Hellobee Boards


July 2013 Due Dates!

  1. StrawberryBee

    nectarine / 2530 posts

    @Cherrybee: makes perfect sense that you told your boss! Glad that it went well :). My sister has been asking me how things are going w TTC, and I have to bite my tongue! She's in Japan and I don't want to tell her long distance.

    Meanwhile, I think this morning is my first attack of morning sickness. In non baby related news, my best friend from hs who defriended me 2 years ago has been trying to open that relationship back up. Last night she went off the deep end, said a bunch of nasty things to me, and then defriended me again. To be honest, I'm kind of glad that's over. She doesn't know I'm pregnant.

    @Charcole2011: I don't think I'm getting notices either...only if I'm tagged. Will be thinking of you on Thursday!

    @Foodnerd81: good timing on your birthday

  2. Cherrybee

    papaya / 10570 posts

    Hi Everyone! I'm super happy today because I got a 3+ weeks since conception indicator on a digital today! Now I simply have to STOP testing!!! I promised myself I'd stop once I saw that 3+ weeks sign!!!! I've done 15 now!! Sigh.

    @StrawberryBee: Urgh, I have a friend like that who's currently not speaking to me because I cancelled a night out with her 4 days after my dad died. I value my friendships and believe in forgiving people but some people you really are better off without..... sad though that is.

  3. StrawberryBee

    nectarine / 2530 posts

    @Cherrybee: Yay!! I'm curious, is that a different sort of test than the ones we use in the 2WW? I told some strangers last night at a 'make a glass-fused coaster' class lol. I figured they were safe, and they offered me wine so I felt the need to explain why I was declining ;).

    This particular friend causes extreme stress. She defriended both me and my husband two years ago, and told everyone it was because I told her that if she stayed around she was going to ruin my relationship with my husband [not true, in fact I told her repeatedly that it had nothing to do with him, it had to do with the fact that she insisted on 100% of my time and kept on telling me that I "never did anything for her/cared about her". Basically, she didn't appreciate me and the hours a day I spent on the phone with her talking her down from her latest crisis, driving her to drs appointments, driving the 45 minutes to her house to help her out, etc. etc.].

    She also told me (proudly) that she was stalking me in facebook via my family members, who unknowingly remained friends with her. In the few weeks where we reconnected she ferreted out of me that we were trying to conceive, and then asked if she could be the godmother!

  4. Cherrybee

    papaya / 10570 posts

    @StrawberryBee: Wow, she sounds like a handful!!

    No, they're just Clear Blue digital pregnancy tests - but I get the ones with the "conception indicator" on. If it measures 25 - 200 mIU of HCG, it says 1-2 (meaning you conceived 1-2 weeks ago), if it measures 201 - 2000 mIU of HCG it says 2-3 and to get a 3+ it has to register over 2000 mIU. I'm sure they're not particularly accurate (depends how concentrated your urine is etc) but it puts my mind at rest to see that my HCG is generally going up.

    It's definitely time to stop testing now though!!!

  5. StrawberryBee

    nectarine / 2530 posts

    @Cherrybee: oh wow, that sounds so neat! Now I'm tempted to pee on something (again ;))

  6. Cherrybee

    papaya / 10570 posts

    @StrawberryBee: Sorry, I have that effect on people!!! I'm stopping now - full stop!! Mind, my scan's two weeks away....!! How am I going to cope?!! lol!

  7. StrawberryBee

    nectarine / 2530 posts

    @Cherrybee: at least it's only two weeks! I have to make it like four...plus get through Christmas with my sister home without spilling the beans!

  8. mrsvdv

    apricot / 431 posts

    @Foodnerd81: so you're cramping too? Glad I'm not the only one, I was getting worried!

    1st appointment is Monday - eeekk!! I cannot believe how time can pass so slowly, it feels like forever ago I got the bfp!?

    Aside from the cramping I'm doing fine, sore boobs sometimes at night and a persistent low-grade nausea that's easy enough to ignore, thankfully!

    ps: I also don't always get the notification emails, don't know what's up with that!

  9. Foodnerd81

    wonderful cherry / 21504 posts

    @mrsvdv: My cramping actually finally seemed to stop in the last couple of days-- I didn't realize it until I saw your note! But it was definitely there for over a week, on and off.

    I don't like to wish time away (ie I can't wait vs I'm so excited for...) but right now, i really can't wait until the 17th when I am done with work for the year (extended Xmas) AND we have our first appointment. Then we get to tell DH's family soon after. It's rough getting through these last few weeks of work!

  10. Bookish

    GOLD / cantaloupe / 6581 posts

    @mrsvdv: My first appt is Tuesday, and I'm very excited/freaking out! I can't believe I got my BFP over a month ago!! Time is flying by AND crawling by

  11. mrsvdv

    apricot / 431 posts

    @Bookworm: aahh exciting!! Good luck at your appointment Tuesday!

  12. glimmersnaps

    apricot / 491 posts

    Hi Ladies! Glad to hear you're doing well and excitedly awaiting your appointments. I'm doing okay-- I'm wearing Sea Bands to stop vomiting. I still feel pretty nauseated. I'm also having round ligament pain! Apparently in the second pregnancy things start happening way faster than in the first. I'm already getting a little belly. It's nothing that anyone would notice, but I can definitely tell.

    It's sweet that you are waiting to tell your family in person. We told our families on the phone both times without much thought about it.

    We are traveling in two weeks and I'm a little worried about managing with nausea and fatigue. Oh and I'm unreasonably freezing cold all the time. So Canada is going to be interesting!

    Take care of those little beans

  13. Charcole2011

    cherry / 103 posts

    Hi again, ladies! I had my first u/s yesterday - SO exciting! We got to hear the heart beat. They dated me at 6w3d instead of 7w, but my dr. said since it was within a few days she will not change my EDD at all - still July 18! Hope everyone is still feeling good!

  14. StrawberryBee

    nectarine / 2530 posts

    @Charcole2011: congrats!! So glad everything went well

  15. Bookish

    GOLD / cantaloupe / 6581 posts

    @Charcole2011: Ooo so exciting! My first u/s is Tuesday and I'm bouncing off the walls excited about it!

    I'm officially in maternity pants I'm going to have to tell work next week because I got home today and into the stretchy pants I went!

  16. mrsvdv

    apricot / 431 posts

    @Charcole2011: congratulations, how exciting!!! :-))

  17. glimmersnaps

    apricot / 491 posts

    @Charcole2011 So fun! Did you tear up when you heard the heartbeat?

    @Bookworm I think I need to break down and get some maternity pants too! Where did you get yours? I noticed my BRU has maternity clothes now.

  18. glimmersnaps

    apricot / 491 posts

    @Bookworm Oh I just saw you are in College Station I'm from Houston and one of my BFFs from HS (we are still friends!) went to TAMU. Best wishes for Tuesday!

  19. StrawberryBee

    nectarine / 2530 posts

    So DH threw me for a bit of a loop last night. I had discretely researched a couple of day cares yesterday at work and told him the prices (they weren't really a surprise; $1280 for full time dc around the corner from our house, $800 for 3 days a week at one on the way to work). The plan had been for my husband to watch the baby the other two days, since my paycheck pays the big bills. DH told me last night that he thinks it would make sense for him to quit and become a full time stay at home dad...and I can't say I disagree! Though I feel kinda guilty, since I started the baby thing. He told me its not fair for me to think that way, since he had a hand in the baby making process too.

    [edit: I think I will repost in its own thread]

  20. Bookish

    GOLD / cantaloupe / 6581 posts

    @glimmersnaps: Thanks! I went to Motherhood Maternity. They feel sooo weird, I know they are supposed to emphasize my belly but it's a weird feeling having my gut hanging out

  21. glimmersnaps

    apricot / 491 posts

    @strawberrybee wow that's neat! There are lots of SAHD where I live. I'm always seeing them at parks and museums and stuff. I think it would be great if he could connect with other SAHD in your area so he doesn't feel isolated. Awesome, though!

  22. Bookish

    GOLD / cantaloupe / 6581 posts

    @StrawberryBee: I saw your thread but thought I'd post back here What an awesome DH you have! That's so great that y'all are in the position to do that. I know my DH would love to be a SAHD (and would be great at it!), but it isn't financially feasible for either of us, unfortunately! Don't feel guilty though!!! It's a great thing!

  23. Foodnerd81

    wonderful cherry / 21504 posts

    @Bookworm: Even non-pregnant the first thing I do when I get home is put on stretchy pants (DH and I call them house pants I do notice my regular pants feel extra tight at night, but I definitely couldn't do mat pants yet. I see a lot of dresses and leggings in my near future though.

  24. StrawberryBee

    nectarine / 2530 posts

    @glimmersnaps: @Bookworm: Thanks! The more I think about it the more I really like the idea. When I'm off maternity (October) should be when his primary business starts slowing down, which will be nice...maybe we'll get one more good season in. He usually gets really depressed in the winter due to lack of work, so hopefully he won't feel 'useless' next year.

  25. Pepper

    pomelo / 5820 posts

    @Bookworm: I bought a bunch of maternity stuff this weekend from Old Navy! Their maternity jeans are super comfy!

    It's kind of crazy, but I'm 9 weeks 3 days and I can't button any of my pre-preggo jeans... And I can barely wear ones that are a size bigger! I know it's all bloat, but I'm excited to see that changes are happening

  26. Bookish

    GOLD / cantaloupe / 6581 posts

    @Pepper: yep, I'm not quite 9 and all my pants are getting to the unbuttonable phase lol. Our local old navy doesn't have a maternity section (laaaame), I might have to order some stuff online if they are that comfy!

  27. Pepper

    pomelo / 5820 posts

    @Bookworm: I don't have a lot to compare them to in terms of maternity, but I think they're pretty comfy! I love their colored skinny jeans. They were running a sale online... I got a pair for $19! Definitely worth checking out... You have to return by mail, but returns are free.

  28. mrsvdv

    apricot / 431 posts

    @Bookworm: lol, "the unbuttonable phase" that's where I'm headed too... We were out with friend last night and I had to excuse myself to go unbotton my skinny jeans, they were killing me!! Lucky I wore a loose top over them! And Im only 6w3d - baby must be growing hard!

  29. Cherrybee

    papaya / 10570 posts

    I'm looking a lot bigger at only 5+4 but I've no doubt its all the food I'm eating!! I can't stop!!

  30. mrsvdv

    apricot / 431 posts

    We have a heartbeat!!! Baby measured at 6w4d, exactly where I thought we'd be, and we saw and heard the heartbeat!!! It was so cool, the most beautiful thing ever! I'm so so happy that everything's ok for now!

  31. Foodnerd81

    wonderful cherry / 21504 posts

    @Cherrybee: @mrsvdv: @Bookworm: According to What to Expect, right now the tight pants are 'more likely caused by bowel distention from gas or constipation' than baby. Isn't THAT an awesome image? They write it so many times, too. Also all the excess estrogen prompts your body to store fat around your middle. Most of my pants are OK right now but at the end of the day I'm glad to be in stretchy pants again.
    I'm exactly 6 weeks today and I woke up feeling hungover-- no I wasn't drinking! It wasn't really true nausea, just that queasy feeling that lingers. Guess I'm really pregnant.

  32. Bookish

    GOLD / cantaloupe / 6581 posts

    @Cherrybee: Me toooo I'm so hungry all the time, and I'm 9w! I'm up like 6 pounds, and it sucks! But...if I don't eat I feel awful, and I'm trying to eat celery and salads mixed in with my chik-fil-a and pizza

    @Foodnerd81: ugggh I've been reading that too! Um, nice mental image, that bowel distention!!

    @mrsvdv: eeee! that's SO COOL. I can't wait to hear mine tomorrow!! Congrats

  33. mrsvdv

    apricot / 431 posts

    @Bookworm: Thank you!!! Keep us posted tomorrow!!!

  34. StrawberryBee

    nectarine / 2530 posts

    @mrsvdv: so awesome, congrats!!

    Today is the first day I can really say I've felt queasy...tempted to tell work just so that I can explain why I seem kinda loopy :P. I also think it's been waking me up around 2am. This is not helping my exhaustion.

    My mom was all excited today because she just heard about Kate & Will and she was pregnant with my brother when Diana was pregnant.

  35. glimmersnaps

    apricot / 491 posts

    @mrsdvd Congrats!! It makes it so much more real

  36. Cherrybee

    papaya / 10570 posts

    @mrsvdv: That's amazing news!! Congratulations!!

    @Foodnerd81: Yeah, according to the fruit scale, my baby is the size of a pea this week. My bowel is the size of a grapefruit right now and by the end of the first trimester it will be a watermelon! It all adds up, see!

    In other news, I've got an appointment with my doctor tomorrow because I appear to be spotting. I'm not desperately worried, I know it's quite common in early pregnancy plus is brown blood - also my bbs are a bit tender again today and I did my last remaining digital test (no more now!!) and it came up 3+ weeks since conception in a matter of seconds. I thought it was best to get it checked out though.

  37. Foodnerd81

    wonderful cherry / 21504 posts

    @Cherrybee: Wow-- grapefruit sized bowel... lovely image.

  38. mrsvdv

    apricot / 431 posts

    Thank you all! It def feels more real now, I can't stop looking at the us pics!

    @Cherrybee: thinking of you! Even though spotting is so common and harmless, it would still freak me out a little! Glad you're able to have it checked out!

  39. glimmersnaps

    apricot / 491 posts

    Are anyone's nipples getting darker? DS just weaned this week and so there are some boobie changes happening, but I don't know if it's from that or the pregnancy...

  40. Pepper

    pomelo / 5820 posts

    @Cherrybee: Hope everything goes well! I've had brown spotting on and off throughout my pregnancy so far. I actually had quite a bit at exactly 9 weeks. I kinda freaked and my doctor had me come in for an ultrasound to reassure me. Sure enough, baby was in there with a strong heartbeat measuring right on time! I still get super nervous with anything "different" though, and I'm glad your doctor is having you come in just to be safe/for reassurance.

    @glimmersnaps: I can't tell if mine are getting darker yet... I don't think they are (maybe very slightly) but I keep checking, haha. They're just bigger and sore.

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