Hellobee Boards


May 2014 moms!

  1. twodoghouse

    honeydew / 7230 posts

    @gingerblonde: I'm sorry you haven't been feeling well. I'm having a lot of grouchy days, too. I hope your husband has been spoiling you! I've been tempted to sleep in the nursery too since getting in and out of bed is just the worst. My husband brought me a step stool for my side of the bed, which definitely helps.

    @Mae: Ah, gotcha on taking the fancy camera. My husband isn't too bad at using our camera so we're going to have it there. He at least understands shooting on AP and using a prime lens (our parents do not understand not being able to zoom!) but I don't know how tricky the light in the hospital will be. Will definitely rely on our phones for a bunch of pics, too, since that tends to be fool proof! And that way we can get pics up on Facebook faster too.

    @Beebug: I always laugh when people mention the granny panties since I've never been a fancy underwear person and it's only gotten worse since pregnancy. I think what I've been living in these days probably qualifies as granny panties. I got a couple cheap target nursing bras recently to get me started but I want to get one of those bravado (I think that's the brand?) bras once my boobs settle down.

  2. Mae

    papaya / 10343 posts

    @twodoghouse: I got a step stool tool! lol And that's great that your husband can use your camera. I sort of planned to train my DH on my camera a bit better during my pregnancy but never got around to it. He does understand the basics but he's just not comfortable with the controls and options since he doesn't do it often.

  3. twodoghouse

    honeydew / 7230 posts

    @Mae: Our's isn't too fancy/ professional or anything, so he can usually manage. His idea of "in focus" is a little off sometimes though!

  4. Mae

    papaya / 10343 posts

    @twodoghouse: eh, close enough is close enough DH just doesn't have a lot of patience to mess around with the camera most of the time. So he doesn't notice if he's focusing on like, the wall 4' behind my head. Which is sort of a big deal at 1.4. lol It's just not his thing and thats fine. I'm going to do newborn pics when we get home and I'm hiring our wedding photog to do a lifestyle shoot for us some time this summer. So there will be pics. haha.

  5. twodoghouse

    honeydew / 7230 posts

    @Mae: Ha, yes, she'll definitely have plenty pics of her! We are still not planning on doing pro newborn photos, but I'm planning in family photos in the fall. Hope I don't regret it! I''m figuring if I take 10 million pics of them, a few will prob turn out alright.

  6. iluvpink

    cherry / 130 posts

    wow you guys are chatting too fast for me! I promise I will catch up. I went to my OB appointment yesterday and was told that since baby boy is in the big side I should take another glucose test. I passed the first one at 28 weeks with flying colors and now I was told that they are surprised I even passed it. However my belly isn't measuring 36 weeks, so the doctor asked where am I hiding baby? Oh trust me! I am not! He is there, I promise!
    I was going to go back this Friday to take the one hour test again, but now I am going to wait until Monday, only because I need a break and I need to digest this information. I don't get it! Am I growing a little giant??? Sigh!

  7. Mae

    papaya / 10343 posts

    @iluvpink: aw, hopefully you pass the second glucose test!!!

  8. cookie_dough

    kiwi / 619 posts

    @iluvpink: awww, that's too bad that they are making you take it again Hopefully it goes well.

    Just had my appointment, and I'm now officially on weekly appointments! OB told me that if I wanted any chance at a vbac, he would start checks at 38 weeks...whatever that means! I guess that I will actually have pants-off appointments this pregnancy, unlike the last one hahaha.

  9. junebugmama

    nectarine / 2019 posts

    @iluvpink: I'm not sure why they would give you another at this point. If you aren't measuring big, then why would they have just assumed? Maybe I missed part of the story, but at this point, it's not like a diet change would make a difference.

    @cookie_dough: That statement is also strange. What would be the difference!?!?!

    Oy. I feel like they just want to induce all of us

  10. Mamasig

    pomegranate / 3565 posts

    @iluvpink: I have GD and it's really not too bad. Sure, I wish I didn't have to worry about the diet and eat what I want, but I'm glad for the extra monitoring. They are checking his size, which for me doesn't matter as much since I'm having a repeat C section. But they also check my amniotic fluid levels, his practice breathing, and his activity level via an ultrasound every week. GD can have affect all that. Sometimes GD babies have more trouble breathing.

  11. cookie_dough

    kiwi / 619 posts

    @junebugmama: ya, I thought it sounded a bit funny but of course I didn't ask anything about it. I should really start asking about these things!

  12. Mae

    papaya / 10343 posts

    @junebugmama: I was just thinking yesterday how few people I know who have had "normal" births. I feel very lucky that (so far) there is no reason to believe I won't have one... but driving home from the midwife yesterday after having a discussion with her about the normal progression of early labor, I realized how few friends I have who have had that! moving backwards in time for the friends/fam I know who have given birth in the last year:

    cousin- scheduled c section due to breech
    cousin- normal uncomplicated birth at 39 weeks
    cousin- induced due to GD/high bp
    cousin- water broke at 37, labored at home for 2.5 days with a shady midwife before being transferred to the hospital and having an emergency c-section
    friend- went into labor at 40 and had a normal birth
    friend- induced at 42
    friend- induced at 42
    cousin- went into labor naturally but moved to hospital after 36 hrs at birthing center with no progress and ended up needing pitocin
    friend- induced at 41 for placenta insufficiency
    friend- water broke at 37 but ended up needing pitocin after failure to progress

    So I mean... 10 babies in the last year and only 2 with "normal" births (both did have an epi by choice but did not need pitocin). 3 c-sections and 5 who either had to be induced or get pitocin to speed things along

    It's a little discouraging. But I'm trying to keep the faith that if I do what I can now to ease her path I can hopefully manage her birth without pharmacological assistance. Although on the bright side... 10 healthy babies and moms. And that is really what matters in the end anyways.

  13. junebugmama

    nectarine / 2019 posts

    @cookie_dough: That's exactly what it is. We shouldn't have to question our care provider, so it doesn't always come up right away to ask "why?"

    @Mae: yikes! That's crazy! I don't have that same experience, but most of the people I know who gave birth, I was their doula. Woman who tend to hire a doula, will deny intervention, but it's still about 30% of all births I attended I think, had something where an intervention was "needed". It's scary to think about. I have to keep lots of data for DONA on the births that I attend, and what's always blown my mind, is how often those interventions happen on a Friday. I always wonder if the OB's try to get the babies out of the way before the weekend

  14. twodoghouse

    honeydew / 7230 posts

    @junebugmama: @Mae: I can't think of any of my good friends or family members who have had babies in the last couple years who just went into labor. Almost all were inductions, with a couple repeat c-sections thrown in. Of course I thought I was so smart picking a dr that has a very low rate of inductions and prefers to deliver twins vaginally, etc. Now I'm 37 weeks with these babies and DYING for my dr to say "let's just send you to the hospital and induce" and she won't do it. Go figure!

  15. iluvpink

    cherry / 130 posts

    @Mae: Thank you
    @cookie_dough: ay yi yi I hate pants down appointments
    @junebugmama: you know I was wondering the same thing. At this point I only have 2 more weeks until my scheduled C-Section, but the doctor said she just wants to make sure, whatever that means! and I also don't get, if I am not measuring big, then why assume that I need to take the test again, only because baby is big??? ummmm haven't they seen my husband? He is a giant!
    @Mamasig: oh I see! well the extra monitoring doesn't sound too bad, but I wish they would have done this before 2 weeks my C-Section, you know Hopefully is nothing.
    @Mae: and its actually the whole opposite on my side. Everyone in my family, including friends have had normal labor, for the exception of my two older sister, they both had to have C-sections and now me! sigh!

  16. junebugmama

    nectarine / 2019 posts

    @iluvpink: There's really no harm in getting checked. It just seems a little silly. I see a group of midwives and ob's. At each appt I see a different one. The last 3 have all brought up how big the baby is; meanwhile my husband and I both just sit across the room looking at them, wondering if they are acknowledging who the parents are. I am 5'9" and am over all bigger than most woman. My husband is 6' 4" and HUGE, for lack of better terms. Also both of our mothers (who are on the smaller side of avg for woman) made giant babies!

  17. Mae

    papaya / 10343 posts

    @junebugmama: The surprising thing to me is that of those 10, 6 were extremely committed to natural med-free birth and none of them got them. 4 had midwifes (the emergency c-section, one induction at 42, and 2 moved for failure to progress), one had a doula (the induction due to placenta insufficiency-- which seems very legit bc her baby ended up in the NICU for breathing issues so really did need to come out then), and one had a very supportive OB (induced at 42). The two who ended up with "normal" births were both go-with-the-flow and had normal OB types. We plan, god laughs? lol I dunno. I mean I must still have faith because I switched to midwives and am preparing for med-free. But it'd be nice if I knew more people (or even one person) IRL who had actually been successful in a med-free birth.

    @twodoghouse: jumping jacks? Lol kidding (mostly). My aunt emailed me yesterday to find out if I was freaking out about the impending birth, or if I was desperate to get LO out. I told her neither.. although I was certainly ready and trying to encourage her along with walking and yoga ball (amongst other methods). She told me with her 3rd she was so desperate to get him out she literally did jumping jacks trying to get labor to start

    @iluvpink: I'm glad to hear my group is unusual! I mean I know the national stats so I know that my sample group is not normal. It's just got to be bad luck amongst my fam/friends!

  18. iluvpink

    cherry / 130 posts

    @junebugmama: That's exactly what goes through my mind. I know I am not tall. I am 5'3 and small framed but my husband is 6'3, which for me he is a giant haha! so it would make sense "to me" that my boy takes after his father and is just growing and growing, you know. They aren't mean when they tell me this, but they look so surprised, as if its impossible that a small person can grow a big baby. Oh well! I am just going to take the test and get it over with.

  19. Mae

    papaya / 10343 posts

    @iluvpink: My MIL is like 5'3" and maaaaybe 110 lbs (was probably even smaller when she was in her 20s). She had my husband without c-section and he was 10lb 9oz!! And he's now 6'3". So I guess small people can grow big people haha.

  20. anandam

    kiwi / 687 posts

    @junebugmama: Yes to your oy! What is wrong with all these people!? Please stop making us feel like we've done something to hurt our babies. I feel guilty every time I eat anything now because of this kid's weight and it's absurd. I just want everyone around me to stay calm so I can stay calm.

    @iluvpink: Hope it's fine so you can shut them up

    @cookie_dough: Maybe it's because induction options are limited for VBAC so he wants to know what's going on with your cervix in advance? Doesn't seem like it would change much, though, just more information to get worked up over.

    May we all prove them wrong!

  21. twodoghouse

    honeydew / 7230 posts

    @Mae: I'll try jumping jacks! They will probably be very slow motion jumping jacks, but it's worth a shot. I've been bouncing on my yoga ball a ton too. Fingers crossed for progress at my appt tomorrow.

  22. anandam

    kiwi / 687 posts

    @iluvpink: This is exactly what I have going on. I'm 5'1" and generally petite, I was 8lb 13oz at birth but my mother is tall and has a much different body shape than mine. My diabetes screen was totally fine and they never had me repeat it, but now we're 37wks and probably 9+ lbs of baby and my midwives seem annoyingly anxious about it. DH just keeps saying "trust the Mexican pelvis!" That's gonna be our mantra in labor

  23. Mae

    papaya / 10343 posts

    @twodoghouse: do you think jumping jacks count against the "don't shake a baby" rule? Lol re: yoga ball-- my midwife said that doing a rolling motion with your hips is more effective than just bouncing. Like keep your feet set really wide off of it and rock in circles/figure-8s. She said the swaying helps your pelvis open and baby move down?

  24. twodoghouse

    honeydew / 7230 posts

    @anandam: Haha love your labor mantra!

    @Mae: Oh, good to know! I've been doing that quite a bit since is more comfy than the bouncing. I'll try to keep it up during all my strenuous Friday night Lights watching today.

  25. anandam

    kiwi / 687 posts

    @Mae: The MIL numbers are so encouraging! I've been scouring the internet for more stories of tiny women pushing out chunker babies

  26. iluvpink

    cherry / 130 posts

    @Mae: Exactly! we little people can grow big babies we are THAT talented haha my MIL is hardly 5 feet and she had my husband and his twin just fine and they are both tall.

    @anandam: yeah! we are all going to prove them wrong! awww you hubby is sweet and funny! One of older sisters didn't push her babies out, she had to have C-sections for both because she is very petite, she is 4'8, but she grew big babies in there. Both boys and are now over 6 feet each. Their father is very tall.

  27. Beebug

    pomegranate / 3917 posts

    I'm so interested to see what sizes our babies actually are! It seems like everyone is being told they're having big babies! I was never told that wih #1 an definitely don't know any different, she was a 9 pounder!

    I definitely hope this one is up there too, but we shall see!

    I have just heard how off the weight guesses can be, so it will be interesting to see what sizes these babes really are!

    Heading to prenatal massage shortly, did a little project this am, these were the shelves I had cut just for this space, still have he other side of the window to do, finding studs took longer than I would have thought, and I didnt want to poke a zillion holes in the new walls.

    Tried to keep it neutral?

  28. skipra

    pomegranate / 3350 posts

    So much to catch up on! I can't believe how many of you here are growing big babies! I feel like mine will be around average this time. I had a dream he was born at 7lb 10oz. We'll see!

    @Mae: That is crazy about how many of your friends had interventions. I did with DS but I think most women I know that have given birth recently were pretty natural. I never really asked about Pitocin or epidurals though. They are not planning an induction for me (yet) but because of DS I will probably have a BPP at 40 weeks. I think if I end up going over a week late I'll ask for an induction on the 16th because DH does not get much time off work and it would be nice to get an extra couple days by having the baby on a Friday or Saturday. My induction with DS went very smoothly so I would not be too upset to have another. And also, thank you for the motivation to start packing my hospital bag. I set aside a few items and will go to CVS later today to pick up some contact solution and face wipes to pack. It's a start, right?
    @junebugmama: My sister did a natural "induction" basically what you are going to try to do but for the stupidest reason ever - she didn't want him born under a certain astrological sign. I hope it works for you so that baby doesn't get too big that you can't avoid other interventions.
    @iluvpink: Seems so silly to do another glucose test at this point but I guess it couldn't hurt anything. Good luck!
    @cookie_dough: I also don't understand why they would have to check you. Maybe to make sure the head stays down? My midwives said they normally check when doing the GBS test just to make sure head is down. I don't see what difference it would make because I'm sure they would check when you go into labor, right?
    @twodoghouse: I have heard of so many people that were put on bed rest only to go for several weeks once they are able to start moving around. Hopefully the babies will be ready soon!

    I really have nothing to report. My appointment is tomorrow but I don't expect anything more than heartbeat and belly check. Baby needs to stay put through this weekend because we are finally getting things accomplished on his room and DH is installing the flooring which is kind of necessary to make it livable.

  29. skipra

    pomegranate / 3350 posts

    @Beebug: Those are cute! What did you use for brackets? We're going to need some shelves in the nursery too and I usually hate all the bracket options!

  30. cookie_dough

    kiwi / 619 posts

    @Beebug: awww, super cute! DH would go crazy for that muppets album! I was thinking the same thing...everyone is getting told that they are going to have such big babies! I wonder if they will all be as big as predicted. I haven't been told that I will have a big baby...I just have a feeling. DH was a 10 lb baby. DD wasn't that big...7.15lbs...but not tiny either! And if the amount of junk food you eat affects baby's size, I'm in for a giant.

  31. cookie_dough

    kiwi / 619 posts

    @skipra: Ya, i'm wondering if I kind of misunderstood what he said. Maybe he meant that the checks would give us an indication of whether I would likely be delivering vaginally (i.e. if I was dilated at all, etc), rather than that I "needed" the checks for a chance at delivering vaginally. I'm guessing it's the first one...since that makes more sense! And he felt baby from the "outside" today and he's definitely still head down.

  32. Mae

    papaya / 10343 posts

    @Beebug: The shelves look great! I am also SO curious how big my LO will be since I haven't had any u/s in the 3rd trimester. Midwives say there is no reason to think she won't be "average sized" since my growth is exactly "normal"... but seems like some other people are measuring smaller than expected with big babies so who knows!

    @cookie_dough: Yea I'd think they'd not need to check internally for head-down position! My midwives check her position just by feeling my stomach every week and every one of them (I see them on a rotating basis) has no trouble immediately finding her head and going "Yep still head down!" haha. One of them even showed DH how to check and feel for that, but I can't really do it well myself bc I can't reach under my belly at the right angle well enough to feel very well where her head is haha

  33. anandam

    kiwi / 687 posts

    @Mae: At our last appt our midwife estimated the weight by feeling (to see if she agreed with our sono)? Maybe you could ask yours to do the same and give you a ballpark? But like everyone said, we'll only know for sure when they come out!

  34. Mae

    papaya / 10343 posts

    @anandam: I did ask if she could tell by feeling my stomach but she said that she wasn't very comfortable with estimates made that way. That's when she said that by all indications (size right at 50th percentile at 18 and 24 week u/s and the fact that my stomach had measured exactly on-target every week and that I did not have GD and that I had not gained very much weight myself) she expected a "very average" size baby whose size would mostly be depending on when she was born. That was 37 weeks and she said her best guess would be 6.5lb at that point, with a guess of 8lb if she came at 40 weeks and 9lb if she came at 42.

  35. anandam

    kiwi / 687 posts

    @Mae: I guess that makes sense, since we know none of it is really all that accurate, anyway. Funny how sometimes we just want an answer, any answer, even if it's probably wrong...

  36. junebugmama

    nectarine / 2019 posts

    Did anyone else do maternity photos. I know @twodoghouse: did right? Mine are tonight so I was just curious

  37. junebugmama

    nectarine / 2019 posts

    @skipra: Ok that is a pretty silly reason. However, if her body/baby wasn't ready than none of those things would have worked anyway

  38. twodoghouse

    honeydew / 7230 posts

    @junebugmama: I didn't take a real ones - just had my husband snap a few in the backyard in the snow. @Mae had them done recently though!

  39. Mae

    papaya / 10343 posts

    @anandam: lol I know.. human nature! probably us desperately trying to grasp onto some semblance of control through knowledge-- even though everything about this process is completely out of our control

    @junebugmama: I did! Had them done at 36 weeks. Posted some of my favs here: http://boards.hellobee.com/topic/maternity-pics but it is gold so I'll share one in the thread too. Just didn't want to totally photo-bomb/spam the boards with them lol.

    Also, just ran to the grocery store and right when I walked in they had a big cart full of pineapples on manager's special for $1 each. I pineapple, and at $1 each how am I NOT going to buy a couple of them to binge on over the next few days. Seems like the universe might be wanting to help me help fiona along here anyways?

  40. mrsog

    apricot / 388 posts

    its so interesting to see how everyone's experiences with their obs and midwives is different. I have had a quick scan at every single appointment. I had a growth scan at 36 weeks and since 36 I have had cervix checks. mine seems to do more than most but I'm ok with it. probably because there hasnt been anything that is "wrong" it hasn't been stressful for me and I enjoy knowing so much. at 36 weeks he was estimated 6lb 13oz - so maybe a little big but not crazy. I was born at 6lb 12oz (but 2 weeks early) and DH was 6 lb 2oz. we are both small (I'm 5'1" and he is 5'5") and our mothers are very small too. So I don't think he is going to be much bigger. I had my 38 week appt today and my cervix is still tight - nothing happening. Thats ok with me too. I know it can change over night but if hes comfortable he can stay a little longer. My doctor did say she won't let me go past 41 weeks. not sure why thats her cutoff but that makes me a little nervous about being induced just bc I've heard some negative things about the pictocin. but like I've said before - I am very go with the flow so I'm ok with anything that happens

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