Hellobee Boards


July 2017 Moms!

  1. MrsKoala

    cantaloupe / 6869 posts

    @jaypegs: ahhhh Manchester is nice as well! If the new place you try doesn't work for you, I'd definitely give a larger group a chance. They may seem really big and that you won't know the person who delivers you. But they give you the chance to meet everyone! The midwives are fewer in number than the OBs so if you are interested in that type of care, it is really easy to get to know them.

  2. jaypegs

    cherry / 120 posts

    @MrsKoala: thanks! I'm trying OB/GYN group of Eastern CT, so we'll see how it goes. They only have one midwife, which I was interested in, but I just got the best "gut feeling" researching this practice, so we'll go with that. I had an intervention free delivery with a doctor notorious for giving episiotomies, so I feel more confident in my body this go around.

  3. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @jaypegs: welcome! I went to law school in CT

  4. Mrs. J

    pomelo / 5132 posts

    @jaypegs: welcome!!!

  5. Mrs. J

    pomelo / 5132 posts

    @babynash: it stinks because I usually have pretty clear skin!

  6. Calibee

    apricot / 286 posts

    @babynash: Ugh sorry you're having it too. Spotting is no fun! I had it for about a week. Really light at first and progressed to a dark pink. So I called my doctor and they went hushed and did the ultrasound. It's stopped for now so no clue what caused it. My doctor said unless I see bright red blood or have bad cramps to try to just not worry about it. Easier said than done...

  7. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    Just ate a bowl of pasta at 8:55 a.m. Help!!!!

    Another ultrasound this afternoon. 9 weeks. More nervous for this one than the last.

  8. mrskansas

    nectarine / 2813 posts

    I just went in for another draw and should have the results sometime today! My tests kept getting darker over the long weekend so hopefully my levels caught up to where they should be. I'll keep you guys updated!

  9. babynash

    pea / 24 posts

    I get my blood work results back today, but I've had some heavy bleeding last night and this morning. Been having very light spotting all week, but barely noticeable; just figured it was old blood or cervix being irritated. Had a small gush last night and now heavy. No tissue or clots, but some minor cramping. My little bean 😢 My husband is so supportive and keeping me as calm as possible, but if this ends the way I fear it might, this would be my 3rd m/c. Praying for a happy & healthy 9 months for all of you beautiful souls! I will keep following ❤❤❤

  10. mrskansas

    nectarine / 2813 posts

    @babynash: Thinking of you!!!

  11. Mrs. J

    pomelo / 5132 posts

    @babynash: thinking of you!
    @winniebee: I had a bagel but my kids ate half of it. I felt like such garbage! Hopefully you have a good scan today.

    I have my first appointment today. I don't think it will be much...I am only 5+2. Ok so my LMP would put me as 7/27, but my O date would be 7/29. Should I tell the midwife my O date?

  12. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @Mrs. J: I don't think they care about a few days of difference! My O date was 4 days behind LMP (based on O symptoms and also confirmed by first ultrasound) and they kept my due date as LMP. So, even though I'm 9 weeks today, I would expect my ultrasound to show that I'm 8+3. I would just make sure your first ultrasound isn't scheduled until your 6.5 weeks.

  13. mamainthesun

    apricot / 356 posts

    @jaypegs: welcome and congratulations!!

    @mrskansas: fingers crossed!

    @winniebee: I hope your ultrasound went well!

  14. mamainthesun

    apricot / 356 posts

    @babynash: p hoping for the best for you

  15. mamainthesun

    apricot / 356 posts

    I went to see the doctor for my first appointment! All looks good and the heart was beating well! 8 weeks today, it's starting to feel real! Next appointment 19/12!

  16. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @mrskansas: @babynash: Hoping for some great numbers from both of you today!

  17. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    July 2017 Mamas

    Purplelilac: 7/1 (#3)
    Winniebee: 7/3 (#3)
    Enjollah: 7/9 (#3)
    Mamainthesun: 7/10 (#2)
    Shelio: 7/12 (#4)
    Calibee: 7/15 (#2)
    Mrs.J: 7/27 (#3)
    Jaypegs: 7/27 (#2)
    Babynash: 7/30 (#1)
    MrsKansas: 7/31 (#2)

  18. babynash

    pea / 24 posts

    Blood work is back and numbers went down over 48hrs. Taking today to say goodbye to this bean and pray for next time. Wishing you all amazing pregnancies and the happiest of holidays!!!! Xoxoxo

  19. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @babynash: I am so sorry I am a repeat loss mama as well and it is just devastating. Please reach out to me if you want to talk, or if you have questions about some testing that your OB could do.

  20. mamainthesun

    apricot / 356 posts

    @babynash: I'm so sorry and wish you luck for the future xx

  21. Calibee

    apricot / 286 posts

    @babynash: So sorry to hear this. I'm glad your husband is being so supportive for you.

  22. Calibee

    apricot / 286 posts

    @winniebee: Thinking good thoughts for your appointment today! And now I want a bowl of pasta!

  23. Mrs. J

    pomelo / 5132 posts

    @babynash: I'm so sorry

  24. odynsmom

    apple seed / 1 posts

    Long time lurker of these boards and cautiously joining...

    Location: Virginia

    EDD: July 29, 2017

    First child? Nope, my son will turn 3 in February.

    Any symptoms? Certain smells make me gag

    Who have you told? Hubby, my mom, and his dad

    Current thoughts/feelings/fears? My first pregnancy was tough and I almost died during delivery, so I am terrified right now. But at the same time I am excited. It is weird.

  25. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    Baby is doing fine so far! Measuring 8+5 at 9 wks so keeping my due date the same. Materni21 draw next Friday.

  26. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @odynsmom: welcome!

  27. Mrs. J

    pomelo / 5132 posts

    @odynsmom: welcome!!

  28. Mrs. J

    pomelo / 5132 posts

    My appt went well. Uterus is measuring at about 5.5 weeks, so right on track. The midwife wrote me an order for an early ultrasound if I want one. I'll go back around 10-11 weeks to hear the heartbeat!

  29. purplelilac

    grape / 89 posts

    @babynash: I'm so sorry to hear this. I hope you can find some peace. Thinking of you.

    @winniebee: The pasta thing is too funny. The other night my husband got home late and made himself some pasta for dinner. It looked so good to me that I ended up eating half of it. Whoops.

    I go in for my 10-week blood draw on Thursday this week and then have another appt with my OB on 12/13 for my "12 week" appt, even though I'll be just shy of 12 weeks.

    I am finding I have a slew of weird symptoms this time around/things are feeling different sooner. I was doing a downward dog pose the other day and I swear it felt like I was pushing my vagina out of my body. It was crazy. I love my prenatal yoga class and I'm hoping that feeling doesn't last too long.

  30. mrskansas

    nectarine / 2813 posts

    HCG came back at 500. The doubling time is 56 hours so within a normal range. I'm either 4+6 or 5 weeks so doesn't 500 seem low?

  31. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @mrskansas: when did you get your positive test? Tests can pick up as low as 5 so I think if the math works out, you're ok. Do you go back later this week? Will you get an ultrasound around 6.5 weeks?

  32. mrskansas

    nectarine / 2813 posts

    @winniebee: the nurse I spoke with said I will probably do another draw before they schedule the ultrasound. I got a very very faint line on a Wondfo at 9 DPO. My initial doubling time was nearly 100 hours so I guess it's good that it was at 56 hours this time? This is so stressful.

  33. Calibee

    apricot / 286 posts

    @mrskansas: What to Expect says anything from 18 - 7000+ is normal for 5 weeks! http://www.whattoexpect.com/pregnancy/ask-heidi/hcg-levels.aspx

    The fact that your numbers are doubling sounds great!!

  34. Calibee

    apricot / 286 posts

    @Mrs. J: @winniebee: Glad to hear your appointments went well!!

  35. mrskansas

    nectarine / 2813 posts

    I've been going to my regular OB for the blood tests but I think I will call my RE tomorrow because I know they wanted to do an ultrasound asap to make sure baby is at least in the right place this time.
    In the meantime, this chart from Beta Base made me feel way better

  36. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @mrskansas: looks like you are right where you need to be!

  37. Calibee

    apricot / 286 posts

    @mrskansas: That's great! Glad you're feeling better about everything.

  38. Mrs. J

    pomelo / 5132 posts

    So who will find out sex? Team Green?

    We will be team green. We were for #1, found out for #2, and will be TG again.

  39. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @Mrs. J: we will find out. We found out at our anatomy scan with our first two and through the chromosomal testing last time. We haven't decided if we will wait for anatomy scan to make sure baby is healthy before finding out this time. NIPT draw is next weeks so we have a few weeks to decide!

  40. Calibee

    apricot / 286 posts

    @Mrs. J: We are finding out. I'm super impatient. Plus it cuts the name discussion in half. We're on the same page for a girl name but about a million miles apart on boy names. Same as last time.

    We won't find out until the anatomy scan unless I can convince my husband to go to a "gender reveal" ultrasound at 16 weeks. So far he says it's silly to pay when we can find out for free 4 weeks later.

    But I think the idea of finding out the sex when baby is born is pretty cool!

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