So LO is three weeks and is a terrible sleeper. He fights it with every ounce of his being unless he is sleeping next to or on me. The minute I or DH move him to his RnP his eyes shoot open and he is screaming. He probably gets one or two good naps that span 2-3 hours, other than that he just sleeps for short periods and then fusses all over again.

We introduced a paci, which has helped with his constant need to comfort nurse, but not really sleep.

I know he is exhausted but so are we. We've used the 5 Ss., which again get him to drift off but not to sleep and definitely not to be put down. White noise doesn't seem to do much. Swing doesn't help. Moby has worked once, but I'm hoping to utilize the RnP a bit more. I thought newborns "slept all the time." His fits are breaking my heart. Any advice???