Hellobee Boards


January 2016 Moms!

  1. SupernovaJ

    persimmon / 1141 posts

    Just popping into say hi and I've been keeping up with everyone. It's been hard to juggle online time these days with everything else. We've been trying to focus more on LO since her time as our "only" will be up in a few months (sad!). So exciting to find out the sex at this stage in our pregnancies - same sex siblings are the best. I was hoping for another little girl because I'm also one of two sisters, but we are having a boy; still thrilled nonetheless to be giving our DD a little brother. As far as this pregnancy goes, so far baby is doing well and is starting to get very active.

    @sera_87: I have been keeping up with your updates and will be praying for you and your precious baby. Sending peace and comfort your way, hang in there.

    And to everyone else on the journey, here's to making it to viability and beyond... xx

  2. Swoggette

    cherry / 134 posts

    Popping to say hello. I have been keeping up with our board, but life has been so hectic! So many gender scans right now too!

    My due date changed to January 21st and we are still team green due to an uncooperative little one. We go back in 3 weeks for a repeat scan. 22 weeks seemed to have flown by!

    Warm wishes to you all.
    @sera_87 saying a prayer for you and your little.

  3. mrs.shinerbock

    pomegranate / 3779 posts

    @sera_87: so sorry to hear that, but we're all still pulling for you and your baby and glad to hear that he is still growing.

  4. DesertDreams88

    grapefruit / 4361 posts

    DH felt the baby move today! yay!

    Also, boobs are getting quite veiny and have gained some stretch marks...

  5. MaryM

    pomelo / 5129 posts

    @sera_87: Still thinking of and praying for your and your little one!

  6. MaryM

    pomelo / 5129 posts

    I've also been keeping up sporadically but haven't had much time to post. Work is INSANE.... like, imagine the most famous person you can think of...they're coming to my work next week. It's amazing, but at the same time, I'm SO exhausted! I work in media relations and we're expecting 800 reporters to descend for about three days.

    And just in time for when my ankles have started swelling and my back is getting sore...

    I think because I've been so busy and stressed I've been freaking myself out about not feeling the baby move as much. I feel like she was more active a week or so ago, but I think she might also be sitting lower the last couple of days so maybe I just can't feel her as much?

    We had our anatomy scan redo and it was nice to finally see her face! Everything looked good with her, but the cyst they found at the previous scan was bigger so I'm being referred to an outside radiology clinic for a more detailed follow up scan. I'm thankful for another scan (and hoping we can see baby girl when they do it!), but the possibility of ovarian torsion is not very settling... My doctor said she's only seen it once in pregnancy, but my cyst grew to 5X6X10 cm (it's running out of room so it sort of squished...it was 5 round last time). 10 is pretty darn big...

  7. travellingbee

    hostess / papaya / 10219 posts

    @MaryM: oh man. I hope it starts shrinking. I've never heard of it. What are the potential complications? It's a cyst in your uterus? Or on an ovary?
    @DesertDreams88: yay! My boobs have been killing me today. Please tell me they aren't getting bigger. I think they'll pop!

    @Swoggette: Time does seem to be going by pretty quickly even though I've been miserable with this pregnancy. Thankfully! Hope you get a gender answer at the next scan!
    AFM, I'm 25 weeks and feeling 35. Just so uncomfortable and still nauseous and puking. And tons of reflux. I'm such a joy to be around lol. My poor husband and child.

  8. MaryM

    pomelo / 5129 posts

    @travellingbee: My boobs have been killing me too!!! Well, more specifically, just my nipples.

    The cyst is on my ovary. I had them before I got pregnant, but they'd resolve from cycle to cycle and switch sides so they figured it was hormone related. I don't have the extreme pain that some have, so they've just watched them to make sure they don't get totally huge (bigger than 10 cm) or twist or change in appearance (they've always been "simple"...clear and round)

    It shouldn't affect the baby, but there are risks of it bursting (that would just be incredibly painful) or the worst would be if it gets so large and because it has so little room, it turns. Then it can cut off the blood supply to my ovary and require surgery, which they never want to do when someone is pregnant.

    So fingers are crossed that it resolves, shrinks, or at least stops growing.

    My doctors aren't sure what caused it. When I had my early pregnancy scans, I didn't have any cysts for the first time in more than a year when they were first discovered. I stopped taking Progesterone the month before my 20 week scan, so I'm wondering if the drop in hormones might have had something to do with it? I asked and they said no, but I'm not convinced.

  9. MaryM

    pomelo / 5129 posts

    I guess baby girl heard me typing. Someone just started having a dance party! lol I feel less anxious now.

  10. kristinleigh

    cherry / 178 posts

    My back is KILLING me. Wahh.
    I start seeing a chiropractor this Wednesday and it cannot come soon enough. I also feel like my bump doubled in size over the past three days.

    I meet with potential pediatrician tomorrow night. Then we tour a potential daycare next week. We won't be putting him in daycare until next August but the waiting lists are so long around here, I figure it can't hurt to start looking, and getting an idea of what we'll be paying. The prices I've been quoted range from $1100 - $1500 for full time, but we will be doing 3 days per week (MIL will be watching DS 2 days per week, thank goodness). It also depends on my job situation and if I come back to my current full time job or if I wind up getting something per diem. So many decisions to make.

    Also we're currently getting renovations done to our master bathroom and refinishing our entire basement so our house is in such disarray for the past month. Projected finish date was October 19th (We leave on the 20th for our 3 year anniversary/babymoon trip) and now they're saying it won't be done by then, so I feel super stressed. Blessed to be able to get everything done that we want, yet really stressed out that we'll be running into November with the work and I'm due January 13th. Nursery furniture comes November 7th!

  11. Ari123

    coffee bean / 25 posts

    I've been reading the great posts by all the moms to be. It's great to see others due around the same time as me. This is our first baby. My due date is 1/15/16 (we will find out gender at birth). Because of a degenerating fibroid (I have several others which are not degenerating), I have severe pelvic pain and it especially hurts when baby kicks the degenerating one. I can walk to the bathroom and bed, but nothing more than that. It's very painful sometimes but I don't want to use strong painkillers unless I am in excruciating pain.

    I have been on bed rest since I was 20 weeks. I am now 23w4d, and I am mostly lying down / reclining and using a heat pad, which helps relieve the pain. Tylenol doesn't work for this pain.
    I haven't been to work most of September 2015, I went in for two days when I thought I was feeling better but the pain returned with a vengeance. I think I will have to take a leave of absence and go on disability if this pain doesn't subside soon sorry for the long post but I just thought I'd share.

  12. kristinleigh

    cherry / 178 posts

    @MaryM: I'm 24 weeks as of tomorrow and baby hasn't been moving as much as of yesterday. I couldn't sleep all night, so freaked out. Drank cold water and juice and laid on my side but still haven't felt much. This morning on the way to work I had my music pretty loud and I felt a few slight kicks. I'm thinking he's just turned in a new position or something but I still get so anxious

  13. kristinleigh

    cherry / 178 posts

    @Ari123: Welcome! I'm sorry to hear what you are going through

  14. MaryM

    pomelo / 5129 posts

    @kristinleigh: I'm pretty sure my LO is simply as low in my pelvis as possible.

    I was on my feet all day yesterday, and my pelvis/tailbone were KILLING me...

  15. kristinleigh

    cherry / 178 posts

    @MaryM: I'm feeling the same way! and everyone keeps commenting on how "low" my bump is (it really does look super low but midwife isn't concerned) although once in a while I'll feel him kick up towards my ribs...but most kicks feel like they're right to my hipbone!

  16. lauren0817

    apricot / 369 posts

    Hi everyone! Not sure where these past couple of weeks have gone, but I haven't been online very much for some reason. I think I have just been trying to stay distracted and busy. Thankfully we have had two more checkups and baby's heart sounds normal and the doctors did not hear an arrhythmia ( we are going for weekly visits at this point to keep an eye on things). Hopefully the arrhythmia is gone and my anxiety levels can keep returning to normal. Every week I just hope and pray for a very boring week I can't handle anymore pregnancy stress right now! I am so thankful baby is doing okay - she really had me scared for awhile there.

    @sera_87: thinking of you and hoping the little guy goes through a growth spurt soon I know they can have pretty rapid periods of growth at this point so I'm hoping that will be the case for you!

    @marym: I hope your cyst resolves soon - that sounds painful can you feel pressure in that area now? I know I could feel my huge ovaries during IVF, but having a big uterus now might make that harder to feel I completely understand about being concerned about baby's movements - I freaked myself out about that a couple weekends ago and was chugging cold water like a maniac to make baby move. I do notice she is less active some days, but I can still feel her moving - my doctor reassured me that is completely normal at this point - as long as I feel some movement she said that is perfect. Ahh so many things to think/worry about

  17. lauren0817

    apricot / 369 posts

    @Ari123: welcome! I'm so sorry to hear what you're going through - the pain sounds awful. I'm thinking of you and hoping that your pain starts to subside soon

  18. lauren0817

    apricot / 369 posts

    @kristinleigh: I hear you about the movement thing - I get so nervous if I don't feel her moving for awhile. Sometimes she is so active and I think I just want to feel her like that all the time I get low kicks as well and sometimes they really hurt! I try to do a few cat-cow stretches (we do them at prenatal yoga and it feels great!) to move baby around a little bit. That usually shifts her up a bit which helps

  19. MaryM

    pomelo / 5129 posts

    @lauren0817: I've never really been able to feel my cysts...even when they've been 10 cm. I don't know if it's because I have a high pain tolerance or what. My sister has had cysts and you'd think she was dying, but she's also just more dramatic than me. Who knows!

    I get occasional pain or twinges, but I've figured it's just pregnancy related.

  20. lauren0817

    apricot / 369 posts

    @MaryM: well I guess that's maybe a blessing hoping your cyst goes away and doesn't cause any issues for you! Keep us updated

  21. littlebug

    honeydew / 7504 posts

    @Ari123: Oh, man, that sounds painful! Welcome to the board, though!

  22. lauren0817

    apricot / 369 posts

    Happy Thursday ladies! I wanted to see what baby stuff everyone is having fun with at the moment. Who's registering/ed, working on the nursery or picking out furniture? I am having a hard time finding the motivation to get started since I feel like I have so much time, but I know 15 (ish) weeks will probably fly by! Thought it would be fun to hear what everyone else is doing

    I'll start - I'm working on a baby quilt (my first quilt) which is a fun distraction! I started working on the registry, but can't make decisions on most of the smaller stuff I'm really dragging my heals on cleaning out the future nursery (my current office) - not sure where all this stuff is going to go! I don't want to order furniture until I have somewhere to put it so I haven't done that yet either (although I found something I think I like on Wayfair so I shouldn't have a crazy long delivery time).

  23. kristinleigh

    cherry / 178 posts

    @lauren0817: I registered! My shower invites go out in 2 weeks (it's December 5th) and my work shower is on November 12th. We ordered furniture about a month ago and it comes in the first week of November. Our house is currently under construction (the master bathroom and basement mainly) and the lighting and fan was just ran for the nursery... it'll be painted within a week or two! I'll post photos

    I'm crocheting a bit when I have time.

    I just started chiropractic treatments last night and OH MY GOSH they are INCREDIBLE. Baby wasn't moving much the past few days.. there was movement but not like it was a week or two ago! After she adjusted me, and she said my pelvis was SO out of alignment/balance, he started squirming around a ton and hasn't really stopped so he must have more room and be happier now, haha. I highly recommend seeing a chiropractor if you're having any kind of pain at all. She's also had great success with getting breech babies to turn

    DH is a police officer and we haven't had much time together with his schedule lately. Next weekend he has Sunday off and we are going into NYC for the NEDA walk and then the weekend after he has Saturday AND Sunday off (woo woo!) so we're going pumpkin picking and apple picking. We have our three year wedding anniversary trip / babymoon to Cape May next month (October 20th - 24th) that I am very excited about!

  24. travellingbee

    hostess / papaya / 10219 posts

    @Ari123: Man that sounds miserable. I'm so sorry you are in so much pain!
    @kristinleigh: Sounds like a fun trip! I may need to try going to a chiro as I am in so much hip/pelvis pain right now. It is almost unbearable. Only my left side. Ugh.

    This is my second so I am not really having a shower but my SIL wants to throw me a sprinkle in November. My MIL wanted me to register for a few things (I did on amazon) because she knows a few people who wanted to get us something. So I did, but it is not very exciting stuff. Just some basics that needed replacing. A new diaper pail, a new sound machine for baby. An extra monitor. Some new pacifiers. But other than that, we have pretty much everything.

    I am having a terrible pregnancy and I can't help just wishing it done. These next few months can't go by fast enough. There are 4 girls at work that are all due the month before me and I am by far carrying the biggest of all of us! I am so uncomfortable. I am still throwing up in the morning. I am in hip pain. I am having HORRIBLE acid reflux, even on medicine. And now I am having scary heart palpitations. I had all of this with my first (minus the still throwing up part) but not until the end of my pregnancy. I can't believe I still have 3 months left like this! Sorry for the vent, I am just feeling so down.

  25. lauren0817

    apricot / 369 posts

    @kristinleigh: wow it sounds like you've been busy I can't wait to see the nursery photos!

    Thanks for the chiropracter recommendation! I think I might check one out soon before it become I get too large and uncomfortable I've been feeling pretty good (knock on wood!), but I've had hip and back issues before so I think they might be coming unfortunately.

    Enjoy your time with your hubby! Your babymoon sounds lovely!

  26. kristinleigh

    cherry / 178 posts

    @travellingbee: I would definitely suggest a chiro. My hips were on fire and my lower back and thoracic spine were all a mess. I'm so much better today just from one adjustment.

    I'm so sorry you're having a hard time I would maybe look into acupuncture too. I have heart palpitations but I notice they get worse when I haven't had enough water.

  27. oliviaoblivia

    pineapple / 12793 posts

    @travellingbee: sorry you're having such a hard time. Hopefully the next few months fly by.

    Still following along ladies but life is crazy. Hugs to you all.

  28. lauren0817

    apricot / 369 posts

    @travellingbee: haha yeah after writing my post I realized I sound like such a ftm - all the experienced mommies probably aren't nearly as crazy about the registry and getting ready for baby as I am

    Ugghhh so sorry to hear you aren't feeling well That must be so hard - coping with work, your family and feeling awful. What is going on with your heart palpitations? That sounds really scary Thinking of you and hoping for a quiet and healthy rest of pregnancy for you!!

  29. SwanSong

    cherry / 220 posts

    @Ari123: sorry you're having such a rough pregnancy, best of luck and welcome to the January board!

    My only gripe at this point besides getting up about 5 times a night to pee is how itchy I am. I am getting my weekly progesterone injections and one of the side effects, apparently, can be itchiness as the injection site, which is my bum. It isnt cute walking around and scratching my bum

    This is also my second little boy so we don't really have much to do or need much. I only registered so I can get a completion discount, I only really need new bottle nipples, pacifiers, maybe a new diaper bag, and a new monitor since my little man chewed of the antennae when he was teething.. One of my best friends keeps saying she wants to throw me a sprinkle since my shower for my first was cancelled and we bought everything ourselves, I just don't see the point.

    At this point we rearranged the nursery since DS1 and DS2 will be sharing a room for the foreseeable future and upgraded DS1 to a twin bed. It is squishy but we will make it work. Also just got another closet organizing system so I can get the closet and new born clothes organized by 28 weeks. With my history of preterm labor, i want everything done by 30 weeks at the latest.

    Having a mini melt down today over projected budgets, for two in daycare, college savings plan, increased expenses, etc. I got a 16% raise and great promotion last month but I always stress over money while my husband is way more blase about it, drives me insane.

  30. MaryM

    pomelo / 5129 posts

    @lauren0817: I've started an Amazon registry...but it's more just a list of stuff I add as I think of it. My SIL and nieces are coming Columbus Day weekend to help me start the official registry at BBB. I haven't been in too much of a rush because I don't want to buy much until after the showers and they aren't until November. I've picked up just a few things on Zulily though

    I'm also crocheting a bit. I'm working on a sweater but it got to the boring part of the bodice so I've slowed down.

    DH has been really great at helping me get all the junk we left in the nursery out.

    @kristinleigh: My DH has wonky hours too. It's hard for us to get stuff done together, but it's nice to come home from being super busy and see what he's gotten done! I'm hoping one day soon we can head to BBB together so he can help me choose the stuff he'll use too (glider, stroller, etc). We have a massive height difference (more than a foot) so what works well for me may very well be really uncomfortable for him.

    I was having just a bit of back pain up until a few days ago. But I worked 40 hours in 3 days (the pope visited where I work. And I work with the media...so HELLO long days!) and omg. Tuesday night I only had time for 4 hours sleep and my hips were so sore every time I moved I woke up!

    I got to sleep in today though (8:30 might as well have been noon. It was so glorious!) and woke up covered in drool. I as on my back, but propped up with my snoogle under my shoulders so I'm sure it wasn't that bad. I just needed sleep!!

    Eta photo of sleepers I just got. I ❤️ Dinosaurs

  31. JoyfulKiwi

    nectarine / 2667 posts

    @lauren0817: aww, don't say "ftm" like it's a bad thing - your post made me smile remembering how exciting it was to get ready for my first. Enjoy the ftm-ness!!

    @travellingbee: all the pregnant mommies in my yoga just RAVE about seeing a chiropractor, especially one with prenatal experience. If my pains get any worse, I'll look into going. I am not having such a tough time as you are (I couldnt function if I was still nauseous; you poor thing!) but I am with you on feeling defeated when thinking of the next three months. My body looks and feels like I should be nearly done. My pelvis is killing me and that didn't happen last time until right at the end. Plus, my belly is so large - I had FIVE people (including my husband!) ask yesterday about my due date because I look so big. Last weekend a stranger asked me if I was 8 months along. Kill me.

    @SwanSong: thanks for the reminder about a completion discount! I was going to skip a registery & just pick up the few things we need, but those discounts are great! My sister wants to do a sprinkle in Nov because we're having a girl (our first is a boy). I don't see the point, but she really wants to. I just hope it's not over the top. Maybe I'll suggest a small brunch?

    The 2nd time around I'm finding it harder to get motivated. Our basement flooded months ago & our guest room situation is in a bad place (2 spare rooms down to 1 that's basically a storage closet with a bed). So no place for baby or visitors to sleep right now and we just can't get traction to fix it. We also need to make car seat decisions and look through old baby stuff to see what's still good, but we haven't done that either. We've narrowed it down to 2 names a month ago (Clementine or Hazel) and that was the last we spoke of it. Man, this poor kiddo is getting the serious short end of the stick!!

  32. brady80

    kiwi / 589 posts

    @SwanSong: are your shotes progesterone in oil? When I had those for IVF I got really itchy and it turns out I was allergic to the oil. They ended up switching the oil and the itching went away!

    I registered this weekend at BBB for a few things that we need this time around. I should pull out the bottles to see how they are. I assume we will need new nipples and pacifiers. Also, my daughter was a summer baby, so I definitely need long sleeve/footed onesies.

    I feel like it feels far away, but also soon. I also think the next few months will fly by with the holidays! We have discussed names but haven't come to any conclusions yet...and we're team green so we need TWO!

    I'm really nervous about having a winter baby. We are in New England and last year was so brutal. I've basically decided I will probably just be inside for three months! But I worry about the baby catching everything that my toddler gets

  33. lauren0817

    apricot / 369 posts

    @SwanSong: ugh those progesterone shots are tough! I did them during IVF and had pain and brusing but no itching. I have heard that switching types of oil that the progesterone is dissolved in can help

    It sounds like you are very organized - yay!! I hear you about finances - it is a lot to think about all at once. My hubby is also really laid back in general including about finances and sometimes that justs makes me more stressed!

  34. lauren0817

    apricot / 369 posts

    @MaryM: oohh zulily is addicting!!

    Hope work is a bit quieter now that the big visit is behind you It sounds like you had a great nights sleep which I'm sure you needed!

    Those sleepers are adorable - so cute!!

    @joyfulkiwi: haha so true! I just was momentarily thinking it would be nice to feel like I knew what I'm doing with all of this Being a ftm is exciting, but also so overwhelming! Trying to stay focused on that excited part though

    I love your name choices - so sweet!!

  35. lauren0817

    apricot / 369 posts

    @brady80: I agree I'm scared about having a winter baby as well! I mean I don't even like to go out in the winter - how are we going to take a tiny newborn outside!? I am obsessed with those little buntings with the bear ears so baby might have one (or three :)) of those to keep her warm!

    I can't even imagine coming up with two names - one has been hard!

  36. DesertDreams88

    grapefruit / 4361 posts

    My insurance only covers 12 chiropractic visits per year, so I am trying to save them! I went once already 2 weeks ago and I think I will go again in a week or two, before flying across the country for my baby shower..... Speaking of which, my showers are in October and early November (all the hosts wanted to do them before the holidays), and August-September is my busiest season at work, so I've been registered since July.

    My friends have blessed me with a LOT of hand-me-downs, so we have tons of blankets, 0-3 clothes, unused pacifiers, 3 breastfeeding pillows, a baby bathtub, a pack n play, a changing pad, a baby carrier, an activity mat, a glider...... I think that's it! You can tell we are the last of our friend group to have a baby. We just got our first presents from our "baby shower" - my aunt and cousin bought us the crib so we'll be setting that up soon hopefully

  37. SwanSong

    cherry / 220 posts

    @brady80: @lauren0817: It sounds like I don't really have a choice as far as the shots go, I am on the Makena (name brand) as so many compounding pharmacies will not compound progesterone anymore since it is available mass produced. I'm not sure the regulation of progesterone is different for IVF than too prevent preterm labor/birth, but I guess I am stuck. I just keep telling myself the itchy bum will be worth it to make it past 36 weeks.

  38. BandDmommy

    pomelo / 5660 posts

    @SwanSong: I'm actually an April mom but I'm starting my progesterone shots soon. I will be taking Makena as well. Do you go to your OB or does a nurse come to your house to administer the shot? Right now, my OB signed me up for nurses to visit my home.

  39. MaryM

    pomelo / 5129 posts

    @DesertDreams88: We're the last of our friends to have a baby too, so we've been promised lots of hand me downs, but so far have just gotten the bassinet. I'm looking forward to seeing how little we can spend though! Between all our friends having babies and it being the first grandchild on DH's side, I feel SO guilty any time I want to buy something myself knowing that we'll be overrun by gifts.

  40. lauren0817

    apricot / 369 posts

    @DesertDreams88: oh wow enjoy your showers - so fun!! It's so lovely to get hand me downs - you sound like you'll be ready to go soon - yay!!

    @swansong: oh that makes sense - I think the type of progesterone is different, but I thought maybe the oil situation might be similar. I hear you though about dealing with the itchy bum (mine was a really sore one for a long time) - so worth it in the end for the healthy baby

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