Hellobee Boards


January 2016 Moms!

  1. MaryM

    pomelo / 5129 posts

    @raintreebee: Welcome!

    so I found out yesterday that my SIL is also pregnant. She just found out this weekend, so she's about 2 weeks behind me.

    I'm really happy to have someone to share the pregnancy with and that our LO will have a cousin their age, but I'm also kind of bummed. I was hoping she might lend me gear and maternity clothes. lol

  2. mrs.shinerbock

    pomegranate / 3779 posts

    @raintreebee: Congratulations and welcome!

    @MaryM: that's exciting you have someone close that will be pregnant with you. I can commiserate with you on the sharing of baby gear - we have a group of friends that passes around baby gear when each of us have a baby and with LO1, the mom who actually owned the gear was due 2 weeks after me.

  3. DesertDreams88

    grapefruit / 4361 posts

    Location: Phoenix AZ
    EDD: 1/19/2016
    How far along: 4w6d
    First child? yes, but not first pregnancy
    First doctor appointment: about 7 weeks, June 3... didn't want to risk not seeing/hearing the heartbeat!) And freaking out!

    Any symptoms so far? fatigue, sore boobs, and cramping

    Who have you told? DH obviously, my work team, and 3 good friends, all of you know our struggle with infertility and miscarriage. We will tell my parents and our friends after hearing the heartbeat and then his family after the first trimester probably. His family is kind of high strung.

  4. MaryM

    pomelo / 5129 posts

    @DesertDreams88: Welcome!!!!

  5. Hiker85

    coffee bean / 33 posts

    @travellingbee: The bloat really is unreal! Sorry that you felt self-conscious

    @raintreebee: Congratulations and welcome! It's nice that there are so many second-time-moms on this board! I anticipate having a lot of dumb FTM questions so you will have to be patient with me

    @DesertDreams88: So glad to see you here! Congratulations!

  6. Mermaidri

    pea / 19 posts

    @travellingbee: i agree the bloat is insane! thank goodness for flowy shirts!

  7. mrs.shinerbock

    pomegranate / 3779 posts

    @DesertDreams88: welcome!

  8. Swoggette

    cherry / 134 posts

    @raintreebee and @desertdreams88 congratulations!!!

    @marym that is exciting to have someone close as a pregnancy buddy. There are many ladies pregnant in my small town that are ironically all my age group. So sharing gear is out of the question for us

    @travelingbee I feel your pain with the bloat. Nothing is fitting properly.

    And this board moves so quickly!

  9. karen

    coffee bean / 32 posts

    Welcome and congrats raintreebee and desertdreams88! Exciting to have more moms here!

    Ladies..the nausea. Ughh!!! It was not this bad the first time around. I'm currently sitting in my car at work, totally miserable. I don't know how to make it through the rest of the first trimester like this! I feel like I've tried all the usual suggestions, but does anyone have anything that's really helping with morning sickness?

  10. travellingbee

    hostess / papaya / 10219 posts

    @karen: The only thing so far that has helped me is this anti-nausea ginger gum.

  11. karen

    coffee bean / 32 posts

    @travellingbee: awesome, where'd you find that? I will literally buy anything at this point.

  12. karen

    coffee bean / 32 posts

    @travellingbee: never mind, duh. Ordering now!

  13. travellingbee

    hostess / papaya / 10219 posts

    @karen: I had it around from last pregnancy so I don't remember but likely just CVS or walgreens. I just put a link to amazon too.

  14. DesertDreams88

    grapefruit / 4361 posts

    About pregnancy buddies: My best friend from middle/high school & college is 14 weeks pregnant, about 8 weeks ahead of me. This is her 2nd "surprise" pregnancy (she terminated her 1st, which she first told me about during my MC, in an effort to empathize.....) and it's with someone she's known for less than a year. On one hand I want to talk to her all about it because she's my friend and she's the only pregnant friend I have, but on the other hand, her life experiences re: pregnancy are vastly the opposite of mine! We'll see though, we recently reconnected about a week ago and had a long heart-to-heart about all things baby- and conceiving-related.

    @travellingbee: When is school over for you? My last day is next Thursday and I can't wait! The nausea hasn't kicked in yet, but the fatigue has, and I am counting my lucky stars that I will be on summer break for most of the first trimester.

  15. DesertDreams88

    grapefruit / 4361 posts

    @MrsYellowJacket, @cvwood, @swoggette: A special hello to all of you, we all have the same due date!

  16. travellingbee

    hostess / papaya / 10219 posts

    @DesertDreams88: not until June 3. almost there...

  17. SupernovaJ

    persimmon / 1141 posts

    @raintreebee: a BIG welcome!

    Love that this board has so many different types of pregnancies (first/second/third time moms, IVF/fertility treatment pregnancies etc.). And that it's fairly active. My previous board didn't really get going until much later on.

    Also dreading the nausea. I would SO get that ginger gum except I can't have any sugar or it'll spike my blood sugar. Speaking of blood sugar...

    Did anyone have gestational diabetes with a previous pregnancy? I'm already dreading the challenges that come with it. I'll most likely have it again because I was pre-diabetic before I ever became pregnant. But because I've been through it once before, less anxious overall.

  18. karen

    coffee bean / 32 posts

    @travellingbee: @DesertDreams88: Are you guys teachers? Props to you! I'm the director of a tutoring center, and I'm having so much trouble doing the 4 hours of teaching or so that I do every day. I run out of breath after every sentence and have to sit the entire time What subjects/ages do you teach?

  19. travellingbee

    hostess / papaya / 10219 posts

    @karen: I am in elementary but not a classroom teacher. I pull small groups to work on reading. I've been ok and able to work through the nausea because it's pretty mild for the most part. I hope that isn't a bad sign. Hoping it means this pregnancy will go a little easier on me. I can't remember how bad it was at this point with DS... I'm 7 weeks tomorrow!

  20. bisous

    persimmon / 1304 posts

    Hi January moms! I tested yesterday at 10 dpo and got my so I am joining in!!

    Location: Pennsylvania

    EDD: January 30 (according to midwife office, anyhow--preg calculator said Jan 28)

    How far along: 3 weeks

    First child?: I have a DD who turns 2 next week!

    First doctor appointment: June 24

    Any symptoms so far?: A kinda sore left breast. Lol nothing more than that yet.

    Who have you told?: my SO and sister and her DH.

  21. lauren0817

    apricot / 369 posts

    @raintreebee: congratulations! My little bean is an IVF pregnancy as well I hope everything goes well with your first ultrasound - I will be thinking of you on Friday

  22. lauren0817

    apricot / 369 posts

    @DesertDreams88: congratulations! This will be my first as well - we are so excited

  23. DesertDreams88

    grapefruit / 4361 posts

    @karen & @travellingbee: I have taught 5th grade language arts & social studies for 5 years, but next year I am moving up to 8th grade social studies and I'm totally excited! Social studies is my true passion, and I really want to get back to a middle-school-style teaching schedule (5th grade used to be part of the middle school, until this year). My DH is an 8th grade SS teacher, moving up to 10th SS next year. Yep, two peas in a pod!

  24. JoyfulKiwi

    nectarine / 2667 posts

    Wowza, this thread is blowing up! I love it Thanks to @lauren0817: @cvwood: @sera_87: for the nausea reassurance!

    Welcome to all the new-bees! @raintreebee: congratulations on your pregnancy!
    @DesertDreams88: whereabouts are you in Phx? I'm in CO now, but grew up in Mesa & my family is all there!
    @bisous: I got my at 10 DPO, too! It's kinda fun to know so early.

    @DesertDreams88: @travellingbee: @karen: I teach, too! I'm doing preschool this year (I've been in elementary classrooms for the last 7 years, but switched last fall) so I don't get a summer vacation. I'm going to have to tell my aide soon because I'm SO LAZY right now - I am feeling really sluggish, so Im barely keeping up with giving lessons or making work for the kids.

    I'm happy to have some pregnancy buddies (a teacher at work is due in Sept & my neighbor is due in Oct). I'm hoping to hear that my SIL is pregnant sometime soon, too - she & her partner have been talking about getting pregnant again for a while and she's been VERY emotional about another SILs recent baby.

  25. cvwood

    grape / 78 posts

    Welcome @raintreebee @bisous and (super special Janurary 19th welcome to) @desertdreams88. I think all of you that have gone through IVF are so tough, when you get your babies they are going to be so loved!

    @travellingbee I wear scrubs and dresses to work and had no idea I was bloated until I put on jeans Friday night and realized this is going to be hard to hide. I'm glad it's warm enough to wear loose dresses all the time and not look suspicious.

    @joyfulkiwi I'm glad someone else has my lazy problem! Luckily, I have a pregnant coworker to commiserate with, but she's due in September. Yesterday we just hid in her office and whined about not wanting to do anything.

    @desertdreams88 it's gotta to be really hard not to lash out at your friend. I'm sure it was a really hard decision for her to terminate, but I'd still have a hard time not letting my struggles influence the way I reacted to her. Good for you for trying to get past that. I have a coworker with a boyfriend that I HATE, he's awful to her and their son, borrows tons of money from her and spends his own on boats and motorcycles, etc. She pretty much looks at him and gets pregnant. There were definitely days when I had just failed to get pregnant another cycle that I just had to avoid her, but I know it's not her fault that I have finicky eggs. I still hate her stupid boyfriend, though.

  26. cvwood

    grape / 78 posts

    Is any food insanely delicious to you all right now? Because I just met a salad dressing that I think I want to marry.

  27. mrs.shinerbock

    pomegranate / 3779 posts

    @bisous: Congratulations and welcome!

    No pregnancy buddies here (yet?), but it's pretty early for people to be announcing. A lot of my friends have struggled with IF, so we all tend to be cautious and don't tell anyone until we are in our 2nd tri. I do know that my DH's best friend and his wife are TTC, so maybe that will happen.

  28. mrs.shinerbock

    pomegranate / 3779 posts

    @cvwood: I felt that way about some naan I had Sunday night. But mainly I just am hungry all. the. time.

  29. MaryM

    pomelo / 5129 posts

    @cvwood: I had a chicken salad salad last week (from potbelly) that I was crazy about. Which is weird because most meat has been a total turn off.

    And can I say how happy I am that they have real chicken for salads? There's only a few restaurants near my work so I'm happy I can go with coworkers who eat all the lunch meat (I miss the italian sub, but am pretty sure my heartburn wouldn't appreciate it!)

  30. MaryM

    pomelo / 5129 posts

    I have noticed some foods not having taste though.

    Cottage cheese tastes really sweet and I can't stand it, and I got some sharp cheddar that seemed absolutely flavorless.

  31. mrs.shinerbock

    pomegranate / 3779 posts

    @MaryM: That's good to know. There is a Potbelly not too far from my office. Though my OB said I only needed to avoid lunch meat that was cut at a deli counter. (Like the big hunks of meat that they pull out, cut some off, and put it back in the case until the next customer orders some.) He said the stuff that is cut and packaged is fine.

  32. kristinleigh

    cherry / 178 posts

    @cvwood: Yes! Anything cheesy and melty.. yumm. Pizza, nachos... I just ordered a kid's order of quesadilla's from Chiptole up the street from work because I can't stop thinking about having it. The only cheese I'm not fond of right now is mozzarella.. it tastes SO salty to me!

  33. Swoggette

    cherry / 134 posts

    @cvwood anything citrus and avocados. I made ramen noodles with lime cilantro and cubed avocado and chopped a couple of my kids chicken nuggets in to it. That was the clincher for my DH, he said ewwww that confirms you are pregnant! Lol

    @desertdreams right back at Ya for the 19th due date! Getting excited for my first appointment. 3 more weeks!

  34. cvwood

    grape / 78 posts

    @mrs.shinerbock: SO HUNGRY! My boss came by my office this morning and apologized for interrupting my breakfast. I told her it was ok because it was my 4th breakfast. This was at 9:00.

    @marym The day before I found out I was pregnant, I had a kombucha that tasted like straight vinegar. So I put it back in the fridge and tried again later, it was fine then. Maybe that's my version of morning sickness, things just taste wrong before a certain hour.

    @kristinleigh YES! CHEESE! Trader Joe's gouda, specifically.

  35. MaryM

    pomelo / 5129 posts

    My husband put shrimp on a blt this weekend and I said "which one of us is pregnant??"

  36. kristinleigh

    cherry / 178 posts

    Does anyone have names picked yet? We pretty much settled on a girl name (Harper Grace) and a boy name (Lucas Joseph)... and I'm only 6 weeks pregnant as of tomorrow, lol. Granted it took a while to conceive so we've pretty much had it planned since then, but still! I can't be the only obessive planner

  37. kristinleigh

    cherry / 178 posts

    @MaryM: lol that actually sounds pretty good!

  38. mrs.shinerbock

    pomegranate / 3779 posts

    @Swoggette: that sounds delicious.

  39. mrs.shinerbock

    pomegranate / 3779 posts

    @kristinleigh: Lucas is one of my top choices for a boy, but DH doesn't like how it sounds with our last name.

  40. sera_87

    pomegranate / 3604 posts

    @kristinleigh: we have a short list. I love love love names.

    Boys: Lucas, Logan, Timothy, Frederick, Hendricks, Graham.
    Girls: Logan, Jeannette, Ruth, Gretchen, Delaney. Delaney is probably going to squeak in as a middle name if it doesn't make first.

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