Hellobee Boards


March 2016 moms

  1. Lilbear

    apricot / 451 posts

    So we had our 34 week scan today and everything looked great! Baby boy has super chubby cheeks already, very long legs and spiky hair! I know the weight predictions aren't always accurate, but he is estimated to be 5 lbs 7 oz right now, which makes him exactly the same size prediction as my DD (who ended up weighing 9 lb 2 oz at birth - at 41+2). I find great comfort in this, because I've been convinced this whole time that he was going to be gimungus!

  2. Mrs D

    grapefruit / 4545 posts

    35w5d today...

    Had my appointment this AM - first cervical check and GBS testing. I'm 2cm and 50% effaced. Baby girl is head down and "low" - which I am trilled about. I was truthfully worried she was head up based on where I was feeling movement and hiccups.

    I know it doesnt mean much but I was not expecting to be 2cm already...so that may just light a fire to get the last few things crossed off my list quickly!

    Next appointment is a week from tomorrow...

  3. erinbaderin

    pomelo / 5573 posts

    @Mrs D: She told you she didn't love you? That's terrible but also makes me smile. Toddlers are so absolute. My son has started saying "I no like Daddy" and it makes me feel so bad for my husband.

    @Lilbear: They can tell that he has hair? That's amazing! I am starting to feel seriously ripped off by my ultrasounds, I just keep getting things like "That's his spine. Those are his kidneys."

    @Mrs D: Great news! It's funny, I know that the dilated/effaced really doesn't tell you anything but hearing you say that makes me go "Wow, it's all really happening!"

    I saw the naturopath yesterday - I expected her to do the moxa in her office but instead she did acupuncture and gave me the sticks to use at home. Then she told me they "make a lot of smoke and smell like pot" and that most people use them outside. Except that it's February, and I'm supposed to do it for 40 minutes every day for 10 days! So I think I might chalk this up as not worth the hassle. Otherwise, my husband is working from home today and I've instructed him to put up the new light fixture, install the dimmer switch, and put the handles on the closet door, so we'll see. Plus the decal came yesterday and the bookcase comes tonight! And I went to the drug store this morning and bought some post-partum stuff, and then met with my HR person about filling out all the mat leave forms - starting to feel more prepared.

  4. erinbaderin

    pomelo / 5573 posts

    Oh, and I've officially had to stop wearing my wedding rings, which has my son really upset - they're basically his lovey, he fidgets with them nonstop. I'm wearing a different ring (partly for him, partly because it feels weird to not have any ring on) but it's too big and keeps flipping around, and he keep saying "Where is Mommy's other rings?"

  5. Mrs D

    grapefruit / 4545 posts

    @erinbaderin: Yes - in her defense I had just cleaned her ears which she HATES and sobs through...but yes - it was awful! You just cant trust what comes out of their mouths - its crazy!

    And yes - I agree...I know 2cm may mean nothing...but holy sh!t was my first thought...

    Fingers crossed DH accomplishes his list...so are you going to be walking around smelling like a pot smoking mama for the next 10 days? Thats fun

  6. Navy_Mommy

    nectarine / 2458 posts

    I was feeling so good (for being a million weeks pregnant) till yesterday! I hit 37 weeks and my body was like, nope, I'm done and it's so disheartening. And I keep thinking to myself, "and I might have to endure this for another month..."

    Basically my back pinched yesterday (I have two herniated discs in my lower back) and the pain is basically unbearable. I can't bend over to, ya know, put on socks or help my kids without it pinching more.

    So that constant pain is making all the minor discomforts unbearable. And when it pinches I get dizzy spells which I HATE and are even more annoying when you're ginormous pregnant.


  7. Mrs D

    grapefruit / 4545 posts

    @Navy_Mommy: Ugh, sorry about the pinched back - that does not sound fun. My pelvic pain has gotten real bad these last few days and it has me thinking the same thing..."how am I going to do this for another 4 weeks"...especially with K! I hope you find some comfort/relief soon...

  8. Mrs D

    grapefruit / 4545 posts

    I was thinking since we are all getting to the final weeks - it may be fun to do a little "survey":

    1) Due Date
    2) Birth Plans (C, Vaginal, Induction, meds, med free, etc...)
    3) Name?
    4) Biggest Remaining "To-Dos"
    5) What are you most nervous for?
    6) What are you most excited for?

  9. Lilbear

    apricot / 451 posts

    1) due date - March 24th

    2) Birth Plan - vaginal birth. Epidural if I feel I need it.

    3) Name - Finnegan (still undecided on a middle name)

    4) Biggest remaining "To-Do's" wash and set up baby clothes & gear.

    5) What are you most nervous for - not knowing WHEN I will go into labor and how the different possible scenarios effect our child care strategy for my DD.

    6) What are you most excited for - meeting this new little member of our family and soaking up all the baby snuggles.

  10. Navy_Mommy

    nectarine / 2458 posts

    1) March 1
    2) homebirth
    3) Kendrick Adam
    4) install the car seat
    5) I'm terrified of being 42 weeks pregnant lol
    6) to experience labor without medical interventions and to see how Oliver reacts to the baby (I know Wes is pumped for a new baby, Oliver I'm not so sure).

  11. ksnow

    apricot / 371 posts

    1) Due Date: 22 March
    2) Birth Plans: Vaginal with an epidural
    3) Name? Still undecided!
    4) Biggest Remaining "To-Dos": Pick a name. Hang floating shelves in nursery. Pack for hospital. Finalize my work maternity leave stuff.
    5) What are you most nervous for? Depending on when I go into labor what DD will do...hopeful my dad will be in town since that will be least stressful for her.
    6) What are you most excited for? Big sister to meet the baby She's soooo excited.

  12. creativemomma15

    pear / 1610 posts

    1. March 2nd I think
    2. Planning for a VBAC... My midwife won't let me get to 40 wks so for now the plan is an aggressive membrane sweep at my 38w4d appt and hoping that kicks me into labor like it did with DD (DS was born at 36wks and DD at 38wks so I've never made it to my due date)
    3. Still deciding on a middle name!
    4. I guess just install the car seat but we are waiting on that until baby comes since we will need to reconfigure our other 2 seats & move one of our others to the back seat. Other than that we are pretty much ready!
    5. I'm nervous to know when I actually go into labor! I'm hoping for a distinct start like my water breaking again. I had a false alarm on Monday and felt embarrassed that I didn't realize it. And I'm nervous that it's going to be some day my DH is at work and can't get to me fast enough! (I've been dilated to 10 in about 4 hrs both times with my other kids)
    6. I'm excited for baby snuggles!!! And to see my other kids with the baby They both seem excited but we will have to see once reality hits.

  13. Mrs D

    grapefruit / 4545 posts

    1) Due Date: Mar 11 - may opt for induction earlier.

    2) Birth Plans: Now that I know she is head down I feel confident in a vaginal. As far as meds - I am totally open to an epi if/when I need it. However, if this labor is much quicker than my last one maybe I wont? I officially wrote down my only "birth plan" items last night a) local before any stitching please b) make me ask for an epi twice before giving and c) DH holds DD first. Last time I didnt write anything down...this time I am writing these few things down so I dont forget!

    3) Name: Still deciding between Emily and Abigail

    4) Biggest Remaining "To-Dos": Guest Bedroom ready for K's support, things moved to the right location of the house (swing, rnp, basinett, etc), Car seat in (and JJ Cole liner washed), Wrap purchased, Meal prep. Feeling pretty good.

    5) What are you most nervous for? When she will come. We are in the "perfect storm" right now for Grandparent back up - they are all in Florida. My dad will be home Mar 10, My ILs wont be here for the birth - they'll be coming home late March/Early April and my Mom is scheduled to fly home Mar 1. My mom and grandma were in the labor room with me for hours last time - it was great. We have our babysitter lined up to be on call to come stay with Kate...and DH will go home to be with her after the first night. Just a little worried about my support system (during labor and our second night in the hospital). My mom is freaking out now that she knows I am making "progress"...I think if I am more dialated and effaced next week she may move her flight. Who knows.

    6) What are you most excited for? K to meet the baby...excited and nervous! I'm also excited and hopeful about doing this whole newborn thing without the sheer terror of the first time mom thing. There was so many panic attacks and anxiety moments early on with K related to being a first time Mom...I am hoping at least some of those are gone for this one!

  14. erinbaderin

    pomelo / 5573 posts

    1) Due Date: March 20, technically, but I have a c section scheduled for March 15.

    2) Birth Plans (C, Vaginal, Induction, meds, med free, etc...): Depends on whether he flips or not. If not, c section. If yes, I'm planning to try to go med free but I'm not married to it - I'll just see how it goes.

    3) Name? Greyson or Weston or James, middle name Thomas.

    4) Biggest Remaining "To-Dos": We don't actually have the car seat yet - my friend is lending us hers and we have to get together with her to get it. Also the nursery isn't done, but the last big part gets delivered today so hopefully this weekend we'll get it finished up.

    5) What are you most nervous for? I'm really anxious about how B will react - he seems like he's excited but he's such a mama's boy that I'm worried about rocking his little world. I also think I'm being overanxious about it and obsessing because it gives me something to focus on, because that tends to be how I operate, but...not much I can do about that.

    6) What are you most excited for? A baby! I'm honestly having a hard time getting excited because I'm so worried about B, but I dropped into the January board the other day and looked at all the pictures of newborns and that brought it back a little bit how great it is to have a new baby tucked up against your chest. I'm also pretty excited to be finished work.

  15. Alivoo01

    wonderful olive / 19353 posts

    @Navy_Mommy: Your maternity pictures are to die for!! You look gorgeous!

    @princessandthebee: I actually enjoyed/liked my 1st labor. We had a scare at the very beginning which made me get an epidural much earlier than I planned, but overall, I can't complain. I'm hoping DD's birth will go just as smoothly. It's something I'm a bit worried about.

    @erinbaderin: At my MFM appt on Monday, my fluid levels dropped from 12 to 7cm so I got admitted to the hospital to have an IV drip put in. They made that drip super high at 250ml for 24 hours. Fortunately, that helped bring it back up to 12cm again, and I was released Wednesday. At first, the on call OB didn't think I'd be leaving at all. That I'd be staying until I deliver. Cue total freak out mode. I have nothing prepared for DD! and I don't want to be away from DS that long either. Fortunately, MFM was okay with me going home. Phew. Just need to make sure it doesn't drop again.

    For my OB and MFM doctor, 9+cm is good. Less than 9cm is worrisome. And yes, there's 2 way to measure fluid. So glad my MFM dr described them to me. Since DD is measuring small (albeit healthy) and her fluid level fluctuates all the time, I'll probably be induced around week 37/38.

    @Mrs D: With DS, I was 2cm dilated and 75% effaced at 35 weeks, but didn't advance any 2 weeks later. I go for another ultrasound with my MFM dr on Monday for growth and previa check, so I'm going to ask to see if they can tell that way vs getting a cervical check!

    @erinbaderin: aww on the rings! mine are starting to get a bit snug also. I've been wearing them still, but I think I'm going to start leaving them off so they don't get stuck if I swell midday or something.

    @Navy_Mommy: I had a pinched nerve or something between my shoulder blades last week that wouldn't go away no matter how much heat or stretching I did. I couldn't even sleep because it hurt so bad. Made an appt with my chiro to get adjusted and by that evening, hallelujah!! I was painfree and could sleep. Hope yours goes away soon. So close to the end, you don't need any additional discomfort!

  16. Alivoo01

    wonderful olive / 19353 posts

    1) Due Date:
    March 21, but will know delivery date next week

    2) Birth Plans (C, Vaginal, Induction, meds, med free, etc...)
    Induction - hopefully vaginal given previa is gone and is far enough away from cervix *fingers crossed*

    3) Name?
    Riley Madison

    4) Biggest Remaining "To-Dos":
    - Find car seat
    - Charge pump
    - Paint DD's room
    - Do DD's laundry/put it away/pick going home outfit

    5) What are you most nervous for?
    How labor and delivery will go. Hoping it goes smoothly and we can avoid a c-section. And how DS will react/respond to having a baby in the house. He's a HUGE HUGE HUGE mommy's boy so not sure how he'll feel about having a baby attached to mommy 24/7.

    6) What are you most excited for?
    Becoming a family of 4 and meeting DD!

  17. sailgrl18

    cherry / 127 posts

    1) Due Date - March 26 but may opt for induction earlier for planning purposes if my cervix is favorable

    2) Birth Plans - Vaginal with Epi

    3) Name - Theodore Daniel

    4) Biggest Remaining "To-Dos" - Packing my hospital bag

    5) What are you most nervous for? - Progressing really fast. Last time it was a long time to get things moving but once I was in active labor I progressed from 3-10 in 2 hours. Since its the second time and he's already super super low I'm worried I won't get the warnings I did the first time.

    6) What are you most excited for? To not be pregnant and to be a family of 4

  18. Mrs D

    grapefruit / 4545 posts

    @sailgrl18: Glad I am not the only one contemplating the induction. When will your Dr let you decide? Mine is at 39w...no elective option before that. How do you think you'll decide?

    K was scheduled to be induced at 7am...I went into labor at 2am that day...but it was AMAZING being all prepared for the hospital...so much calmer...

  19. Mrs D

    grapefruit / 4545 posts

    @Alivoo01: Sorry for your hospital stay but so glad you were able to get released. How frequently will you have to go in for fluid checks? just weekly or more frequently?

    I have been trying to explain to my mom that these numbers really mean nothing...and certainly the first one means nothing - its really just a base line. I think when you start having a pattern to look at you can make a little more sense about them. Her husband (a former OB) told her "she wont make her due date" which I know is also rattling her...

  20. sailgrl18

    cherry / 127 posts

    @Mrs D: Mine will let me induce up to 1 week early (so 39 weeks as well). We'll probably discuss it at my 36 week appointment when we do my first cervical check. If I'm at all dilated and effaced I'm inclined to schedule it. I live in Brooklyn, the hospital is 25 minutes drive and my coverage people for DS are 20-30 minutes away (although I do have an emergency person in my building should things progress super fast). All of that makes me scared in case things move fast. My last labor was quazi induction and it went really well (couldn't seem to progress past 3cm but once they started pitocin and gave me an epi I progressed very fast) so I'm not scared of an induction.

  21. Mrs D

    grapefruit / 4545 posts

    @sailgrl18: Before my first check - DH and I had talked and I said basically if I am not progressed on my own I am not inclined to force it. He agreed. Well now that I have been checked and am 2cm and 50% (35w5d) we know that wont be the case. We are about a 40 min drive (no traffic) to the hospital (although there are others along the way) and while I did not progress as quick as you I know it generally is quicker this time around.

    My sister was basically urged to induce...she had her first contraction at 6pm and DD was born at 9pm...her Drs said they were just afraid she would never make it to the hospital.

    Last time around I progressed gradually and by 40w1d was 4 cm and all but completely effaced - she did two membrane sweeps on me. I ended up scheduling an induction for the next day - both Drs I spoke with felt confident that my cervix was very favorable for an induction and I loved the idea of knowing when I was going to the hospital.

    Now this time around with K to worry about, the drive, our dog, etc I am thinking it would be really nice to schedule it. Just worried about rocking the boat bc I really had a nice l&d experience last time...

  22. sailgrl18

    cherry / 127 posts

    @Mrs D: Watch, we'll both go early and not make it to our induction dates.

  23. mrsrain

    nectarine / 2115 posts

    1) Due Date: March 24/25

    2) Birth Plan: vaginal delivery, medication-free. He's been flipping a lot, though, so if he isn't head-down by a certain point it could be a scheduled c-section

    3) Name: Oliver Ford

    4) Biggest Remaining "To-Dos":
    - Pack hospital bag
    - install car seat
    - baby shower thank you notes
    - instructions/info for DD's care

    5) What are you most nervous for?
    - The possibility of being pregnant for another 2 months
    - Slight chance of c-section
    - Being away from DD for 2+ days/nights!

    6) What are you most excited for?
    Not being pregnant anymore! Completing our family and meeting our sweet son!

  24. erinbaderin

    pomelo / 5573 posts

    @Alivoo01: Wow, you got admitted! Now I feel bad about all my complaining about having to spend the evening in L&D! How did they know what you were at before, and over what period did they drop? I hadn't had an ultrasound since 20 weeks so I have no idea what they were (although I guess if they were low at 20 weeks somebody would have said something?). I know that with Bennett they also told me at 39 weeks I had low fluid, but only in the context of not being a candidate for an ECV, so I don't know how low it was. I'm glad I don't have your OB, with a 5.8 I'd probably be holding a baby right now, or at least in the hospital permanently! Maybe having my other measurement be normal helped (although the OB didn't say anything about the other way of measuring, which annoys me and makes me feel like she wants me to be stressed...) And yeah, that's basically the point I hit with my rings too - I could get them on but they felt tight and I was worried one day I wouldn't be able to get them off.

    @sailgrl18: @Mrs D: There's so much to be said for planning purposes, especially with a second, huh? While on the one hand I'm really hoping to avoid a repeat c I love the idea of having that plan already set, knowing when my parents will come, approximately how long I'll be away from home, etc.

  25. Alivoo01

    wonderful olive / 19353 posts

    @Mrs D: I see my MFM doctor and OB on a weekly basis, so my fluid levels will be checked twice a week.

    @sailgrl18: @Mrs D: Are y'all picking a weekday or a weekend day (Fri-Sun) to be induced? I can't decide what's best for DS! Either get induced during a week day and have DH drop him off at daycare like usual so we can get acquainted with DD for a day or two, or try and juggle both kids on the weekend.

    @erinbaderin: Complain away girl! Each person and situation is different. My OB scares me a bit with her drastic attitude. Thank goodness I love my MFM dr and he provides more reassurance. Even if the prognosis could be bad, the way he explains it and delivers the message is so different from my OB! I've been seeing both of them on a weekly basis since 26 weeks because DD started measuring small during my 2nd trimester so they wanted to monitor her closely. This includes measuring my fluid level and keeping an eye on my previa since that showed up at my 20 week appt. DS was an IUGR baby so we were kind of prepared for that.

  26. Mrs D

    grapefruit / 4545 posts

    @Alivoo01: I am not allowed to schedule an elective induction on a weekend - hospital rules...ideal for me would be to be induced on a weekday anyways...honestly preferably Monday so that K is in school for a week - and only home for the 1.5hrs or so a night...might break her in more easily to the major change...

  27. erinbaderin

    pomelo / 5573 posts

    @Mrs D: We did the same thing with scheduling the c section - the OB originally said Sunday and I asked if it could be a weekday instead so B could go to daycare and still have some semblance of a routine.

  28. Mrs D

    grapefruit / 4545 posts

    @erinbaderin: Ya - for us the weekends are really where I am worried about K. On weeknights...early on DH will get K around 4:30...when she gets home we will "switch" - I will focus on dinner/K and DH will get his QT with DD2. I am hoping DD2 sleeps a bit between 5-7 (when K is home from school before bed) so she can still feel very much attention from DH and I (hoping that can somewhat easily be 'her time').

    I am so fearful of the weekends when she sees me spending so much time with DD2....

  29. Mrs. Cookie

    blogger / persimmon / 1225 posts

    @Mrs D: For vans, we're looking at the Chrysler town and country and the Dodge grand caravan. Any experience/advice?

    Yay for being 2 cm and very effaced! I was so pumped to hear I was 1 cm and 50% because last time it took me hours and hours of contractions to get to 1 cm. I know it means nothing but still exciting!

    @Lilbear: My baby boy has spikey hair too, based on this week's ultrasound, fun!

    @Navy_Mommy: sorry about your pinched nerves/herniated discs. I've had a ruptured disc and then back surgery in 2011, I'm always worried about when my nerve pain will come back. I hope you find some relief soon!!

  30. Navy_Mommy

    nectarine / 2458 posts

    Had my appointment today, my blood pressure was pretty elevated. I'm blaming my back pain for it, sitting is really uncomfortable. So we did a pee test and there's no protein in my urine and she had me lay down to take my BP again. It went down a bit so I just have to take it easy.

    The birth tub is officially at my house and my next appointment is a week from tomorrow at which point I will be almost 39 weeks!

    I just want to go into labor on my own before 41 weeks. Sooner would be better, lol, but I just don't want to hit 41 weeks again. It's such a miserable place to be.

  31. Mrs. Cookie

    blogger / persimmon / 1225 posts

    1) Due Date: March 6th

    2) Birth Plans : Vaginal, half the time I'm hoping to go med-free, half the time I'm thinking I'll get the epi earlier than last time...

    3) Name? Undecided

    4) Biggest Remaining "To-Dos"
    Ideal: buy a mini-van and a new couch (my old one is so crappy for nursing in), freezer meals, Sam's Club run
    For sure: install car seat, pack hospital bag

    5) What are you most nervous for? Honestly, it's slightly neurotic, but my family and everyone around me (including myself, hubby, and DS) have been sick a lot this winter. My nephew is in daycare, just 12 months old, and he's been out 4 out of 5 weeks for a fever or throwing up, etc. It's insane and I just want everyone to be healthy when our new little guy shows up!

    Also worried about missing DS while in hospital but I know at the time it won't cross my mind as often.

    6) What are you most excited for? To meet my new son, and to see my older son become a brother! To grow our family.

  32. Mrs. Cookie

    blogger / persimmon / 1225 posts

    @Alivoo01: Sorry about your hospital visit! Hoping your fluid levels don't drop again!

    @sailgrl18: @Mrs D: I definitely think I'd consider an induction if my first labor had been shorter. I know this one could go fast but we switched to a hospital that is only ten minutes away and my parents live close by as well so I'm not worried about timing as much. My friend who had her second 1.5 hours after contractions started will definitely be inducing for her third!!

    The whole being more in control of the timing and not having to be pregnant forever is really appealing though!

  33. momtimes3

    cherry / 109 posts

    Cant believe how close its getting! Im def most nervous for their health esp hers.. Losing her is my biggest fear im a rcs so dont have to wonder when will happen which is nice and scary at same time lol

  34. Mrs D

    grapefruit / 4545 posts

    @princessandthebee: I am a Chrysler gal...so I love the T&C - I think its a great choice. I hear a lot of women on here go crazy for the Honda...I have employee pricing at Chrysler and GM - so for me its hard to justify ever looking elsewhere.

    I have always been an SUV girl...but everyone is trying to talk me in to a minivan for my next lease...I have a year to decide thankfully!

  35. erinbaderin

    pomelo / 5573 posts

    @Mrs D: Interesting - I think I'm actually more worried about weeknights. On weekends I feel like there's enough time that we can each pay B some solid attention, but on weeknights I worry that the baby's schedule is going to overlap with his, and we won't get to spend any time together because I'll be nursing or something during dinner/bath/bedtime. I'm also a little worried because usually I pick B up around 4:45 so we're home by 5, and my husband doesn't get home until 5:30ish. If I'm going to transfer pick-up duty to him it's going to be probably 5:45 before the two of them get home, which is a really long day for him! I guess now that I think about it I'll just have to make an effort to go get him myself and have both kids for an hour? Oh good, something else to worry about.

    @Navy_Mommy: The back pain sounds terrible! Is there anything you could do for it? Chiropractor, acupuncture, a massage? And ALMOST 39 WEEKS! That is crazy! It's funny, I keep thinking "It's only early-February, and I'm not due until lateish March, I have lots of time" and then I realize that it's mid-February, and realistically this baby is coming mid-March at the latest, and there is NOT A LOT OF TIME. Every so often the thought pops into my head that my fluids might drop and they might deliver me even sooner than that and I freak out a little bit. Definitely definitely the baby needs to stay in until the end of February because my childcare plans are in Hawaii until then.

  36. Navy_Mommy

    nectarine / 2458 posts

    @erinbaderin: because of the nature of my back injury I can't do chiropractic care at all. Really the only thing that will make it feel any better is to have the baby and start losing weight and rebuilding my core strength.

  37. MrsLilybugg

    pear / 1650 posts

    Sorry I haven't posted much, but I've been following! Here's my survey

    1) Due Date: 3/25. I don't know though: I feel like I'll go to 38 weeks. Also, baby has consistently measured big all pregnancy. I know it doesn't really mean anything. I'm "at-risk" for insulin resistance. And I ended up having pre-e with LO1 right at 40 weeks.

    2) Birth Plans : baby was head down at my appt yesterday - yes! Definitely meds. I have a feeling I'll need an induction again. I was induced with my first though, and it took FOUR DAYS. FOUR. I went in on Tuesday and didn't have her until Friday really really late (like midnight, technically Saturday). Nightmare.

    3) Name? Not sure!

    4) Biggest Remaining "To-Dos": washing 0-3 month clothes, getting a diaper supply

    5) What are you most nervous for? Leaving LO while I'm at the hospital! This is seriously stressing me out. She's 2 and has never been away from me for the night. We also bedshare. Maybe I'll check myself out as soon as I deliver. ha!

    6) What are you most excited for? Holding new baby and nursing. I loved nursing!

    I'm going to catch up on posts!

  38. MrsLilybugg

    pear / 1650 posts

    @Lilbear: same here (with growth ultrasound). They predicted a huge baby and she was 8 lbs.
    @erinbaderin: I had to stop wearing my wedding band set a while ago. I have a nice ring DH gave me while we were dating that still fits, so that way my finger doesn't feel "naked".
    @Alivoo01: that's so scary! I always worry about fluid levels. I worry about everything actually haha. I hope that it stays up!
    @Mrs D: dream induction! mine was a nightmare with LO1. I really hope if I"m induced again this time, it's quicker.
    @Navy_Mommy: sorry about your pinched disc., That sounds so terrible. and definitely would explain high blood pressure. I broke my toe with LO1 (at like 38 weeks) and my blood pressure was high too

  39. Alivoo01

    wonderful olive / 19353 posts

    @Mrs D: @erinbaderin: If everything continues to go well, and my fluid level doesn't drop again, I'll be induced on March 7th!

    @princessandthebee: @MrsLilybugg: Thanks, ladies!!

  40. Loscato

    olive / 64 posts

    1) Due Date: March 29th

    2) Birth Plans (C, Vaginal, Induction, meds, med free, etc...): Vaginal with an epidural

    3) Name? Nash Phillip

    4) Biggest Remaining "To-Dos":
    -Pack hospital bag
    -install car seat
    -wash swing cover, RnP cover, and frog chair cover

    5) What are you most nervous for?: I'm most nervous that the epidural won't work right again. I'm also nervous about my iron levels. They were really low after birth of DD so I had to stay in the hospital an extra day.

    6) What are you most excited for?: Becoming a family of 4, and a SAHM!

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