam today. Nervous.. I'm probably going to refuse the pap and pelvic since I just had one in September so it hasn't been a year yet... plus it's the male OB and I don't feel comfortable. I'm sure I'll get a stink eye for that, but whatever.

    I'm actually looking into switching practices. I would prefer a midwife, I've realized, so I'm switching to a group that consists of one OB and two midwives. The current group I go to is 5 OBs and you have no idea who will wind up delivering your baby... I want more of a personal experience. They can't see me until July 8th, I'll be 13 weeks then.

    Has anyone in the past switched while pregnant? I'm worried how to go about telling my current practice, etc., just because I don't want to hurt their feelings. But also, their c-section rate is like 32% and the midwife practice is only 17%.... both seem high, I know, but NJ has a very high rate as it is which is just sad. I'll be delivering at a holistic center within a hospital.

  4. lauren0817

    apricot / 369 posts

    @kristinleigh: I hope your appointment goes well!! I know what you mean about not wanting to hurt the doctors feelings (I have a similar situation going on with my dentist for years now!), but you need to figure out what's best for you - I'm sure the doctor won't think anything of it since patients come and go all the time I would think of it like you're trying out both practices and then you can make your final decision

  5. travellingbee

    hostess / papaya / 10219 posts

    @kristinleigh: Just call the office (sometime after your appt) and speak with the receptionist. Tell her you need your records sent to _____ because you've decided you want to deliver with a midwife. They won't even flinch. I wouldnt discuss it with the doctor. That's awkward.

  6. mdf106

    clementine / 828 posts

    I am starting to feel worse. I have my second cold of this pregnancy, and even before that, I was feeling more nauseous and tired, and having more aversions. I have been having trouble getting enough fluids, because it hurts to swallow, and I am having an aversion to warm drinks, such as herbal tea, which would usually be my go to. Also, earlier this week, the AC at work was broken, and it is really hot here. I have not been as productive at work as I need to be this week, it has been hard to concentrate.

    @kristinleigh: It should not be a problem to switch providers this early in pregnancy. Just ask for the medical records to be transferred, they should be professionals. I vaguely considered switching, because I did not love the OB who delivered DS, but I really like my OB, and I figure even if I switch there is no guarantee on who will do the delivery.

  7. cvwood

    grape / 78 posts

    @kristinleigh: You're not due for a pap if you had one in September, if you're in your 20s you should only be getting the every 3 years (every 5 years if you're in your 30s). She did do a bimanual (fingers only, no speculum) at my first visit. That may have been because it's my second and she wanted to make sure everything was in the right place, but she also felt my uterine fundus and told me it was the right size for my estimated number of weeks. If you're uncomfortable with your provider definitely ask to defer the exam and DEFINITELY switch, but I'd still go today because they can go ahead and do your bloodwork if they haven't already.

    I switched from an OB practice to a midwife practice in the same group at 28 weeks with my first. I loved my OB, but I wanted to make sure I knew the person who was delivering my kid and she only made it to about 50% of her births. My OB said she was always sad to see patients leave for the midwives, because we were usually her healthy, easy patients. But she also felt that she had done her job if I was so comfortable with the idea of birth that I didn't think I needed the interventions an OB could offer. I know all OBs don't share that philosophy, but it really doesn't matter what they think about you.

    For the record, I still delivered in a teaching hospital with midwives that had physician oversight, just in case anything did go wrong. It didn't, though. And I was really happy that I switched.

  8. cvwood

    grape / 78 posts

    @mdf106: I had a cold that turned into a sinus infection, and that happened right after the nausea kicked in. Sometimes I thought I was going to die, mostly I just wanted to. It's been hot in my office, too! Of course my 85 pound coworker gets cold whenever I turn on the fan. Ugh, I'm with you. This has been way harder than my first, and I'm not even at the 9 week mark.

  9. kristinleigh

    cherry / 178 posts

    @cvwood: it's so weird, i've gotten a pap yearly for forever... and when i had brought up the new guidelines last year i was kind of dismissed but didn't think much of it. now that i'm pregnant i'm just more concious and concerned with everything going on. i don't feel comfortable at all getting a pelvic exam, particularly with a male doctor which is who I am seeing today.

    I will definitely get the blood work and whatever else done today since i can't be seen by the midwife until 4 weeks from now.

    this would be the same... there would be doctor oversight but my primary would be the midwife.

    thanks for all the info!

  10. cvwood

    grape / 78 posts

    @kristinleigh: It takes something insane, like an average of 12 years for updated guidelines to make it into practice. But you wouldn't even be treated if they found cervical cancer while you were pregnant, since it's such a slow growing cancer. So refuse, refuse, refuse!

    I can never shake the feeling that it's weird for a man to go into OB/Gyn. I'd just rather see someone who has the same machinery as me. Plus, they've possibly had a baby before, so they can relate. I hope things go alright today and that you like the midwives when you meet them!

  11. mdf106

    clementine / 828 posts

    @cvwood: I really shouldn't complain, I am actually feeling much better than last pregnancy, even with this cold. I had a few colds last pregnancy, and there were even worse, I had a fever and couldn't sleep all night. At least I am still able to come in to work, even if I am not at my best. DS just started daycare in March, so he has been bringing everything home, and now that I am pregnant I get sick each time. I feel like it is impossible to avoid sharing germs with him.

  12. mrs.shinerbock

    pomegranate / 3779 posts

    @kristinleigh: @cvwood: I've had several men OB/GYNs and have good experiences will all of them. The women OB/GYNs always seem to be like "that's not so bad, suck it up!" where the men are more sympathetic.

    My last pregnancy, I had picked an OB I really liked, but he is in a practice with 4 other doctors and I only saw my OB and 1 other (because mine was on paternity leave) during the pregnancy, but during the hospital stay, I saw all 3 of the others and I met the one who delivered LO about 30 min before I delivered. I like all of them though, so I'm not really too picky about which one I go with this time. It will pretty much depend on who is in the office I want to go to on Fridays.

  13. mdf106

    clementine / 828 posts

    I also only saw my OB last pregnancy, and a different OB delivered DS. The practice is all women, so I knew I was guaranteed a woman. I was not the biggest fan of the doctor who delivered DS, but I decided not to switch because I like my OB. Also, in the end, even though I had an unwanted episiotomy, my recovery was so easy I can't complain.

  14. travellingbee

    hostess / papaya / 10219 posts

    @mrs.shinerbock: where do you go?
    I've also always liked male doctors. I agree that they are gentler and more sympathetic on the whole. I switched this pregnancy because of insurance but I loved my old doctor. I'll be going to a female now and she seems nice but I hope she's as laid-back as my old doctor.

  15. MaryM

    pomelo / 5129 posts

    @mrs.shinerbock: @travellingbee: I've had the same experience with male doctors.

    I went to a midwife practice for a while and HATED the woman I saw. A current coworker saw her for one of her pregnancies and she actually said to her "I really hope you don't go into labor this weekend because I'm on call and I have other plans." She was mortified when she went into labor!

    I saw a woman at my practice to start with and thought she was ok, but when I had my MC and saw one of the men who founded the practice, I wanted to hug his wife on the way out (she does scheduling) and tell her how lucky she was to have someone so patient and thoughtful and kind as a husband! The women at the practice are all business and in and out and get it over with, but the men seem to be a little bit more in awe/scared of pregnant women (in a good way) and take more time to listen and respond.

    When I was starting to look into IF interventions, the male doctor actually gave me better spiritual guidance than even my priest did.

    I'm sure a lot has to do with the people as individuals (and maybe not necessarily their gender), but I've been WAY happier with the men I've seen!

  16. mrs.shinerbock

    pomegranate / 3779 posts

    @travellingbee: Women's Health Care Center of Houston. They are on the 22nd floor of the same building as our RE, but also have offices in Cypress and Katy.

  17. travellingbee

    hostess / papaya / 10219 posts

    @mrs.shinerbock: so will you deliver at memorial herman? Omg that'd be so funny if we were there at the same time delivering! My new practice is on that same floor.

  18. mrs.shinerbock

    pomegranate / 3779 posts

    @travellingbee: Yeah, that's where I delivered A. DH works in that building, so I try to have all my doctors in that complex so I can drop A off or he can come watch her in the waiting room while I see the dr.

    Funny story - when I was admitted early for A's birth, William called in and said he wasn't coming to work because I was in labor. Because it took so long, he went to his office to answer some email and grab his laptop. Some of his coworkers fussed at him for "coming into the office." He's like - I just came up the elevator.

  19. travellingbee

    hostess / papaya / 10219 posts

    @mrs.shinerbock: LOL. I delivered L at Women's. Did you like the rooms at MH? I like that new building. My SIL delivered there before the new building was built and it was just OK. It seems very nice now. I had been going to an OBGYN that I really like down in the med center at TCH and was excited to deliver there but it really isn't practical as we live close to MH, and I work around the corner. Going down to the med center for constant appointments would drive me batty.

  20. DesertDreams88

    grapefruit / 4361 posts

    I haven't had a lot of experience with obgyns, but the female ob I had with my first pregnancy and the female nurse practitioner at my current practice both came across to me as very condescending. They both adhered to guidelines that have no medical basis (no TTC for 6 months after a miscarriage, no need for monitoring on Clomid, etc) and waved away my concerns.

    My new male ob, on the other hand, has won many local awards for patient care and compassion. He had me email him my cycle charts, and for the first medicated BFN one he replied back "What a beautiful cycle. Praying the next one ends in a positive test!" He goes on medical missions trips and kindly offers to pray with me at every appointment for the health of the baby and I (I know that's not for everyone, but I appreciate it.)

    @kristinleigh, I like @travellingbee's suggestion of just speaking to the front office to transfer your records and preferring the style of a midwife practice. I think that's a totally legit reason any ob would understand.

    As for OBs vs. midwives, I'd ideally prefer to be with a midwifery practice and do a water birth at a birthing center. But the only birthing center around here doesn't take my insurance, and as much as I idealize a natural birth, I'm a very non-natural medical person in real life - always take meds when I'm sick/have a headache, always want more tests to make better diagnoses, never miss my regular appointments, I'm a bit of a hypochondriac, etc.

  21. mrs.shinerbock

    pomegranate / 3779 posts

    @travellingbee: I did like them. They have separate rooms for labor/delivery and postpartum. Both were decent sized and had a fold-out couch (with extra pillows and blankets) for DH to sleep there or people to sit when they visited. There is a kitchenette on the postpartum floor that was fully stocked with sandwiches, popsicles, and other snacks, so even if you deliver in the middle of the night, there is food available. The wi-fi worked well the whole time we were there. (Some moms I know had complained that it didn't at their hospital.)

    The only part I did not like was that the LCs only work M-F and Sat afternoon - I delivered A at 11 am on Sat and checked out around noon on Mon and I didn't get to see one before I left. I could have hung out on Mon until one came by, but I had been at the hospital since the pref Wed, so I was so done.

  22. travellingbee

    hostess / papaya / 10219 posts

    @mrs.shinerbock: good to know! Sounds great! DH is happy about the pull out couch!

  23. SupernovaJ

    persimmon / 1141 posts

    @kristinleigh: you should be okay to switch practices! 13 weeks is just at the start of the second trimester which is not too late. definitely go where you are more comfy. are you delivering at Valley by any chance? they have a holistic birthing center there. 17% c-section rate is quite low. you should be in great hands.


    i have an ultrasound next weds - this weeks was just a "let's confirm your pregnant via urine" visit, totally pointless. i'll be 9.5 weeks along next week and anxious to see the peanut who is making me feel so miserable these days (but feeling better than last week thank God!)

  24. travellingbee

    hostess / papaya / 10219 posts

    10w5d and although I have been terribly nauseous for over a month, this morning was the first time I threw up. this pregnancy is exactly like my first.

  25. sera_87

    pomegranate / 3604 posts

    we were discussing names tonight & I think we've decided on Timothy for a boy & Logan for a girl (although that's a bit up for debate). The best thing? We're considering giving this one my last name as the legal last name regardless of gender. I am PSYCHED.

  26. cvwood

    grape / 78 posts

    @travellingbee: did you end up trying the diclegis? Sorry you're so sick.

  27. kristinleigh

    cherry / 178 posts

    @SupernovaJ: Yes, Valley! do you live in the area?

  28. kristinleigh

    cherry / 178 posts

    My first visit went TERRIBLE. Okay well not terrible but just... not good either.

    I met with the male OB/GYN which I was sort of hesistant about to begin with, but I found him very rude and quick. I expected my visit to be a lot longer and have him sit down for Q&A time, but that didn't happen. I think he found some of my questions ridiculous and seemed somewhat dismissive. I refused a pap since I'm up to date which was fine. I got an attitude I felt like because I refused the NT test (I freak out enough about things, I don't need to know my odds for that) but I did get the genetic screening tests to see if I'm a carrier for anything.

    I have an ultrasound scheduled for July 6th (I'll be 2 days shy of 13 weeks) because I have a rather large cyst that has been giving me trouble so they just want to check on it... so I'll get to see my little munchkin looking more like a baby and less like a gummy bear from my 7 week ultrasound! Then I have my anatomy scan at 2 days shy of 20 weeks on August 24th. I'm switching practices effective July 8th, that's the earliest the new one can take me as a new patient. So just one more appointment with this practice then I'm out! I feel really confident with my decision to switch out. I'm not comfortable seeing one of 4 or 5 doctors on a rotating basis.. I want to build a relationship with one person.

    In other news, I've hit the headache symptom portion of pregnancy. I'm 10 weeks tomorrow (yay!!!) and they started late last week. Tension headaches they feel like and nothing is really helping. They start every afternoon around 1pm so I take a nap at my break at work from 1pm-2pm and then I pretty much go to bed at like 7 or 8 pm.

  29. travellingbee

    hostess / papaya / 10219 posts

    @cvwood: I got a prescription but I never took it. I don't deal well with meds that make you sleepy and the more I read the more worried. So I'll just keep pushing through.

    11 weeks today!

  30. lauren0817

    apricot / 369 posts

    @kristinleigh: uggh sorry to hear that your first appointment wasn't great At least you have a back-up plan and will be able to switch to your new practice soon. Maybe you can see if the new practice has any cancellations so you could get in sooner?

    I am 10.5 weeks and headaches started this week for me as well! I thought that the hot weather might also be a factor for me, but I am drinking tons of water so I don't think dehydration is a factor. Just in case, I am trying to drink even more water and I tried putting a cool cloth on my head last night and that felt pretty good

  31. JoyfulKiwi

    nectarine / 2667 posts

    @kristinleigh: sorry to hear you had a bad visit. I think you'll find what you're looking for with a midwife. My midwife appointments are longer, have lots more conversation about the pregnancy, and I never feel rushed out the door.

    I'm just shy of 10 weeks & starting to get my appetite back, although maybe it was just a desire to eat the incredible food at the wedding I went to over the weekend. I'm tying to decide if I should get a first trimester ultrasound. Did anyone skip it? I'm confident of my due date - is there another reason to get one (besides seeing baby?)

  32. travellingbee

    hostess / papaya / 10219 posts

    @JoyfulKiwi: I guess the same reason you'd get one anytime. To make sure there are no obvious problems or abnormalities and things are progressing appropriately.

    @kristinleigh: sounds like you made the right decision to switch.

  33. SwanSong

    cherry / 220 posts

    @kristinleigh: Best of luck switching, it is so important to feel comfortable with your provider. I just happened to switch right before finding out I was pregnant and am so incredibly happy with this new practice and hospital so far.

  34. cvwood

    grape / 78 posts

    @JoyfulKiwi: I think the only reasons to get an optional test are 1) that you think the results might give you peace of mind or 2) you feel that you need any information that the test may be able to give you, or that it might lead you to make a decision. If you're comfortable that your baby is just fine without it, there's no need to get it. Especially if there's nothing that you would learn that will change your actions. I know my brother and his wife were able to find out in the first tri that they would likely lose the pregnancy, which they did, and I think they were happy to be prepared. (They have a perfectly healthy baby brewing now, due in August.) BUT, the odds are in favor of your baby being perfectly fine and just swimming away in there peacefully. So I say, leave him or her be if you so choose.

    Me? I'm neurotic and I have to know everything because I'm a total control freak. So I can't wait to get mine at 11 weeks. Ha. I've also had a loss before, and I know that I'll feel better seeing a healthy baby as soon as I can. My best friend didn't see hers until her anatomy scan, because she's just a way more chilled out person than I am.

    @kristinleigh: Sorry your first visit was awful! I hope that you like the midwife practice better. If not, try another one! It's your body and your baby.

  35. travellingbee

    hostess / papaya / 10219 posts

    My ob appointment is today and I'm afraid they are going to cancel it because we are supposed to get a tropical storm today. I sure hope I get to go in!! I've been waiting for weeks!!!

  36. MaryM

    pomelo / 5129 posts

    @travellingbee: Oh no! I hope you can make it in before/if they decide to close. I'd hate to have to put that off.

    I'm now counting down the hours to mine tomorrow. I REALLY hope this baby grew tons and caught up!

  37. travellingbee

    hostess / papaya / 10219 posts

    @MaryM: I'm here now, so it wasn't closed

  38. MaryM

    pomelo / 5129 posts

    @travellingbee: YAY!

  39. travellingbee

    hostess / papaya / 10219 posts

    Baby looks good. Heartbeat is 172. It was moving all around and measuring a week ahead still. I got a prescription for zofran. I go back for Nuchal next Wednesday.

  40. MaryM

    pomelo / 5129 posts

    @travellingbee: Great update!

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