Hellobee Boards


May 2016 moms!

  1. YogiRunner

    clementine / 849 posts

    Playing catch up...

    @delight: Oh no… I am so sorry. I know it’s been rough from the beginning so I hope you can start the healing and recovery process. Wishing you peace.

    @autumnmama79: YES I am so psyched to be out of the first tri. A) it kicked my butt and B) it didn’t feel “real” yet and I didn’t allow myself to get too excited or fully enjoy the experience. After seeing the little guy squirm on the u/s last week and now that I’m (slowly) feeling better, I’m way more happy/excited! We are starting to tell people which makes it much more real too. And my belly is swollen (with gas, but whatever) so I have something to pat lovingly.

    @atoz: @trailrunner: Would love to hear how you prepare for an unmedicated birth. Is hiring a doula key to this? I always thought I’d just say no to drugs, but after having a very uncomfortable HSG to rule out blocked tubes earlier this year, I’ve been rethinking that decision, and am kind of torn. I realized I *hate* pain/discomfort down there that feels out of my control… I literally stopped breathing and had a mini panic attack! But I would love to have this baby without an epidural and 100% believe in the power of breathing and meditation. How did you come to this conclusion and how are you preparing for the experience? (If you don't mind me asking, if it's too personal tell me to buzz off!)

    @mommyof2: Welcome! I’m also due May 5th

    @tinyperson: @myonlysunshine: My nausea/vomiting got much worse at 9-10 weeks, but it slowly got better from there starting the beginning of week 11. I’m not out of the woods yet (had a nice visit to the toilet this morning) but am much better than I was a few weeks ago!

    Anyone do the panorama blood test instead of the NT scan/blood test combo? I'm still waiting on my results...

  2. Autumnmama79

    pear / 1703 posts

    Girls! I just got back from meeting my new OB and she is wonderful and kind and everything I was hoping for. She has an U/S machine in her office and I got to see our flipping, bouncing, waving little baby!!! I'm over the moon right now. I had been panicky b/c I reached 12 weeks on wed and immediately I felt better, no more nausea, vomit or general garbage feeling. So of course I was worried. But now I can rest assure that I was just the joy of moving into the 2nd tri and relief from those difficult symptoms. This has been such a nerve wracking past few months and I feel like I can finally breathe a small sigh of relief.

  3. iluvboba637

    kiwi / 549 posts

    @YogiRunner: I did the visibiliT genetics blood test and got the results exactly a week after my blood was drawn. I'm still doing the NT and reg blood test combo too. Hope u get your panorama results soon.

  4. iluvboba637

    kiwi / 549 posts

    @atoz: i get cramps and stabbing pains. My OB isn't concerned about them. Hang in there.

  5. TrailRunner

    kiwi / 585 posts

    @YogiRunner: well, to be honest I have an incredibly low pain tolerance, so idk how in the hell I am going to manage to go epidural free. I do know that the hospital I will deliver at offers tubs you can use to help with contractions. I am going to start doing some research on pain management methods. In an ideal world I would hire a doula, but I'm not sure if we could find a good one within our budget. I will def update with methods I find while researching if you want. I'm not against epidurals, so I don't look down on people getting them. I just have an intense fear of them, and not getting one would also appease my hippie husband. (Not that he would ever dare tell me not to get one!)

    ETA: I also got the panorama blood test. Waiting to hear back too. The wait is killing me!

  6. YogiRunner

    clementine / 849 posts

    @Autumnmama79: Aw that is amazing. Congrats

    @TrailRunner: Thanks for sharing where you're at with this! I could go either way this point, I don't have any major issue with epis, I just wanted to aim for no meds if I could (says the girl who has never given birth). It would satisfy my hippie side, but definitely no judgment either way. Part of me doesn't need to be a hero, the other part is like "you can do it!"

  7. fitfigure87

    grape / 79 posts

    @Due Date:
    Location: Peoria, AZ
    EDD: May 10th
    How far Along: 11 weeks
    First Child: 3rd pregnancy and 4th Child (WOW)
    First DR Appt: Had three already but Nov. 16th for Gender Reveal!
    Symptoms: Constipation, nausea (almost gone), crying over EVERYTHING!
    Who have you told: Too many people!

  8. Mamasig

    pomegranate / 3565 posts

    @fitfigure87: Welcome! 4 babies - wow! I'm a bit petrified to go from 2 to 3.

  9. fitfigure87

    grape / 79 posts

    @Mamasig: Hi there! Thanks for the reply, as this is my first time being a part of any blog or group! I have a son who's 8, and twin boys who are 7! I must say this pregnancy is much much harder than my previous 2! I was so nervous/scared when I found out about this pregnancy bc I was just waiting to get an IUD in! OOPS! I do believe everything happens for a reason so I'm just going with it=) How old are your two?

  10. Mamasig

    pomegranate / 3565 posts

    @fitfigure87: My boys are 3 and 17 months. This pregnancy feels harder for me too! I already feel as big as a house and I think I'm carrying differently than before.

  11. fitfigure87

    grape / 79 posts

    @Mamasig: Amen to that! Are you hoping for a girl!? I was actually hoping for a little reassurance from everyone here. I have already gained 6 lbs and I am a super healthy person. I have barely skipped any workouts and although I have gone a little overboard on carbs (intense nausea earlier on) I don't understand why I have gained this much! I can barely step on the scale without wanting to cry I am 5'2" and pre-preg I was 113lbs. My poor husband said he is going to throw the scale away LOL

  12. Mamasig

    pomegranate / 3565 posts

    @fitfigure87: Yes, part of me wants a girl. But honestly the thought of three little boys makes me happy. We'll see! I have already gained 10 pounds. Eating is the only thing that kind of helps with the nausea. It's just kind of depressing! My body is not what it was after three pregnancies in 4 years!

  13. MrsPerrella

    apple seed / 4 posts

    Location: New Hampshire

    EDD: May 15th ( My birthday!)

    How far along: 10 weeks on Sunday

    First child? Yes, This is our honeymoon baby actually!

    First doctor appointment: 09/29/2015

    Any symptoms so far? Nausea -- so much nausea.

    Who have you told? My husband and I each told a close friend!

  14. fitfigure87

    grape / 79 posts

    @MrsPerrella: Congratulations and welcome!

  15. MrsPerrella

    apple seed / 4 posts

    @fitfigure87: Thank you! I was reading over your posts with the weight gain, I haven't gained too many pounds but my pants no longer fit! We are off to Target tonight to get me something I can be comfortable in besides my leggings under sun dresses! I have always been very slim so my growing uterus is obvious!

  16. TrailRunner

    kiwi / 585 posts

    @Autumnmama79: Awww! Great update! So happy for you!

    @fitfigure87: congrats and welcome!

    @MrsPerrella: congrats and welcome! So cool your EDD is your bday!

    I need your opinions...would you go see a scary movie in 3d? I wanted to go to a haunted house, but it said not recommended for pregnant women, so now Im curious about this movie.

  17. fitfigure87

    grape / 79 posts

    @TrailRunner: Thanks! Definitely would not recommend a haunted house! I pee my pants when not pregnant...couldn't imagine what would happen now that I am LOL Scary movie should be OK unless its like the Paranormal stuff...personally my heart rate would be in the 180's!

  18. TrailRunner

    kiwi / 585 posts

    @fitfigure87: ha yeah, those are the movies I am talking about. I am obsessed with those movies, but I guess I'll hold off on them for now.

  19. Mamasig

    pomegranate / 3565 posts

    @TrailRunner: My only concern is if the noise etc would give me a headache or make me nauseous.

  20. TrailRunner

    kiwi / 585 posts

    @Mamasig: I didn't even think of the nausea. Very good point bc I am back to vomiting daily again, so I don't want to do anything that would add to that. Thanks for bringing that up!

  21. YogiRunner

    clementine / 849 posts

    @TrailRunner: Ugh, oh no! Sorry to hear MS hasn't left town yet. I also thought I was allll better because 2 days went by without vomiting. HA. It's back... ooohhh, it's back. My doc said the good days will eventually outnumber the bad and one day it'll be gone. I am going to trust her on that one But I've never heard of avoiding scary experiences/things when preg? What could really happen?

  22. atoz

    cherry / 201 posts

    @YogiRunner: @TrailRunner: I also have a pretty low pain tolerance, so I'm not sure how I'll hand up handling the pain, but I also tend to dislike the feeling of anesthesia or not feeling in control. To start, I'm trying to make sure I'm with a practice that will support me through an unmedicated birth & is prepared with strategies to do so.

    I would like to hire a doula but I don't think it's in my budget, so I think my mom & hubby will end up being my main supports...and I feel like I'm in good hands there! (She never had pain meds during her labor/deliveries, and DH works in the medical field.)

    That's about it for now, but I'm happy to update as I go along! It's definitely a journey. It's so early that I feel silly asking my OB about their practices supporting women through delivery (waaay far off) but at the same time it's something I definitely need to do.

  23. atoz

    cherry / 201 posts

    @fitfigure87: @MrsPerrella: Congratulations & welcome!

    @Autumnmama79: Congrats on the happy ultrasound results! So glad you're feeling better. I can't wait for some of these first tri symptoms to move on...they're kicking my butt!

  24. YogiRunner

    clementine / 849 posts

    I think a list of everyone's due dates and maybe even next OB visit would help us all keep track of where everyone is... I'm happy to do it, will just need to wait until tmw night when have enough time to go through 15 pages of comments

    What do you guys think?

  25. atoz

    cherry / 201 posts

    Great idea!

  26. sslm

    cantaloupe / 6397 posts

    @YogiRunner: that would be great! I was thinking that the other day but I was too lazy to go through everything haha

    I'm just over here, still feel like crap. 13 weeks tomorrow!

  27. Mamasig

    pomegranate / 3565 posts

    @YogiRunner: that would be nice! I've thought about it but usually check HB on my phone.

  28. TrailRunner

    kiwi / 585 posts

    @YogiRunner: I'm the same as you! Good days outnumbering the bad. Hopefully it completely goes away for us soon. Making a list would be great. If I remember correctly I feel like someone made a list early on, so maybe you could just update that one? Idk I can barely remember anything anymore!

    @atoz: I would def like to hear updates from you on what pain coping methods you find! I'm glad to have other low pain tolerance ppl attempting this too!

  29. YogiRunner

    clementine / 849 posts

    May 2016 Mamas

    May 2: iluvboba637 ; braveturtle
    May 3: autumnmama79 ; csross217; littlecasita1122; sslm; miss flamingo
    May 5: yogirunner ; sharpie; mommyof2
    May 6: trailrunner
    May 7: lov2teach; baby boy mom
    May 9: xinfinity
    May 10: fitfigure87
    May 13: ohemgee
    May 14: kelli_elizabeth; annabelle g
    May 15: nguyening; mrsperrella
    May 18: moderndayjibarita
    May 19: my only sunshine;
    May 20: atoz
    May 21: iheartleopardprint; mamasig
    May 26: tinyperson
    May 29: hazeleyes

    I tried my best to capture everyone, please let me know if I've missed you or if your EDD has changed!

    Also I started adding , , and so let me know if you'd like that designated

  30. Autumnmama79

    pear / 1703 posts

    @YogiRunner: Thank you!! So great to see everyone up there If you get a chance could you move me to May 3? Dr. changed it at appt last week. Also, we are team green too!!

    Glad to hear some of you are starting to feel better. We can do this!

    I've been feeling the flutters of baby jumping and flipping around I felt DD at 14 weeks and this is my 4th pregnancy. They are faint but they are there! Anyone else??

  31. Mamasig

    pomegranate / 3565 posts

    @YogiRunner: thanks! Technically, I'm may 21 but I'm a c section mama so LO will get here earlier. The earliest I can schedule is 39 weeks.

    Anyone feeling worse? I hit 10 weeks and feel totally awful. I can't wait to start feeling better.

  32. Autumnmama79

    pear / 1703 posts

    @Mamasig: 10 weeks was awful for me too, mama. Started the climb out in the 11th week. Hold on, better is just around the corner!

  33. Mamasig

    pomegranate / 3565 posts

    @Autumnmama79: A few times I've thought I've felt something but I'm only 10 weeks so my husband says it's gas! I had anterior placentas with my boys so I didn't feel them move until much later.

  34. littlecasita1122

    persimmon / 1026 posts

    @Autumnmama79: I've been feeling early on flutters, too. Crazy huh?! I remember feeling flutters around week 17 or 18 with my first son but didn't get a good on kick until a couple weeks after that.

    I had my ultrasound last Friday and all looks good - felt so relieved after the appt. Baby was moving all around and the tech said he/she must be getting ready to keep up with big brother I was feeling better at the beginning of last week but then was stuck in bed on and off all weekend with nausea again.

  35. Autumnmama79

    pear / 1703 posts

    @Mamasig: I'm not sure if DH believes me either bc he can't feel/see them

    You mentioned you're having a repeat c-section with this babe. I had one with my first and need to decide if I want another or try for vbac. Lots to consider! On the one hand I'd like to try for vag but on the other I would know what to expect and could schedule another c! Will keep thinking and evaluating as the pg goes on...

  36. Autumnmama79

    pear / 1703 posts

    @littlecasita1122: Yay! Flutters are so great right?

    Congrats on the ultrasound! Best sight in the world these days.

  37. iluvboba637

    kiwi / 549 posts

    @YogiRunner: thanks for updating the list!!! You rock!!! I'm having a girl here. DH and DS are so excited!!!

  38. Mamasig

    pomegranate / 3565 posts

    @Autumnmama79: Yes, this will be my 3rd. My 1st was scheduled due to size - he was 10lbs 9 oz at birth. I really didn't want to try that vaginally. My 2nd ended up needing to come early because of low fluid. I've never gone into labor and honestly I don't think my body would. I've never had any real signs that labor was coming. So this being my 3rd and last, we'll just go with a repeat c. I don't mind - I know what to expect.

  39. YogiRunner

    clementine / 849 posts

    @Autumnmama79: @Mamasig: @iluvboba637: My pleasure! Was able to make your edits on the original list but will update here and there. It is really cool to see the full list. And congrats on your little girl, @iluvboba637!!

    We got our panorama results back on Friday (low risk, phew) and it was hard to ignore that we'd also know the sex if we'd checked "yes" on the form I'm loving hearing guesses as we tell people though... I keep thinking boy

  40. iluvboba637

    kiwi / 549 posts

    @Mamasig: I didn't have a c-section with DS but I was induced and idk of my body knows how to go into labor either LOl. I'm gonna ask my OB what the likelihood is of having a second induction if i had to be induced with the first. I totally know how you feel about being ok w a repeat c-section though. BC part of me is ok with another induction too since I already know what to expect.

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