Hellobee Boards


MAY-be this is our month? May 2014 POAS thread

  1. HellOnHeels

    clementine / 899 posts

    Is this a positive OPK? Yesterday was much lighter, but didn't grab a pic. On CD14.

  2. littlek

    GOLD / squash / 13576 posts

    @HellOnHeels: it should be as dark as control

  3. keepcalmcarrie

    persimmon / 1096 posts

    @HellOnHeels: I think it will be positive tomorrow or the next day. It's almost as dark, but not quite there yet.

  4. Anya

    nectarine / 2784 posts

    There are quite a few TBD but here's the roster so far. Tag me if I missed you:

    May-be Baby POAS Dates :
    1 MrsHansen82, lilyofthewest, Anya
    6 KeepCalmCarrie, Crystal, angelachase
    9 HellonHeels, MaryM
    10 HeartAbandoned
    14 Googly-eyes, MrsMcCarthy
    15 SorryCharlie?, Radish
    17 Raspberries
    18 Happybluebird
    20 DrJolene
    23 MrsStar

  5. keepcalmcarrie

    persimmon / 1096 posts

    Oops, I missed the memo that @lilyofthewest started one - thanks @Anya: for updating!

  6. MrsStar

    nectarine / 2994 posts

    Finally got AF today after a weird long cycle (last af was in february ) So I'm going to think positively that this cycle is going to be normal. We've been ttc since August and my body still doesn't want to do things right. But going to order opks tonight and hope for the best! At the moment I'll put a POAS date as May 23rd.

  7. Anya

    nectarine / 2784 posts

    @MrsStar: all set!

  8. HellOnHeels

    clementine / 899 posts

    @littlek: @keepcalmcarrie: thanks ladies. I thought it looked AS dark, but wanted to get some extra set of eyes. Guess I'll pick up some more today and see what tomorrow does.

  9. angelachase

    apricot / 306 posts

    I think I'm going to test on May 6th too! I have a job interview on the 5th and don't want to be all distracted!

  10. Anya

    nectarine / 2784 posts

    @angelachase: added you

  11. keepcalmcarrie

    persimmon / 1096 posts

    @MrsStar: Yay, glad you're joining the POAS fun

    @HellOnHeels: it might be, but I think if it's questionable, it'll probably be clearly darker tomorrow

    @angelachase: Hopefully May 6th will be a fun day on this board!

  12. LovelyPlum

    eggplant / 11408 posts

    Good luck ladies!

  13. angelachase

    apricot / 306 posts

    @Anya: Thanks! @keepcalmcarrie: Aah, 3 people testing on the 6th! Wouldn't it be crazy if we were 3 for 3??

  14. Annette

    cherry / 203 posts

    Hi ladies!

    I've been lurking on the monthy POAS boards since January and finally decided to post this cycle. We've been trying since December but unfortunately my body hasn't really bounced back after coming off the pill with super long cycles and wonky hormones. Nice to meet all of you and good luck this month!

    Cycle day // CD25

    Cycle # // 3

    Ovulation & POAS dates // TBD, - opks say I should O in the next day or so, so let's say April 23rd and POAS as May 7.

    Baby # // 1

    Your game plan this month // just started working with a naturopath on getting my cycle back to a normal range with acupuncture and some supplements - currently cycle length is 40-45 days long after coming off the pill which has been kind of frustrating .

    Chart link // not charting yet - I can get a bit over analytical about stuff like that so I figured I'd stick to opks at this point to save my sanity!

  15. HeartAbandoned

    clementine / 933 posts

    Ok lovely ladies, what do you think? Is this positive? It's definitely darker than this morning. I'm so praying the Clomid is working to make me ovulate!!

  16. HeartAbandoned

    clementine / 933 posts

    @Annette: Welcome! I can't wait to hear how things go with the naturopath. Baby dust to you!

  17. drjolene

    cherry / 107 posts

    @HeartAbandoned: Looks positive to me! Good luck, fx! Get your BD on.

  18. keepcalmcarrie

    persimmon / 1096 posts

    @Annette: welcome!

    @drjolene: definitely positive - get busy!

  19. Mrs. Oyster

    blogger / apricot / 427 posts

    Jumping on here, but I probably won't be commenting as much as I just check in to see how people are doing....sorry about that.

    Cycle day // 3
    Cycle # // 7/8
    Ovulation & POAS dates // O date should be around May 8th, and I doubt I'll make it to a POAS date, so we'll leave that as TBD
    Baby # // 2
    Your game plan this month // trying Vitex and royal queen bee pollen again....just keep on keepin' on.
    Chart link // http://www.fertilityfriend.com/home/381bac

  20. Crystal

    grapefruit / 4028 posts

    @MaryM: hugs.

    @HellOnHeels: looks positive or nearly positive. Get to it, girl!

    @HeartAbandoned: FX for you!!!

    I'm just in the waiting game to O.

  21. Anya

    nectarine / 2784 posts

    May-be Baby POAS Dates :
    1 MrsHansen82, lilyofthewest, Anya
    6 KeepCalmCarrie, Crystal, angelachase
    7 Annette
    9 HellonHeels, MaryM
    10 HeartAbandoned
    14 Googly-eyes, MrsMcCarthy, Gigi2
    15 SorryCharlie?, Radish, Espion
    17 Raspberries
    18 Happybluebird
    20 DrJolene
    21 NerdBee
    23 MrsStar

  22. Espion

    pomegranate / 3577 posts

    @Anya: I'm going to test on May 15th, because I'll be leaving for a work trip that day. (I should test on the 18th.)

  23. Anya

    nectarine / 2784 posts

    @Espion: all set!

  24. NerdBee

    clementine / 828 posts

    I'm nervous to post here since I haven't been active in this community for a while but I thought this would be a good way to get back into it. Hope to see lots of BFPs this month! Good luck, everyone.

    Cycle day // CD3

    Cycle # // 1

    Ovulation & POAS dates // O expected May 8. POAS around May 21.

    Baby # // 2

    Your game plan this month // Lots of BDing especially around expected O time.

  25. Gigi2

    cherry / 132 posts

    Hi ladies - I'm going to join in for May after all. Was feeling nervous to after chemical last month, but all seems to be in working order, so why not!? Wishing us all lots of springtime luck

    Cycle day // CD8
    Cycle # // 3 (technically 4 but January was weird so I'm saying 3)

    Ovulation & POAS dates // Estimated O = 4/30 (if things are "normal"); POAS = 5/14

    Baby # // 1

    Your game plan this month // chemical pregnancy last month that "resolved"/ended 8 days ago, so just trying to have a happy, positive month ahead. Not going into it expecting anything, and not going to go crazy with OPKs or charts or monitoring. I bought the CB fertility monitor and sticks to use this month (before the whole chemical thing happened), but I'm going to save that for down the line, not ready to deal w/ all that yet!

    Lots of luck xo

  26. Anya

    nectarine / 2784 posts

    @NerdBee: @Gigi2: Good luck! You're on the board

  27. HellOnHeels

    clementine / 899 posts

    I think yesterday's OPK was a positive... But my temps did not go up. CM is way more scant, though. I'm gonna go out on a limb and say I O'd, but my temp is off because I took it way too late. Guess we'll see what temp does tomorrow. This being "relaxed" isn't working so far, lol.

  28. ValentineMommy

    pomelo / 5791 posts

    Hi all! I'm rolling over from the April POAS group. Just Oed sometime btwn yesterday and today, so my earliest POAS preg test will be May 1 (and that's only 8DPO, so somewhere in those first few days). I'm not super hopeful for this month, so we'll see! We conceived DS on the first month of trying, so I feel like the odds of that happening again are slim to none lol

    Cycle day // CD18

    Cycle # // 1 TTC

    Ovulation & POAS dates // O was yesterday/today-ish. POAS starting around May 1

    Baby # // 2

    Your game plan this month // Trying out OPKs for the first time, lots of BDing, but stopped 2 days before O....trying our luck with Shettles (I know, I know, it's been discounted, but we're in no rush, so thought, why not!)

  29. MaryM

    pomelo / 5129 posts

    @HellOnHeels: It sometimes takes a while from the + OPK until you ovulate. And then it can take more time after you ovulate for your temp to go up, so I wouldn't worry too much.

    Last month was the first time I did OPKs and I expected everything to line up neatly, but I got my + OPK, then it was two days until I ovulated, then another 2 days before I saw my temp spike.

    I expected all three to happen at once (and for some they're a lot closer together) but up to twoish days between each step is totally normal.

  30. HellOnHeels

    clementine / 899 posts

    @MaryM: So even though I got a clear neg today,
    I might not have ovulated?

  31. MaryM

    pomelo / 5129 posts

    @HellOnHeels: I was thinking more along the lines of your OPK being so dark yesterday, you may still ovulate but your temps won't necessarily confirm it for a few days.

    The OPK measures your LH surge...which happens before you O (anywhere from 12-48 hours before). It doesn't actually indicate that you have ovulated.

  32. HellOnHeels

    clementine / 899 posts

    @MaryM: Right. I just thought it would show positive until after you O'd, because wouldn't you still be creating LH until you O? Or am I way off base here? I mean, it totally doesn't matter, we're covering our bases with BD (I think), I'm just curious.

  33. MaryM

    pomelo / 5129 posts

    I think some people might, but not necessarily all people do. It just depends on how long or short your surge is

    I had a negative OPK before I got the cross hairs on my chart that confirmed I Oed last month..

  34. Anya

    nectarine / 2784 posts

    @HellOnHeels: I don't think surge ending necessarily tells you that O has already happened, because some people have a really short surge and some have a long one. But you're right, it's all in the same general time frame so as long as you keep Bd you're good!

  35. HellOnHeels

    clementine / 899 posts

    @Anya: ah ok! Makes sense. Thanks!

  36. googly-eyes

    GOLD / pomelo / 5737 posts

    @Anya: @keepcalmcarrie: can someone move me to may 18th? Thanks!

  37. Anya

    nectarine / 2784 posts

    May-be Baby POAS Dates :
    1 MrsHansen82, lilyofthewest, Anya, ValentineMommy
    6 KeepCalmCarrie, Crystal, angelachase
    7 Annette
    9 HellonHeels, MaryM
    10 HeartAbandoned
    14 MrsMcCarthy, Gigi2
    15 SorryCharlie, Radish, Espion
    17 Raspberries
    18 Happybluebird, Googly-eyes
    20 DrJolene
    21 NerdBee
    23 MrsStar

  38. lilyofthewest

    pear / 1697 posts

    seeing everyone's positive OPKs. We're off to a good start.

    I'm still straddling the April/May line. I o'd on either the 18th or the 19th. I'm planning to start POAS the 27th or the 28th just to make sure I get a chance to before AF comes (10 day LF last cycle). Hanging on to 5/1 as my "official" POAS stick date though...if I haven't got AF by then anyhow.

  39. Anya

    nectarine / 2784 posts

    Question for you all: do you treat yourself to anything special when AF comes? My husband and I have a sushi date every time I have to start a new cycle. I don't even necessarily think sushi is something I'll avoid when pregnant, but being able to indulge in a nice dinner together helps take the sting out of the disappointment- a tiny bit anyway!

  40. googly-eyes

    GOLD / pomelo / 5737 posts

    @Anya: I will... Actually, if I'm being honest, I'm using ttc as a mental excuse to eat sushi and drink wine more than usual, lol. But I'm definitely not above treating myself if we have the funds. I could really use a mani and/or pedi!!

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