Hellobee Boards


March 2015 Mamas!

  1. MrsMccarthy

    honeydew / 7295 posts

    Baby moved WAY toomuch to get a good nub shot but here is the face! All was well with NT measurement and we get sex results in 2 weeks!

  2. MrsBucky

    kiwi / 656 posts

    Getting excited/nervous for my NT scan next Friday! I'm starting to feel a tiny bit less nauseated and exhausted, which I am grateful for! Also starting to get nervous about telling work- when are you ladies planning to tell? I've always had a bit of fluff around the middle so I don't think it's obvious yet- part of me wants them to know and part of me doesn't! My senior colleague on this project (a woman) is super anti babies/kids so I am nervous how she will react.

  3. pinkb

    pear / 1599 posts

    @MrsBucky: I already told my boss, I ending up telling before I was ready because I accidentally said something to the office loud mouth that gave me away so I wanted to make sure it came from me and not just a rumor. My boss is also very anti family/kids. It went way better than I thought it would! She just said congrats, and had to slip in the "I dont understand why you would want another one". But I was happy with that

  4. Anya

    nectarine / 2784 posts

    @MrsMccarthy: so cute!

    @MrsBucky: I told my work team at 12 weeks even though I didn't need to- everyone knew about my prior loss because I had to take time off for it, so I'm sure they were pretty much expecting it, but if it were my first time I think I'd wait as long as I could hide it,

  5. Blueberry

    apricot / 342 posts

    Just had my NT scan! Everything looks beautiful! Baby was moving like crazy!!

  6. NavyRN2012

    persimmon / 1447 posts

    So jealous of all the adorable NT scans! November will be my next ultrasound.

  7. Anya

    nectarine / 2784 posts

    @Blueberry: so cute!

  8. LaughLines

    clementine / 880 posts

    I haven't told work yet - i'm up for a promotion adn don't want this to compromise this (i know it technically shouldn't, but my new boss who i'd be working for if i got it is very anti family and it would be easy to cancel the job for "other" reasons). BUT, i'm going on a work trip wtih my current boss and a few team mates in a couple weeks and i think not drinking will make it pretty obvious.... we'll see

  9. Anya

    nectarine / 2784 posts

    @LaughLines: good luck on your trip! I think it's probably easiest to have a drink in hand, and people probably won't notice if you're actually sipping it.. unless they're already on the lookout. How many weeks will you be?

  10. LaughLines

    clementine / 880 posts

    @Anya: haha pour out the glass of wine in the plant behind the table I've already done 3 weddings while pregnant and they've gone fine, but it's big groups and easier to hide than a table of 4 ordering drinks

    I'm 14weeks now, so depending on when it gets scheduled around 16 or 17. I'm not showing at all, so that's not a problem now, and i can wear loose clothes if i start to show in the next few weeks

  11. Anya

    nectarine / 2784 posts

    @LaughLines: me either and I'm half expecting a cartoon-esque bump to sprout in the night. There are a few more events i'd like to be able to hide it for before we "go public," probably around 16 weeks.

  12. Anya

    nectarine / 2784 posts

    March Mamas
    March 1: intotheocean
    March 2: PhillyBaby2013, ecjohnson
    March 3: Laughlines, PinkB
    March 4: LAZB
    March 5: Madbrave
    March 6: drjolene
    March 7: Youboots
    March 9: BeachMama
    March 10: Nicollete1189, Sapphire
    March 12: Anya
    March 15: Lil Bean, ms. pug
    March 16: limabeanbabies
    March 17: ninja, LulaBee , MamaGoose(x2), MrsMcCarthy
    March 19: Blueberry
    March 22: MrsBucky
    March 23: Kemma, MelisMc
    March 25: sumer08
    March 26: Annette, linzeelou
    March 27: Lulu Mom
    March 28: HolisticMama
    March 29: Renee
    March 30: yellowbird
    March 31: Blessedmama (x2)
    April 1: NavyRN2012

  13. Anya

    nectarine / 2784 posts

    Ok ladies we are starting to creep into the second trimester! Here's a little GTKY to move the thread along.

    1. How far along today?
    2. EDD?
    3. Will you/did you find out the sex or are you team green?
    4. Are you in maternity clothes yet?
    5. First trimester symptoms? Have they changed?
    6. What has been the best thing about your pregnancy so far?
    7. What are you looking forward to?

  14. Anya

    nectarine / 2784 posts

    1. How far along today? 13 weeks

    2. EDD? March 12th

    3. Will you/did you find out the sex or are you team green? We will be finding out in a few weeks! FX my little cooperates

    4. Are you in maternity clothes yet? Not yet! I am showing maybe the teeniest bit without clothes on, but not enough for anyone but me to notice.

    5. First trimester symptoms? Have they changed? The nausea and queasiness has definitely lessened over the last week or so. I am still getting tired really early, and yesterday started feeling what I think might be slight ligament pain.

    6. What has been the best thing about your pregnancy so far? Hearing the heartbeat and sharing the news with loved ones.

    7. What are you looking forward to? Finding out the sex and feeling kicks!

  15. MrsMccarthy

    honeydew / 7295 posts

    @Anya: good idea!

    How far along: 12 weeks and 2 days

    EDD: March 17, I am sticking with my old due date because my cycles were always 29 days and the guess my OB made went off 30 days.

    Will you find out the sex: Oh yes! Most likely the end of next week but possibly as late as beginning of the following. We are waiting on Harmony blood test results.

    Are you in maternity clothes: only for pants because I feel quite bloated and nothing feels comfortable on my waist. This is my second baby so I already have quite a belly but I also already have maternity clothes which is nice. I need a good coat for winter though.

    First trimester symptoms: I am so much better these days! Exhausted gassy and easily winded but the nausea that was plaguing me has been gone for almost a week except for intermittent moments.

    What has been the best thing about your pregnancy so far?: just being pregnant again feels like such a blessing along with the fact that my little boy is going to have a sibling. It's so special to know that they will have each other.

    What are you looki h forward to: the cute belly one gets in the second trimester, feeling kicks and finding out what we are having!!! It's all so exciting.

  16. LulaBee

    pear / 1837 posts

    1. How far along today? 12 weeks 2 days

    2. EDD? March 17

    3. Will you/did you find out the sex or are you team green? I think we have decided to be TG. We were with our daughter and it was the best surprise EVER.

    4. Are you in maternity clothes yet? If I wear pants, yes. Otherwise, it's just dresses.

    5. First trimester symptoms? Have they changed? My nausea is gone! I'm exhausted at the end of the day, but it's not first tri exhaustion.... oh, and the hormones.

    6. What has been the best thing about your pregnancy so far? We have had a lot of ultrasounds due to some m/c scares, so that has been nice. Other than that, the fact that it's sticking around is the best.

    7. What are you looking forward to? Holding baby in my arms. After my bleeding last week, I'm terrified and feel like I will be until it's here. I also THINK I've felt some movement- I know it's super early for that but it is my second and I know it's not gas bubbles.

  17. Anya

    nectarine / 2784 posts

    @LulaBee: glad you are doing well!

  18. Annette

    cherry / 203 posts

    Great idea @Anya!

    1. How far along today? 11 weeks according to O date, 10w3D according to my dating ultrasound
    2. EDD? Sticking with my O date, so March 26th
    3. Will you/did you find out the sex or are you team green? I can't wait to find out what it is. I'm super excited to find out because I'm a compulsive planner
    4. Are you in maternity clothes yet? Not yet, however most of what Im wearing now are things which were loose/unfitted before pregnancy
    5. First trimester symptoms? Nausea, tiredness mostly. Have they changed? My nausea and tiredness is much less now which is great. My boobs are more sore now, but otherwise Im feeling ok these days.
    6. What has been the best thing about your pregnancy so far? Telling our parents. Their reactions were just wonderful and made everything just seem more real and exciting.
    7. What are you looking forward to? Feeling the baby move. Im a really big worrier so the more things I can feel the better!

  19. LAZB

    pomegranate / 3904 posts

    Great idea!
    1. How far along today? 14w1d
    2. EDD? 3/4
    3. Will you/did you find out the sex or are you team green? Already found out, it's a girl!
    4. Are you in maternity clothes yet? Oh yes, all maternity, all the time.
    5. First trimester symptoms? Have they changed? Didn't have many symptoms during the first trimester, just super tired. Now that I've hit second trimester, my boobs have decided to explode and grow, which of course means they are sore.
    6. What has been the best thing about your pregnancy so far? I've been very nervous this time around, so the best thing has been seeing our little cupcake on the screen at our NT scan. Also, telling everyone has been amazing. After losing our son earlier this year, everyone is extra excited for us.
    7. What are you looking forward to? I'm looking forward to having our baby at home, the actual birth (weird I know), and breastfeeding. We were only home with our son for a week, and it was great, but I can't wait to have our daughter forever. My last birth was amazing, and hope for another one just like the first! And I got to breastfeed some with my son, but even when we did, we didn't fully get the hang of it, so I look forward to doing it more this time around.

  20. BeachMama

    pear / 1946 posts

    1. How far along today? 13w3d
    2. EDD? March 9th
    3. Will you/did you find out the sex or are you team green? We found out last week via Maternit21 test that we're having a BOY
    4. Are you in maternity clothes yet? No, but I need to find my box of maternity clothes....my pants are getting a bit uncomfortable.
    5. First trimester symptoms? Have they changed? The nausea has lessened, but is still there, and varies day to day. I'm pretty fatigued most days, but I'm also have insomnia issues (could also be due to being in escrow on our first house!)
    6. What has been the best thing about your pregnancy so far? telling people. My coworkers have been really great, whereas last time I was really nervous to tell my boss.
    7. What are you looking forward to? Feeling baby move. I'm pretty nervous for him actually being here, because #1 was pretty colicky and I dealt with PPD which really affected my bonding with her. I'm hoping baby boy isn't as colicky, or that I'm more prepared this time, and being proactive with PPD will help.

  21. ms. pug

    grape / 99 posts

    1. How far along today? 12w5d
    2. EDD? march 15!
    3. Will you/did you find out the sex or are you team green? We will find out for sure, as soon as possible
    4. Are you in maternity clothes yet? I wear both regular and maternity, but maternity pants are just so comfy!
    5. First trimester symptoms? Have they changed? I had a great first trimester, my only symptom was horrible acne which is now fading and fatigue.
    6. What has been the best thing about your pregnancy so far? Definitely getting my NT scan today! My fiancé and I were both choking down years! LO was so active and it was amazing seeing the baby stretch out its arms and legs! definitely made if feel real!
    7. What are you looking forward to? Announcing our pregnancy at our wedding next week (13th)!! It will be a very cool moment. Only our immediate families and two of my bridesmaids know! Our wedding date has been set for a year now so I think everyone will be so surprised and excited!

    Of course- a pic from our scan! Everything measured well!!

  22. Anya

    nectarine / 2784 posts

    @ms. pug: great shot!

    @BeachMama: congrats on the new house! When do you move?

  23. BeachMama

    pear / 1946 posts

    @anya: Thanks! If all goes well we close on Oct 3rd but can't move in til Oct 20th

  24. LaughLines

    clementine / 880 posts

    1. How far along today? 14w3d
    2. EDD? March 3rd
    3. Will you/did you find out the sex or are you team green? Finding out - hopefully early/mid Oct
    4. Are you in maternity clothes yet? Nope. Don't own any... may ask my cousin for some of her work maternity clothes so I don't have to buy as much.
    5. First trimester symptoms? Have they changed? First trimester I spent a lot of time freaking out over lack of symptoms... now i'm in my second tri and still don't have much. Getting the start of a bump though which is encouraging!
    6. What has been the best thing about your pregnancy so far? The utter relief that it is possible for us to get pregnant. I have PCOS and never ovulated but clomid worked the first try! The amount of fear i had before of it just never working for us was a huge weight on my shoulders, and now I'm so happy to know it's possible! Plus seeing the ultrasound at 7weeks and telling family (just now starting to tell friends)
    7. What are you looking forward to? feeling the baby move! This will help to make me less nervous as well, and it just seems like an amazing thing. Also really excited to finish our home renovation projects (hopefully..) and start with the nursery!

  25. MrsMccarthy

    honeydew / 7295 posts

    @ms. pug: what a cute photo!

  26. NavyRN2012

    persimmon / 1447 posts

    1. How far along today? 10w2d
    2. EDD? April 1st!
    3. Will you/did you find out the sex or are you team green? Yes, we will definitely be finding out at the anatomy scan, which will probabaly be November.
    4. Are you in maternity clothes yet? Not yet.
    5. First trimester symptoms? Have they changed? Ugh, this has been the most difficult first trimester! Nausea was out of control- finally have it taken care of with Zofran; constipation is crazy. And the fatigue. I'm still always exhausted!
    6. What has been the best thing about your pregnancy so far? Our first u/s and hearing the little heartbeat for the first time
    7. What are you looking forward to? Growing my bump! And telling more people!

  27. yellowbird

    honeydew / 7303 posts

    1. How far along today? 10 weeks 5 days
    2. EDD? March 29th as calculated by O. My dating ultrasound said March 30th, but I'm sticking with 29
    3. Will you/did you find out the sex or are you team green? We will! I thought about being team green but decided it wasn't something I could do!
    4. Are you in maternity clothes yet? No, but I need to be. I need to go shopping!
    5. First trimester symptoms? Have they changed? Severe nausea has lessened but comes and goes. Still super fatigued.
    6. What has been the best thing about your pregnancy so far? The surprise of it happening so quick!
    7. What are you looking forward to? Finding out the gender, decorating the nursery, telling everyone!

  28. yellowbird

    honeydew / 7303 posts

    Nt scan is scheduled for Sept 17th. I feel so far behind everyone!

  29. MrsMccarthy

    honeydew / 7295 posts

    @yellowbird: hooray for NT scan!! I can't wait to see baby!

    I guess I should come out on here for those not in the Facebook group! I am shocked and thrilled to announce that we are having a !!!! So amazing Tor will have a baby sister and the best part is 1/10,000 chance of any abnormalities! So thankful!

    Here is how I told my husband!

  30. youboots

    honeydew / 7622 posts

    1. I'm 14 weeks 3 days, I had an appointment yesterday and got to hear the baby's heartbeat. No ultrasound.
    2. EDD is 3/7.
    3. Team green all the way!
    4. Yes on maternity jeans, no on tops. I'm using a button extender for some jeans.
    4. Nausea and vomiting still here, I had a nasty episode Sunday before getting on a 5 1/2 hour plane ride home. Hoping I'm past the worst of it. I'm have more energy in the last few weeks.
    6. The best part has been waking up every day knowing I'm pregnant.
    7. I'm looking forward to meeting our baby. In the meantime just enjoying being pregnant in the fall/winter. Lots of cooking, relaxing and football. I'm excited to get working on nursery projects and the baby quilt.

  31. MrsMccarthy

    honeydew / 7295 posts

    March Mamas
    March 1: intotheocean
    March 2: PhillyBaby2013, ecjohnson
    March 3: Laughlines, PinkB
    March 4: LAZB
    March 5: Madbrave
    March 6: drjolene
    March 7: Youboots
    March 9: BeachMama
    March 10: Nicollete1189, Sapphire
    March 12: Anya
    March 15: Lil Bean, ms. pug
    March 16: limabeanbabies
    March 17: ninja, LulaBee , MamaGoose(x2), MrsMcCarthy
    March 19: Blueberry
    March 22: MrsBucky
    March 23: Kemma, MelisMc
    March 25: sumer08
    March 26: Annette, linzeelou
    March 27: Lulu Mom
    March 28: HolisticMama
    March 29: Renee
    March 30: yellowbird
    March 31: Blessedmama (x2)
    April 1: NavyRN2012

  32. Anya

    nectarine / 2784 posts

    Hi everyone, if you are wondering why the thread looks a little different now, Mr. Bee amended the "host" of the board per this thread: http://boards.hellobee.com/topic/new-feature-automatic-due-date-threads-each-month

  33. limabeanbabies

    olive / 57 posts

    1. How far along today? 13 weeks 1 day
    2. EDD? March 16th, and measured right on schedule at my last appointment.
    3. Will you/did you find out the sex or are you team green? We can find out in three weeks at an early gender ultrasound. That's what we did last time, and we are super excited to do it again. Hubs even made sure to tell me he wants to come.
    4. Are you in maternity clothes yet? Some pants and a shirt here and there. I have lots of clothes from last time, but I'm thinner this time around and have had to buy a few new things already.
    5. First trimester symptoms? Acne, some nausea, bloating, fatigue, moody! Have they changed? I have felt more like my usual self the past couple of days. A little nausea here and there, but now I'm getting muscle cramps! Magnesium is helping, though.
    6. What has been the best thing about your pregnancy so far? That it happened so fast. I am still shocked! Also cuddling with my LO, admiring her sweet face and personality, and realizing another cute little person is headed our way to be her little sibling. I love it. Also the surprising amount of support. We were newlyweds when we got pregnant the first time around, and a lot of people seemed to think it was too soon. We ignored them, and this time our news has only been met with congratulations.
    7. What are you looking forward to? Feeling movement, the upcoming ultrasound, and the moment when Z first gets to meet this little person. Also to start nesting.

  34. MrsMccarthy

    honeydew / 7295 posts

    @Anya: oh that's so nice and respectful of her loss. I miss her so and all of those we lost!

  35. Blueberry

    apricot / 342 posts

    @Anya: great idea!! @mrsmccarthy: yay for baby girl!! Congrats! Also, how may I join the FB group?

    1. How far along today? 13 weeks!!

    2. EDD? March 19th

    3. Will you/did you find out the sex or are you team green? I will most definitely find out at the anatomy scan!

    4. Are you in maternity clothes yet? Oh goodness yes! I think it may be a lot of bloat still but the bump is starting to get firm.

    5. First trimester symptoms? Have they changed? The nausea seems to be getting better (or am I just used to it?), and I'm not as tired anymore. But running around after a toddler wears me out!

    6. What has been the best thing about your pregnancy so far? Hmm, honestly the morning sickness has been worse this time around so I am just now beginning to truly enjoy the pregnancy and be excited about it. Seeing the baby at the NT scan the other day helped.

    7. What are you looking forward to? Baby moving! I love that feeling!! I also can't wait to see DS with baby. He's a very gentle and loving tot with other babies. Also, I'm going for a VBAC this time so I'm anxious to see how that will go.

  36. Beanie132

    cherry / 102 posts

    just dropping in here because I have a cusp due date of February 28th and wanted to say hi! i've been following along on both this board and the February board.

  37. MrsMccarthy

    honeydew / 7295 posts

    @Blueberry: I can PM you with a link to add me then i can add you or you can pm me your email!

    @Beanie132: Hello and welcome! Why dont you tell us about yourself? Is this your first baby?

  38. LulaBee

    pear / 1837 posts

    @MrsMccarthy: holy cow, did I miss that you are having a girl??? Congrats! (For all I know I commented on the FB announcement and forgot because this baby inside me has stolen my brain).

    @Blueberry: I'm also hoping for a VBAC! We can do it!

  39. MrsMccarthy

    honeydew / 7295 posts

    @LulaBee: hahaha thank you and don't worry we all understand!

  40. yellowbird

    honeydew / 7303 posts

    @Beanie132: welcome!! I have a dd of march 30th so I have a feeling I'll be an April mama. Feel free to hang out with us!

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