Hellobee Boards


January 2016 Moms!

  1. raintreebee

    pear / 1531 posts

    @cvwood: oh yeah. i am totally keeping my son in childcare during maternity leave. the only thing that is keeping me sane is knowing that because I WOHM, i won't be responsible for both of them all week long! i am a terrible mother.

  2. sera_87

    pomegranate / 3604 posts

    @cvwood: @raintreebee:

    Uh yeah. Ive kept ds1 in daycare my entire mat leave (a year; I'm still on it until August, actually) with ds2 and will keep both of them in full time daycare throughout leave with #3. There are numerous benefits to doing so, in my opinion.

    No guilt or judgement here!

  3. mrs.shinerbock

    pomegranate / 3779 posts

    @cvwood: @raintreebee: @sera_87: same here! We will be keeping the nanny share at the other house while I am on maternity leave and LO1 will go everyday, so no judgement here. I mentioned that the other nanny share mom is planning to do the same thing on her maternity leave to a SAHM friend of mine and she was really judgy about it and asked why the woman is even having another kid? I was flabbergasted and didn't tell her that I'm planning to do the same (she doesn't know I am KU yet.) I can think of a hundred reasons to do it, not the least of which is that it's the least disruption to LO1's routine.

  4. littlebug

    honeydew / 7504 posts

    I keep getting dizzy spells. If I bend or even squat down, I get dizzy upon standing. Same with if I stand up from a chair too quickly. Not fun. A friend of mine got such bad dizzy spells during her 2nd pregnancy that she actually passed out, fell, and broke her nose once! Yikes!! I'm trying to drink more water and eat little snacks more frequently.

    ETA: I also can NOT get warm. I'm constantly chilled.

  5. littlebug

    honeydew / 7504 posts

    @raintreebee: @sera_87: @mrs.shinerbock: @cvwood: Uh, yeah. D will absolutely be continuing daycare while I'm on maternity leave. Alone at home with a 3yo with a newborn? No thanks.

  6. mrs.shinerbock

    pomegranate / 3779 posts

    @littlebug: I am so cold all the time too. My last pregnancy was the opposite, but this one I am freezing!

  7. mrs.shinerbock

    pomegranate / 3779 posts

    @kristinleigh: good luck at your spot on Friday! The constant worrying is so exhausting, isn't it? I keep wanting to do stuff or buy stuff for the new LO, but I'm too scared I'll end up jinxing it.

  8. cvwood

    grape / 78 posts

    @littlebug: @raintreebee: @sera_87: @mrs.shinerbock: Yes! I like our guilt-free party! I went borderline insane with my son on my leave, my husband would come home to check on me and find the house empty and just drive around until he found me walking with the stroller, which I did for hours because I had no idea what else to do with a baby that never slept. How am I supposed to manage that with a toddler that's on a mission to break every bone in his body the second I turn around?

    I'm nervous about having a winter baby, where do we go to walk when it's sub-freezing outside!?

    @mrs.shinerbock: Yeah, I say a whole lot of whatever to your friend. People that judge another mom's parenting decision like that just come across as insecure about their own. My 2.5 year old would be bored out of his mind watching me fumble with a newborn all day long, he'd rather be playing with his friends. Maybe her kids are different.

  9. MaryM

    pomelo / 5129 posts

    @littlebug: @mrs.shinerbock: I'm so cold too! I packed a pashmina today because DH and I are going to a play tonight and I fear it being cold (and I wore a dress).

    My mom was laughing so hard at me when she was here. It got down into the 70s and you would have thought it was a deep freeze. My mom is always cold because she's on blood thinners, but I was the one getting out sweatshirts and blankets.

  10. mdf106

    clementine / 828 posts

    @cvwood: The mall is great for walking when it is cold out (or hot or raining). Some malls around here also have nursing rooms, so it is a good place for an outing with a small baby.

  11. mrs.shinerbock

    pomegranate / 3779 posts

    @cvwood: @mdf106: I second the mall. LO1 was born in Nov and we spent hours mall walking. I just put her car seat in the stroller and a blanket over the top so she wasn't exposed to any thing. Our mall has a decent nursing room, but Macy's and Nordstroms have good lounges beside their restrooms too.

    ETA - I also racked up quite a bill on my Gap card doing that, so be warned if you have no self control like me.

  12. smith

    cherry / 154 posts

    FINALLY met our doctor, had our first US & got a due date. Looks like this one's coming Jan. 9!

    Was totally shocked to see and hear the heartbeat, and we had no idea it would actually look like a BABY on the monitor! This whole pregnancy thing is just so, so cool. Can't stop staring at the picture and wondering what's to come

  13. mrs.shinerbock

    pomegranate / 3779 posts

    @smith: congratulations on a great US!

  14. sera_87

    pomegranate / 3604 posts

    @smith: yay for a good ultrasound!! Yes, they look like babies from about 8-9wks. It's crazy cool.

    I'll update the due date list with the updated info! Need to know: Everyone else who has switching dates - do you want the old or new? I'm specifically thinking of travellingbee - what date do you want to keep?

    I have an ultrasound scheduled for this afternoon. Can you guys keep your fingers crossed that everything is ok in there & that there's only one?

  15. MaryM

    pomelo / 5129 posts

    @sera_87: Good luck! My DD is the same for now (the doctor won't change it until our follow up in 8 days. But I swear I'm not counting down!

    @smith: Awesome US!

  16. SwanSong

    cherry / 220 posts

    @littlebug: @mrs.shinerbock: Im constantly cold too! IM bundled up in a sweatshirt at work (helps to hide my pooch I guess) and huddled under blankets at home. The only time I am hot is when I am throwing-up (gross but true)

  17. kristinleigh

    cherry / 178 posts

    When are you all announcing publicly?

    Originally I was going to wait until 12 weeks, but we decided to bump it up to 11 weeks because my birthday is June 25th and I'll be 11 weeks on June 24th Our family knows and some close friends know (and obviously everyone on here, haha) but that's it right now! I'm so excited to tell the world!

  18. MaryM

    pomelo / 5129 posts

    @kristinleigh: We're sort of playing it by ear this time. We told all of DH's family when we thought we were 8 weeks last time, only to have an US a few days later that showed we were miscarrying.

    We've told our mom's and a few really close friends. We might tell more family and friends next week if the second US goes ok.

    I'm not sure if I ever want to do something "public" (like on facebook) because I just don't like that kind of attention. But DH is an AW (or he at least gets way more excited than I do), so we'll probably have to compromise on something

    ETA: I think I'll wait as long as possible before telling work. I might tell my work bffs, but I don't want everyone to know. I work with one really inappropriate coworker who I know will try to touch me and ask about things like hemorrhoids and other gross symptoms (she's done it to other people).

    I prefer to not get attention from her for as long as I can!

  19. DesertDreams88

    grapefruit / 4361 posts

    We are having an 11 wk ultrasound in late June, and seeing both his and my long distance family around 12 weeks. So we will do in-person announcements then and then probably post it on Facebook really soon thereafter, bc (1) I'd rather post before family starts commenting and reveals it for me, and (2) I go back to work in late July and I'd prefer for people to know already in advance.

  20. mdf106

    clementine / 828 posts

    @kristinleigh: I don't plan to ever do a big public Facebook announcement. Last time, I only posted an announcement after DS was born, basically so it would not be weird when I started posting lots of pictures of him. I will probably tell work at 12 weeks, so I won't have to keep hiding my pregnancy. My next appointment is 11w3d, and we should hear the heartbeat then if everything is going well. Last time I told at 13 weeks, right after an appointment, and other than the day I announce, nobody said anything to me about the pregnancy until I was really showing, and there were never really any negative repercussions to announcing. I will also tell my mom she can spread the word at 12 weeks.

  21. JoyfulKiwi

    nectarine / 2667 posts

    @cvwood: I'm planning to keep sending my son to preschool while I'm home. I teach preschool at his center, so he attends for free, but I've worried that he won't be free if I'm not actually working. Hopefully that won't be the case: I'm not going to ask any questions I don't want the answer to either!
    @kristinleigh: our immediate families know & several people at my work know (I've been THE WORST at my job & felt people were owed an explanation for why I suck right now). I'm going to a wedding this weekend at 9 weeks with my extended family & there's no way to get around telling them all, so the jig is up for me! I'll probably wait until 12 weeks before telling more people at work/social media.

    My midwife appointment was yesterday & anticlimactic. I could have been any old crazy lady saying "I'm pregnant!" and they'd never have known. I can schedule an ultrasound in a few weeks if I want, but I don't know if I should. Did anybody else just kinda go, "yep, I trust these pee sticks and giant boobs and nasuea - I don't need to see anything!"

  22. sera_87

    pomegranate / 3604 posts

    Hb 175, uno baby, due date now jan 8

  23. MaryM

    pomelo / 5129 posts

    @sera_87: Yay!

    So, question. DH and I are going to the capital grille for dinner tonight before going to a play for our anniversary.

    Is it wrong to go to a steakhouse and order nothing but sides? I don't have an appetite for any meat, and don't want to waste it by not eating. And salad and soup don't appeal to me either. But the have the most delicious vegetable sides! Maybe I'll ask DH if we can pretend to share one entree?

  24. SwanSong

    cherry / 220 posts

    @kristinleigh: We've told family and a few close friends. I've also told my boss because of Dr appts. and all that goodness, I didn't want her to think i was looking for a new job, ha. I don't think I am going to do a big announcement, I didn't with my son and if I hadn't been "outed" on facebook by a former co-worker I probably would have just posted something when he born. I may tell extended family on July 4th if they don't guess by expanding belly.

  25. travellingbee

    hostess / papaya / 10219 posts

    @sera_87: jan 4

  26. littlebug

    honeydew / 7504 posts

    I'll probably post something on IG. I have like 12 friends on facebook, most of whom are on IG, so I won't bother with facebook, I've started shopping for a Big Bro shirt for D. And I think we're going to teach him to say "I'm going to be a big brother" to announce to our families.

    I have my first appointment on 6/26, which will be 8w5d, and then an ultrasound on 7/3 at 9w5d. The day after the appointment, I have a spa day with my mom and sister, so if the appointment goes well (and if I get to hear a heartbeat), I'll tell my mom that day. My sister already knows. We'll wait to tell the rest of our families and close friends until at least after the ultrasound, but I'd prefer to wait until closer to 12 weeks.

  27. travellingbee

    hostess / papaya / 10219 posts

    @littlebug: just FYI if your spa day involves a massage you need to tell the place. Many places won't do a massage in the first trimester.

    @MaryM: you can order whatever you want. I'm certain they've had weirder requests!

    @kristinleigh: it's just been leaking so lots of people know already. Sigh. We are having a family photo shoot at the end of June. I'll be almost 13 weeks then so I'm thinking we'll include some kind of announcement in those pics and use that to announce more widely.
    @smith: yay beautiful little peanut!

  28. MaryM

    pomelo / 5129 posts

    Woops! Work bff complained about the water cooler being empty. I guess when I tell her it will be in the form of "I'm sorry I couldn't lift the water bottles, but guess what?" Lol

  29. mrs.shinerbock

    pomegranate / 3779 posts

    We've told our parents and siblings. I've told my boss and office mate. We've told our nanny and the other family in the nanny share b/c they are having another LO in Sept, so we need to work out some details.

    We will wait a few more weeks to tell friends and other family. Probably just put a pic of LO with a Big Sis shirt on FB for not close friends and family once we know the gender.

  30. mrs.shinerbock

    pomegranate / 3779 posts

    @MaryM: I'd be happy with that on a normal basis, without being pregnant, so I say order what you want.

  31. littlebug

    honeydew / 7504 posts

    @travellingbee: Yup! Already called and changed my massage to a body scrub. So, the spa knows I'm pregnant.

  32. kristinleigh

    cherry / 178 posts

    9 weeks today... new symptom... headaches! Started last night. I'm so anti medication when I'm not pregnant as it is, so I'm trying to hold off on taking even Tylenol.

    Question: I had a dating ultrasound at 7 weeks and I have my first real OB appointment this Friday (blood work, exam, etc) .... do you think I'll get a doppler for the heartbeat or should I ask for it? I'm just curious and always a little anxious.

  33. DesertDreams88

    grapefruit / 4361 posts

    @kristinleigh: I know my doctor won't try the Doppler that early, because it's very possible you won't hear the heartbeat yet and he wouldn't want to freak out his patients. I asked for an ultrasound to be done at the 9 wk appt instead.

  34. kristinleigh

    cherry / 178 posts

    @DesertDreams88: I will ask when I'm there. Originally I was told I was getting 7, 9 and 12 but now they said I don't need a 9. Oh well, I'll just wait until 12. I know that it's been suggested that frequent ultrasounds are not too good anyway! I'm sure everything is fine, I have no reason to think otherwise I'm just a control freak!

  35. lauren0817

    apricot / 369 posts

    Hi everyone! I've been pretty quiet over here - lots of nerves and emotions as I approached the point when I miscarried during my first pregnancy (10 weeks) - I'm now 10 weeks and 1 day - yay! I am super nervous after my previous loss and infertility (this is an IVF baby) and am thinking about buying a Doppler. Has anyone used one at home? I'm just afraid that if I cant find the heartbeat I will completely freak out. I was seeing my reproductive endocrinologist weekly and now I only see the Ob every 4-5 weeks so I feel like I could use some reassurance in between visits

  36. travellingbee

    hostess / papaya / 10219 posts

    @lauren0817: I'm in the same boat. I was going all the time to the RE but now that I am with the OB, it feels like forever in between! I am worried about the doppler for the reason you said. I don't want to freak myself out. I'm really good at freaking myself out. I didn't use one with my first for the same reason.

  37. lauren0817

    apricot / 369 posts

    @travellingbee: yeah I completely feel the same way - right now I'm just at a basal level of nervous, but if I can't get the Doppler to work that would send me into full panic mode I think I'll wait another week or so and then maybe order one? By 11-12 weeks I think it should hopefully be easier to use

  38. DesertDreams88

    grapefruit / 4361 posts

    @Lauren0817 and @travellingbee: I'll admit it, I already bought a doppler! I watched a bunch of videos for different tips / techniques. There's a couple of different sounds you can hear (arteries, your placenta?, etc) with different rates so the videos helped me distinguish between those. From what I read online, 10-12 weeks is normally when you first start hearing it reliably, but you might be able to hear it as early as 8. I read enough online to rationally tell myself that if I didn't hear a heartbeat, it'd just be too early, and if I did, then I can be relieved for awhile I tend to be a worrywart but also, at the very root of it, optimistic.

    I got it yesterday and tried it out this morning at 8w2d. I definitely heard mostly those other sounds, but there was about a minute long period where there was a much different, much faster beat. The doppler didn't calculate the rate, and I was staring dumbfounded at it like, how do you not pick that up?! I could hear it distinctly, whatever it was. It was so fast, I tried counting the beats and timing it, I estimate it was about 140. Hopefully it was the baby! I'll try again in a day or two.

  39. travellingbee

    hostess / papaya / 10219 posts

    @DesertDreams88: I know lots of people like having them. Hope you get to hear a clear HB soon! That's pretty early for doppler.
    I really don't want to jinx it but I've been doing a bit better on the nausea front the past couple of days. Not gone, but eased a bit....Dare I hope???

  40. lauren0817

    apricot / 369 posts

    @DesertDreams88: wow that's so amazing! I wish it was easier to find the heartbeat, but I've heard it gets easier once you figure out the general area Keep us updated on your doppler adventures! Oh and can I ask what kind you are using?

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