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New Year, New Babes - January 2015 Postpartum Chat

  1. Espion

    pomegranate / 3577 posts

    @SleepyMonkey: Thank you He didn't, but I did raise the question of MSPI when E was little and it got brushed off as "extremely rare". (Which seems not the case considering how mspi mamas there are on here.)

    H was up every 30 minutes from around 2 am on, he was upset and fussy, latch on/latch off business...something has to be up.

  2. Raindrop

    grapefruit / 4731 posts

    @charmed: Cute pictures of your LO! I love your nursery. For some reason I have never been into / or good at decorating and so I'm at awe at people that are good at it!

    @Happygal: I'm having having hard time finding clothes that fit too. I'm a little worried what I'll wear for V-day. I'm sure it will work out. You are not alone. I'm also worried about anything rubbing against my c-section scar but so far it's been working out. I bought some granny panties and that helps.

    @Radish: I'm glad I'm not the only one worried about my mom leaving too! My mom said she would only stay with us for a month... which is coming to a close soon. Though I think if I ask really nicely she will stay longer if I need her... but DH has to be on board with that plan too. I'm sure you will do great without her!

    @namaste: Glad you are feeling better! Also yay for smiling babies. My babies are grumps... I probably won't get a smile for at least another month out of this one.

    @oliviaoblivia: 3 dollars! That's totally worth it. I have not tried grocery shopping with kids yet... I usually send my dad out with a list of stuff and some money when he visits on the weekend (since my mom is staying with us... he visits on weekends because he has to work still). Also sleeping through the night! Nice!

    @SleepyMonkey: 1k for your tooth! That kind of sucks but I'm sure you are glad you got that taken care of. I'm pretty sure bad habits can't start this early... well at least I hope! Haha.


    I'm having post-partum chills... started last night so I'm in bed today trying to just stay warm and rest. This happened to me last time around this time too. Last time it only lasted a day so hopefully this will be the same. I'm in like two layers of clothes with 4 layers of blankets. Haha. So my job today is just to pump and rest. I also accidently had a 6 hours gap last night between pumping because of these chills. I hope my supply isn't hurt too mucy by that!

  3. SleepyMonkey

    grapefruit / 4006 posts

    @Espion: oh man. Sorry about the sleep. Hopefully the dr will listem to you this time. And if not, maybe find a new one?

    @Raindrop: that sounds awful. Are you sure its not mastitis or something else?

    We had our first laser treatment today. It was 6 zaps and less than 10 seconds long. She cried but not too much and seems ok now. Phew!

  4. Radish

    nectarine / 2079 posts

    @SleepyMonkey: Glad it went well!

  5. Raindrop

    grapefruit / 4731 posts

    @SleepyMonkey: Thanks for asking! I'm pretty sure. My breasts don't hurt... my supply hasn't dipped yet (well maybe the 6 hour gap will hurt me) ... there are no red streaks on my breast.. there are not other signs other than the chills... I do have a super mild fever (99.5). Since I had this last time. I'm sure this is what it is... BUT if it doesn't clear up by tonight I will make an appointment with my OB just in case.

    I did go in to my OB last time for this... wasted an hour of driving (my hospital is 30 minutes away) and meet with an another OB for 10 minutes to tell me it's normal and to come back only if it gets worst. Haha. I'm hoping just to tough it out unless it last longer than a day.

    Glad to hear the treatment went well today! Your LO is such a trooper!

  6. oliviaoblivia

    pineapple / 12793 posts

    @Raindrop: with both births I got crazy chills in the middle of the night a week or so pp. This time I woke up a few seconds before it started, grabbed the baby and pulled her to my chest, then a blanket and yelled for DH to come hold me. He freaked out thinking that I had overdosed on my pain meds. It lasted maybe half an hour and was so uncomfortable, it must be so awful to bee dealing with it for the whole day.

    @SleepyMonkey: I'm so glad she did well with the treatment!

  7. Happygal

    pomelo / 5000 posts

    @oliviaoblivia: @raindrop: I didn't know this was a thing! I get really cold, too. I was wondering if it had to do with nipple sensitivity. layers are my friend!

  8. HappyBaker

    nectarine / 2242 posts

    I'm so behind but have been reading!

    @oliviaoblivia: Wow good for you DTD! Seriously the furthest thing from my mind right now. I think I'm going with an IUD because I'm pretty sure we are done but not positive.

    @Espion: L's poops are SO stinky too - I had tried to limit dairy a little but yesterday ate ice cream without thinking and today his poops are dark green and mucous-y…I haven't had time yet to google it.

    @SleepyMonkey: Glad the treatment was fast and is over now!

    We are doing good over here (knock on wood, no one is sick yet this week). I just realized I'm more than halfway through maternity leave which is crazy. I tried getting L to nap in his crib a few times and it was a major fail. At night he's still doing 9:30-3ish so I shouldn't complain but I'd love an earlier bedtime! We tried Monday to put him down earlier and do a dream feed but he ended up sleeping less so that didn't work at all.

  9. sorrycharlie

    hostess / watermelon / 14932 posts

    @SleepyMonkey: awww I'm glad it went well!!

  10. Mrs. Blue

    blogger / pomelo / 5361 posts

    @oliviaoblivia: I would sooo pay $20 bucks for that service. I wish our grocery stores did that.

    As for BC, I'm considering Paragard because I have had horrible luck with most other birth controls--pill, Nuva Ring, and even Mirena. I'm kind of nervous about it because of the horror stories, so I'm still not positive what I"ll do, but I want something that is going to make sure the gates are locked up for several years without me having to remember to take anything.

    @Raindrop: @radish: My mom has been coming to help during the week while DH is at work. She only lives two hours away and doesn't work now, so she can be pretty available, but I am TERRIFIED of her leaving. I felt way better about her leaving me with twins than I do about her leaving me this time. I think I'm going to hold her hostage.

    Did you guys get pp night sweats? I had these last time, too, but I can't remember how long they lasted and I'm so tired of waking up with soaking clothes, sheets, and pillow. Ughh, not my favorite postpartum symptom.

  11. Radish

    nectarine / 2079 posts

    @Mrs. Blue: I had them when pregnant and am still getting them. I also totally leaked milk all over my sheets last night. I can't wait for things to regulate.

  12. turquoisemama

    persimmon / 1481 posts

    @Mrs. Blue: I've totally been getting hot flashes/night sweats. In the middle of the night DH is covered in a comforter and wool blanket and I'm kicking everything off.

    @HappyBaker: I just realized I don't have much mat leave left either! So sad, but I am kind of looking forward to a little time away and with other adults.

    @SleepyMonkey: So glad things went well!

    K had her 3 week check up on Monday. She gained almost two pounds over her birth weight and grew two inches! Even the doctor was surprised! I was freaking out though because the whole waiting room was full of sick kids with masks on and coughing. I almost had a panic attack and then the nurse told us we could wait in a different waiting room. I wish we could have a visiting pediatrician so we didn't have to take her into germ central!

  13. Mrs. Blue

    blogger / pomelo / 5361 posts

    @Radish: between leaking milk, night sweats, and spit up, Graham and I are going through a ridiculous amount of clothes each night. On the leaking boobs, I keep telling myself that I would have been so happy to have enough milk last time to worry about leaking, but in the middle of the night when I'm changing for the billionth time, it's hard to big get frustrated.

  14. namaste

    persimmon / 1313 posts

    @Mrs. Blue: They are starting to decrease but Monday night, I woke up drenched. Ugh.

    @SleepyMonkey: Glad your treatment went well!

    @MrsHansen82: That's awesome! Ugh I was worried about incurring more sick people since we switched to a family doctor and I was surprised that there was only one person in the waiting room with the flu.

  15. charmed

    persimmon / 1177 posts

    Gah I wrote up a long reply this morning and it looks like it never posted

    @oliviaoblivia: that grocery service sounds amazing!
    For BC, we'll probably use condoms. I don't want to go back on a hormonal birth control, and we'll be TTC again in a year-ish so I don't want to do anything long term.

    @Mrs. Blue: I had night sweats for the first couple weeks, they're mostly gone now though.

    @MrsHansen82: Wow, that is great growth!!

    A has been sleeping 3.5-4 hour stretches at night (which is great!) but her MOTN wake up lasts forever!! She is a slow nurser, then she seems to always poop after I get her to sleep and laying down, so I have to change her. Then usually start the process over again. Last night it was a 2 hour process

    She's also been ridiculously fussy every evening. I feel bad b/c she's screaming her head off every night when DH is home from work.

  16. SleepyMonkey

    grapefruit / 4006 posts

    thanks for the well wishes everyone! the birthmark actually looks lighter, which i didn't expect at all. hopefully it is a good sign of things to come.

    @HappyBaker: 9:30 to 3...oh man, i am so jealous.

    @Mrs. Blue: i get night sweats too...and milk leaking all over too. i go through 6-8 nursing pads a day, but there is still milk all over my shirts.

    @MrsHansen82: awesome weight/height gain!! when i take my newborn in, i drape an aden & anais swaddle blanket over her entire car seat just in case of germs. but our pedi's office usually puts us directly into a room to wait anyway.

    @charmed: i hate when that happens! i lay her in her bassinet and she poops in her sleep. the diaper change makes her WIDE awake. its so annoying. if its a really small shart, sometimes i just leave it and let her sleep...yep. bad mom here. honestly when i do motn feeds, she almost always has a poop in her diaper when she wakes up. so she must poop while we are both sleeping.

  17. Espion

    pomegranate / 3577 posts

    @Mrs. Blue: Heh, I kind of wish I had leaking boobs! I have a better supply than with E, but I feel like I could still dry up completely if I went more than a couple hours without nursing or pumping.

    @SleepyMonkey: I'm glad the treatment was quick and not too bad! Are they spread out by days or weeks?

    @HappyBaker: It might be a milk protein or soy protein allergy. I read that the mucousy green poops may take up to 4 to 5 weeks to show up and H is only 20 days old. He's just been so fussy.

  18. SleepyMonkey

    grapefruit / 4006 posts

    @Espion: the doctor said that he wants to see her every 2-3 weeks, which is pretty aggressive. i think in other parts of the country/world, treatments are spaced out by months. but the practice that we are going to is headed up by doctors that have been proponents of more frequent treatments at a younger age - they've done studies and written papers on it that show that treatments are most effective before 6 months of age, and at more frequent intervals. i've been reading up on it, i find it all very interesting!

  19. keepcalmcarrie

    persimmon / 1096 posts

    @Espion: that sounds like mspi or intolerance. J had a milk protein allergy and it was a horrific 4 months until he was diagnosed. I've almost completely eliminated dairy while BFing H, at least until we're out of the newborn phase (which is fussy enough for me without an allergy to contend with!) but since I treated myself to a milkshake on Sunday, he's been fussier. Could be something or nothing at all - either way, in avoiding it. But yeah, my first pedi tried to give me that "MSPI is extremely rare" speech, and it's not.

    I want to reply to everyone else, and I'm following along, but between Henry only wanting to nap in my arms and J getting somewhat tantrum-y and having a stomach bug, things are ROUGH here and I'm only in HB on my perpetually almost-dead iPhone

  20. Espion

    pomegranate / 3577 posts

    @SleepyMonkey: I'm glad it sounds like your docs are well researched as well. I'm glad the treatment is at least very quick.

    @keepcalmcarrie: I've been psyching myself out reading things on the Internet. This is going to sound weird, but thank you for validating my suspicions. So much of the lactation/BF'ing literature make me feel like I'm ridiculous for even considering it (like the pedi with E). But something ain't right, and I'm going to exercise some mommy gut feeling latitude.

    I totally feel you on the only nap in arms. I love my little guy, but it seems like it would be such a luxury to be able to put him down.

    Ugh, I hope the stomach bug gets resolved quickly. It has been going around.

  21. Mrs. Blue

    blogger / pomelo / 5361 posts

    @Espion: Yeah, I would have loved this problem last time when I didn't have nearly enough milk. The only downside other than the inconvenience I changing clothes is that the milk supply has come with an overactive letdown and poor baby boy just chokes, wheezes, burps his way through feedings. He'll latch and unlatch tons through the feeding and sometime he comes off screaming and choking. I feel so bad! Even so, I still worry all the time about if I won't have enough milk because that was my constant issue last time.

  22. keepcalmcarrie

    persimmon / 1096 posts

    @Espion: Yeah, when I initially suspected MSPI or an allergy with J, it seemed like everything I read (KellyMom) or heard (pedi) said it was unlikely. He gained weight beautifully and had no visible blood in stool, so i didn't press further until his 4 month appt, when I insisted something wasn't right. They tested a poop dipe and found trace blood and an excess amount of lactase. At that pont I was so desperate to just have the colic end that I switched him from BM to Alimentum, and the change was almost instant. This time I want to try elimination and continuing to BF first, but I'm not opposed to hypoallergenic formula if it gets to that point. He really was a different baby after we switched, and I so so wish we'd known about it sooner. He wouldn't have suffered for so long, and I would have enjoyed his early baby days so much more.

    If it helps, it sounds to me (not a doctor, clearly) more like your H has an intolerance than an allergy, which would be good because it's less severe. The lack of screaming/colic is why I would guess that. Like I said, I think my own Henry has that too this time around (the likelihood of having a sibling with a dairy problem is something like 50%, so thankfully my pedi was somewhat expecting this anyway because of J and I won't have to deal with skepticism this time around). H has the same stuff you're describing - insane gas, frothy breastfed baby poops, eating very frequently still. All those things could still be variations of normal so it's hard to tell for sure, but the correlation between the few times I've had dairy and an increase in the severity of those symptoms is enough to make me avoid it.

    Sorry for the novel - those first few months with J were just so miserable that I want anyone who suspects this to have support and either try eliminating or have their doctor test that poop!

    On that note, @HappyBaker, it sounds like you're dealing with the same - green poop is a huge indicator. No fun!

  23. keepcalmcarrie

    persimmon / 1096 posts

    And also, I'm rocking in the glider in H's room right now (4 AM) because he won't fully wake up again after nursing just one side, in spite of a dipe change, but he was also grunting like a sumo wrestler in his crib so I don't really believe he won't wake up in 5 minutes with a crazy burp and then want to eat again.

    I feel like a totally crap mom to toddler J these days - I am so sleep deprived, and we're very stir crazy in the house. It's supposed to be about 20 degrees here for a high today, so the best we'll do is take a drive around with the iPad on Frozen, so he can get a change of scenery, Henry can hopefully sleep, and I can sit down and drink a Coke Zero in peace.

    I totally have a glass of red wine almost every night too - it sounds like others are abstaining? You're stronger ladies than me

  24. Mrs. Blue

    blogger / pomelo / 5361 posts

    @keepcalmcarrie: I feel like a horrible mom to the big boys right now, too. I need spring and summer to get here pronto so we can just hang out in the backyard all the time. Being cooped in plus them testing all kinds of boundaries I making me crazy and more exhausted than the newborn sleep. As for the wine, I'm so ready to jump back on that train but I need to refresh myself on the "rules." I think last time I read something on Kellymom with some good guidelines, but I didn't BF long enough to need it often and now I can't remember. What do you do?

  25. oliviaoblivia

    pineapple / 12793 posts

    @Mrs. Blue: the Newman clinic just published simmering on the wine rules, they aren't as strict as they were when I had L.
    I'm not going to quote them but when I read it o was shocked by how much you could consume and how little was found in the milk.

    ETA: I read it on his Facebook feed (yes I follow a breastfeeding clinic) but here is the study....

  26. keepcalmcarrie

    persimmon / 1096 posts

    @Mrs. Blue: I just drink one glass whenever I feel like it! I think it's ideal if you drink it either while BFing (not really circulating in your system yet) or immediately after (plenty of time to lessen before the next nursing session).

    Occasionally I'll have a second glass, and then I'm more picky about timing. But like that study @oliviaoblivia: posted, my doctor said it actually takes a lot to have any effect, - basically, you have to be drunk for it to be a concern, and that would be a concern for other reasons anyway! - and that 1-2 glasses even nightly is okay.

  27. charmed

    persimmon / 1177 posts

    @SleepyMonkey: I do the same thing when it sounds like just a little shart but usually they're big blowouts

    @Espion: I feel like I've read that the green poop (and some of the other issues you mentioned) can be caused by over active let down: http://www.lalecheleague.org/llleaderweb/lv/lvsepoct95p71.html
    Not saying you're wrong about the milk protein intolerance, but just something else to consider since I know cutting out dairy can be a huge ordeal.

    @Mrs. Blue: I drink a little wine whenever I've felt like it (or remembered to pour myself a glass )
    The lactation consultant I talked to said it wasn't a big deal, and as long as you weren't getting wasted there is no need to pump an dump.
    I also read a study that likened it to your blood alcohol level- i.e. if you would pass a breathalyzer test and could drive, you're safe to nurse your baby.

  28. Raindrop

    grapefruit / 4731 posts

    @Mrs. Blue: Wow thanks for mentioning the drinking thing! I had no idea that they lighten up the rules.

    @oliviaoblivia: Thanks for the link on that! Maybe I'll have a glass of something at V-day dinner! So exciting!

  29. Espion

    pomegranate / 3577 posts

    @keepcalmcarrie: I actually went out yesterday and bought some Alimentum and some dairy free snacks. I'm going to be gone for five days next week (hence the necessity for formula), so I guess the silver lining is that we'll both get it out of our systems. I figure it is not going to hurt him in the least to try and cut these things out and I've read so many stories like yours that make me feel like if it is true, then it will be more than worth it to give it a go.

    Re: wine, I totally have a glass of wine now and again. I heard best is when you are nursing, but it is good to know that a glass of wine at any time isn't going to affect much!

    We're officially solo-ing it today. My hat is off to you ladies who have been doing this for the last few weeks. It is only 8:39 AM here, and already SO much screen time! Thank goodness for iPads.

  30. sorrycharlie

    hostess / watermelon / 14932 posts

    @Espion: yeah, the ped today commented on O being chatty & said "no tv, no tablet" LOLOLOL ok.

  31. sorrycharlie

    hostess / watermelon / 14932 posts

    Just had C's 1 month visit! she may have started out tiny, but Charlotte is gaining as fast as her big sister did. 5 lb 13 oz at discharge, 6 lb 7 oz at 2 weeks old and 8 lb 3 oz at a month!! Also grew 2", haha.

    I thought I was nuts when she outgrew cotton NB sleepers literally overnight!!

  32. Espion

    pomegranate / 3577 posts

    @sorrycharlie: I have a working relationship with my pediatrician, and I lie through my teeth about that stuff, ha! Not interested in the no iPad, no co-sleeping lecture!

  33. sorrycharlie

    hostess / watermelon / 14932 posts

    @Espion: right? i wanted to be like um actually, my eyes cross while I'm sitting up and I nap during tea parties with my eyes open. so yeah, she learned the alphabet and sight words mainly from endless alphabet. sorry not sorry.

  34. Espion

    pomegranate / 3577 posts

    H managed to pee in my hair (the kid has distance) while I was trying to change him and wrestle a cranky toddler at the same time. My hair was dripping, so I loaded everyone up into the bathroom (with bassinet and iPad) and washed my hair for the first time in a week. The white noise of the hairdryer lulled the little one off to sleep.


  35. keepcalmcarrie

    persimmon / 1096 posts

    @sorrycharlie: @Espion: yeah, screen time all day errday for this household too. It was like that for the last 6ish weeks of pregnancy, and will probably continue for the next few months. H's language has really taken off too, so I'm calling it an educational win. And also a survival mechanism.

    @Espion: It absolutely won't hurt him and might help a lot. I picked up an Alimentum sample from my pedi at H's 1 week appt in case things went south as quickly as they did with J. Not messing around with that. I view cutting 99% of dairy as a necessary evil right now, and also a great PP weight loss strategy.

    I've lost 21 of the 24 lbs I gained so far, though I have another 20 to go before in at my happiest weight. That's been the case for the past, um, 7 years or so though. Maybe minimal cheese and ice cream for a year is the trick!

  36. oliviaoblivia

    pineapple / 12793 posts

    @sorrycharlie: nice growing C!
    DH came to L's two year appointment and told the med student that she gets two hours of screentime (hahaha at that point it was closer to six hours) and got the biggest lecture. What an amateur.

    @Espion: that's a pretty good skill H! Glad you got your hair washed! I've trained my hair to not need too much washing. It makes newborn care a little easier. Or at least a little more attractive.

  37. oliviaoblivia

    pineapple / 12793 posts

    @keepcalmcarrie: that's awesome weight loss! I haven't stepped on a scale yet. My tummy is still flabby and bothers me, I'll weigh myself when my self confidence is a little better. Don't want to kick myself when I'm down (or when my weight is up).

  38. keepcalmcarrie

    persimmon / 1096 posts

    @oliviaoblivia: Oh, my stomach is pretty flabby too - things are not distributed the same right now! I can't wait for my doctor's approval to work out - I've never used this Jillian Michaels DVD I have, but now would be a good time. At least until it warms up and I can go outside and jog. I am so over winter.

  39. oliviaoblivia

    pineapple / 12793 posts

    @keepcalmcarrie: I got cleared yesterday and had planned to visit with Jillian during nap time... But took a nap with C instead. Tomorrow!

  40. SleepyMonkey

    grapefruit / 4006 posts

    Omg. There were so many things in the recent posts that made me lol. @sorrycharlie: about napping with your eyes open during tea parties and @Espion: about the pee in your hair and the hair dryer making the baby fall asleep. @keepcalmcarrie: all day errday and @oliviaoblivia: about your dh telling the pedi about screen time and getting a lecture from a med student about 2 hours of screen time. Haha. 2 hours is like a good day for us! You ladies are funny.

    My tummy is still pretty flabby too. I am about 5lbs over pre preg weight, i think part of it is my boobs and the rest in my tummy. i dont have the motivation to eat better or exercise though. I am just focused on getting enough sleep at this point so i don't turn into a monster!

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