Hellobee Boards


January 2016 Moms!

  1. cvwood

    grape / 78 posts

    @sera_87: Hooray for normal! such good news.

    @QueensBee: I'm having the same problem with clothes! I started this pregnancy 10 pounds and one size heavier than my last, and I got big so much faster this time. My old maternity clothes aren't making it to the third tri. I had to just buy a bunch more stuff this weekend with the labor day sales. I hate spending so much money on temporary clothes, ugh.

    Speaking of, I had another crazy cheap experience at old navy. Thanks to a clueless cashier and an automatic discount on online exclusives that have been returned, I got two pairs of maternity jeans for under $12. I wanted to cry, I was so happy (I just bought a new car, so I'm completely broke and emotional about it. Ha.) Go to old navy and buy online returns!!!

  2. QueensBee

    pear / 1718 posts

    @DesertDreams88: Yay, happy to hear someone else is excited about giving them a try! Hopefully we can help each other get through the learning curve! I ordered 8 BumGenius 4.0s. I think I'll probably order 7 more, to start with a stash of 15 of the same. Once she's here and I know how to use the things, I'll probably consider some AIOs or other brands. They are pretty cute!

    @cvwood: Ditto! I also started this pregnancy 10 lbs. heavier, so I'm growing through everything much faster. And now I think I need a trip to Old Navy because it's so hard to stomach spending $ on clothes that will only last a few months, and don't even look that good!

    @MaryM: That's beautiful! And the perfect gift to share since it will get such limited use with each baby!

  3. MrsYellowJacket

    apricot / 378 posts

    @DesertDreams88: @QueensBee: Glad to see other mommas trying CD. We're giving it a go for the twins as well! I'm excited.

  4. DesertDreams88

    grapefruit / 4361 posts

    @mrsyellowjacket: My twin momma friend did it for her twins and swears it saved her thousands upon thousands of dollars. She went the super cheap route, with prefolds, fitteds, and covers. So, the laundry is doable!

  5. SwanSong

    cherry / 220 posts

    We had our gender reveal this past Saturday and we are expecting another baby boy. So excited to be the Mama to two little boys!

    I see a lot of cloth diaper talk going on, we cloth diaper for home for our toddler and plan to do the same for this one. I though I would love AIO's and pockets but ending up hating them due to 1. bulkiness in the diaper bag and 2. build up was hard to get rid of. We now primarily use prefolds with covers. We have a stash of 24 diapers and 9 covers, which has been plenty for us. Still debating whether or not to add to it as Zeke (our toddler) is doing pretty well potty training.

  6. MrsYellowJacket

    apricot / 378 posts

    @DesertDreams88: Great to know!!! That's the main driver for us to try cloth. Luckily DH is very much on board so that will help with the routine!

    @SwanSong: good to know!! We're buying a few different styles here and there. We want to try them before settling on a "stash" so we don't waste money if 1) we don't like it or 2) fit doesn't work, etc for the girls. ETA: congrats on your second boy!!!!

  7. littlebug

    honeydew / 7504 posts

    @SwanSong: Congrats on your baby boy!

    We have CD'd since D was 3 months old. We were able to exclusively CD for the first 18 months of his life, because our old daycare was willing to work with us and use the CDs there. But our new daycare won't use them, so he's in disposables during the day and CD at night and on weekends. We have exclusively used BG Freetimes (AIOs) and have been happy with them. We plan to continue the same thing with Babygirl. I'll need to replace some of the velcro and elastics. If I could do it all over again, I'd buy the snaps, not the velcro!

  8. MaryM

    pomelo / 5129 posts

    @SwanSong: Congrats on your boy!!

    Happy Terrible Traffic Tuesday. Ugh. I never appreciated it until this year. Between our new house (which is SURROUNDED by schools) and being pregnant (I almost peed myself before I got to work because it took an hour and a half...) Blech!

    After waking up with back aches, I decided to bit the bullet and get a snoogle. Has anyone else gotten one? Is there a time it takes to get used to it? I didn't sleep any better last night than the nights before. I STILL want to sleep on my back (and I'm not normally a back sleeper!) and I kept waking up wanting to turn over but it was so hard to do so within the giant pillow. I'm hoping I didn't just spend a ton of money for something I hate...

  9. brady80

    kiwi / 589 posts

    @MaryM: I love my snoogle. I used it with my first and actually used it a few months after she was born. This time around it took me a couple night to get used to it because I would want to switch sides in the middle of the night and wrangling that pillow at 2am was not fun! I mainly sleep on my left side, but also keep a pillow behind my back, so if I turn over, I put that pillow between my legs. I'm getting up at least once a night to pee, and do feel like I am fighting all these pillows to get out of bed! That being said, I find the snoogle does help me sleep better.

  10. MaryM

    pomelo / 5129 posts

    @brady80: Thanks for the feedback! I'm hoping I just need to get used to it!

    I was using the boppy cuddle pillow but needed something behind my back. I figured I'd try the snoogle instead of getting yet another body pillow (DH and I already have one that he's been using since he ruptured a disc).

    I didn't attempt to turn the entire snoogle with me, but I sort of sat up and flipped over when I wanted to turn. But my morning I had both arms out from under it and was propped up on my back. I figure though, if I'm going to be on my back, at least it's better to be a little propped up? But I was still a little sore from doing that...

  11. smith

    cherry / 154 posts

    @SwanSong: Congratulations on the baby boy! There is nothing sweeter than little boys teaching their younger brothers all the tricks They are going to have such a special bond!

    @sera_87: Relieved to hear everything looks normal. Fingers and toes crossed it all stays that way and you are feeling good these next few weeks!

  12. gracecat

    clementine / 878 posts

    I couldn't stand the snoogle pregnancy pillow the first pregnancy. I felt so restricted by it, but others swore by it. Just ended up using more pillows.

  13. MaryM

    pomelo / 5129 posts

    @gracecat: I'm hoping I can get used to it, because I was sleeping with like 4 pillows and it was becoming too high maintenance!

    DH also gets home at obscene hours (he works at a restaurant). I'm starting to wonder if maybe I should just start sleeping in the guest room so I'm not woken up when he gets home. He's also a snorer and that doesn't help.

  14. kristinleigh

    cherry / 178 posts

    I've had this tight feeling in my abdomen all day. They're not Braxton Hicks.. just a feeling of tightness constantly. I called my midwife and spoke with the nurse there and she reassured me it's probably just stretching/growth but I worry over every little thing. It feels like I ate too much and my stomach is stretching.

  15. smith

    cherry / 154 posts

    @kristinleigh: When you say tightness, does that include sharp pains and twinges, or just overall tightness? Not that I'm an expert in any of this or anything, but I've also had weird feelings in my belly and & wondering if they're similar

  16. kristinleigh

    cherry / 178 posts

    @smith: Both! It's been tight all day with occassional twinges down lower. Don't google it.. all I did was get freaked out. I'm 22 weeks tomorrow and they said he's probably just going through a pretty big growth spurt and my bump has definitely grown a lot over the past few days. My skin hurts!

  17. kristinleigh

    cherry / 178 posts

    @brady80: lol "wrangling that pillow"... I knocked over my lamp with my pillow just last week!

  18. brady80

    kiwi / 589 posts

    @kristinleigh: could it be braxton hicks? I've had times where I feel tightness throughout the day. And thought it was braxton hicks Did you try drinking water? When this has happened I down as much water as possible and it usually goes away.

  19. lauren0817

    apricot / 369 posts

    Hi ladies! I have had a really rough few days - first we had a minor car accident over the weekend (thankfully baby seems okay after lots of monitoring and tests at the hospital) and then we found out about two potential (unrelated to the car accident) complications with the baby at our echocardiogram yesterday. We had an echocardiogram because this is an IVF baby and there may be a small increase in certain heart defects after IVF - the echo just happened to be scheduled for yesterday, so it has been a lot to deal with this week. I just wrote a really long post about everything if you are interested in hearing more about all of this: http://boards.hellobee.com/topic/car-accident-and-two-potential-unrelated-complications-discovered-during-fetal-echocardiogram

    Please send positive thoughts our way - I am trying to stay calm, but honestly I am a mess at the moment. I hope everyone else is doing well - I need to catch up on everyone else's posts

  20. smith

    cherry / 154 posts

    @lauren0817: Read your whole post ... no wonder you are feeling stressed! That is so much to deal with at once, and my heart goes out to you guys. No experience with any of those things, but sending lots of good juju to you and your daughter Keep us posted!!!!!

  21. lauren0817

    apricot / 369 posts

    @smith: thank you so much for thinking of us! It has been a really tough week, but I'm doing my best to stay calm (which is so easier said than done sometimes). I will definitely post an update after our doctor's appointment next Tuesday

  22. MaryM

    pomelo / 5129 posts

    @lauren0817: Wow! That's a lot all at once...

    No specific advice, but I can say that I've had friends have to follow up on similar things (and somehow they remained calm, I probably wouldn't have!) and everything came out fine. Extra monitoring is scary, but at least you know they're keeping a good eye on your LO!

  23. lauren0817

    apricot / 369 posts

    @MaryM: thank you for reassuring me! I wasn't exactly calm before all of this happened, so I am definitely struggling right now I am trying to remind myself that baby seems perfectly healthy right now and I am so much stronger than I sometimes give myself credit for - definitely not easy, but we're just going to have try our best with all of this.

  24. littlebug

    honeydew / 7504 posts

    @lauren0817: Oh, man. That is a lot of information to try to take in all at once!

    D doesn't have the exact same issue, but he does have a cardiac problem (diagnosed with ASD at 9mo) and will be having surgery in November. I can totally empathize on how scary hearing "your LO has a heart condition" can be! If you ever want to talk, please feel free to wall me!

    As with the placenta issue, my sister had full placenta previa, which I knew throughout her pregnancy. However, after she delivered, she revealed that there were other major complications with her placenta that she still didn't really go into detail on, but I do know that she had significant bleeding during her c-section. She was severely anemic after delivery, and ended up needing a blood transfusion. But both she and the baby are doing great and everyone is health and happy!

    I know it's scary. We are all here for you and like I said, you can wall me any time to talk about it!

  25. lauren0817

    apricot / 369 posts

    @littlebug: thank you so much - I really appreciate it Oh wow - I hope everything goes well with your son's surgery - it must be so scary. I know that doctors see things like this all the time so for them it is pretty routine, but for a mom/mom-to-be it is terrifying!

    Thank you for sharing your sister's experience with placenta previa. This might sound crazy, but I am okay with having labor complications on my side as long as the baby is okay - I am much more confident that I will be okay, so it doesn't worry me as much. I will definitely take you up on your offer to chat sometime - thank you

  26. kristinleigh

    cherry / 178 posts

    @lauren0817: You're in my thoughts and prayers!

    Also, I was born with PACs as well as PVCs. I've never had any major issues with them, aside from when I was very sick with my eating disorder(s).

    I'm sure you're very stressed and I don't at all blame you. I've been extremely stressed with some things lately and I know how important it is to relax as much as possible, but I know how hard it is as well. I would try to do some prenatal yoga, guided meditation/imagery, etc. Do things good for your soul to keep yourself as calm as possible

  27. lauren0817

    apricot / 369 posts

    @kristinleigh: thank you so much Kristin! It is amazing how resilient the human body can be - I'm so happy to hear that your heart issues haven't been serious for you.

    You are so right - relaxing is really important right now. When we feel the least able to relax is when we probably need it the most I am going to do a guided meditation right now - thanks for the great suggestion! I hope you are able to find some relaxation time as well and that both of our stress levels start to decrease soon.

  28. smith

    cherry / 154 posts

    @lauren0817: Great suggestion from @kristinleigh: - are there any prenatal yoga or exercise studios/classes near you? I haven't gone to one yet, but my friends RAVE and say they are more than exercise and meditation, it's a way to bond with other moms-to-be and voice concern about things that they may also be going through. Even if nobody in the class can *exactly* relate to your situations, it's sometimes reassuring to be in a like-minded group regardless

  29. mrs.shinerbock

    pomegranate / 3779 posts

    @lauren0817: that's a lot of stress. I hope you are doing ok with it and that the earlier suggestions help you relax. (((Hugs)))

  30. QueensBee

    pear / 1718 posts

    @lauren0817: Hugs! I read your whole post and can't imagine how stressful this week has been for you. I hope you can find ways to try to relax and rest a bit. The suggestions above are great!

  31. lauren0817

    apricot / 369 posts

    @smith: that is a great idea! I have gone to a pregnancy yoga class a few times and loved it, but of course with everything happening I need to give myself an extra little push to make it there Thank you for reminding to keep taking care of myself - especially now when I need it most!

  32. lauren0817

    apricot / 369 posts

    @mrs.shinerbock and @queensbee: thank you so much ladies! I really appreciate all of this support from the group - I am starting to feel a bit better tonight Still stressed and worried, but moving in the right direction which is all I can ask for at this point.

  33. kristinleigh

    cherry / 178 posts

    Happy Friday, everyone! I just wanted to say I hope everyone has a great day

  34. cvwood

    grape / 78 posts

    @lauren0817: I second the prenatal yoga, it really helps you to focus on you and your pregnancy in a positive way and the support of other pregnant women is so nice. If you can find a masseuse that has a special prenatal table (one where the belly drops out to accommodate yours) it's totally worth the money. I'm sorry you all are going through this!

  35. brady80

    kiwi / 589 posts

    @lauren0817: I'm sorry you have been going through so much. I'm sure everything will resolve but I think it's great that your doctor seems so on top of things and will be monitoring you closely. When I was pregnant with my daughter something was detected on her heart at the 18 week scan, I ended up getting the materni21 test, to rule out a chromosomal issue. I spent 10 days (5 of them on our babymoon) a complete mess. Everything was fine and by the next scan you couldn't see it. My therapist said to me, welcome to motherhood, you have mortgaged your heart forever. If you can, trust that things will be ok, and if they are not, you and your husband will do everything you can to make it right. Also, there have been so many advancements in technology that they are picking up things in utero that they couldn't see even a few years ago. Yes, it is great to have information, but sometimes it is too much! I hope you have a good weekend and are able to find ways to take care of yourself

  36. travellingbee

    hostess / papaya / 10219 posts

    @lauren0817: I'm sorry to hear of all this stressful information you've gotten. And your accident. Man. Hugs!

  37. cvwood

    grape / 78 posts

    I have another to add to the list! We were team green last time, but I convinced my husband that I needed to know this time around. We had gender reveal cupcakes made, and gave the first one to our two year old son to tear into. He insisted it had pink icing inside, but it was definitely blue.

  38. MaryM

    pomelo / 5129 posts

    @cvwood: Yay for another boy!! Are you so glad you found out?

    I had always figured I wouldn't mind being team green, but we found out since DH wanted to know. I don't regret it at all. I like that I know it's a girl and can call her by name.

    Possibly TMI, but I thought it was hilarious. I woke up with insane gas this morning. After passing some, I think I scared the baby because she totally rolled over like she was trying to get away from it! lol

  39. lauren0817

    apricot / 369 posts

    @kristinleigh: thank you Kristin! I hope you do too how is everything going with you this week? Any fun baby stuff happening? I'm starting to work on a baby quilt (my first quilting project) and starting to *think* about clearing out the future nursery! I need to mentally prepare myself for that one!

  40. lauren0817

    apricot / 369 posts

    @cvwood: thank you so much - I love the awesome suggestions I am definitely going to yoga next week!

    Congratulations on your little boy! I bet big brother is excited He is absolutely adorable with his cupcake!

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