Hellobee Boards


January 2017 moms!

  1. sunnyday

    kiwi / 573 posts

    We went out for dinner tonight. I meal plan for the week and had everything planned for tonight, but earlier today said screw it, we're going out. Big kids picked a chain place they like (which was the last place we went out for dinner....in like sept? Haha we hardly eat out), I had a beer, it was actually great! Today was a good day thankfully and the weekend is here.

  2. sunnyday

    kiwi / 573 posts


  3. Smurfette

    GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts

    @sunnyday: I can't even imagine 18 months of leave. So many Moms would go back to work pregnant. I can't believe you haven't been out to dinner in almost six months. It is odd if we don't go out to eat(lunch or dinner) every weekend, at least once. But I think we will need to stay home more so I can make sure no dairy is in my food

    LO is so loud. She grunts and whines after her first wake up the rest of the night. DH sleeps through it but I have the monitor on my side. And I have it on the lowest setting.

  4. Peasinapod

    clementine / 770 posts

    @sunnyday: I've heard those currently on mat leave can extend to 18 months as well. I don't know how that works though if you've already taken some months at 55%. My work (a not for profit ) doesn't do top ups so I don't have that to factor in. I'd have to crunch numbers with 2 in daycare it might come out around the same to take less money. I don't think I'd take advantage though, maybe 1or 2 extra months but I was ready to go back at 12 months last time.

    @Smurfette: S is soooo loud at night. Dd1 only made noise if she was waking up and about to scream so I'd get her at the first sign of noise so I could nurse her and get her back down easier. S will wake up grunt, coo, and wiggle all around and then fall back asleep!! It's hard to not jump up and nurse her, but she actually doesn't always fall asleep nursing and often needs to put herself asleep. It's strange how different babies are from eachother. I've found despite being noisier she sleeps much longer stretches, I just have to force myself not to pick her up at every peep. Hard to sleep through though sometimes because the pack n play is right beside my side of the bed.

  5. sunnyday

    kiwi / 573 posts

    @Smurfette: 18 months between kids would be too much for me (opinion!) but due to go back in Jan, the time home to not have to worry about daycare for three that much longer knowing we're done, tempting! We're cheap and maybe don't like people enough, haha no interest in going out for food!

    @Peasinapod: interesting you hearing those on now could extend, hmmm. I have almost full top up for the year, so I'd assume work will be all over any communication regarding that for those on mat leave soon. Hmm! It's a heck of a long time, but yah....anything to avoid/put off daycare search longer!

  6. sunnyday

    kiwi / 573 posts

    We had a meh night. Ok until 4/430 and I've been up since then. DD so congested and unsettled.

    Also.....clogged duct on the left!! Ugh! I slept on my tummy, serves me right I suppose

  7. IRunForFun

    pomelo / 5509 posts

    @sunnyday: Glad you were able to get out last night and that you had a better day!! Sorry you've been up since 4 though. I hope the clogged duct clears quickly!

    @Smurfette: @Peasinapod: DD is loud as well. So much grunting! And she's right next to me in bed.

    She didn't sleep very well last night. DH took her from 9:30 to 1 and said she was crying a lot and fussy. After that she was up almost every hour. But then she nursed at 9 am and has pretty much been sleeping for 3 hours! Woke and took 1.5 oz from a bottle and went right back to sleep. I went out to get coffee and get my brows done.

  8. IRunForFun

    pomelo / 5509 posts

    Currently laying in bed next to DD who has been sleeping since 5 pm...its 8 pm. Ugh. The inlaws came for an unexpected visit today and after sleeping a lot of the morning she didn't really nap until they left and I got her down. Didn't think she'd sleep this long. Tried to wake her at 7 but she was OUT. I'm going to attempt to treat whenever she wakes as a MOTN waking and get her back down but I'm not optimistic. I hate when the inlaws do this. At one point I had just gotten her to sleep in my arms and MIL was like "Let me hold the baby" and basically grabbed her from me! And of course she woke up. Grrrr.

  9. sunnyday

    kiwi / 573 posts

    I'm hoping a less stuffy night for little miss tonight.

    I just booked pics for B next week and a family spring shoot, outside and she wanted to make sure our dog comes too! Sort of limited with what we can do for pics, so it's only 3 edited pics. Never done this before, but I'm excited!

    Had a really tough day today with DH, I'm hanging out in our room alone with B and will go to bed shortly.

  10. Smurfette

    GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts

    @IRunForFun: I hate when people just take the baby from me. When SMIL was here I would walk out from feeding or diaper change( would never occur to her to offer to do it) she would stand up and take her. Pissed me off, especially cause 75% of the time she would start crying. She doesn't have kids and I think zero maternal instinct.
    @sunnyday: sorry rough day with DH. Hope today is better.

    LO hardly ate yesterday. Any time I offered my boob she would cry. But luckily today she seems back to normal. The pedi called in Prevacid for her reflux. We went to pick it up yesterday and it was $100. Insurance won't cover it. Of course it is the weekend so I can't find out why till tomorrow. I did a bunch of meal prep this afternoon for my lunches and dinners this week. So weird thinking about packing a lunch again.

  11. IRunForFun

    pomelo / 5509 posts

    @sunnyday: Sorry it was such a rough day with DH. I hope today was better and that B felt better last night!

    @Smurfette: That's annoying on the Prevacid, hope insurance will ultimately cover it. Smart move on meal prepping before work starts!!

    Guys. I don't want to jinx it but DD took 2 naps IN HER CRIB today. The first try was a fail, she woke up and wouldn't go back to sleep so I held her for her nap. Second nap she stayed asleep 30 mins but laid there quietly awake for another 30. Third nap she stayed asleep for an hour! I hope we can keep it up and move toward crib for nights!! Last night was brutal.

  12. Beehive

    nectarine / 2054 posts

    @Smurfette: Popping in from February (our DD was born on 2/1 and also has reflux) - we just got a prescription for Prevacid for her too, and I spoke with our insurance. It's actually excluded from our plan - I'm not sure why, but I'm guessing because it's technically not officially approved for infants. They contacted her pediatrician to submit a "medical necessity" form, so hopefully that will work and they will cover it in the end. Sorry to jump in, but thought I'd share as we're going through the exact same thing!

  13. Smurfette

    GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts

    @IRunForFun: fingers crossed the crib work tonight!
    @Beehive: oh thanks! I'm calling first thing tomorrow.

  14. sunnyday

    kiwi / 573 posts

    Well today was worse with DH. He's such an asshat right now. I ended up grocery shopping solo with all three and then we ended up at meat place where we buy our meat at 5:02. Closed at 5, and B needed to eat. Ended up taking myself and kids to sushi place next door for dins. They've never had sushi, so it was so.much.fun. with the big kids!!

    .....except for the poopsplosion from B and non watered down juice that equalled two bathroom trips for the big kids, lol. We survived. I'm again in my room alone, with snugly B in my arms! I'm not really sure what to do about DH at this point. Nothing is new, our stuff is all long standing stuff mostly on him, but I'm done putting any effort forth until he at least tries for himself. Foolish.

    B is almost done in baby tub She's going to flood the bathroom in splashing and is almost touching both ends of tub! Stop growing! Haha.

  15. IRunForFun

    pomelo / 5509 posts

    @Smurfette: Already failed on crib for tonight. Put her down at 7:30 and she woke at 7:45 and wouldn't go back down. We will work on naps first till she gets used to it.

    @sunnyday: I'm sorry about DH. Mine is making me resentful lately. I hope things look up soon! Can't believe how big B is! DD is such a peanut.

  16. sunnyday

    kiwi / 573 posts

    @IRunForFun: I've noticed lately she's totally changed. Not bigger (we'll probably, but....) she's definitely more solid! Her awareness of her hands and feet is so neat, too! I'd love to get her weighed again soon from her 11bs at 2m. I can't help but wonder if her gains relate to my over eating....I'm laughing but that so doesn't help my cause! Haha

    argh on failed crib though! B is still in my arms. I'm sure I could put her in bassinet, but whatever.

    My DH stuff is foolish. Yes on resentful. I just feel stupid talking to my friends about it now because it's such a repetitive thing and I'm sure they are effing tired of hearing about it as much as I am dealing with it. Bleh. We have it good, and he just can't chill out.

  17. snowjewelz

    wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts

    @sunnyday: Sorry things with DH is rough! We def hit a rough patch after DD2 was born... It was on and off, good for a while bad for a while but it all finally surfaced and we talked/worked through it and now we both are more intentional about how to help each other feel good.

    @Smurfette: So lame that insurance doesn't cover meds she needs?! Hope you get all the snuggles in before going back to work this week! I miss my girls so so much Oh and I already am over pumping haha!

    @Peasinapod: Yes I am trying better not to get her right away... It is annoying since she is next to me, I'm already awake too!

    @IRunForFun: At least you try! I don't even try. The bassinet my SIL handed down, we never took it upstairs, lol! I keep saying oh she's 3 months now, time to move her! But it's just soo hard to be motivated with everything else I have to do!

    DD2 is sooo talkative! Every time she's not eating or sleeping she is just chatting. I wonder if it's b/c she hears all of us talk waaay more since DD1 is around. With DD1, it was just the two of us so maybe we just don't that much?!

    We got a few giggles from her too! But it's literally just one or two giggles... DD1 laughed like 2 weeks after she turned 3 months so I'm waiting for more official giggles!

    I had a horrible day yesterday... Sinus headache plaguing me even after I took meds. Not sure how I even survived the whole day but I went to bed with DD2. So annoyed b/c now all the chores are piled onto tonight!

  18. Peasinapod

    clementine / 770 posts

    @IRunForFun: don't know if this would work for you, but the only thing that seems to work for longer stretches is holding her until I'm ready for bed. So she sleeps on me until about 10pm and then is so asleep she's easy to put in the bassinet. Same thing worked with my first (although I had to keep it up until about 12 months and from 5 months on it only worked if I held her in the dark and quiet.... much easier with a 9 week old who doesn't mind noise and light)

  19. Smurfette

    GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts

    @Beehive: they won't cover it. No reason just listed as a drug that they won't cover.
    @sunnyday: sorry things are bad with DH right now. We have had some rough days here but him being gone helped. Things are much better now, he finally gets I can't do everything on the weekends too.
    I can't wait till she is bigger and I can bath both kids together. Hopefully by 4 months.
    @IRunForFun: sorry the crib failed. At least maybe you can get a break with naps.
    @snowjewelz: I'm worried I won't pump enough. I've been pumping after she eats cause she isn't nursing long at all. Like 7/8 mins one side and then 2-4 on the other. I'm hoping she is just more efficient and draining me cause I don't get much at all pumping.hope you have a better day today.

    I met her teachers today. Seem really nice. Gotta go to Target and get some stuff to just leave there. She will make the class full and the youngest. So hopefully she gets more attention that way. The other kids all seemed like 5-8 months.

  20. snowjewelz

    wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts

    @Smurfette: Probably it! Going back to work was the first day I REALLY pumped and it has been ok; I'd say better than with DD1! I ordered some supplements to try too, hopefully they help (I hate drinking the tea and never drank it consistently to see a major difference)

  21. Smurfette

    GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts

    @snowjewelz: I have some tea and been eating a lactation cookie a day.

  22. IRunForFun

    pomelo / 5509 posts

    @Smurfette: I've heard dark beer can help milk production. Just saying!!

  23. Smurfette

    GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts

    @IRunForFun: too bad wine doesn't. I like wine!

  24. Pumuckl

    pomegranate / 3601 posts

    @Smurfette: sparkling wine does!

  25. babypugs

    persimmon / 1101 posts

    @sunnyday: I feel like baby phase + marriage is one of life's most trying times. DH and I talked a lot pre-baby about how tough it was going to be this time around managing two LO's, work, daycare, and daycare costs, and mutually agreed that we might sometimes want to throttle each other but we'd both just have to survive the year and we'd be okay again. But it's hard! Hang in there mama.

    @snowjewelz: Baby giggles! I can't wait!

    @Smurfette: @IRunForFun: One glass of wine for heart health, one beer for milk production. Problem solved!

    @Peasinapod: That helps for us too! I keep saying I need to put her to bed earlier, but I know I'd be up way more in the evening and at night if I did!

  26. babypugs

    persimmon / 1101 posts

    @Pumuckl: Oooh for real??

  27. IRunForFun

    pomelo / 5509 posts

    @snowjewelz: Oh yuck!! Hope the head feels better today. I can't wait for baby giggles!!

    @Peasinapod: I might try that but then I feel like by the time I put her down she'd be awake to eat an hour later anyway! DH seems to have better luck getting her to stay asleep so I may nurse and rock her then have her try.

  28. Smurfette

    GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts

    @Pumuckl: oh that I can try. I don't do dark beers. I am not even liking beers much at all these days.

  29. Pumuckl

    pomegranate / 3601 posts

    @babypugs: yes, moms used to be welcomed to the PP floor in the hospital with a small bottle of sparkling wine. Those were the 80s though. But my midwife also said it, so there seems to be something to it.

  30. Peasinapod

    clementine / 770 posts

    @IRunForFun: I treat 10pm as her bed time so she wakes up a bit being put in pjs and the arms up swaddle. And then I nurse her again so she's not hungry right away. Also from about 7-10 since she's sleeping on me she snacks off and on... so I think it really fills her up for the night.

    @babypugs: I know I keep thinking I should 'get her on a schedule' and have her in bed earlier. But relaxing with her all evening is working so well for us now. And I think it was when I got more strict with my firsts bedtime that we had our super rough patch. I'll probably keep doing it this way until it stops working. ( hoping I haven't jinxed myself now)

  31. IRunForFun

    pomelo / 5509 posts

    @Peasinapod: Yeah, I really need to figure SOMETHING out because cosleeping and having to pat her back for 20 to 30 mins to get her back to sleep at every wake up is not sustainable. I feel like I'm gonna lose it!!

  32. Peasinapod

    clementine / 770 posts

    @sunnyday: I think new babies are so tough on relationships. Before dd1 my husband and I were so close, and I feel like we haven't gotten that back yet and now we have dd2. Talking about stuff does help, my husband is very laid back so if I don't mention something he won't know. I'm looking forward in some ways to not being pregnant or breastfeeding... I've been one of those since feb 2014 so it'll be good for us I'm assuming when I fully have my body back.

  33. snowjewelz

    wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts

    @Pumuckl: Ummm totally going to get some sparkling wine now! I drink beer but I don't think I drink that much to make a difference lol!

  34. IRunForFun

    pomelo / 5509 posts

    We are headed to the pedi. DD keeps having watery, dark brown, mucousy blow outs and today our scale said she was down 4 ozs from yesterday. Wondering if we are dealing with MSPI.

  35. Pumuckl

    pomegranate / 3601 posts

    @IRunForFun: Hope they will find out what is going on! So sorry you're dealing with that.

  36. IRunForFun

    pomelo / 5509 posts

    @Pumuckl: Thanks! Our regular ped wasn't available so saw another in our practice. Their scales were much different than mine, had her up between 6 to 8 ounces since her 2 month appt 8 days ago. So she wasn't worried about weight gain. She looked at 3 diapers and tested for blood - no blood. She said she wasn't super concerned by the diapers and that it might be a mild virus. Basically wait and see if it clears up, call if it gets worse. She didn't recommend cutting anything else from my diet. Ugh. Just wish I had a clear answer!

  37. Pumuckl

    pomegranate / 3601 posts

    @IRunForFun: I am not sure whether to be happy for you that she has gained weight or disappointed that you still have no definite answers...

  38. snowjewelz

    wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts

    @IRunForFun: I'm sorry it's so confusing! Good news about the weight though. Is she acting normal otherwise?

  39. Smurfette

    GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts

    @IRunForFun: hope it just a quick bug. Glad that she is still gaining.

    LO did great today. There about four hours. Drank 3.5ozs. Took a 41 and 31 min nap. Not bad for her first day. I got a picture of her sleeping in her crib with her sleep sack on. I cried a little today, but I know tomorrow will be worse. Everything is all packed, just have to finish bottles. We just took a nap together💗

  40. snowjewelz

    wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts

    @Smurfette: Aww! She did great!!

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