Hellobee Boards


July 2015 Mamas!

  1. sweetooth

    nectarine / 2705 posts

    @FannyMae: Not TMI at all! I had the WORST constipation of my entire life when I took Zofran during my first pregnancy. I seriously thought, after I finally, well, survived the most intense #2 of my entire life, that "If child birth is anything like that, I just had a practice run!" I'm avoiding Zofran at all costs this time around. You're right, it is SUCH a double-edged sword.

  2. sweetooth

    nectarine / 2705 posts

    @ValentineMommy: Welcome and congrats! I had a scare during my first pregnancy with an SCH, but I successfully carried my baby to term and you will too I know it's an extra worry though. Here's a post I did and several other bees piped in with their success stories too, if you want to read through what other's experienced.


  3. sweetooth

    nectarine / 2705 posts

    @MamaCate: YAY! for a twirling baby and the heartbeat! Glad you had a good appointment.

  4. simplyfelicity

    cantaloupe / 6634 posts

    How is everyone's morning sickness? Mine has become night sickness and was pretty nonexistent yesterday.

  5. Reese

    pomegranate / 3521 posts

    @simplyfelicity: I haven't had anything for the last couple of days. Which of course makes me nervous. I generally feel fine aside from the odd pinching and sensitive boobs. Wednesday morning can't come soon enough.

  6. simplyfelicity

    cantaloupe / 6634 posts

    @Reese: It's so hard not to worry but probably just means the placenta is starting to take over.

  7. MamaCate

    pomegranate / 3595 posts

    Okay here is a picture and the longer version from my appt Friday: I was so nervous and had to wait a while to be seen, but got to be in the big sono room with the big screen. When my OB came in I told her I was nervous so we looked right away and found the baby and the heartbeat! It was such an incredible feeling to see it actually really there and moving around and hanging out! I didn't realize how much I has been trying not to think too far ahead after the loss last time. So I am excited but still cautious and we are planning to tell after the next appt on January.

    I woke up yesterday morning thinking--oh this is real! This means we have to pay for daycare x2! But what a great problem to have!

  8. MamaCate

    pomegranate / 3595 posts

    @Chocoholic: we talked about the blood test too--i wasn't sure if it is because i was older or they offer it to everyone, but we are getting it set up in the next few weeks. i am excited to know more about chromosomal risks and the gender so early! are you going to find out?

  9. Reese

    pomegranate / 3521 posts

    @MamaCate: what is this blood test called? I would love to ask my midwife

  10. simplyfelicity

    cantaloupe / 6634 posts

    @MamaCate: So cute!

  11. angelachase

    apricot / 306 posts

    @Reese: I am going to my midwife on Wednesday too and I am feeling so cautious and nervous. We are going to try to hear the baby's heartbeat or do an ultrasound if we can't hear it with the Doppler and I just want to know if baby's okay in there so badly. I have been feeling very normal in the past week or so--even the fatigue has gotten much better. I feel like such a jerk talking about what an easy time of things I've had so far, but I don't think I can shake the feeling that it means something bad until I have confirmation otherwise.

  12. Mrsk

    apricot / 287 posts

    @simplyfelicity: I hear ya on having to take breaks while doing normal stuff! morning sickness pretty much gone, although it wasn't that bad at all, I was a lucky one.

    I went to the dr this past week, she checked my blood pressure as I had been having some blurry vision and she thought my blood pressure might be high...nope! It was 90/60!! So low which explains why I'm short of breath all the time and blacking out when I stand up, so I need to drink more fluids! But then Friday I got the flu, the puking kid, it was so awful! I. Better now, but scarier to be sick like that while pregnant, I just kept thinking, there's no mor fluid left in my body, I've puked everything up, hope the baby is ok!

    How was everyone's weekend? Anyone else finding it more of a chore to get ready for the holidays?? We host a big party every year and it seems like so much work right now!!

  13. simplyfelicity

    cantaloupe / 6634 posts

    @Mrsk: How scary! Glad to hear you are feeling better.

  14. MamaCate

    pomegranate / 3595 posts

    @Reese: she called it the "ultrascreen" I think.

    Here is a link I found for more info:
    This one talks about combining this with the NT scan ultrasound, which we actually didn't talk about. My OB said they schedule it any time after 10 weeks, so someone from the office would call to set it up. I will ask about the NT when they call. She also said that they have to do it at the hospital, but I'm not sure what the reason is.

  15. MamaCate

    pomegranate / 3595 posts

    @angelachase: I have been feeling pretty good too. A little snacky and still opting for carbs whenever possible, but other than that, really fine. It does make me a little nervous but the appointment this weekend helped! Hope all is well at your appointment this week!

  16. LindsayInNY

    bananas / 9229 posts

    @MamaCate: That's what I'm doing. I sent in my blood sample the other week (had to be done after 10 weeks) and I have the u/s this Wednesday. It allows them to give me instant results right there. I didn't hear anything about gender results though. I thought that was the 35+ bloodwork?

  17. MamaCate

    pomegranate / 3595 posts

    @LindsayInNY: I am 35 so I am not clear exactly which is which. I will let you all know when I hear back from the office this week about what they want me to do. We skipped the NT scan last time but I didn't realize that we didn't talk about it this time until after I left.
    How are you doing? How far along now?

  18. QBbride

    pomegranate / 3192 posts

    Ok, I think i'm officially losing it. I swear I can feel this baby move! I'm crazy, right? Not like big movements but little flutters here and there. Down super low on my left side.

    I had an anterior placenta with my son and I first felt decent movements at 19+1. I googled and read with your second some people can feel light movements from 13 weeks but I'm only 11 weeks tomorrow.

    Crazy right?

  19. cait

    apricot / 268 posts

    @simplyfelicity: My morning sickness is mostly in the morning but can pop up at random times too. I think I'm starting to figure out the window I have between waking up or starting to feel slightly off and needing to eat before it's too late and I'm running to the bathroom. Grilled cheese has been my best friend. I'm glad to hear yours seems to be letting up a little!

  20. LindsayInNY

    bananas / 9229 posts

    @MamaCate: I know some of the June girls had the early gender blood test! I thought Maternit21 or whatever was one of them? I'm 12 weeks as of Friday - crazy! Feeling completely normal this whole time and trying not to read into any of it!

  21. Chocoholic

    cherry / 216 posts

    @mamacate: the blood test is scheduled for my next visit 12/31. DH will be coming to have a mouth swab done too.. My midwife said it will help give better results. I think we will find out the sex- when we get the test results!
    I was told they offer the blood test to all patients at my office who's insurace will cover it as it is more accurate than the sequential testing.

  22. cvbee

    nectarine / 2039 posts

    @simplyfelicity: I napped Saturday and Sunday. Do it if you can!

  23. cvbee

    nectarine / 2039 posts

    @QBbride: wow cool. I was also anterior placenta with number one and hope to feel more early movement this time. Enjoy your little flutters!

  24. mrsjyw

    GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22646 posts

    anxiously and excitedly joining this board

    Location: MI

    EDD: 7/29/15

    How far along: 7w4d

    First child? No, DS is almost 25 months!

    First doctor appointment: last Friday! Saw our bean and heartbeat. It was a relief after a cp in September.

    Any symptoms so far? Main ones are sore boobs, bloat, fatigue, nausea/yakking (the ms is hit or miss though). Some days are good and make me worry, others I have to stay in bed for a long time before I can muster up energy to start the day.

    Who have you told? Dh, my lil bro, parents/inlaws, BFFs, and a few HB mama friends

    Happy to be here! Could def use the support while I anxiously await the next four weeks til our next appointment and nt scan! First trimester is so fun and not nerve wracking, right?!

  25. QBbride

    pomegranate / 3192 posts

    @mrsjyw: OMG omg omg!!!!!

    I'm SO happy to see you here!!!!!! Congrats!

  26. simplyfelicity

    cantaloupe / 6634 posts

    @mrsjyw: I am so glad you decided to join us!!! I have been thinking about you and hoping for a great ultrasound.

  27. simplyfelicity

    cantaloupe / 6634 posts

    July Mamas!    
    July 1: simplyfelicity
    July 2: Mrs. Pickles
    July 4: dolphin
    July 5: Reese
    July 7: qbbride, fuzzypeaches, little bitty house
    July 10: travelgirl1
    July 11: Candy_nee, sweettooth, Mrsk
    July 13: tidybee, sugarbee
    July 14: Chocoholic, dreamer3311 (twins!), angelachase
    July 15: nicole112
    July 17: MamaCate, cvbee
    July 20: Bluemasonjar
    July 22: FannyMae
    July 24: BlueWolverine
    July 25: Mrsvdv
    July 28: Spinny, MrsH
    July 29: mrsjyw
    July 30: Cait
    July 31: ValentineMommy

  28. MamaCate

    pomegranate / 3595 posts

    @mrsjyw: yay! welcome! so nerve-wracking after a loss but you are in good company! so glad you got to see the heartbeat at your appointment!

    @QBbride: that is amazing and seems early but you never know. my friend who had #2 in the spring said she felt movement earlier, like around 14/15 weeks. I had an anterior placenta last time too and am hoping to feel movement earlier this time too.

  29. QBbride

    pomegranate / 3192 posts

    @cvbee: @MamaCate: haha it is probably too early to actually be feeling movement! My mind is probably playing tricks on me!

  30. FannyMae

    persimmon / 1461 posts

    aaarrgh in such a crappy mood!! rang doctor's office at 9am to get results, told he won't be in til 2.30 to check them before calling me back.... 4.30pm I rang again, told he hasn't checked them yet and still waiting for a call back. 7.20 pm and no reply arrrghh!!

    been watching this siege in sydney all day today, every single channel is running coverage

  31. MamaCate

    pomegranate / 3595 posts

    @FannyMae: Oh no! How frustrating to wait all weekend for results and then not be able to get a call back! Hope you hear soon. I have been following the news from Sydney here too--so scary!

  32. mrsjyw

    GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22646 posts

    @QBbride: so happy to be here still nervous and can't wait to be out of this trimester!

    @simplyfelicity: thanks for the support from the beginning!

    @MamaCate: yes thank you! so glad to see so many 2nd time and after loss mamas on this board!

    @FannyMae: i hope you hear back soon

    For those having NT scans done, what week are you having it done? I need to schedule mine today at a different hospital (they don't do at my OB's office), and was wondering if 11 weeks is on the early side? That's my next check-up with OB and would like to time it with that, or possibly wait until the following week if it's better at 12 weeks (which seems to be the average/norm?) We didn't have it done with DS and I'm not sure the protocol!

  33. ValentineMommy

    pomelo / 5791 posts

    @sweetooth: Thank you so much! I hope that is the case. I had a loss 6 months ago, and this has really thrown me for a loop. I am so thankful to have seen a heartbeat, but so, so scared about this stupid SCH. I did read your thread before posting here, and everyone's stories definitely do ease my mind a bit. Dr Google made me feel MUCH worse lol

    @simplyfelicity: Mine is pretty much all day sickness. No throwing up, but extreme nausea all the time. I've been wearing sea bands overnight and they actually seem to help when I wake up in the morning.

    @MamaCate: Yay! So cute!

    @Mrsk: I'm finding everything a chore lol

    @LindsayInNY: I'm 33 and they offered me the bloodwork to find out the gender. My appt is Dec 30th, I'll be a little over 9 weeks.

    @mrsjyw: Yay!! Welcome!!

  34. Mrsk

    apricot / 287 posts

    @mrsjyw: welcome!

    @FannyMae: that is so frustrating, hopefully you get news soon. Keeping my fingers crossed for you!

    @QBbride: I can't wait to feel movement! It would be early but people say you feel move my earlier with second children...you know what to expect.

    As for me, I went to work today and left after 30 mins, I thought I was over this flu, but I was sooo dizzy, pretty scary, so I went back home. Trying to pump fluids into me.

    And super exciting news, the midwives here called and will take me on! I've heard there are sometimes big waiting lists, so I'm so happy, first appointment tomorrow!

  35. mrsjyw

    GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22646 posts

    @Mrsk: @ValentineMommy: thanks for the welcome ladies

  36. Tidybee

    nectarine / 2834 posts

    @mrsjyw: Hooray for joining! Re: the NT scan - My doc told me i could go anywhere between 11 and 14 weeks, so it's probably not "too" early to go at 11. I' m going at 12 weeks but mainly because of the holidays. Since this is the only ultrasound between the 7 week and anatomy scan, I really want to see a "baby" on there, so I wanted to wait as long as possible.

  37. simplyfelicity

    cantaloupe / 6634 posts

    Noticed some students staring at my tummy today... My sis doesn't understand why that weirds me out...I am just a really private person with my students. They didn't know I had a boyfriend until I was engaged.

  38. FannyMae

    persimmon / 1461 posts

    I was so pissy that I didn't get a call back yesterday that I rang at 9.05 this morning.... again, OB hasn't had a chance to look at the results, he's in theatre... receptionist says to be "well no news is good news", of course, you wouldn't know if its bad news if the OB hasn't told you yet! Decided to go to my GP and get my results direct from there (I just told him I won't see my OB til after X-Mas, and I'm anxious about results). No problemo, within 5 minutes I saw the GP and was on the way home.

    So I dunno, its definitely confusing - First test taken on Thursday shows HCG - 49,752. Second test on Saturday shows 50,385. Numbers are going up, but not by much... range is within 5-6 weeks gestational which lines up with the size of the baby. I guess I assumed numbers on the second test would have doubled at least Now i've got that info I'm gonna have to wait and see when this OB will take his sweet ass time to call me back.

  39. simplyfelicity

    cantaloupe / 6634 posts

    @FannyMae: I cannot believe the treatment you are getting! I would have driven there, too, and knocked down their door if necessary.
    As far as betas, I think they double but just up until a certain point but I am not sure when that is.
    I am so so sorry you all going through all this.

  40. FannyMae

    persimmon / 1461 posts

    @simplyfelicity: I'm just doing some reading (without trying to freak out much) and I have seen that past 6,000 the doubling time is more than 96 hours. nausea has been absolutely kicking my butt the last few days, so I guess thats a good thing? My OB was great during my last pregnancy, and I get it that he's busy blah-blah, but c'mon receptionist, get on it!

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