Hellobee Boards


June 2015 Postpartum Chat

  1. MrsBrewer

    coconut / 8854 posts

    Omg!! Everyone's LO's are so beautiful!!! I can't believe how big they are all getting!!

    Here's my sweet 10 week old! She weighs 11lbs 14 oz, and is 23 3/4" long. 93rd% for height and 60th% for weight!!

  2. Eko

    nectarine / 2148 posts

    Looking at all these cute photos makes for a good Friday!

    Here is W. I weighed him on our scale, which has been really accurate, and he's already 13.8 pounds!

  3. rpparker

    apricot / 363 posts

    Pictures are much more fun than talking scar tissue!

    Here is Miss HJ! I'm back to work (part time) in a week and could not be more anxious! Going to try and soak in every minute of this week!

  4. 78h2o

    grapefruit / 4441 posts

    @rpparker: I know, I am not ready to go back to work! I don't feel anxious, per se, but I'm really dreading being away from my sweet girl. I am definitely trying to soak up all my remaining time with her! With my first, I was kind of ready to go back when the time came, but not this time. H is an easy peasy baby, so that is probably why. Also, I get out more now with the weather being nice than I did last time.

    Love your LO's tie-dye outfit! And look how much hair she has! Cutie pie!

    @MrsBrewer: What a beautiful girl!

    @Eko: Aww, love his smile. Looks like he has a dimple?

    I am so pumped, H is sleeping right now in her crib for the first time AND sleeping in a sleep sack for the first time. I thought it would be a total fail, since she's used to sleeping swaddled and/or sleeping in the Rock n Play, but I put her down awake and she sucked on her hand for a bit, wiggled around a little bit, and then fell asleep! It remains to be seen whether or not she will be able to sleep through the night like that, but I'm so impressed that she went to sleep at all! AND my toddler went to bed at 8:45, which is a major victory for her too.

  5. 78h2o

    grapefruit / 4441 posts

    @hocuspocus: I'm not sure how much she weighs. I think she was 13 something at last check. I need to weigh her.

  6. Mrs.KMM

    grapefruit / 4355 posts

    I feel so rested today! E slept for 10 straight hours last night! Went to bed at 10:30pm and got up at 8:30am. So nice!

  7. MrsBrewer

    coconut / 8854 posts

    @Mrs.KMM: HOLY COW 10Hrs straight?!? So jealous!!!

  8. MamaB

    cherry / 234 posts

    Well, today me and LO head back to work. I am so so so happy that I can just take her to work with me. I certainly think there will be an adjustment period for her and the boys (2 and 4 years old) to figure out how we are going to make this work the best way possible. But, I'm excited and thankful that I don't have to face leaving her with someone else as her primary caregiver. Kudos to you strong mamas that are going back and leaving your babies with another caregiver. You are much stronger than me.

    All the babies are so adorable and getting SO big!!! Here is LOs 2 month picture.

  9. hocuspocus

    apricot / 373 posts

    @Eko: he's sooo adorable! Love his smile

    @MrsBrewer: I think our babies share the same bday 6/4? such a cutie pie!!

    @rpparker: Loove her outfit!! Such a cutie!!

    @MamaB: she's soo pretty!! I love her dress

  10. hocuspocus

    apricot / 373 posts

    I loove seeing all these baby pictures!

  11. MrsBrewer

    coconut / 8854 posts

    @hocuspocus: yep 6/4!!

  12. 78h2o

    grapefruit / 4441 posts

    I can't believe what a rock star H is being at falling asleep. I just put her down a little drowsy in the crib/sleep sack for a nap and she went to sleep without crying. My first NEVER did that. I hope she keeps it up!

  13. Jess1483

    nectarine / 2641 posts

    @78h2o: Hooray!! I feel the same way about E. He falls asleep easily in his crib (though I'm still swaddling), usually without fussing (as long as I time it well.) He's regularly going 8:30-3 at night before eating. P did that when he was, oh, 14 months old

  14. Mrs.KMM

    grapefruit / 4355 posts

    @78h2o: and @Jess1483: yay for good sleepers! E's been getting so much better at going down with minimal fighting and fuss for both naps and bedtime.

  15. LindsayInNY

    bananas / 9229 posts

    Q is a great bedtime sleeper but terrible napper! My MIL is visiting next week and runs a daycare so I'm praying she has some tips on making napping better/easier!

  16. ldh112

    kiwi / 556 posts

    @LindsayInNY: my daughter (almost 8 weeks) is the same! Her naps are anywhere from 20 min to 1.5 hrs, but only on the longer side if she's laying on me or in the car seat (which can also end up being cat naps at times) I'm trying to be more consistent at naps where she sleeps (her pack n play which is her bed in our room until we move her to her crib) but her naps there are pretty crappy.

  17. MrsSRS

    nectarine / 2987 posts

    @78h2o: Same here. Hurray for second babies that sleep!
    I'm late to the party, but DD was born the 14th, nine pounds even. We go for our two month vaccines today

  18. LindsayInNY

    bananas / 9229 posts

    @ldh112: I tend to get one long nap each day but when I don't she's so overtired and cranky. She'll sleep great in the car but that only works when I have somewhere to be lol. It's moving her that wakes her then.

  19. ldh112

    kiwi / 556 posts

    @MrsSRS: We do that on Friday. Not looking forward to seeing her cry

  20. rpparker

    apricot / 363 posts

    I dropped my HJ off today at daycare for a "trial run". I wanted her to be there for a few hours before I leave her for a full day but it still sucks! It just feels so unnatural to hand her over to someone! I'm not worried about her from a safety standpoint or anything like that, I just miss her! My husband keeps telling me to just get through the year and we can reevaluate me staying at home. Good luck to all of the mamas going back to work soon!

  21. MrsSRS

    nectarine / 2987 posts

    Here's our two month pic

  22. rosegold

    apricot / 428 posts

    @MrsSRS: she is the cutest!!

  23. Jess1483

    nectarine / 2641 posts

    2 months today! (Oh, and I'm 30. Womp, womp....)

  24. ldh112

    kiwi / 556 posts

    @MrsSRS: love her onesie! where is it from?

  25. MrsSRS

    nectarine / 2987 posts

    @ldh112: thanks! It's from Carter's, but it's old!

  26. 78h2o

    grapefruit / 4441 posts

    @Jess1483: Happy 30th Birthday, Jess!!! And oh my gosh, look at his cheeks!

  27. Mrs.KMM

    grapefruit / 4355 posts

    I love seeing everyone's babies!

    @Jess1483: happy birthday!

  28. LindsayInNY

    bananas / 9229 posts

    @Jess1483: Aww, happy birthday!!!

  29. Ash

    honeydew / 7909 posts

    @Jess1483: happy birthday!

    Dd was 2 months on Sunday and today I'm 30!

  30. MrsBrewer

    coconut / 8854 posts

    J slept through the night last night for the first time!!! She slept from 10-6! I really should have woken up to pump but I didn't. My boobs hut sooo bad this morning. I had J eat, then I still pumped afterward

  31. MrsSRS

    nectarine / 2987 posts

    @MrsBrewer: awesome sleep! I gave in and pumped at 4am last night because D skipped her usual pre bedtime nursing session and I was dying! I usually wake up full because I nurse and pump every morning for my stash but last night was ridiculous!

  32. Eko

    nectarine / 2148 posts

    @MrsBrewer: sounds painful! W also had his first good stretch! He slept from 10-5. Of course I woke up at 4 because I was used to him getting up. I'm praying he sleeps well again tonight.

  33. Mrs.KMM

    grapefruit / 4355 posts

    @MrsBrewer: and @Eko: Yay! Sounds like a lot of us got some good sleep last night! E slept from 10:30-7 last night.

  34. Jess1483

    nectarine / 2641 posts

    I had awful sleep last night because little man had a fever from his 2-month shots (I'm guessing he was thirsty). But hopefully that's temporary.

    Got a weight on little guy yesterday--15 pounds! Big brother hit 15 pounds at 8 months, haha.

    Doctor confirmed that it sounds like little guy has a bit of reflux as well as probably tracheamalachia (I'm sure I spelled that wrong). Nothing to treat, he'll grow out of both, but she suggested the Rock 'n Play for sleep after his first long stretch (since that's when he's been having trouble). I was so proud of getting him solidly in the crib, but I think this will help.

  35. rpparker

    apricot / 363 posts

    First day back at the office and it has sucked! Spilt breast milk on myself, talked to my boss about reducing my hours at the office when I'm back full time (I'm still technically on leave so only working 2-3 days a week for the next 8 weeks) and she flipped out, and when DH brought the baby to visit at lunch she screamed the whole time. Pumping at work is so awkward for me.

    WOH mamas - please tell me it gets easier!

  36. 78h2o

    grapefruit / 4441 posts

    @rpparker: I'm sorry your first day was rough. it does get better...you'll find your groove. Boo to your boss.

    I started putting H to bed at 8 so I could get her big sister to bed by 8:30. She's doing well, but waking up at 3:30 to nurse. I tried a dream feed and she's still waking up. I liked it better when she was sleeping 10-6, but I like having time to myself in the evening and I think that schedule will be better for her when she starts daycare.

  37. Eko

    nectarine / 2148 posts

    Ugh. W caught his first cold. I already have a scratchy throat and hope it doesn't get any worse!

  38. LindsayInNY

    bananas / 9229 posts

    @rpparker: Oh no, I'm sorry I hope it gets better!!

  39. ldh112

    kiwi / 556 posts

    I've yet to post any of H. She is 2 months today!

  40. glitterboots

    cherry / 103 posts

    I'm panicking because I go back to work Friday and she won't take a bottle! I'm so worried she's going to be hungry and crying all day😢

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