Hellobee Boards


May 2014 moms!

  1. Beebug

    pomegranate / 3917 posts

    @skipra: just used metal elbow brackets. With where I put the stuff on the shelves it sort of achieves the floating shelf look? Can see bracket from under each shelf, but is practical, and works! I didn't want it to be too complicated.

    Just got the other side up. On one shelf I put five leftover handprint keepsake things leftover from DD. I know we have more too, not to be ungrateful on gifts but I reallllly hope we dot get any of those again!

  2. Beebug

    pomegranate / 3917 posts

    @cookie_dough: got the muppet album for 25 cents at a yard sale before I had DD. I've seen it priced decently ($20+) at a few antique places, will hang on to it, easy decor for a former Sesame Street addict

  3. cookie_dough

    kiwi / 619 posts

    @Beebug: Before DD was born, we bought a ton of cool looking albums to use as decoration for the nursery. I'm not sure what happened to them! we never ended up using them!

  4. Beebug

    pomegranate / 3917 posts

    @Mae: I love your mat pics! So not my thing for me, but yours and @twodoghouse: 's I like how natural they seem!

  5. Beebug

    pomegranate / 3917 posts

    @cookie_dough: there is a big bird one behind that one! I had them up in DDs nursery on shelves at our old place! Too fun, I like the colours, not gender dominant!

  6. Mae

    papaya / 10343 posts

    @mrsog: yea, it is funny how every practice is different! I know that the lack of ultrasounds at my practice is actually a health-system wide thing (there are multiple OB practices and then the midwife practice that are all associated under the same university health system and all deliver at the same university hospital). They don't even have abdominal U/S machines in the offices I don't think? Whenever you need an abdominal u/s they send you to MFM for it, which is a separate practice in the same health system. So I think that they only do them when really "necessary." As for cervical checks, I believe my OB's practice would have done them. The midwives are happy to do them if you want them and are just curious, but because they don't feel they are indicative of anything they don't do them as standard practice because they're just not about doing things for no reason. And since I'm not really that curious about the state of my cervix (since I don't think it would be predictive) I haven't asked for any. Although weirdly enough, DH said that TWO women at his work have asked if I'm dilated yet. At what point in our society did it become okay to ask a man about his wife's cervix? For any reason? lol.

    Also, btw, hoping @glitter: checks in with us soon!! I've been thinking about her the past day hoping everything is well with her and LO!

    @beebug: thank you!! I prob wouldn't have gotten them done except I traded sessions with a photog friend of mine. But its nice to have some. And we did keep it casual, we were actually just planning on the in-home ones but it was such a pretty day I decided to throw on a dress and walk to the park 2 blocks from our house for a few. The whole session only took 30 min. haha

  7. Beebug

    pomegranate / 3917 posts

    Right side shelves! Little busier, rocking chair and night stand are under this set of shelves.

  8. skipra

    pomegranate / 3350 posts

    @junebugmama: No maternity photos. My sister took some last time but I didn't see her this pregnancy so we didn't get any. Do you really think you can't self-induce too early? My nephew was born at just 37 weeks and he had some breathing troubles at first. Pretty much what you were saying earlier about the difference between 37 weekers and 39-40 weekers.

    @Mae: OMG I can't walk past the pineapples in the grocery store lately. They've been so cheap and so delicious. I don't actually think they are doing anything but I can't resist.

    @mrsog: Wow you have scans and internal checks at every appointment? My appointments are so quick, sometimes I'm in and out of the office in under 15 minutes!

  9. Mae

    papaya / 10343 posts

    @Beebug: so cute!

    @skipra: Yea I'm slightly skeptical that they'd do enough (or I could eat enough to be useful) for that purpose anyways. But they fall under the category of "an excuse to eat lots of delicious pineapple? don't mind if I do! And who knows, maybe it will help!" to me.

    Re: self-inducing too early.. my totally non-medical understanding is that none of the things you can do to "self-induce" are dangerous at any point in pregnancy. Walking, yoga ball, sex, pineapple, spicy food, etc.... none of that is going to cause a problem unless your body is inclined to going earlier than it should anyways. I guess the exceptions would be the rrl tea and EPO, which my midwives didn't have me start until 36-37 weeks. But the way it's been explained to me/I understand it... there is sort of a range of time when it would be fine to go into labor. Some babies are always going to be born before they're ready. But for most people the baby won't come before s/he is ready so gentle encouragement via those things above is safe because you're just making the path easier. Not forcing out a kid who doesn't want to come and isn't ready to come.

  10. mrsog

    apricot / 388 posts

    @skipra: I have seen my baby at every single appointment during pregnancy. I am the only person I know whos doctor does this. She has a machine in every room. its usually quick like there is the heartbeat, there is the head, and measure some fluid - but it was really neat to see him every time. for the actual in depth scans like the anatomy scan and the growth scan I go to the hospital where they have the Center for Maternal-Fetal Medicine. I have had cervix checks the past 3 appts (weekly) and they have all been the same - nothing is happening lol the appointments are still very quick though.

    @Beebug: love the shelves - looks like you are getting a lot accomplished today. hope the knee is feeling ok!

  11. twodoghouse

    honeydew / 7230 posts

    @Beebug: Love the shelves! They look great! How's the knee feeling? Hope you're feeling a little better!

    @mrsog: I have US at every appt too. I'm high risk (twins) so I know that factors into it, though. I've also had my cervix checked several times since 32 weeks. That's when I went into preterm labor, though, so I'm not sure when that would have started otherwise. I've loved seeing my babies at all the appointments though!

  12. Glitter

    persimmon / 1281 posts

    I've missed so much and my eyes won't let me play catch up now... Too dizzy!

    So I basically spent 24 hrs at the hospital running a million and one tests to find out why the dizziness and lightheadedness just would not let up. Multiple blood pressure tests, glucose finger pricks, blood draws, fetal monitoring, oxygen level checks, ecg and im sure im forgetting some... everything was looking perfect for the first couple hrs of testing then my doc returned and noticed I had some high thyroid readings that indicate a type of thyroid disease that surfaces in pregnancy and causes dizziness, lightheadedness and rapid heartbeat. I've been experiencing all of the above. Apparently it is hereditary and I never knew anyone in my family suffered with thyroid issues but my mom is here and informed us all that she in fact has thyroid issues.

    Since im 37w 3days as of today doc says I cant begin treatment now because my body will only begin responding in a few weeks when ive already reached my due date. And since it has surfaced because of pregnancy hormones, after delivery I should be all back to normal. So for now im on stricter bed rest. No exercise, no swimming, and I cannot be left alone at all because I run the risk of fainting and affecting LO and my oxygen levels... He also wants to induce a week early so that the dizziness does not have the time to get out of control, while giving LO a little more time to mature physically so... new due date set to May 5! Cinco de mayo baby!

    Im not thrilled about induction. I feel like it may make my natural birth plans more difficult and then I run a higher c section risk, but passing out and endangering our health is not an issue to play with. Im just so grateful (can't say it enough) that my mom is here and came weeks early because I need her now more than ever. DH has to keep working so she's keeping a watchful eye on me round the clock.

    I hope everyone else is doing well! Im gonna catch up, but slowly because the reading is difficult when my head feels so funny.

    Thanks for all of your thoughts and prayers and concern!

  13. Mae

    papaya / 10343 posts

    @Glitter: I'm so glad to hear that you and baby are okay, if dealing with a really sucky thyroid issue I'm sorry you may not get the natural birth you want (although maybe baby boy will decide to surprise you and vacate early before you even get induced?) but it sounds like they are taking good care of you and one way or the other you'll have an awesome healthy cinco de mayo baby! Yay margaritas! lol

  14. junebugmama

    nectarine / 2019 posts

    @Mae: Oh yes I saw this thread! I totally forgot!
    @skipra: It depends. There's a lot of other things you can do besides what I suggested that I think are dangerous, because it can cause you to go into labor at anytime. However, the things I mentioned are pretty benign.

  15. Mae

    papaya / 10343 posts

    Anyone else's SOs cracking them up lately? Pre-pregnancy we tended to be pretty close-lipped about medical stuff, sort of "keep the mystery" type people. But obviously pregnancy requires a certain amount of comfort with the lady parts that my DH has totally embraced. He's been calling my RRL tea "uterus tea" and he made up a little jingle about it he sings whenever I get a glass. And ever since the midwife mentioned that DTD helps dilate the cervix he talks about how we need to "work on that cervix" haha. I guess I assumed he'd be sort of squeamish/uncomfortable with all this but instead he brings up my bits n pieces as casually as he'd talk about what's for dinner and its just sort of cracking me up.

  16. junebugmama

    nectarine / 2019 posts

    @Mae: That's how it was with our first and then just continued from there. We are still private about our bathroom time and what not, but pregnancy and birth changes everything, and for us it was in a good way.

  17. Beebug

    pomegranate / 3917 posts

    Happy Friday ladies!! This time next Friday it will be MAY!!!!! "Official" due dates will start coming, and so will the babies, eeee!!!

  18. Mae

    papaya / 10343 posts

    @Beebug: so exciting!!!!! I'm 9 days (omg single digits) away from my due date and only 6 days away from the day I'm sort of hoping to have her! (May 1).

    Also, I noticed my first ever contraction last night! This whole time I've had no BH or anything. Last night though I was laying in bed and noticed my whole stomach go tight and hard and then relax again. Didn't hurt at all and I probably wouldn't have noticed if I didn't have my hands on my stomach. I know it doesn't mean anything at all, but I was still excited to feel like SOMETHING is going on in there

  19. junebugmama

    nectarine / 2019 posts

    I posted a couple shots from my maternity shoot last night.


    grape / 99 posts

    Hey May Mammas! I'm officially the worst member of this bunch, but wanted to let you all know that I'm thinking of you and your sweet squishy babes. Work has been bonkers in Q1 so I have been MIA, but definitely keeping up with you.

    As for me, baby girl and I are doing relatively good. I was diagnosed with GD at 31 weeks so that has put a cramp in my root beer float cravings. Then at 36 weeks the drs noticed my blood sugar was way too low after meals so they stuck me in the hospital for a weekend to monitor & rule out failing placenta. All was good until my follow up appt at 37 weeks where my blood pressure was at 140/90, so off I went to L&D. While there my bp dropped and they let me go home. Thankfully for the last 2 weeks I've been able to work from home and my GD & BP have been ok. Because of the multiple issues my dr says she won't let me go past 40wks and recommends inducing next week. We've agreed to the induction but I am a little nervous about cascading interventions. I'd really like to avoid a c-section. So, the plan right now is to go in Wednesday night and start pit Thursday am (5/1, I'll be 39w4d). Anyone else know they're being induced yet?

    I've just finished up some projects so I think I'm going to go on leave next week rather than try to juggle working the 3 days before induction. Hopefully that means more time to HB with you lovely ladies! Here's to an exciting next month for all!

  21. twodoghouse

    honeydew / 7230 posts

    @Beebug: @Mae: Yay for May being so close!!! I can't really believe we are almost there. It's totally surreal.

    Had a dr appt today and I'm starting to dilate. I'm at 1.5 so not much, but I feel like maybe my body is figuring things out now. I tried to convince my dr to induce me today but she wasn't having it. She said if we can get them to 38 weeks that is ideal for twins. We did schedule my induction for May 2 (38 w 1 d) though as a "compromise" in case they don't come on their own. So weird that a week from today I'll be on my way to meeting them. I'm still going to try to walk, yoga ball and pineapple my way into labor though. Might get desperate and try to have sex? I can't even fathom how that will work, but desperate times call for desperate measures, right?

  22. Mae

    papaya / 10343 posts

    @twodoghouse: aw, yay for a good appointment and a date certain for meeting babies if they don't come sooner!! Hopefully they make a spontaneous arrival in the next week though. Re: sex-- I'd consider how much you really don't want to haha. I mean they say it helps but I still feel pretty good so we've been having regular sex still and I've never had so much as a contraction after. I wouldn't count on it as a sure-fire thing... I guess is what I'm saying. But if you do want to give it a try, I recommend spooning position (tmi? Lol is there such a thing here anymore?). Keeps belly out of the way.

  23. anandam

    kiwi / 687 posts

    @Mae: Haha, yes, DH says funny things all the time. Our euphemism for sex these days is "make some prostaglandins," ever since our midwife explained the mechanism for how it can help prep for labor.

    @Beebug: At some point every other day or so it hits me that our babies are all actually coming soon! Mind-boggling.

    @junebugmama: Ooo they're beautiful! You're like this radiant celestial epitome of Woman! The makeshift dress works perfectly So glad DH made you go.

    @MRSHONEYBEAR: Welcome back and congrats on managing the BP and GDM enough to keep the baby safely inside!

    @twodoghouse: Crazy to have a date set! I know you're tired but I'm also so impressed with your body and babies for holding it together this long, you know? And since we're throwing out position recommendations (possibility of TMI ended months ago, right) we've been most successful with me on top. For some reason I feel better upright than side-lying for that particular activity. There is a lot of belly in between us, but that's kinda part of the deal at this point.

  24. anandam

    kiwi / 687 posts

    @Mae: Forgot to say congrats on the first contraction! Things are really happening down there... and will soon be REALLY happening! I've been feeling particularly "premenstrual" the last few days, lots of little cramping and loose stools and a little fatigue... I'm not sure that means anything imminent, but it's clear my body is entering some new phase of this process...!

  25. skipra

    pomegranate / 3350 posts

    Happy Friday! I cant believe May is so close either!

    @Glitter: So sorry to hear about your thyroid issue. Hoping the best rest will make these last few weeks tolerable. It stinks that you've had such a rough pregnancy

    @MRSHONEYBEAR: Good to hear your update but not good that you've also been experiencing prregnancy struggles. Maybe you will have the first May baby! With DS I was induced at 39 weeks. I wasn't ready so they tried cervical ripening which didn't seem to do much. Once the pitocin was started he was ready to go and I had a very uncomplicated delivery. I was also very nervous about the induction because they thought he might not tolerate labor well. Hopefully your induction will go just as smoothly.

    @twodoghouse: hay for having an end date and some dilation! Just one more week at the most til you meet your babies!

    So I think I overdid it yesterday. Between painting the nursery and chasing DS around all day (he was a little fiesty) I probably only really sat and relaxed for an hour between when I woke op and 9 pm. Of course I was having contractions before bed and baby was putting a lot of pressure on my cervix. I woke up this morning and it feels like he's going to fall out! Anyone else feeling like that yet? The midwife told me just to drink.lots of water at my appointment this morning.

  26. Mae

    papaya / 10343 posts

    @anandam: same! crampy and some GI issues for the last few days. Although I've also been eating easter candy all week so I'm hesitant to blame all of it on baby... haha

    @skipra: I get lots of pelvic bone pain and pelvic pressure if I'm on my feet too long! Moreso since baby dropped last weekend.

  27. skipra

    pomegranate / 3350 posts

    And the contractions are back! They still just feel like BH but have been pretty frequent the past hour or so. I'm drinking my water and relaxing while DS naps. Please cross your fingers that they go away and this baby stays put until we some flooring in his room tomorrow!

  28. mrsog

    apricot / 388 posts

    @skipra: I have been having lots of BH that last few days also. They don't hurt at all but something is def happening. Since I know I'm not dilated at all though I think I'm ok. Doc said the uterus is just gearing up for whats eventually going to happen! I hope LO gives you some more time to get the room done - good luck!

  29. Mae

    papaya / 10343 posts

    @skipra: aw, stay put baby!

  30. twodoghouse

    honeydew / 7230 posts

    @skipra: Oh man, I will cross my fingers that your LO stays put for a little longer! Even though I selfishly want to meet more May babies! Hope you're getting some rest now!

    @Mae: Are you still feeling crampy? You're a beginning of May due date, right? Ahhhh, it could be any time now!

    @mrsog: Yay for your BH too!

    I feel super lame because I'm all like "yeah I'm going to walk these babies right out" but I took my dog on a 10 minute walk and tired myself out to the point of needing a 2 hour nap. So much for that plan!

  31. Mae

    papaya / 10343 posts

    @twodoghouse: On and off, yea. Although less so today than earlier this week. I'm due next weekend, so who knows! Also I totally feel you on best laid plans haha. My plan is to walk every night after dinner and so far I've done okay... but I sat on my yoga ball for like 2 hrs today while I was working and my pelvis was so sore when I got up (which is prob good I guess? must be working to stretch it or something?) that I can barely walk across my house. It's only 7:30 and I already put on my pajamas and declared myself done for the day... lol

  32. skipra

    pomegranate / 3350 posts

    Thanks ladies! The contractions seem to have calmed down. For a while they were like 4 min apart and getting progressively more uncomfortable. I guess I must have been pretty dehydrated after my busy day yesterday. Once they seemed to subside considerably I was able go take a walk and stretch our my legs. Feeling so much better! BH are infrequent now and barely uncomfortable so I'm feeling good about making it through the weekend!

  33. junebugmama

    nectarine / 2019 posts

    @anandam: thank you!

    @skipra: Yes to the falling out feeling. I told DH that I think if I grunt hard, his head would just pop out!

    @twodoghouse: I feel you on the lame part. I keep telling DH we should take a nice long walk every night. Right now I'm eating a cupcake, watching bravo, and wasting time on HB

  34. cheesetomywhine

    pear / 1586 posts

    Hi ladies, I am enjoying reading everything that is happening with you. I apologize for being too lazy to respond individually at the moment though since I am behind in the conversation. So exciting that things are starting to happen with all of you! May is SO SOON.

    As for us, S is doing wonderful. R is in love with him which I am extremely happy about. It had me worried. I am still in disbelief that my little man came early. I thought for sure he'd be late. I am feeling great and recovery is/was much easier this time around. I'm thinking because I didn't need stitches. However S did cause some damage with a bad latch but alas it isn't that bad so we are powering through. R looks and says "ow mumma's boobies! No more sips" when she sees the scabs which I think is too cute.

    I am so excited to see who will be next!

    As for ways to promote labor, the only thing I did was take out my yoga ball (on Thursday 4-17) and sit on it infrequently while watching tv.

  35. Beebug

    pomegranate / 3917 posts

    @cheesetomywhine: Glad to hear you are doing well, and everything is going great for you guys!!

    I was having solid contractions yesterday afternoon, and last night and really thinking something was going to happen, but nothing! DH was pretty worried (and was hilarious, like "do you have a bag packed" haha) but they settled down, and nothing today.

    I took some pics of a friends little guy yesterday (I am by no means a photog, but do get lucky with some decent shots!) and she was laughing at how out of breath I was just taking pictures. I didn't even notice, but sometimes do, and it is sort of funny how huffy and puffy I can get while not really doing anything!

  36. Mae

    papaya / 10343 posts

    @cheesetomywhine: so glad things are going mostly well!!

    @Beebug: aw, what a bummer! I think this is my biggest fear at this point, that I'll be one of those people who has days/weeks of contractions that go nowhere. Both because that is a mindfuck and also because my parents are driving in when I go into labor and I know I'm going to be worried about making them board the dog and drive down here just to find out it was a false alarm (but my mom doesn't really want me to wait until I get to the hospital to call either because she is super paranoid about missing the birth). Hopefully whenever my (real painful) contractions start, it's actually go time! Also re: husbands... I woke up at 630 this morning to pee and on the way back from the bathroom little girl shifted and gave me a serious case of lightning crotch that left me bent over the side of the bed. DH woke up all startled thinking I was going into labor hah. Like nope! I will let you know, I promise.

  37. twodoghouse

    honeydew / 7230 posts

    @cheesetomywhine: I'm so glad things are going well with your little guy. Sorry about the latching issues though! Sounds painful! So cute about R being in love with S! That picture you posted of them on Facebook was precious. She looked so excited!

    @Beebug: Exciting about your contractions! So funny about your husband getting worried about things being ready, too. Glad things settled down for now, but maybe it won't be long!

    @Mae: My parents are driving in too (from Texas to Illinois!) so I have given them strict instructions not to start driving till I am legitimately admitted to the hospital. I don't want them halfway here and then say "oops!" They aren't trying to make it for the actual birth, though, since it's just going to be me, DH and 500 medical personnel in the room, as mandated by hospital policy for twins (I have to deliver in OR too). Now that we are looking at induction next Friday it actually takes some of the pressure off of deciding when to call my parents, etc.

    So I think we discussed once before that 2014 is like the year of the babies with my friends and family. There have been so many Facebook birth announcements in the last couple weeks. It's making me antsy!!

  38. Glitter

    persimmon / 1281 posts

    @cheesetomywhine: glad that things are going well! Also, thanks for the yoga ball reminder. I tend to forget that mine exists...

    DH took some pics of me recently.. kind of a non-pro shoot. We wanted to get some done together but it has been so difficult to organise with random things coming up. Who knows if we ever do get to it. Anyway, here are a few of my favs from the solo shoot

  39. twodoghouse

    honeydew / 7230 posts

    @Glitter: Those are so beautiful! You look fantastic!

  40. Glitter

    persimmon / 1281 posts

    @twodoghouse: Thanks!!

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