Hellobee Boards


July 2013 Due Dates!

  1. Pepper

    pomelo / 5820 posts

    @MommaD: Yay! Half way there is amazing! Let us know how the scan goes!

    We just had our anatomy scan (I'm 19 weeks), and we're having a boy!! We are soooo excited! I felt like it was a boy all along, which was kind of cool! Everything measured perfectly and I am just so relieved. I have my next prenatal visit next Wednesday and then I'll be off to Florida for a long weekend. I feel better about flying while pregnant now that I know everything looks good.

    Hope everyone is doing well!

  2. Cherrybee

    papaya / 10570 posts

    @MommaD: Hey, have you had that scan yet? How did it go?

    @Pepper: Oh my goodness - a boy!! Amazing!!! Congratulations! Hope your long weekend is wonderful.

    I had my 16 week appointment today, with my midwife. We heard the heartbeat via doppler for a split second but then the baby wriggled away!! All my test results came back good - low risk for downs syndrome which is a relief. I'm feeling some movement in there, which is pretty weird. Now we have 4 weeks to wait for our 20 weeks scan at which we, hopefully, find out if we're having a boy or a girl!! I really hope baby is cooperative!

    How's everyone else doing?

  3. glimmersnaps

    apricot / 491 posts

    @Pepper Congrats on your boy!!
    @Cherrybee Movement is so exciting and comforting

    I'm almost 20 weeks and we are having the ultrasound on Tuesday. I'm nervous of course, but just praying that everything is fine. I had been feeling like I was having another boy, but now I'm thinking maybe girl... we will see! I don't really have a strong preference either way. I've been feeling movement for a while but I think it may be getting strong enough for Hubby to feel now. I still remember when he felt DS kick for the first time. We were watching House Hunters International and he had his hand on my belly and felt the kicks!

    I hope everyone is doing well!!

  4. Foodnerd81

    wonderful cherry / 21504 posts

    @Pepper: Congrats on your boy! I have been feeling like we are having a boy all along too, but we are team green so we won't find out until July!

    I'm pretty sure I felt some movement for the first time tonight! I thought I felt a flicker of something yesterday but wasn't sure, but tonight I was laying in my stomach for acupuncture (for headaches) and I think the baby liked the acupuncture-- and was maybe a little squished-- because I could feel it every time I breathed out for a few minutes, then it must have moved because it stopped. It was pretty awesome though!

    And related-- when do I have to stop laying on my stomach? I don't really sleep on it, but sometimes will lay on it for short periods of time-- like when I am getting acupuncture. I have a bump but it's still comfortable to lay on my front for now. I'm 17 weeks today.

  5. glimmersnaps

    apricot / 491 posts

    @Foodnerd81 Fun!! My LO loved acupuncture when I was pregnant with him. He was kick and roll like a champ. Acupuncture can help for a lot of other things too as your pregnancy progresses. I actually did points to help kickstart my labor And lay on your stomach for as long as you can. It was torture not to be able to for the last few months! (I still remember the first time I slept on my tummy PP!) I'd say you'll know when it's not comfortable... not sure if there's a "rule"...?

  6. glimmersnaps

    apricot / 491 posts

    Everything went well with our scan! I was 19 weeks and 2 days and the baby was 12 oz. We also found out the gender... http://glimmersnaps.blogspot.com/2013/02/its-a.html

  7. Pepper

    pomelo / 5820 posts

    @Cherrybee: Thank you! I'm glad your appointment went well, 20 weeks will be here soon!

    @Foodnerd81: Thanks! I'm late to this, but yay for movement! Has it continued?

    @glimmersnaps: Eek!! Congrats on your girl!! Glad your scan went well!

    How is everyone doing? Any appointments or scans coming up? I'm excited to hear what everyone is expecting!

    I'll be 22 weeks tomorrow... looking forward to viability at 26 weeks as my next milestone. Baby boy is kicking up a storm these days, which is very reassuring and cool!

  8. Pepper

    pomelo / 5820 posts

    Our thread is sooo quiet! Anyone out there?

  9. Foodnerd81

    wonderful cherry / 21504 posts

    @Pepper: This must be the quietest month thread!

    How's everyone doing? There must have been lots of gender scans in the last month! I'm at the tale end of the month board (EDD July 30) so I'm 20 weeks today. I had the anatomy scan last week but the baby wouldn't roll over so I get to go back before my regular midwife appt this week for another peak (no issues, they just couldn't get a certain picture of the heart). I feel pretty lucky to be able to see the baby again!

    Also found out I have an anterior placenta, which explains why the kicks have been few and far between. I'm getting impatient for them, but it helps knowing why they are a bit behind.

    Hope everyone is feeling good!

  10. Cherrybee

    papaya / 10570 posts

    Hey Everyone!!

    Yes, we're a really quiet thread!!! Should we have a roll-call?? Let's share:

    Due Date?:
    How's your bump growing?
    Anything else you want to share?

    My responses:

    Due Date: 31/7/13
    Team: I'll hopefully find out tomorrow
    Bump: Huge!!
    Movement: Lots of tickles!
    Anything else: I'm so, so nervous about my scan tomorrow. I'm just praying everything looks okay.

  11. Foodnerd81

    wonderful cherry / 21504 posts

    @Cherrybee: Good idea!

    Due Date?: July 30, 2013
    Team?: Green! Baby cooperated by keeping his/her legs crossed so there was no chance of our untrained eyes seeing anything in the ultrasound.
    How's your bump growing? Smaller than I expected. I'm definitely bigger than before, but I thought I would be bigger by now. And it's not because of exercise (went to the gym exactly 1 time in four months) or strong abs (they are my weakest area). I have a feeling it will grow fast all of a sudden.
    Movement? Finally starting to feel more. I have felt little twitches here and there, but found out last week I have an anterior placenta, which explains it. Today after lunch and again after dinner, though, lots of kicks or punches low down, below where my placenta would be I guess.
    Anything else you want to share? Going back tomorrow for a re-do of my anatomy scan because the baby wouldn't roll over last week. Hopefully the tech can get the shot of the heart that she needs, but in the meantime, I get a bonus look at the baby!

    @Cherrybee: Good luck at your scan tomorrow! Hope everything looks great and you get a clear boy or girl picture!

  12. Pepper

    pomelo / 5820 posts

    Yes, we definitely need to get this thread bumpin!

    Due Date?: July 3

    Team? Blue!

    How's your bump growing? It looks like I have a basketball under my shirt! I have a very tiny torso, so nowhere to go but out.

    Movement? Lots of movement. He's most active in the evenings! You can see him kicking or punching through my skin.

    Anything else you want to share? Had a bit of a rough night last night with tons of Braxton Hicks contractions, but things have been a lot better today. Looking forward to building his crib this weekend!

    @Cherrybee: Ahhh how exciting about your scan tomorrow! I'm sure all will be great, and I hope you get to find out the gender! Keep us updated!

  13. glimmersnaps

    apricot / 491 posts

    Due Date?: July 16 or 17... I can't remember
    Team? Girl
    How's your bump growing? It's obvious I'm pregnant
    Movement? Lots. Especially at night. Especially on my bladder and cervix.
    Anything else you want to share? I got colustrum ready! I noticed the first letdown the other day, came home and squeezed, and sure enough it's in there!

    @Cherrybee best wishes for your scan tomorrow!

  14. cranberry

    apricot / 305 posts

    Due Date?: July 7th

    Team? We found out it was a girl last month

    How's your bump growing? It's pretty small at this point. I feel like it just started popping out recently. I finally had to order some maternity pants for work.

    Movement? I can feel her pretty much everyday now, usually around mid-day and before I go to bed. It's reassuring, especially between monthly doctors appointments. I can't feel the movement yet though when I place my hand on my stomach.

    Anything else you want to share? This past week I got excited about reading books about when baby is here, instead of just pregnancy books. So far I downloaded the Mayo Clinic's Guide to Baby's First Year. I also want to get a book on breastfeeding and sleep. Anyone have any favorite newborn books?

  15. Pepper

    pomelo / 5820 posts

    @cranberry: How do you like the Mayo Clinic book? I read The Happiest Baby on the Block and I'm very slowly reading Heading Home with Your Newborn: From Birth to Reality. I really like it so far, lots of good info.

  16. Foodnerd81

    wonderful cherry / 21504 posts

    @Pepper: @cranberry: I hear really good things about Happiest Baby on the Block. Other than that, I'm hoping to hear other recommendations too. I have barely even been reading my pregnancy books, but I think I might start reading the delivery ones soon... My sister gave me her leftovers, so I'll start there.

  17. Bookish

    GOLD / cantaloupe / 6581 posts

    Haha we really stink at updating this, don't we? YAY for checking in!

    Due Date?: 7/14/13

    Team? PINK! Baby girl bookworm!

    How's your bump growing? It actually looks like a bump now and not just pudge! I think I look huge

    Movement? Every day I'll feel something, which is pretty awesome. She's most active at night before bed when I'm resting. It's definitely reassuring. DH still can't feel her kicks, so I'm waiting for that!

    Anything else you want to share: Uhh I'm totally overloaded with school and work at the moment, which blows. BUT we did get the nursery almost finished and the bathroom painted!

    @glimmersnaps: Whoa! You can get that this early? I had no idea! I need to google more about colustrom, clearly!

  18. glimmersnaps

    apricot / 491 posts

    @Cranberry I read and re-read The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding. I was an amazing resource!

    @Bookworm Supposedly your body starts producing it at 6 weeks of pregnancy but it's usually not noticeable. I remember with my first I noticed it a few weeks before he was born. It could be that I just noticed it sooner now because it's the second time around and I recognize the letdown tingle.

  19. Pepper

    pomelo / 5820 posts

    So, my belly button is starting to pop out. TOTALLY freaking me out, haha. It's like half out! Anyone else?

  20. Bookish

    GOLD / cantaloupe / 6581 posts

    @Pepper: Mine hasn't popped yet but it's SO shallow! I've always had a deep belly button and now it's this shallow little bowl.... I give it like 2-3 more weeks until it pops!

  21. Pepper

    pomelo / 5820 posts

    @Bookworm: That's how mine started too! I was kind of hoping it would stay shallow, but it apparently has other plans...

  22. Foodnerd81

    wonderful cherry / 21504 posts

    @Pepper: I feel like mine is getting deeper or at least wider. Like, with fitted shirts you can see the indent a lot more. It's weird.

    @Bookworm: A little jealous that your nursery is almost finished! We haven't even moved to our new apartment yet (end of the month) and I can't really look at nursery stuff until we do-- because we have too much packing, getting furniture for us, who will be there right away, and not the baby, who won't be there until July and won't use the furniture until later. But baby furniture is so much more fun than packing!

  23. Bookish

    GOLD / cantaloupe / 6581 posts

    @Foodnerd81: You're a busy bee!!! Good luck moving, it'll be fun to have a blank slate! I actually wish we had waited to start the nursery...I have SO much energy right now, and nothing to use it on I keep having to find random house projects to do instead.... lol

  24. Foodnerd81

    wonderful cherry / 21504 posts

    @Bookworm: Would you like to come and pack up my apartment? It would keep you busy...

  25. Bookish

    GOLD / cantaloupe / 6581 posts

    @Foodnerd81: I am the packing QUEEN. I'd be all over it!

  26. SouthPaw

    cherry / 204 posts

    Hey ladies!! I haven't forgotten about our group I have just been mia from homeoffice and on site without internet!!! When I get home that last thing I want to see is my laptop

    Here's our latest info!!

    Due Date?: 7/20/13

    Team? BLUE =)

    How's your bump growing? Oh it's growing!! Thankful it will no longer get the sideways did she eat too much or is it something else looks from strangers =)

    Movement? As others have said when I am resting after work is generally when he's moving the most, it's really nice and reassuring!

    Anything else you want to share? We get to go back for another ultrasound tomorrow a repeat of the anatomy scan because the baby was uncooperative for all of the measurements. Pretty excited for tomorrow’s appointment. Other than that business as usual!

  27. Anagram

    eggplant / 11716 posts

    I don't think I've posted here yet....If I have, it's been a while, so I'm rejoining and reposting.

    Due Date?: 7/19/2013

    Team? Pink! Baby girl FTW!

    How's your bump growing? It's big. HUGE, I feel like. But I know it's going to get bigger. I had a major growth spurt between 20 and 22 weeks. I'm almost 23 weeks now.

    Movement? Daily movement, but I feel it more some times than other time (anterior placenta).

    Anything else you want to share? Just that I'm gaining tons of weight (oops?), we're also house hunting, haven't bought a thing for the baby, but looking forward to the next few months. We had our anatomy scan a couple of weeks ago, but our doctor's appointment to discuss everything is Wednesday, so I'm anxious to hear if everything is okay.

  28. Foodnerd81

    wonderful cherry / 21504 posts

    @SouthPaw: I had the same issue with the anatomy scan-- baby wouldn't roll over so they could get a clear picture of the heart and chambers, so they had me come in again a week later (when I had a regular midwife appt anyway). It was a special bonus to get to see the baby again and it was a lot more active-- partly because he/she was bigger, and partly because i had a big breakfast with lots of OK.

    Update from me: DH felt the baby kicking this morning! Even with my anterior placenta, I've started feeling some strong kicks or nudges up top, behind my belly button. It seemed to take forever to start feeling them, but now they are loud and clear!

  29. Cherrybee

    papaya / 10570 posts

    So lovely to see updates from so many of you - it's great to hear that your pregnancies are progressing well and all those genders, so exciting!! The girls are in the lead at the moment!

    So, let's get a list on the go!

    3rd - Pepper - team blue!
    7th - Cranberry - team pink!
    14th - Bookworm - team pink!
    16th - Glimmersnaps - team pink!
    19th - Anagram - team pink!
    20th - Southpaw - team blue!
    30th - Foodnerd - team green!
    31st - Cherrybee - team pink!

    So who has finished their nurseries then? Pics please!!!

    We have started but have run into problems - the ceiling was wallpapered and, when we removed the wallpaper, the ceiling was actualy quite flat. Well, we painted over it and all the paint has started flaking - it turns out that the ceiling has been covered in something that emulsion wont stick to. The only aswer is to manually scrape all the chipping, flaking paint off the ceiling, sand down to the bare plaster and then repaint. Sigh.

  30. SouthPaw

    cherry / 204 posts

    @Anagram: Welcome!!! I hope everything goes well for you three at the dr. on Wednesday!!!

    @Foodnerd81: I'll pick up some OJ tonight to get him moving in the AM! With our complications early on we were seeing him every week so to go for 3 or 4 weeks without seeing the little guy has been weird!!! **So excited DH got to feel the baby move**!!! Congrats

    @Cherrybee: Nursery? lol we've talked and talked but haven't done a THING to get it rolling. I'm sorry to hear about your ceiling debacle.

    Does everyone have a theme for their nursery or concept etc they would like to share?

    We are going to be doing baby superhero theme, my husband at the age of 27 still love cartoons and all the movies so I have conceded on this and going to do my hardest to not let it get out of hand... once we're on our way i'll share some photos (we have a loooong way to go though ;))

  31. Pepper

    pomelo / 5820 posts

    @Anagram: Welcome!! Best of luck at your appointment!

    @Cherrybee: That stinks about the ceiling! At least you have a head start on it. We have the nursey painted, and the dresser/changer and crib built. We also redid his little closet and have the clothes we bought (or that have been bought for us) hanging in there. We still have a long way to go! Not to mention I still need to wash everything closer to July!

    @SouthPaw: What a cute theme! Can't wait to see pictures. We are doing an ocean/beach theme.

  32. Pepper

    pomelo / 5820 posts

    @Foodnerd81: How exciting that he got to feel the baby kick! Congrats!

  33. Foodnerd81

    wonderful cherry / 21504 posts

    We are moving at the end of the month, so have done absolutely nothing on a nursery (well, besides finding an apartment with a second bedroom-- that counts, right??) It's already yellow, and we know we are putting out queen bed in there and then squeezing in a crib and dresser/changer, but that's about it, besides pinning pretty ideas.

    @Cherrybee: So annoying about your nursery ceiling! But at least you are starting well in advance and have time to sort it out (well, hopefully have someone besides you sort it out!).

  34. Foodnerd81

    wonderful cherry / 21504 posts

    Well, now I'm really officially pregnant... I finally posted it on FaceBook!

  35. SouthPaw

    cherry / 204 posts

    @Pepper: love ocean and beach theme =) we lived by the beach for a while and can seriously picture an awesome nursery. Can't wait to hear about what you're doing with it!!

    @Foodnerd81: lol. We are waiting for that announcement too... maybe we'll take a fun picture or something but who knows. How'd you do it??

  36. Foodnerd81

    wonderful cherry / 21504 posts

    @SouthPaw: I posted my 20 week picture and said something about DH needing a new golf buddy, coming summer 2013. I tried to think of something more clever but couldn't. I didn't want to post an ulstrasound though-- those are too personal and private for me (ha-- only *I* get to see the baby).

  37. Bookish

    GOLD / cantaloupe / 6581 posts

    @SouthPaw: Looove the theme! My DH would go bananas for that haha.
    @Foodnerd81: Eee that's so exciting he got to feel the baby! I'm feeling pretty strong kicks now, but DH still can't feel them lol!
    @Cherrybee: Pics! I have pics!

  38. Bookish

    GOLD / cantaloupe / 6581 posts

    So we started out with rockets & robots...and it's evolved into a night & day sort of thing... so one side has stars, rocketships, astronauts, etc, and the other side has flowers (and we are going to paint some clouds up top). The big space on the light blue side is going to have some art... just don't know what yet

  39. Foodnerd81

    wonderful cherry / 21504 posts

    @Bookworm: So that's for a girl, right? I love that you didn't go super duper girly (which is something I'm afraid I'd do if I knew I was having a girl!)

    And DH feeling that kick was just good luck, because I have only felt the light nudges since then. And the baby is never that active in the morning, but I think maybe it likes the sound of his voice because it also perked up a little when he got home yesterday. Or, my emotional hormonal mind is making that up.

  40. Bookish

    GOLD / cantaloupe / 6581 posts

    @Foodnerd81: Yep, for our girl! I added some glitter to the mirror and fan blades, but yeah, I didn't want to go too girly. And I swear baby reacts to DH's hand on my stomach, even though he can't feel it yet!!

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