Hellobee Boards


January 2017 moms!

  1. Peasinapod

    clementine / 770 posts

    @sunnyday: I'm not sure if any hospitals let you leave that early without a midwife, but with a midwife that is one of the perks!

    With my first I was in a shared room and was woken up all night long by the other couple their baby and the nurses. I just wanted to be home... So I'm really hoping everything works out to go straight home this time. Plus I'm anxious to get back to my 2.5 year old.

    @madger: if I wasn't off for a full year is probably have kept her in for the same reasons you mention. She loves her daycare so much, I'm having major mama guilt about how lame I am by comparison.

    @IRunForFun: probably best to assume you'll go over ! I had my first 5 days early so now I'm worrying I'll feel like I'm overdue 5 days before due date... But I know the longer she stays in the better!

  2. sunnyday

    kiwi / 573 posts

    @snowjewelz: I am so nervous to try pumping! Pump is here. I haven't opened the box! Lol.

    I literally just found my nursing cover and am already like....meh.....lol. I know I hardly used it near the end of nursing with DS.

    I nursed 4 months and then 8 months with my first two and quit on my own accord (wanted to up workouts and running and not worry about nursing) and my hope/thoughts at this point plus mental health is 6 months nursing, pump as I can in those six months, see how much of a stash I can build to get beyond the 6m and then formula from there. We'll see!

  3. sunnyday

    kiwi / 573 posts

    @Peasinapod: SO cool about that perk of midwife route, who knew!

    I did have a private room both times, thankfully. I know I definitely wouldn't be able to handle sharing.

    I connected with DSs Daycare today, he will be in full time til mid-February, then home full time! Insane given who he is (lol). So we will see how it goes and potentially get him into a preschool or something a couple mornings a week.

  4. IRunForFun

    pomelo / 5509 posts

    @Peasinapod: Yeah, that's what I am thinking. Assume I will be overdue and then it'll be a pleasant surprise if I'm not! I don't want to go too early though, for sure. I'd like the baby to stay in for at least another week, to 38+ weeks.

    That stinks about the shared room, that would drive me nuts. I don't know why they subject women to that! Like really, the last thing you want after such an intimate experience when you're trying to bond with your new baby is to have to share a room with another family.

    One of the nice things about our hospital is that, unless you have a c-section, you labor, deliver and recover in the same room. And the rooms are pretty big!!

  5. Smurfette

    GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts

    @Peasinapod: I can't imagine having to share a room with another couple and baby!
    @sunnyday: I opened my pump box to check it was all there but that's it. I need to sterilize it and bottles. Maybe I will do that tomorrow while I work from home.
    I started weaning at 6 months last time. It was better for me mentally. Going to try and do at least 6 months this time. Pumping three times at work is just so hard.
    @IRunForFun: I thought for sure I would be late with LO and have to be induced. I was wrong. This time I am hoping to make it to my induction date cause it would be so much easier with LO. I am getting really emotional thinking about how much her world is going to change.

  6. snowjewelz

    wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts

    @sunnyday: I don't know how one shares room!! I mean, is tough enough that you just had a baby! Our hospital is all private so that's what I really like about it!

    @IRunForFun: exactly!

  7. sunnyday

    kiwi / 573 posts

    @snowjewelz: I think my hospital will let you labour in a room split for four (four!!!) until delivery where you get your own space. Then go into a shared with one other room for remainder of your time. You can pay for a private room and I am lucky to have great benefits through my work and DH so it's covered to get us into a private room.

    As I type this I am watching the news....our hospital has gone over capacity in the ER and extra beds need to be added. I may call L and D just to see if going elsewhere should be planned.

  8. snowjewelz

    wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts

    @Smurfette: pumping at work was what killed my supply.. Had to start supplementing at 6 mo and fully weaned by 9 months. I want to make it to a year so I don't have to buy formula, but who knows...

  9. IRunForFun

    pomelo / 5509 posts

    @sunnyday: Laboring in a room with 4 other women!?!? Nooooo thank you!!! Although maybe there'd be a sense of camaraderie but...no.

  10. sunnyday

    kiwi / 573 posts

    @IRunForFun: yah no! Thankfully I got walked to my own room straightaway both times! Sometimes I heard enough from others in their own rooms as is, nevermind same room!

    Called hospital, said the only time L&D will turn people away happens in summer when there are more births! Last week they didn't even have the old side open, it's basically everywhere else in hospital that is overrun right now, not birthing suites.....great news.

  11. Peasinapod

    clementine / 770 posts

    @sunnyday: @IRunForFun: @snowjewelz: @Smurfette: luckily the labour / delivery at the hospital I delivered in last time all took place in a private room. But recovery was a semi private. The maternity ward was also under construction so there were less rooms available than usual. So even if I'd booked private there's no guarantee . This time around I've requested private if for some reason I have to stay but again it'll depend on space.

  12. snowjewelz

    wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts

    @sunnyday: yeah!! One nurse was telling me summer is the craziest!

  13. IRunForFun

    pomelo / 5509 posts

    @sunnyday: @snowjewelz: Some fellow doulas were telling me that L&D in 2 different hospitals here were completely full several nights the week right before Christmas!!

  14. sunnyday

    kiwi / 573 posts

    I would be so stressed if turned away. The other hospitals would be totally fine to deliver at and I know many that have, but just the mental leap!

    40w today!! Eeeee!

    Bring on the fun labour inducing things!

  15. Smurfette

    GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts

    Well apparently my girls like to come at 39 weeks. I woke up at 415 to pee. Had a contraction and realized my liner was wet. Small leak this time. Contractions started coming right away. Dropped off LO at day care at 7 when they opened and at the hospital. Between 3-4, and contractions are every 4 mins now. They freaking hurt. Have to get some fluids first and then will get epidural. Super excited my doctor is on call so she will deliver both girls.

  16. Peasinapod

    clementine / 770 posts

    @Smurfette: exciting!!! I hope all goes well. And good timing for being able to drop lo off at daycare. Hope you're not too tired since this all started middle of the night .

  17. Chillybear

    pomegranate / 3032 posts

    @Smurfette: Yay! Happy Baby day!

  18. snowjewelz

    wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts

    @Smurfette: YES baby day!!!! Keep us posted!!!!!

  19. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    @Smurfette: Good luck today!!!!

  20. IRunForFun

    pomelo / 5509 posts

    @Smurfette: Yaaay! Good luck, can't wait to hear about it!!

  21. sunnyday

    kiwi / 573 posts

    @Smurfette: eeeeeee so excited for you!

    Just went for a 45 min walk with the dog, and sipping on raspberry leaf tea. I'm tired, lol.

  22. IRunForFun

    pomelo / 5509 posts

    @Smurfette: It must be a good day to have a baby!! I'm waiting at MFM for my scan and overheard a staff member saying L&D is blowing up right now.

  23. snowjewelz

    wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts

    @IRunForFun: haha! Man, so many oldest of the class babies then! Meanwhile both my girls are the youngest...

  24. IRunForFun

    pomelo / 5509 posts

    Scan at MFM went well today, although I didn't much like the tech I had. Didn't get an exact estimate on baby's weight but they confirmed growth is OK, just a small babe. Head is super low. They hooked me up for a non-stress test and had to leave me on the monitors longer than usual because the baby was going wild and so the heart rate was pretty high. I had some contractions registering on the monitors every 6ish minutes, some I barely felt and others were a bit painful. The midwife kept reiterating I needed to call if they got closer together/more painful. I'm like well this has been happening for days so...just waiting, waiting.

  25. babypugs

    persimmon / 1101 posts

    @Peasinapod: That sounds miserable. I don't blame you for wanting to be home!

    @sunnyday: My doc said there are tons of babies being born right now! Glad the birthing rooms are available.

    @sunnyday: Congrats on 40!

    @Smurfette: OMG!!!! Hope all goes well, keep us updated!

    @IRunForFun: Hang in there! So hard not to know when things will get started.

    I was 4 cm, 90% effaced at 38 week appt today with babe super low. I definitely am feeling ick today with plenty of contractions, but I'm so not ready and am chugging water to do what I can to keep things at bay! My doc seemed pretty sure she'd be seeing me sooner rather than later. We'll see.

  26. Smurfette

    GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts

    Peyton Smith(family name) arrived at 12:08pm. Weighed 6.13lbs and 19 1/8 long. She is adorable! I still can't believe how fast it went this time. She has the cutest little chubby cheeks. DH is on the way to pick up big sister so they can meet.

  27. babypugs

    persimmon / 1101 posts

    @Smurfette: Whoa, so fast, incredible! Congratulations, what a beautiful name. I bet you are so over the moon right now.

  28. sunnyday

    kiwi / 573 posts

    @Smurfette: oh my goodness what an update! What a fast labour and delivery!!! Congrats, hope you are feeling okay!!

  29. sunnyday

    kiwi / 573 posts

    .....and I got bets on going first haha


  30. Peasinapod

    clementine / 770 posts

    @Smurfette: congratulations!! I'm so happy everything has gone so well for you guys.

  31. IRunForFun

    pomelo / 5509 posts

    @Smurfette: Congratulations!!!! Wow, that is fast! Love her name!!!

    @babypugs: Whoa! That's a lot of progress already for you! Sounds like you might have a fast birth, you're practically halfway there already!! I am not ready or anxious for this baby to be on the outside yet, and I'm only 37+3. I'm definitely not doing anything to encourage labor. But if I'm going to stay pregnant for another few weeks I could do without the contractions till then!!

  32. babypugs

    persimmon / 1101 posts

    @sunnyday: Haha! Funny how things work out!

  33. snowjewelz

    wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts

    @Smurfette: She is too cute! Congrats mama!!

  34. travellingbee

    hostess / papaya / 10219 posts

    @Smurfette: congrats!!🍾

  35. Mrs. Toad

    persimmon / 1095 posts

    @Smurfette: Congratulations, hope you had enough time for the epidural.

  36. Smurfette

    GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts

    @babypugs: aren't you in Atl? Hope you go into labor before the snow on Sat. Sounds like you will have a fast delivery as well since you are so far right now.

    @Mrs. Toad: oh I got it! It was heaven.

    I still can't believe how fast I progressed. Or that we have a baby!

  37. snowjewelz

    wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts

    @Smurfette: hah, it def takes a sec to sink in!!

  38. snowjewelz

    wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts

    @babypugs: @IRunForFun: waiting on your babies

  39. sunnyday

    kiwi / 573 posts

    Had some excitement through the night until about an hour ago. Every 15 mins, and only 30-40 seconds long, but they were solid! Warms up perhaps!!?? She's moving around in there like crazy! I have pushed off my plans to go to the zoo with the kids, best stay home, haha.

  40. babypugs

    persimmon / 1101 posts

    @Smurfette: I'm a couple hours outside of ATL, but we're expecting snow Saturday as well. My doc says babies fall from the sky when it rains, ha! How are things going?

    @snowjewelz: Finished up some stuff at work--I'm ready now!!!

    @sunnyday: Exciting! Hope it picks back up!

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