Welcome and congrats to our new July 2015 moms!
How far along:
First child?
First doctor appointment:
Any symptoms so far?
Who have you told?
Welcome and congrats to our new July 2015 moms!
How far along:
First child?
First doctor appointment:
Any symptoms so far?
Who have you told?
cantaloupe / 6059 posts
Oh my gosh. How is this thread up and started again?! I can't believe it was a year ago that I got my BFP for baby #2.
Congrats to all who will be a part of this thread! July is such a great month to have a baby!
pomegranate / 3764 posts
I wasn't going to post in here yet, because of the sadness that came from starting the DIG back in March... but I need to be brave, so here we go.
EDD: July 5-6th, based on IVF transfer.
How far along: 3 weeks + 5 days (I'll be 4 weeks on Monday)
First child? This is pregnancy #3, but (hopefully) baby #2.
First doctor appointment: I'll see the GP at 14dpo for bloods, and try and ring the OB to book in around then too.
Any symptoms so far? Not much so far... just lots of CM (sorry, tmi? haha) and some cramping.
Who have you told? Outside of hubby, just you guys & my IVF support group. I'm normally really open about IVF and stuff with family and friends, but after our missed miscarriage, I just wanted a pressure free cycle. Still trying to figure out when to tell my parents.
I really, really hope I haven't jinxed things by posting here BUT I am so flipping hopeful that this might be our rainbow baby.
papaya / 10473 posts
EDD: July 2
How far along: 4 weeks
First child? Nope, they'll be 25 months apart. Jesus be near
First doctor appointment: I already had one scheduled for Tuesday
Any symptoms so far? Same as last time - clear skin and food aversions. That's how I knew to test!
Who have you told? Just my husband and my best friend. And just wrote Blackbird on FB
grapefruit / 4311 posts
Another "is it really time for July babies again???" congrats ladies!!
@Boheme: I missed this somehow!
honeydew / 7295 posts
@jaguar: all the sticky healthy baby dust in the world sent you way!
@Boheme: oh my goodness! Congratulations!
cantaloupe / 6634 posts
@jaguar: Okay, Jag, if you are going to be brave, so will I. I really wasn't going to do this until I saw you on here. I am elated we are due date twins again.
EDD: July 2nd 2015
How far along: 4 weeks + 3 days
First child? This is my 3rd pregnancy and, God-willing, my first child
First doctor appointment: I haven't called my doctor yet, probably wait a few weeks. The discomfort of having to cancel OB appointments and sonograms is all too familiar.
Any symptoms so far? Not much, just some boob pains and cramping.
Who have you told? I have told my husband, sister, two coworkers, a very close family friend and my support group at my church. I told the people I did so they would pray for us, I am not so much "announcing" as asking for prayer and support. DH and I have decided to wait until our first ultrasound and 12 weeks to tell family and friends. We will hopefully tell our family at Christmas. We told our family last time at 8 weeks, so we want to wait longer. I know I would want them "rooting" for us, but after two losses, it's more complicated.
I wish everyone here the absolute best!
kiwi / 714 posts
Chiming in with @coopsmama and @runnerd to say I can't believe it's been a year! I love my July baby, congrats mamas! Will totally be stalking you guys.
pomegranate / 3764 posts
@Boheme: Welcome & Congrats!
@simplyfelicity: Here any time you need support, I'm already a barrel of nerves.
Symptoms... well, I spent last night cramping and FREAKING OUT that it was all over. I think it was belly related, but yeah, I was scared. It's not cramping so much this morning, but feels tender compared to last night.
kiwi / 633 posts
Another July '14 mama! Just wanted to say congrats and best wishes to you all!!!
papaya / 10473 posts
I can already tell this baby isn't going to be kind to me Food aversions through the roof, I have the nose of a bloodhound, and I am so dizzy. I had zero symptoms until 7 or 8 weeks last time!
pomegranate / 3764 posts
@Boheme: Ohhh hopefully those can reassure you a bit! I has virtually no symptoms with my last pregnancy and was a nervous wreck!
Going to ask for a beta today (14dpo) and am so nervous!
cantaloupe / 6634 posts
@Boheme: Congratulations! Sorry you aren't feeling well, but hopefully that puts your mind at rest a bit!
@jaguar: I didn't have much in the way of symptoms last time either. Are you having any yet? I am having some cramping here and there but not as much as last time. Maybe a bit more tired than usual. It's so hard not to compare, but I know pregnancies can be so different from each other.
Hopefully, we get lots more mommas!
cantaloupe / 6634 posts
I know it's super early and so few of us, but it doesn't hurt to get a list started!
July Mamas!
July 2: Boheme, simplyfelicity
July 5: Jaguar, Reese
July 7: qbbride
pomegranate / 3521 posts
Hello all,
I am coming in here cautiously as well..
EDD: July 5th
How far along: 4 weeks
First child? Yes
First doctor appointment: Not yet, I will probably make one next week. I am still in the "waiting for the shoe to drop" stage..
Any symptoms so far? Cramping/stretching feeling, nausea when I drive to work and gassy
Who have you told? Only DH
cantaloupe / 6634 posts
@Reese: So glad you are here! I am still in that stage, too. It's nice to be around others who understand. Praying this is it for you!
pomegranate / 3521 posts
@simplyfelicity: Eiii thanks! me too!
I told my whole family at Christmas last time because it seemed like the perfect time I don't know what I will do this year, although that seems like light years away!
pomegranate / 3764 posts
@simplyfelicity: Mainly cramping here. And a bit of nausea if I don't eat... but I don't think I can blame the pregnancy yet.
@Jess1483: I'm petrified/excited of my name on a list! haha
@Reese: Hullo, approximate due date twin! Welcome. xx 4 weeks today here too! I'm also feeling the same.
GAHHHHH one hour til my clinic opens and I can ring them to come in and get bloods done. Want to barf.
pomegranate / 3521 posts
@jaguar: Hey! Hmm I wonder if that is why I normally only get nauseous on my way to work and not when I am driving in the afternoon. I don't eat breakfast.
pomegranate / 3192 posts
Hi ladies! Another cautious joiner... thanks @simplyfelicity: for the encouragement!
EDD: July 7-8?
How far along: less than 4 weeks (I think). I didn't get a until Friday (CD 30) so I think I probably ovulated around CD 20-21)...
First child? No, DS is 16.5 months so hopefully they will be about 2 years apart.
First doctor appointment: I will call my midwife who delivered DS if my test is nice and dark next week.
Any symptoms so far? Not really, I was nauseous yesterday but feel ok today. Maybe just tired and thirsty?
Who have you told? just my bff. I haven't even told hubby yet! We are away visiting his parents so i didn't want to say anything until we are home.
I had an early m/c at 5 weeks last cycle so I'm super nervous. This feels too good to be true right now.
Looking forward to getting to know you guys better!
pomegranate / 3764 posts
@Reese: Might be! I was lucky with morning sickness with Georgia, didn't get much at all - but I had to sleep with a drink/muesli bar ready at my bedside table for the following morning. As soon as I ate, I was fine.
@QBbride: There are a few of us here who have had losses recently, so we can be strong together. xxx
cantaloupe / 6634 posts
@QBbride: Yay! You are here! You' ll have to tell us about how your husband reacts to the happy news.
apricot / 315 posts
Since everyone else is being brave, I will join you... I'm relatively new around here, but you all are so supportive to each other that it makes me happy to be joining in this time!
EDD: July 1st?
How far along: 4 weeks, 4 days
First child? No, DD is 21 months.
First doctor appointment: My doctor doesn't like to do appts until after 8 weeks and ultrasounds closer to 10, so I'll probably wait to call until at least 6 weeks.
Any symptoms so far? Bloated & gassy for a few days; exhaustion a few days this week, although I'm sure LO is adding to that! And two moments of random nausea... Anyone else get queasy if they move around to fast?
Who have you told? My husband, 2 close friends and my mom (accidentally). I'm not the greatest at secrets so I will probably go a little radio silence on everyone else until after my appointment. This is the one area where living far away from friends and family comes in handy!
Wishing everyone a happy and healthy 9 months!
pomegranate / 3521 posts
@Chaosmaven: welcome!!
@QBbride: Many of us (geez, almost all!) are in the same boat. This is our month!!
ETA: avatar change! I used to have a regular avatar that was similar to this but I lost it I settled on this one because it seems the most similar to the old one.
cantaloupe / 6634 posts
July Mamas!
July 1: chaosmaven
July 2: Boheme, simplyfelicity
July 5: Jaguar, Reese
July 7: qbbride
pomegranate / 3764 posts
@QBbride: Yes, let us know how your partner took the news!
@Chaosmaven: Welcome, so nice to meet you!
@Reese: I like this new av. I really need to update mine too.
@simplyfelicity: Gah... scared of the list. haha.
pomegranate / 3764 posts
Well, my 14dpo hcg is low. Might not be in this thread long at all. It's only 60, they wanted 100.
pomegranate / 3192 posts
@jaguar: I'm so sorry was that your first beta? Sending you positive vibes and good doubling rates. I've heard a low of positive stories with lowish betas to start. Hugs.
pomegranate / 3521 posts
@jaguar: there have been maybe bees with low hcg the first go, I'm keeping positive for you
nectarine / 2148 posts
@jaguar: I had low hcg levels when I was first doing my beta testing. At about 12dpo my level was at 15 and then more than doubled to 91 around 14dpo. I would not stress too much about the number until you get your second beta results back.
papaya / 10473 posts
@jaguar: Sending you love and luck! I've seen successful pregnancies start with that number.
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