Hellobee Boards


July 2013 Due Dates!

  1. Cherrybee

    papaya / 10570 posts

    Hello everyone. Well, I had my first midwife appointment today, at 9 weeks. Over here in the UK, all our prenatal care is carried out by midwives. She took 4 vials of blood for all kinds of tests - Down Syndrome risk, HIV, Syphilis - all kinds of scary things - and filled in form after form! Oh, the questions! The appointment lasted two hours (argh!)! I have to wait now for a letter to come through with a date for my 12 week scan. How exciting!!!

  2. glimmersnaps

    apricot / 491 posts

    @cherrybee I had my first appointment today too! I also go to midwife (it's a free standing birth center in the States). Today I just saw the Nurse Practitioner. We went through all the forms, though I got a break because she just asked me if things had changed since last time for a lot of it. We also tried to hear the heartbeat. They don't have an ultrasound machine in the office so it's just the doppler. We heard it for like 2 seconds and then she couldn't get it again. She said she's not worried and it's normal but I can come back in a few weeks to have another listen and get my flu shot (they were out today). My next regular appointment will be at about 16 weeks.

  3. StrawberryBee

    nectarine / 2530 posts

    @glimmersnaps: awesome that you were able to hear the heartbeat, if just for a moment. Dd anyone get a physical internal exam at their first appointment, and if so, care to share what it was like? I've heard it's not pleasant :/. Just wondering if it feels the same way as a regular annual.

    No ultrasound for me either, found out they don't have one in office.

    Any good questions to ask? The only one I can think of is about the dentist.

    Oh yeah, and we've told quite a lot of people now. I can't keep a secret!

  4. Bookish

    GOLD / cantaloupe / 6581 posts

    @StrawberryBee: I had an exam at my first one, and it was basically the same as an annual. She did feel around for the size of my uterus, which was uncomfortable lol. I didn't ask very many questions because I was so nervous that I forgot all of them...so if you think of any, write them down lol!!

  5. glimmersnaps

    apricot / 491 posts

    @Strawberrybee I didn't have any internal exam. I'd had my pap in April and she said that if I was sure about my dates and we heard the heartbeat that there really wasn't any reason to do one. I go to a very, very hands-off practice. During my last pregnancy, I never had an internal exam (except for first appt. pap and being checked during labor).

    The only question I had was if it was okay to get a flu shot in the first trimester. Last time I remember having lots of questions and I had them written down. Regarding the dentist, I think they recommend waiting until the second trimester to get any work done. And make sure your dentist knows you are pregnant because your gums might bleed like crazy.

    One other thing to remember is that they will take lots of blood and you might want to make sure you eat before going. I had forgotten about that and barely had breakfast. They had to give me a juice box lol, I have a tendency to get woozy after blood draws.

    I hope everyone is feeling alright! I'm still about the same, but a little less tired. Travel was rough with nausea. I nearly threw up on the plane... and bus... and train... but I managed not to!

  6. Pepper

    pomelo / 5820 posts

    @StrawberryBee: I had a routine internal exam at my first appointment. He just checked to make sure my cervix was closed and looked good.

    We had our NT scan yesterday at 12 weeks 2 days. Baby is doing great, and was moving around all over the place! I was so excited and relieved to see all was well. I've been so nervous because of all of the spotting I had b/c of my friable cervix. Doctor told us all the measurements look good, and we'll get the blood test results back in about a week. I'm really looking forward to Xmas eve, because we are finalllly telling DH's family and the majority of our friends!

    Hope everyone is doing well, and hope you all have a great holiday!

  7. StrawberryBee

    nectarine / 2530 posts

    @Bookworm: @glimmersnaps: @Pepper: thanks all! Bummer having to wait another month for the ultrasound ...I will survive it somehow ;).

    Glimmer: glad to hear you kept the nausea at bay!

    Pepper: SO glad to hear your NT scan went well!

  8. StrawberryBee

    nectarine / 2530 posts

    I do NOT want to eat right now! been feeling really nauseous lately (finally ended up tossing my cookies Tuesday morning after waking up with a migraine) and my dr's appointment is this afternoon, and now I'm afraid I'm going to faint when they draw the blood for all the tests...blah! Forcing myself to eat pasta salad from the caf, but I seriously Do Not Want to Eat and each bite is repulsive.

    Just had to vent!

  9. Foodnerd81

    wonderful cherry / 21504 posts

    @StrawberryBee: I was right there with the migraine and the nausea the other day. Is there any protein you can stomach? Or even juice can help. Good luck!

  10. StrawberryBee

    nectarine / 2530 posts

    @Foodnerd81: I was drinking apple juice too. Feel sooooo much better now; I think I got in a bad cycle of little food in stomach = nauseous = no more food going into stomach.

    Anyway! Appointment went well, if a little uneventful. She seemed to make a positive noise about my uterus during the physical ;). I had a hard time peeling in their freaking Dixie cup, and then had to do it again a half hour later next door before giving blood. Though they had a proper cup at the second place. First ultrasound jan 22nd!!

    All close family knows; my step kids were excited, which made me sooo happy! Hubby got me a 'mom' charm for Christmas :).

  11. Foodnerd81

    wonderful cherry / 21504 posts

    So... What are you all wearing these days? My pants are all getting really snug in the waist-- and I know it's a tiny bit baby but mostly eating carbs all the time for nausea and not exercising. I don't think any mat pants will fit yet. Since I'm at the tail end of July due dates hoping some of you have figured this out already!

    Also any suggestions for tights? I do have some high waisted dresses but a lot of my tights are really tight and uncomfortable lately.

  12. Pepper

    pomelo / 5820 posts

    @StrawberryBee: Glad to hear your appointment went well!

    @Foodnerd81: I'm 13 weeks and now very few of my pants fit! A lot of it is bloat still. I've been wearing stretchy ponte pants and jeggings in a size (or two) up. I still have to use a belly band or loop a hairtie through the hole and over the button, even with a size up.

    I have a few pairs of demi-panel Old Navy maternity jeggings that I love! I wear them from time to time, though I try to make my old pre-pregnancy pants work as much as possible. I didn't think the mat pants would fit either, but while they're still a bit loose, they're comfortable around my waist.

    Haven't bought tights yet, only leggings!

  13. Cherrybee

    papaya / 10570 posts

    @StrawberryBee: Aaw, I'm so glad your step kids are excited!!

    @Foodnerd81: I'm 10 weeks now and I've outgrown all my pre-pregnancy trousers apart from two pairs of jeggings I bought without trying on about 3 months back and were a little too big at the time! I'm mostly wearing them and a few dresses I have, over leggings.

    I have also bought a few maternity pieces - two tops and two pairs of full panel jeans - but i'm not wearing them yet. I think I'll start wearing them soon though because, with the bloat, they fit perfectly already!

  14. SouthPaw

    cherry / 204 posts

    Hey ladies!! So happy to hear everyone is progressing along!! I can totally relate to the bloat and pants not fitting, however I do not have a solution so I look forward to what you guys are doing. Thinking about trying bellyband as @Pepper said. We have our 12 week apt Jan 7! Hope you guys are all great.

  15. Cherrybee

    papaya / 10570 posts

    Hi Everyone! I can't believe what a quiet bunch we are!! I keep seeing the August threads and the June threads updating but never ours!

    I got my appointment letter through today, finally! My 12 week scan is on 17th January (when I'm almost 13 weeks. Oh well!). I can't wait to get it under my belt so we can finally announce to the world. I really hope everything's ok in there.

  16. glimmersnaps

    apricot / 491 posts

    Hey all! We really are quiet!

    I'm going to the midwife again next Wednesday to get my flu shot and re-listen to the heartbeat. I should be 13 weeks by then so we should be able to hear it better this time.

    I was going to wait to announce until after my appointment, but I ran into some friends at the mall and they could tell I'm pregnant! I guess I'm showing more than I thought.

    I'm starting to be HUNGRY and possessive of my food (as in "no you may not have a bite of my sandwich!") but I'm still slightly barfy. I cleaned out the refrigerator yesterday and let's just say, it wasn't pretty.

    I'm still planning to announce on my blog/social media next week, so that's exciting

  17. Cherrybee

    papaya / 10570 posts

    @glimmersnaps: When you say you cleaned out the refrigerator do you mean you ate everything in it??!! Lol! Ooh, you're hurtling towards the second tri now!!! How exciting!! And showing too - when are you going to start posting bump pics?

    I think I have a little baby bulge now - although it's under so much fat it's hard to tell! But when I suck in my tummy a bit remains below the belly button that just wont go down. It's pushing all my fat tummy out though so I look super bloated!!

  18. glimmersnaps

    apricot / 491 posts

    @Cherrybee, no I meant that I was deciding what had gone bad and chucking it out... everything in my stomach went bad too

  19. Foodnerd81

    wonderful cherry / 21504 posts

    @glimmersnaps: Ugh I cleaned out the fridge yesterday too-- it was really bad smelling everything (we didn't clean it out before going away for Christmas-- whoops!) I was pretty annoyed at DH for not just doing it since hello, he doesn't have super sense of smell and constant nausea right now!

    @Cherrybee: I have my first ultrasound on the 15th! I'm so excited to finally see this bean that's been making me sick for weeks! We are going to start announcing after we see the heartbeat, though no on social media yet. I have the same tummy happening-- it's definitely starting to be more all in the front instead of bloating all around, which is nice. It's turning into a baby bump for sure.

    I did finally break down and bought a pair of maternity jeans, though I haven't worn them yet. They are just the demi panel, which was more comfortable for now, but probably won't be at the end. I figure at the end, I'll be too hot for jeans anyway though. AND, I think the nausea is finally starting to go away! Fingers crossed it stays away!

  20. Pepper

    pomelo / 5820 posts

    So exciting that so many ultrasounds are coming up for everyone!

    My 3rd OB appointment is on January 16th... I'll be 16 weeks. I'm excited for the appointment because ill be scheduling the gender scan!! I'm hoping I can get in at 18 weeks. Can't wait to find out, it'll make everything so much more real (and we can start shopping! Lol).

  21. SouthPaw

    cherry / 204 posts

    Hey ladies! I agree we are a quiet bunch. We have our 12 week ultrasound today!! Just want to see the heartbeat again and know everything is ok!!

    @glimmersnaps: ah the fridge I steer clear from even if its not spoiled I cringe lol. Hope yours is better now that it is clean!!:). Good luck with your announcement!!!'

    @Foodnerd81: soooo happy your nausea is starting to subside!!!

  22. Pepper

    pomelo / 5820 posts

    @SouthPaw: Yay! So exciting :). Be sure to update us!!

  23. SouthPaw

    cherry / 204 posts

    @Pepper: So it was great! We got to hear the heart beat again and see the baby. They did measurements and all appears well, we should get the results of the nuchal translucency scan in a week or so. So exciting and reassuring to see the heart beat and know that all is well!! Excited for you guys and all the upcoming appointments!

  24. Cherrybee

    papaya / 10570 posts

    @SouthPaw: That's such great news!!! I'm glad your little one is cooking away nicely!

  25. Pepper

    pomelo / 5820 posts

    @SouthPaw: Yay! So glad it went well! It is sooo reassuring to see that everything is going well in there.

  26. Pepper

    pomelo / 5820 posts

    Fun question: is anyone starting to look at baby stuff yet? I'm not planning on registering until 20 weeks or so, but I have been pinning and Amazon wish listing things I like... so that registering will go a little bit smoother/be less overwhelming. It's a lot to think about when you're a first time mom!

  27. Foodnerd81

    wonderful cherry / 21504 posts

    @Pepper: I've been thinking about strollers and carriers since way before I got pregnant! Most other things, I'm waiting on. We are moving in the next few months, so it's hard to imagine what we will need in our new place.

    I'm wearing maternity pants today, and I seriously never want to wear anything else. Why bother with tight waistbands when this is an option?? I don't NEED them yet but they are so much more comfortable!

  28. SouthPaw

    cherry / 204 posts

    @Pepper: Thank you for the well wishes definately put my mind at ease!! We are trying to put off purchasing anything or really buying anything until 20 weeks. I think DH knows that once I start it mayyyy be difficult to stop me =)!

    @Foodnerd81: I am so hesitant to make the switch to maternity pants but your statment about comfort may sway me. People at work started to notice the belly today (eek) so I think rocking the pants won't be a give away.

    So excited for everyone!!!

  29. Foodnerd81

    wonderful cherry / 21504 posts

    @SouthPaw: I think I actually look slimmer in the mat pants-- my old pants were starting to do a very unattractive digging into my pudge/bloat, but the elastic on these almost acts like tights in smoothing things out, but without sucking them in. It's better than the unbuttoned jeans, i figure. But you need long tops to cover up the panel for sure.

  30. StrawberryBee

    nectarine / 2530 posts

    @Pepper: I've had a secret Amazon registry for a while now ;). It was just easier to save things to it while I read great bee posts on various 'can't live withouts'.

    @Foodnerd81: You are so right about maternity pants! best, most comfiest things ever. They're dangerous. Agree with you though that you need longer shirts so that people can't see the panel.

  31. Bookish

    GOLD / cantaloupe / 6581 posts

    Hey ladies! Sounds like everyone is doing well!! We had a 12 week checkup where we got to hear the heartbeat again and the doctor prescribed me miracle pills for my tension headaches. I've suffered from them for nearly a decade, and this stuff she gave me (ok for use when clearly needed in pregnancy) is AMAZING. my neck doesn't hurt! It just made my pregnancy 18x better.

    The only thing annoying me right now is the lack of maternity stores or even maternity departments in my town. Other than Target and Motherhood maternity, there is like, nothing. I ordered stuff online from Old Navy and only half the stuff fit. I'm running out of clothes!!

  32. Pepper

    pomelo / 5820 posts

    @Foodnerd81: Maternity pants are sooo comfy! I like my maternity leggings and skinny jeans more than my regular leggings/skinny jeans.

    @SouthPaw: Oh, I'm the same way! I love shopping a little too much, lol.

    @StrawberryBee: My thoughts exactly!

    @Bookworm: Happy to hear the appointment went well! That's wonderful that you're getting some headache relief.
    I dont have a lot of maternity options either. So annoying! Have you tried Gap and Loft for maternity? Loft only sells maternity online. So far, I've only bought from Old Navy, Loft, and I got few things from H&M when we were in NYC. I sooo wish our H&M sold maternity!

  33. SouthPaw

    cherry / 204 posts

    @Bookworm: So happy to hear that you have had good news!!! I can only imagine having tension headaches during pregnancy and not being able to take Excedrin (which is my go to not pregnant).

    I agree with Pepper there is a lot of stuff at Old Navy currently that is on sale even so you can stock up =) I went on Target to the clearance section and was able to get two dresses for $10 each that I hope to wear to weddings I have coming up (they are dressier).

    Hope you are all having a nice week!!

  34. Bookish

    GOLD / cantaloupe / 6581 posts

    @Pepper: @SouthPaw: Thanks! Yeah, our Old Navy doesn't have a maternity section, and we don't have a Gap or Loft.. boo. I think I might have to go into Houston to do some shopping, because ordering stuff online from Old Navy didn'twork out too well lol! Oh well, I'll take any excuse to go shopping!

  35. glimmersnaps

    apricot / 491 posts

    We had a check-up today and I got to hear the heartbeat loud and clear this time The midwife questioned my dates because she said my uterus is feeling larger than 13 weeks. It could just be me though. I've also been feeling some fetal movement, which is possible this early for second+ pregnancies.

    @Bookworm I should have asked about my headaches! It's been awful I am going to try acupuncture next week and see if I can get some relief.

    I'm going to be out of town for a few weeks so my next appointment won't be until about 18/19 weeks. Eeep! It seems like it's going too fast!

  36. StrawberryBee

    nectarine / 2530 posts

    @glimmersnaps: yay, so glad to hear the appointment went well!

  37. Pepper

    pomelo / 5820 posts

    @glimmersnaps: Glad it went well and that you got to hear the heartbeat!

  38. Cherrybee

    papaya / 10570 posts

    @glimmersnaps: Sounds like a great appointment! Yay!!

  39. SouthPaw

    cherry / 204 posts

    @glimmersnaps: great! So happy you got to hear the heartbeat and had a good appointment...

    Keep the good news rolling ladies

  40. glimmersnaps

    apricot / 491 posts

    Hey ladies! I've told most my my close friends face-to-face, but today I officially announced on social media.

    Here's what I did on my own blog:

    And here's my work blog that I'm a contributor to:

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