Welcome and congrats to our May 2016 moms.
How far along:
First child?
First doctor appointment:
Any symptoms so far?
Who have you told?
Welcome and congrats to our May 2016 moms.
How far along:
First child?
First doctor appointment:
Any symptoms so far?
Who have you told?
cantaloupe / 6017 posts
Going to be brave and get this started....
I changed some of the questions a bit, do whatever works for you. This was such a support to me during my first pregnancy!
EDD: May 16, 2016
First doctor appointment: October 14
Any symptoms so far/ How are you feeling? I've been more tired than usual. Getting out of breath more easily when walking/ climbing stairs. And I have felt nauseous pretty much all day long. Its worse right after I eat. I've gagged a few times, but haven't vomited yet. Heightened sense of smell. Those last two symptoms are pretty awful right now because my daughter is sick with a stomach bug....yikes.
Emotionally this has been totally different than my first pregnancy when we were so excited. I didn't really think I'd get pregnant this cycle, so I"m still kind of surprised/can't believe it/keep waiting for something to happen. I think after I'm further along/we have the first appointment I will start to feel more connected/excited.
Who have you told? A few close friends. We are going to wait a little longer before we tell parents and other people. We'll probably try to get to the first appointment, but honestly I'm not sure I can wait that long. We'll see.
First baby? No- I have a 2 1/2 year old daughter who was born in April of 2013.
A little about you: We live in a rural part of Northern New England. We just bought a house this summer, so we've been doing lots of projects. My husband is in his final year of residency to be a pediatrician, he will start at an outpatient practice next July. I work part time (2 days/week) as a therapist in private practice. I'm not sure what the plan will be when the baby is born. I stayed home for about 18 months with our daughter. I will at least cut my hours down to one day a week (my husband will be working 4 days, so we wouldn't need childcare which would be great).
papaya / 10570 posts
Yay! The May mummies are coming out of the woodwork! Ive been waiting for this to happen; My baby is due 27th April and so all of the April mums are further along than me!
@Silva: Congratulations!!
kiwi / 585 posts
I've been a little scared to join in on this board, but I guess I will go ahead and do it!
Location: Metro-Atlanta
EDD: May 6, 2016
How far along: 5w1d
First child? yes!!
First doctor appointment: 9/24
Any symptoms so far? I have had nausea with vomiting for about a week now. Some days it isn't so bad, but other days it's like the only thing that keeps me from vomiting is eating. It's horrible. I've been trying to keep exercising and eating healthy to prevent extreme weight gain, but we will see I guess. My boobs are also insanely sore. I also have some moderate to heavy cramping in my back, but my OB's office has reassured me its just scar tissue and adhesions from my endo.
Who have you told? Just a few close friends. I am too scared of a miscarriage to get really excited, so I haven't told any family yet. We might tell them after we see how our first appt at 8 weeks goes.
cantaloupe / 6017 posts
@Cherrybee: congrats! You have a daughter close in age to mine, I recall. How's the parenting a toddler while pregnant thin going? Today is the first day I've really felt totally out with exhaustion, but a mid day nap helped a lot.
@TrailRunner: congratulations! I was nervous about jinxing myself by posting, but decided to go for it in an effort to put those anxieties behind me!
pomelo / 5326 posts
@Silva: @TrailRunner: @Cherrybee: congrats ladies! Glad to see this thread started!
Welcome and congrats to our May 2016 moms.
Location: Ontario Canada
EDD: may 14
How far along: 4w
First child? I have 24m DD
First doctor appointment: went yesterday for betas and will make appointment with genetic counsellor next week. We had a recent loss due to a missing chromosome so we will have early testing this time.
Any symptoms so far? I'm tired and have a bit of nausea. I also spotted from 6-10dpo but thankfully that stopped!!
Who have you told? DH and my BFF
Best wishes ladies!!
kiwi / 585 posts
@delight: congrats! Good luck with your genetics appointment. I'll keep you in my thoughts.
pomelo / 5326 posts
@TrailRunner: thanks! I will have the Panorama blood test at 9 weeks and that will help ease my anxieties I think! Our loss was apparently a total fluke and not related to anything but I still get to be followed by the hospital closely.
Hope everyone is feeling well and that more ladies jump in!!
clementine / 849 posts
Hi! Was nervous to join, but got excited when I saw others jumping in
Location: Massachusetts
EDD: May 5, 2016
How far along: 5 weeks 2 days
First child? Yes!!
First doctor appointment: Sept 16th. We went through IVF so I go for a 6.5 week ultrasound with my RE. But my betas were good - 457 and 1752. Coasting on that news till we get the ultrasound and trying to stay positive and enjoy it.
Any symptoms so far? Not awful, but some nausea (from both being hungry and from eating- can't win!) moodiness, sore boobs, light cramping here and there. Oh and I've had to get up and pee in the middle of the night for the past week and a half.
Who have you told? Very close friends who knew we were having issues conceiving, and my dentist Not sure when we'll tell parents. Want to get through at least one ultrasound.
pear / 1770 posts
@delight: @YogiRunner: So excited for you both! Wishing you a wonderful 9 months ahead!
kiwi / 554 posts
Hi everyone!! So happy to see all these May mommas
Location: Central Maine
EDD: May 3, 2016
How far along: 5w5d
First child? Yes!!!!
First doctor appointment: I went to see my GP on Tuesday to confirm, and my first OB appointment is on September 16
Any symptoms so far? A few....bloated and gassy, super sore breasts, fatigue, out of breath easily, and DH would say I'm a bit moody lol. I've had a sour stomach feeling, but no real nausea yet. And I'm hungry ALL THE TIME!
Who have you told? Only a few people so far. I went on a company retreat last week and had to tell the retreat coordinators since we were doing a lot of hiking and ropes course. We told my little brother last night because he had us over for a bonfire and was questioning why I wouldn't have a beer! Going to tell my mom and in-laws today!
Congrats everyone!!
kiwi / 585 posts
@YogiRunner: @csross217: congrats! So exciting there are this many may mamas already!
papaya / 10570 posts
@Silva: I'm not finding it too difficult to be fair - I WOH FT with a huge commute and my daughter still doesn't STTN so I'm pretty used to parenting a toddler while dog tired! Its business as usual! The nausea is proving a challenge though. I didn't have any last time but this time I'm waking in the night thinking I'm going to upchuck!
pear / 1770 posts
@delight: Good, thanks! I mean, tired and gross, but I won't complain too much!
kiwi / 631 posts
@delight: @YogiRunner: I haven't been following the 6+ board, so I missed your BFP's. Congrats!
pomelo / 5326 posts
@YogiRunner: @csross217: congrats ladies
@ms.line: I know what you mean. I feel gross too and I'm trying to bite my tongue cause I don't feel it's right for me to complain to DH when he knows how long I've been wanting this for.
@auggiefrog: thanks so much!! Hope you're feeling well!!
cantaloupe / 6017 posts
@Cherrybee: we started off With a bang- my daughter has thrown up on me three times this weekend. Luckily I haven't been feeling as nauseous as I was....why is my instinct to try to catch it with my hands?!
kiwi / 585 posts
@Silva: omg poor thing...reading that made me almost vomit myself. I couldn't imagine dealing with it in real life!
kiwi / 585 posts
@Silva: ha no worries! Pretty much everything is making me sick these days. I'm pretty sure my DH is starting to think I'm making it up so I won't have to leave bed all day. I don't how I will handle being in your position in the future!
pear / 1703 posts
Welcome and congrats to you girls! I'm nervously joining you on this thread...
Location: Vancouver, BC
EDD: May 4th, 2016
How far along: 5 weeks, 4 days
First child? No, DD is 6 years old
First doctor appointment: Not sure, first set of betas have been done, will repeat next week and we'll go from there.
Any symptoms so far? Really sore boobs, headaches, some nausea, super bitchy towards DH
Who have you told? Just DH & the doctors office. After two consecutive losses, we're keeping this one close to our hearts for awhile...
Hope you're all feeling well today. Happy Sunday
pomelo / 5326 posts
@Autumnmama79: welcome and congrats mama! Lots of positive thoughts your way.
persimmon / 1026 posts
Hello May mommas!
Location: MA
EDD: May 3, 2016
How far along: 5 weeks, 6 days
First child? No, I have a 3 yr old boy (born June 2012)
First doctor appointment: I meet with a medical asst on 9/25 and then meet with the doctor on 10/1 - they weren't able to schedule everything for me the same day
Any symptoms so far? Nauseous and tired. I remember feeling tired this early on with my first pregnancy but not this sick so soon...ugh!
Who have you told? My parents and my sister. I had a chemical pregnancy my cycle previous to this, so I'm much more nervous than excited this time. Hoping I'll feel more excited after my appts in a few weeks!
kiwi / 549 posts
Welcome and congrats May mamas
Location: Southern California
EDD: 5/2
How far along: 6wks
First child? No, I have a 2.5 y/o DS (mar 2013)
First doctor appointment: I had an appt fri 9/4 and he saw a sac but too early for a heartbeat so I'm going back on 9/21 which I might move up to 9/17 since I'm super nervous after 1 mc before DS.
Any symptoms so far? Lots of cramps. Boobs are sore on/off. Mild nausea on/off. And going to bed at 8:30-9 every night. Just had light pink spotting right now and freaking out so I'm confining myself to bed for a few hours. Hoping it was just from being on my feet too much all weekend. Also up from like 1-3ish every night which was another symptom I had when I was pregnant with DS.
Who have you told? DH DS my parents and my brothers. And one best coworker friend.
kiwi / 554 posts
@Autumnmama79: @littlecasita1122: @iluvboba637: Welcome and congrats ladies!
pomelo / 5326 posts
@littlecasita1122: congratulations and welcome!
@iluvboba637: Ugh I'm having middle of the night insomnia too. I hope the spotting is nothing to worry about. I spotted from 6-10 dpo so far but with my DD I randomly spotted throughout and everything was fine!
kiwi / 585 posts
@Autumnmama79: congrats!! I hope this is your sticky baby!
@littlecasita1122: congrats! I was surprised to be sick so soon too! I thought something was wrong with me! Lol!
@iluvboba637: congrats! I hope the spotting is nothing serious.
clementine / 849 posts
@ms.line: Sending a belated thank you How far along are you now?
@auggiefrog: See above. Same question!
@delight: @TrailRunner: I believe we were on the 6 mos + boards together at some point, right? So glad to see you here. Congrats!
And of course huge congrats to all the other May moms!
kiwi / 549 posts
Thanks girls. The spotting was just a few incidences and very light. I think for the most part it's gone now. I hope. Gonna try to stay off my feet as much as possible today at work. (Not easy as a teacher). Have a fantastic day ladies!
pomelo / 5326 posts
@YogiRunner: yes we were on it together! It's nice to see a few of us graduates!!
persimmon / 1129 posts
Cautiously joining in. We've had a few losses (2 chemical pregnancies, one blighted ovum) but we're hoping this little baby sticks around. FRERs are nice and dark so I'm cautiously hopeful...
Location: Indiana
EDD: May 19-ish?
How far along: 3w5d but FRER was pretty dark, so might be a few days further along.
First child? No, we have an almost 2 year old.
First doctor appointment: Not sure yet! Because of my history I'll have blood draws and an early ultrasound.
Any symptoms so far? Queasy stomach already. I get that gross feeling where your mouth waters and you feel like you're going to be sick.
Who have you told? Just DH and HB! We'll probably tell our parents after blood draws.
pomelo / 5326 posts
@My Only Sunshine: congrats and welcome! My LO just turned two. It's very hard for me not to tell her she's going to be a big sister but I know she would blab about it and I'm hoping we can keep it on the DL for awhile.
pear / 1703 posts
Hello mamas! Just wanted to pop in and say hi. Today was the first day back at school for me as a teacher and first day of grade 1 for DD, she cried a little which killed me I'm exhausted! Hope everyone is feeling well today.
Thank you so much for all the warm wishes of congratulations and hopes for a sticky baby. Same to you all and welcome to the new mamas
kiwi / 549 posts
Happy new school year. I teach 8th grade. We've been back for 3 weeks now.
kiwi / 585 posts
@YogiRunner: I think we talked a few times on the regular TTC board!
@My Only Sunshine: congrats and welcome!!
@Autumnmama79: I don't how you teachers do it prego! It just seems so tiring!
kiwi / 631 posts
@YogiRunner: I'm 10 weeks today! So excited to be past the first trimester!
grapefruit / 4988 posts
Hi May Mamas! I waited to join until my dating ultrasound today (wasn't sure if I was in this group or April), but looks like I wasn't as far along as I thought so I have a solid May due date. We saw a heartbeat today which was very exciting!
Location: Boston, MA
EDD: May 3
How far along: 6w1d (I still suspect I am a day or two further but I'll go with it)
First child? 2nd (DD is 23 months)
First doctor appointment: ultrasound 9/9, first real appt 9/30
Any symptoms so far? So many. Constant nausea (also feel like I'm hungry a ton), bloating and weight gain already, waking up to pee, sore boobs, super moody (poor DH and LO)
Who have you told? DH (and HB!). We will tell our families this weekend now that we have a due date.
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