Hellobee Boards


May 2014 moms!

  1. Beebug

    pomegranate / 3917 posts

    @Glitter: how cool is that water shot! Gorgeous!

  2. Mae

    papaya / 10343 posts

    @twodoghouse: wow that is a long drive! My parents are just 2 hours away so it isn't as big a deal, although they are currently pet-sitting my brother's dog (long annoying story lol) which is stressing my mom out because they're going to have to get him to the boarder when I call, which will push their "call to hospital" time to about 3 hours probably. It isn't terribly important to me that my mom is there when I deliver because I figure that if I deliver THAT fast then my mom not being there will be the last of my concerns. I think I'll need her more if I'm in the hospital 12 hrs laboring, ya know? But I think it is really important to her to be there, so I'm just going to try to walk the line between not getting them down here on a false alarm, but still calling them in enough time that she doesn't flip the f out trying to get down here in time.

    Also I think 2015 will be the year of babies for me. I have 4 friends (and funny enough, basically my 4 best friends) who are currently TTC, so odds are most of them will have babies in 2015!

    @Glitter: holy gorgeous!! I demand you get that 3rd one printed in large scale for your home-- that is absolutely amazing!!!!

    So ladies, if I don't go into labor this weekend I fear I may never... lol. We sort of unintentionally did all sorts of labor inducing things today. Sex this am. Then I was on my feet for like 5 hours between doing stuff around the house, running errands, and we went putt-putting which was SO fun but I didn't think about how often you have to squat down (twice per hole... and we did 36 holes!). My husband offered to do all my ball setting down/picking up for me but I figured all the squatting could only do good things, although by the end I was so tired/sore. Then we went out for Mexican food. Then we came home and took the dog for a walk, and I'm currently drinking my "uterus tea" lol. Like super fun day-- but seriously if that string of events doesn't push me over the edge then I fear that she's just building a loft in there and deciding to stay put forever haha.

  3. cheesetomywhine

    pear / 1586 posts

    @twodoghouse: Aw thanks! She is still in love with him, always wanting to see baby Ste-ben as she calls him. Thankfully he seems to have finally gotten the hang of latching so I am a happy camper.

    @Glitter: Thanks! Love the pictures, so pretty! My favorite is the last one.

    @Mae: Ahaha to building a loft I shall send labor vibes to you.

  4. Glitter

    persimmon / 1281 posts

    @Beebug: @Mae: @cheesetomywhine: thanks!! looks like the 3rd one is a winner... def gonna get it framed

    @Mae: lol i love how u "unintentionally" did all sorts of labor inducing activities... especially unintentional sex! Man, just trying to get that to work lately has been so intentional. I envy u.

  5. sungirl

    apricot / 309 posts

    I've been reading and catching up. Sorry to not reply to everyone this time. @Glitter: love the pictures!

    I had my 36 week appt last week. Group B test so she did a quick check while she was down there and everything was still closed up tight. Which is good because I need these next few weeks. She couldn't tell for sure if he is head down so if she can't tell at my next appt I will get an ultrasound.

    Can't wait to hear who's next

  6. Mae

    papaya / 10343 posts

    @Glitter: lol well its not like i tripped and fell and oops we did it. it was intentional (and is a bit more work than previous!), just not for the purpose of inducing labor haha.

    @sungirl: yay for getting to see baby again!

  7. Beebug

    pomegranate / 3917 posts

    A day early, but getting it done!


  8. Mamasig

    pomegranate / 3565 posts

    @Beebug: almost there!

  9. Mamasig

    pomegranate / 3565 posts

    So 33 weeks is on the left and this past week's 35 is on the right. Looks like baby dropped some. I'm feeling a lot more pressure down there that makes me stop in my tracks. I have an appointment tomorrow where doctor will check for progress. And I'm curious to see how much DS has grown in two weeks!

  10. sungirl

    apricot / 309 posts

    @Beebug: cute!
    @Mamasig: definitely looks like you have dropped. Can't wait to hear what your dr says.

    So I might be crazy but planning on going camping this weekend with the family at 37 weeks! We are the same distance from the hospital as we are from home and we will be in a camper so I think it will be fine. DH says he will run after DS so I can relax but we will see

    Hope everyone is having a great Monday!

  11. cookie_dough

    kiwi / 619 posts

    I am so behind yet again!!! I took the day off on Friday since DD's daycare is closed, and I never manage to catch up after 3 days away from the computer.

    @Beebug: @Mamasig: love the bump pics! @Mamasig: you definitely look like you've dropped.

    @Glitter: beautiful pictures!!!

    I really wish I knew what a contraction felt like. Last night I was having some dull cramping for a while, but it didn't really come and go, just stayed. I'm assuming that isn't what a contraction feels like, but I have no idea! DD was sick ALL of last week. By Friday/Saturday I was getting pretty worried because she seemed to be getting worse, not better. Still coughing/runny nose, with a fever on and off. Then she started getting lethargic and didn't even want to get out of bed. I was planning on taking her to the clinic on Sunday morning, but when she woke up Sunday morning she was a million times better luckily! Hoping she's on the mend now.

    And here's my 37 week/1 day picture. I seriously look awful. But I didn't have time to try and get a better shot!

  12. Mae

    papaya / 10343 posts

    @Beebug: aw you look so good!

    @Mamasig: you look great! And it does look like baby is riding a bit lower!

    @sungirl: eh if you're not farther from the hospital and you enjoy camping I don't see why that is crazy! Sounds like it could be a fun weekend! (well, if you enjoy camping. which I do not. lol).

    So, not too much to update on here! Not a hint or whisper of oncoming labor despite the active weekend. Which at the moment I'm actually immensely grateful for because DH is sick! ugh. Not entirely sure it isn't just bad allergies, but could also be a bit of a cold? He's off work today trying to sleep it off. Fingers crossed it passes quickly bc he really needs to not be sick when I'm trying to birth a human. But luckily LO seems really very content to hang out for a bit longer.

  13. Mae

    papaya / 10343 posts

    @cookie_dough: aw I think you look cute!! Sorry DD is sick but hopefully she is well on the mend now. Also re: cramping-- sounds like what I was having last week. Cramping like period cramps on and off, but not coming and going in minute long increments. More like I'd be crampy for an hour or two and then not for a bit. Didn't turn into anything and I wasn't sure if it was pregnancy related or GI related (which of course may be influenced by pregnancy... or just by all the easter candy I ate last week haha). Regardless it's pretty much gone now and didn't do anything for me.

  14. cookie_dough

    kiwi / 619 posts

    @Mae: hahaha, the cramping coudl have very well been related to all the easter candy I am STILL working my way through as well I can't stop. So delicious.

    Also, after all our discussions on pineapple last week (or was it the week before), I am now CONSTANTLY craving pineapple. The only problem is that DH has a full-on phobia of pineapple. He pretty much wants to throw up if he even sees it. Well, I couldn't resist and I bought one this weekend. Now he thinks it's contaminating everything in our fridge hahaha...ohhh well, I better eat it quickly

  15. Mamasig

    pomegranate / 3565 posts

    @cookie_dough: I "think" I was having BH contractions the other day. I was putting DS' jammies on and all of a sudden I felt my stomach tighten. I have no clue!

  16. Mae

    papaya / 10343 posts

    @cookie_dough: lol whaaaat? I've never heard of anyone having a visceral reaction to fruit before?! I mean not liking it is one thing. but the sight of it bothering you is quite another. Not like you've got raw squid in there! I cut 2 pineapples yesterday and ate it all day yesterday, he would've been quite disgusted! lol

  17. cookie_dough

    kiwi / 619 posts

    @Mae: I KNOW! it's so weird. If he accidentally eats something with pineapple it in, he will puke! We don't think he's allergic, he used to eat it as a kid, but ya, I've never met anyone who has such a problem with a fruit. When we go out for breakfast/brunch, and there's pineapple on his plate, he can't even look at the plate until I've removed the pineapple for him hahaha.

    @Mamasig: Ya, every time I feel something different, I think "oh this must be a contraction" but i have no idea! Last pregnancy, I had ONE contraction (that I felt at least). It was while I was waiting in L&D for my c-section. I was lying there and the nurse said "oh, you're having a contraction" and I was like "oh, that's why I feel kind of funny". But I don't really remember what it felt like!

  18. mrsog

    apricot / 388 posts

    39 weeks today - I can't believe it! I haven't talked a belly pic in forever but @Beebug: @Mamasig: and @cookie_dough: you all look great! I have been having BH for a while but today I have a sharp pain on the lower right side. It is much worse when I up or walking. I may call the doc today but if I had to guess its just his position maybe putting pressure there? I don't know - its not a cramp and its a consistent pain so I don't think its labor related.
    Oh and we are FINALLY moving this week on Thursday!! I kind of had a complete breakdown yesterday because people keep saying to me things like "any day now" or "you look ready to go" and I don't feel ready at all - I still have to move and all of my baby stuff is in SIL's basement, I don't know if I have enough diapers lol I just feel so unprepared because I never got the chance to nest and set things up. I know obviously everything will be fine and to everyone else its no big deal but to me its not. its hard to explain to them but I think you all understand.

  19. Mae

    papaya / 10343 posts

    @mrsog: That sounds so stressful!!! I would totally feel the same way you do. Hopefully LO hangs onto the walls a bit and gives you a week or so to settle in and feel more at peace with things. But even if he doesn't, it will be okay in the long run. Some good friends of ours signed the papers on their new house the day after their LO was born, and moved when she was 4 days old. She said it is obviously not recommended and not how she'd want to plan things if she'd been able to plan differently (their house was a new build and got pushed back 2 mo due to our crazy weather last summer). But they just rolled with it and she said she just let everyone else do the unpacking work that really needed to be done and lived with boxes otherwise for a while. I think it took them until about 4 months to really get everything unpacked and decorated and the nursery done, but it didn't really matter.

  20. mrsog

    apricot / 388 posts

    Well change of plans - I called doc about the sharp pains and she wants me to get checked out so I'm in a cab on the way to l&d. It's def not labor but it hurts bad so better safe then sorry. Will update later

  21. cookie_dough

    kiwi / 619 posts

    @mrsog: oh no! good luck...hopefully everything is ok!

  22. Mae

    papaya / 10343 posts

    @mrsog: aw, hopefully just an annoying day and not the start of anything serious!

  23. whodat

    apricot / 365 posts

    Hi Ladies! Just wanted to check in. I have been out of town for a week and super busy but I have been following along on my phone. May is SO CLOSE!

    Had my 37 week appointment this morning, which was pretty chill. DH is going out of town all next week and I was hoping she'd tell him he can't, but no dice. She thinks we have plenty of time. I spent this weekend walking around at an outdoor festival and eating spicy food and still didn't go into labor, so he's probably set for a while.

    Anyone else in the south and sweating like a pig all the time? I am absolutely disgusting. I have to wash my pillowcase like every other day because I sweat all night, even though we've got a ceiling fan and a box fan directly blowing on me. So over it.

  24. skipra

    pomegranate / 3350 posts

    @mrsog: Oh no! I hope everything is ok. I know exactly how you feel about needing to move before the baby arrives. I was feeling the same way about not having a room for him, even though we would be totally fine if he arrived early. Hope the pain is just something annoying to deal with and baby decides to hang out for a little bit longer for you.
    @Beebug: Looking great! Your belly looks really low!
    @Mamasig: Wow that does look like you've dropped! Hope the appointment goes well tomorrow
    @cookie_dough: Looking great! I hope your DD is feeling better. My BH contractions feel like someone is blowing up my belly like a balloon. From what I remember of actual labor contractions they started off feeling a lot like menstrual cramps that radiate across your back and belly. When they are real, you'll definitely know!
    This was my 38 week pic from last Friday when I thought thins were starting to happen. Now that we got the nursery in better shape I'm sure baby boy is going to stay put until 42 weeks.

  25. Mamasig

    pomegranate / 3565 posts

    @whodat: yup! The past two nights I've been waking up even more than usual because I'm hot. I'm already freezing DH and DS out with the AC and fans.

    Had my appointment today and nothing is going on. And the baby's weight is totally average at 50%. We'll see!

  26. skipra

    pomegranate / 3350 posts

    @whodat: Please send us some of the heat. I've been freezing my butt off the past week!

  27. mrsog

    apricot / 388 posts

    @cookie_dough: @Mae: @skipra: just left l&d - pain is most likely bc he dropped so much and is all on one side that it's giving me a ton of ligament pain. But I was also having a lot of contractions while there and started to dilate so it looks like I'm in the early stages of labor. So things could start moving and baby could come in 1-3 days?

  28. whodat

    apricot / 365 posts

    @Mamasig: Wah my DH won't let me put on the a/c! But when he goes out of town next week I will be blasting it!

  29. Mamasig

    pomegranate / 3565 posts

    @whodat: what?! OMG, I have mine at 71 and about to bump it down even further. You're in NOLA right? I just heard on the news that a small cold front is coming after the rain. Maybe that will help! Before the heat comes back anyway.

  30. whodat

    apricot / 365 posts

    @Mamasig: Oh thank gawd. I need a cool front. Tomorrow it's supposed to be 88.

  31. Mae

    papaya / 10343 posts

    @whodat: glad to hear you're doing generally well, but the heat sounds rough! It is still pretty cold here in Ohio. We've had a few nice 70s days, but most days it is still between 40-60. But I am hotter than usual. I need the fan on every night and sleep above the covers and DH is all bundled up haha.

    @skipra: you look great!

    @mrsog: aww... I was pretty uncomfortable when LO first dropped too although no shooting pains like that. I hope baby holds on a little longer so you can get moved in!

  32. cookie_dough

    kiwi / 619 posts

    @mrsog: Glad everything is ok, even if it is pretty uncomfortable! Wow, baby could be here so soon!!!! Exciting Although hectic with your move coming up!

    @skipra: awesome bump picture!

    @whodat: that was like me last pregnancy...I was due mid-July and we had an awful heatwave at the end of June. It was realllly unpleasant! This time, the weather is perfect right now...Not too hot, not too cold! Although I'm always hot these days anyways.

  33. twodoghouse

    honeydew / 7230 posts

    @Beebug: @Mamasig: @cookie_dough: @skipra: Cute bump pics ladies!

    @sungirl: You're brave considering camping! I can't imagine sleeping somewhere other than my carefully curated pillow collection at this point, but I'm sure it will be a fun thing to do as a family before your LO arrives!

    @cookie_dough: Hope your DD is feeling better! One of my friends had an emergency c section with her first and never felt a single contraction. Now she's about 30 weeks with #2 and panicking because she has no idea what contractions/labor feel like! She was complaining about discomfort the other day and one of her coworkers was like "that's probably BH!" But she had no idea.

    @Mae: Sorry DH is feeling under the weather. Hopefully he's feeling better in time for Fiona's arrival!

    @mrsog: Sorry about having to go into L&D. That's no fun, but I'm glad your LO is doing well. Sorry about all the pain though! You're so close now, though, so hopefully the pain is short lived!

    @whodat: I'm in the Midwest, but I've been super sweaty too. It's a lot cooler (and rainy) here this week, but I still sweat all night long! Hope the weather gets milder for you soon!

  34. skipra

    pomegranate / 3350 posts

    @mrsog: Glad everything is ok! If the pain isn't too bad I hope your LO will hang on long enough for you to move or at least for other people to move you while you're in the hospital recovering!

    I must be the only that does not overheat during pregnancy. DS was born in early September so I was hugely pregnant the entire summer and loved being able to wear dresses and skirts all the time. I would still be wearing my winter coat now (highs in the low-40's!) if I could zip it. Instead I'm bundled up in sweaters and DH's hoodies.

  35. Beebug

    pomegranate / 3917 posts

    It's awful how much I keep checking on here lately, looking to see if anyone has gone into labour!! I am excited for babies!!!!!

    Loving all the bump pics ladies!! I think we all look pretty great for being this far along.

    on talk of climate/temperature and air conditioning, ha!! We don't have A/C yet. It was supposed to go in two Monday's ago, but the company did something stupid that annoyed DH and I (mostly me, I fuelled DH, lol) and we decided if customer service was like that and we hadn't paid them yet, we weren't comfortable moving forward. So I need to get on scheduling someone else because A/C will be a must for this summer, between having a newborn, living in a construction site (dust, wind, can't have window's open) I feel like a sass for saying it, but we NEED it, lol. Some of your warmer temp talk sounds nice, but I am loving the seasonal difference this late in pregnancy compared to #1 as I find I am super sensitive to the heat, and not preggo am the one who can never get warm enough! Last night I slept on top of the sheets. We are having a gross day here, windy, rainy, garbage blowing everywhere type days, bleh. Inside project day for me, massage at 2pm.

  36. Mae

    papaya / 10343 posts

    @Beebug: hopefully you can get someone scheduled to install soon! I have mixed feelings on AC. I mean, I love it when its really hot out (80+), but when its cooler I would really love to just have our windows open and get a breeze going. And we have a few ceiling fans in the house. But my DH has such horrible allergies that we really can't do that at all, so AC comes on as soon as the house starts to get stuffy in the spring. It hasn't been warm enough yet this year but I expect in the next few weeks we'll get there.

    SO ladies... just home from my 39 week appointment. And having very mixed feelings about it. Baby and I are still doing great by all measurable criteria and midwife thinks the on and off crampiness I've been having is probably starting to dilate me, although I opted out of a check on that today because I think it would make me anxious if I knew I wasn't dilated at all yet and she said I didn't really NEED it to be done. So thats the good news.

    The... weird..?..ish... news is that she told me that I need to start thinking about my "exit strategy" and that when I come in for my 40 week appointment next Monday we need to set a "last possible induction date." I.e. we'll decide how far we'll let things go and schedule induction for that day, while hoping I go before that. She said that they strongly strongly recommend you go no longer than 41+6 because they feel that being pregnant longer than 42 weeks is not generally very safe for mom or baby. So--- all that is fine and makes sense to me to get something on the books just in case. But she then started a discussion of my options with regards to date choosing and I just found it... odd? Like being a midwife practice I guess I thought they'd push/recommend I go to 42 (or 41+6) unless there was a clear reason NOT to. But that was really not the case. She made it sound like induction at 41 is much more common and mentioned that some people don't feel comfortable going longer than that due to the increased risk of meconium in the fluid and larger birth weight, and it is pretty common to schedule induction for the end of your 40th week or the start of the 41st week. But that "we feel it is generally safe to let people go to the limit of 42 so if you're more comfortable with that we'll schedule you for then." I don't know. I just left with this sort of uneasy feeling like maybe it is safer for baby to not go to 42? But that goes against what I've read/heard previously so now I'm feeling a little weird and I think I need to do some research today or something. And/or prob start a hb thread about it haha. I feel like my reasons for wanting to avoid induction are mostly selfish (I don't want to be strapped to a bed, I don't want a medicated labor, I don't want a harder recovery) and I just want to make sure I"m doing what is best for the BABY and not myself and I feel the need to like... reassure myself 42 is best for baby.

  37. Beebug

    pomegranate / 3917 posts

    @Mae: I think it is a decision you have to make yourself. My doc gave me the "pick the date" option with #1 too, and said she'd prefer me not go to 42w.

    As I have said before, I had her without the induction right on 41w, but induction was scheduled for 41+4. It felt good, enough to let me go late, but not 42w late. I think if I were to get to that point again, well...I guess when my 40w appt comes, I would pick something like that again.

    I guess you could look at it both ways, if they dictated the preferred date they wait until induction and heaven forbid something were to happen, there would be a lot of blame and resentment. This way you make the decision you are comfortable with datewise, and again....heaven forbid the date hopefully won't matter and your girlie will be here in her own little schedule, healthy as can be, with a great recovery for you, too!

  38. Mae

    papaya / 10343 posts

    @Beebug: yea i mean, I am all about recommendations. so if she'd said "I'd feel best if you did x" I'd just do it. I just have such a hard time making the decision myself. like you are the medical person. you tell me what to do! haha

  39. Beebug

    pomegranate / 3917 posts

    @Mae: Totally agree! We go to professionals for a reason

    I had a meeting with a financial planner yesterday and it was the same thing, so many options, and I was like...just tell me!! But I guess I understand why they can't!

    The result of yesterday? I beefed up my life insurance policy, and for 1.32mil in coverage I now have, it is less per month than our dog's insurance. How insane is that?! I feel like such a sucker as a dog owner saying typing that out! Like come on.

  40. Mae

    papaya / 10343 posts

    @Beebug: lol wow!

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