Hellobee Boards


New Year, New Babes - January 2015 Postpartum Chat

  1. mfa_lady

    pomegranate / 3921 posts

    @Radish: That's a good idea! I'll have to try it out. I'd do anything at this point!

  2. oliviaoblivia

    pineapple / 12793 posts

    @mfa_lady: I sleep with an A&A blanket every night. I sweat on it, drip milk on it, get it coated in "mama smell"... The next night I wrap her cosleeper mattress with it.
    Your bed is warm and smells like you. Her bed doesn't. That's my mom's best advice.

  3. Espion

    pomegranate / 3577 posts

    @oliviaoblivia: Aaaand I just plucked the A&A blanket that was wadded under me for half the night out of the dirty laundry. If it works, I will try it!

  4. Radish

    nectarine / 2079 posts

    Today is my first day on my own with two. Although, we ended up having 2 play dates with two different neighbors this morning so it wasn't entirely alone. Only one head injury (LO1 - easily fixed with chocolate) and they have been double napping for over an hour and a half so I'm calling it a win. I might be able to handle this mom of two gig Only 3 more hours until DH gets home...

  5. mfa_lady

    pomegranate / 3921 posts

    @oliviaoblivia: OMG. This is brilliant, and totally worth a shot. In our bed, she might get some dog hair along with the mama smell...but if it works I don't think she'll mind.

    ETA: And let's be honest, when she's IN our bed she's rolling around in the dog hair anyway, soo....

  6. oliviaoblivia

    pineapple / 12793 posts

    @Radish: you got this mama!

    @mfa_lady: @Espion: don't freak out, but it originally comes from a dog training hand book. "Being a towel from the breeders home to comfort the puppy".... works with humans too.

  7. mfa_lady

    pomegranate / 3921 posts

    @oliviaoblivia: PERFECT. The addition of a little dog hair for flavor works even better, then.

  8. mfa_lady

    pomegranate / 3921 posts

    @Radish: Get it, girl! Definitely a win!

  9. Espion

    pomegranate / 3577 posts

    @oliviaoblivia: I would have zero shame in letting my kid sleep on an entire pile of my dirty laundry if he'd sleep in his bassinet.

    @mfa_lady: Rolling around in dog fur? I think we're sister wives!

  10. Pumuckl

    pomegranate / 3601 posts

    @mfa_lady: B was also harder to put down in the beginning and with him it helped that to let him fall asleep on us and then transfer him being really careful not to kick his moro reflex. So basically we put him down on his side and once down turn him on his back. Maybe you have a stomach sleeper and once she can turn she'll sleep better.

    I've had friends do @oliviaoblivia:'s piece of clothing trick too and for some it worked for some (like us) it made no difference.

    @Espion: Good luck with your test!!! Well and good luck to your DH.

  11. namaste

    persimmon / 1313 posts

    @Radish: @Raindrop: @oliviaoblivia: Thank you ladies! This week has been one big work emergency so we didn't make the LC on time. I hope to go next week but it seems like A is eating twice as much this week and she feels heavier. Hope it's that growth spurt I've been waiting on.

    @Pumuckl: We have to put A on her side too at first. Made a huge difference in sleep quality for her.

    @mfa_lady: Hah, it's not hard when it's 77 in February I'm sure next week when DH is out of town, the workouts might be nonexistent. I'm planning on returning to classes next month. My schedule is just too unpredictable right now.

  12. mfa_lady

    pomegranate / 3921 posts

    @Pumuckl: @namaste: Explain this putting down on their side! Do you leave them there for long, or just for a sec?

    @namaste: OMG. So jealous of that weather right now. We have 8 inches of snow on the ground. (Nothing compared to the NE, though!)

  13. keepcalmcarrie

    persimmon / 1096 posts

    Henry has his 1 month appt today - 12 lbs 6 oz and 23 inches. He's put on nearly 5 lbs in 5 weeks! I guess that explains the crappy night sleep. On the other hand... I think his stomach has officially reached a size that can sustain him for longer stretches overnight.

    Maybe I'll try @oliviaoblivia:'s blanket trick too!

  14. mfa_lady

    pomegranate / 3921 posts

    @Espion: Also YES. It's 100% unavoidable in this house. With a golden retriever around, hair will absolutely be consumed. Thank goodness our little dog doesn't shed. I don't think I could handle two!

  15. Espion

    pomegranate / 3577 posts

    @Pumuckl: Thank you! I am so nervous for both of us!

    @mfa_lady: That dog in my avatar is part Sheltie, which is Latin for "noisy and full of hair". Some days I feel like I could reconstruct a new dog from his tumbleweed hair tufts!

    I'm giving DH all these tips. I'm definitely fishing out the hot water bottle and leaving my shirt for him!

    @namaste: You are a rockstar for taking the time to workout! When I go back to work, I'm going to fill up my slow times with walking just to get it in!

  16. SleepyMonkey

    grapefruit / 4006 posts

    @mfa_lady: i put my baby on her side too. She sleeps better that way and she eventually rolls onto her back by herself. She has her bottom arm out in front of her while she is on her side so she couldn't roll onto her belly.

    @keepcalmcarrie: that is awesome weight gain!! Good job mama.

    @Radish: great job on the solo parenting! All you ladies that do that every day are so amazing. I am petrified of solo parenting 2. Dh has a work trip in a couple weeks and i dont know what i am going to do at night because my toddler still wakes up in the motn. Ah!

    As for us, nothing new. We are at my parents house right now and forgot the babys bassinet so she has been in bed with me every night. Last night she went 5.5 hours between feeds so that was nice. Unfortunately i woke up an hour before her and her hand was cold so i freaked out and thought she was dead because she slept for so long. Then i was awake for an hour waiting for her to wake up. I think we have finally turned a corner in nursing. I think her mouth is finally big enough so that my left boob isn't a problem anymore!

    Hope all you ladies are doing well and getting some sleep!

  17. charmed

    persimmon / 1177 posts

    So behind on replying, but I've been following along on my phone!

    @oliviaoblivia: that is a great idea! I'll have to try it, A refuses to nap for me during the day unless I'm holding her.

    @Radish: yay for surviving your first day solo!

    @keepcalmcarrie: wow, 5lbs!!

    @SleepyMonkey: I freak out whenever I wake up and A is sleeping silently too. She's usually such a noisy sleeper that any time she's quiet I worry.

    A is growing out of her newborn clothes - mostly they're too short - but 3 month clothes are too big.
    Nothing much else new here

  18. sorrycharlie

    hostess / watermelon / 14932 posts

    @Espion: "Noisy & full of hair" bahaha. Spot on!!

  19. Pumuckl

    pomegranate / 3601 posts

    @mfa_lady: @SleepyMonkey: this is how
    I do it (putting her down) too. Although J is swaddled at night so should she not roll onto her stomach herself I'll tip her over.

    B's stomach bug lasted what felt like forever. We had to keep him home Monday & Tuesday. So I had both of them home. Talk about busy days.

  20. SleepyMonkey

    grapefruit / 4006 posts

    Motn feedings are getting really REALLY old.

  21. Mrs. Blue

    blogger / pomelo / 5361 posts

    @SleepyMonkey: agreed! The boys took foerever to sttn, and I cannot take it if this one does the same thing.

  22. turquoisemama

    persimmon / 1481 posts

    @SleepyMonkey: @Mrs. Blue: I third that! But K just went 5 hours. Yay! But if course I was awake for two of those so I didn't actually get more sleep....

  23. keepcalmcarrie

    persimmon / 1096 posts

    @SleepyMonkey: @Mrs. Blue: @MrsHansen82: YES. I'm so sick of getting up this often overnight. I put H down at 9:30 last night, but then he was up at 11:30, 1:45, and 4:45. Come on, little buddy.

    J slept 6-7 hours at a stretch by this point, which I know is early for that, but now that's what I want

  24. Radish

    nectarine / 2079 posts

    Our MOTN feedings are usually pretty painless unless she's gassy. I'm hoping last night was a fluke and not a witching hour emerging because we had a lot of trouble with putting her down in her crib last night and her waking up a few min later. 3+ hours of that nonsense doesn't work for this already sleep deprived mama.

  25. charmed

    persimmon / 1177 posts

    @SleepyMonkey: Yes! A has been giving me a 4 hour stretch between feedings, but then she's up every 1.5 hours
    I'm dreaming the day I can sleep more than 4 hours in a row.

  26. sorrycharlie

    hostess / watermelon / 14932 posts

    Vent. I got my period back after DD1 at 6 weeks postpartum despite EBF around the clock.

    Pretty sure I'm starting my period today. 6 weeks postpartum on Tuesday. W. T. F. I hate being so regular. I want a break like every other nursing woman!!

    Best part? My Lmp with my DDs were 12/20 and 4/20. Guess today's date. That is how ridiculously regular my cycles are. This is crap.

  27. Pumuckl

    pomegranate / 3601 posts

    @sorrycharlie: Oh no, I'm sorry AF is already back for you. Maybe it's just a one time fluke.

    @SleepyMonkey: I totally hate MOTN feeds although we technically only have one since I feed her when I go to bed and then usually again at 4/4:30. Then her brother is up anyway when she's hungry again. But it took B 11 months to finally sleep 7pm-6/7am so I guess this will last awhile.

    My baby is already looking so much like a real baby and not a newborn anymore. Time just flies sooooo fast...

  28. Happygal

    pomelo / 5000 posts

    woah. You guys with long sleep stretches are lucky! I don't mind the middle of the night feedings if they're just that--feeding and a quick cuddle. But when she wants to party and raise the roof, I feel tired. Also frustrating is when she fusses but doesn't nurse a whole lot. I know she'll wake up later hungry hippo style.

    @sorrycharlie: bummer about the period! I don't know what is considered normal, but I know many look forward to longer stretches than that. Sorry!

  29. charmed

    persimmon / 1177 posts

    @sorrycharlie: oh that sucks
    I am still having light bleeding at 5 weeks pp. I know I've read it can last 6-8 weeks, but this is getting old. I am sick of pads

  30. namaste

    persimmon / 1313 posts

    @sorrycharlie: I got AF at 5 weeks. I was sooooo pissed.

    A is sleeping in one 6-7 hour stretch at night and it's amazing. She's usually up for an hour and back in bed until 6am every morning.

    I definitely want to transition her to the crib soon to see how she sleeps! Putting her down can be a task though! Hope you're all well.

  31. SleepyMonkey

    grapefruit / 4006 posts

    @charmed: agree on the pp bleeding...stop already!

  32. Happygal

    pomelo / 5000 posts

    Oh no! I'm struck with the green monster reading about babies doing these lonnnng sleep stretches. Tell me your secret! Although I don't think my boobs could take it--still waiting for my oversupply to calm down a bit.

    I also read a girl's FB update about her 4 week old. He's rolling from his stomach to back already! Umm...we haven't even started tummy time here. Feeling like a slacker (and feeling ok with that).

  33. namaste

    persimmon / 1313 posts

    @Happygal: A rolled around that time. I thought it was normal! You all have plump babies so that's a win in my book. My poor little one is still tiny, growing but tiny.

  34. oliviaoblivia

    pineapple / 12793 posts

    @Happygal: both of my girls have"rolled" that early but in more of an uncoordinated I hate being on my tummy random flailing rollover. I only really counted it when it was clear three rolling was intentional.

  35. SleepyMonkey

    grapefruit / 4006 posts

    @keepcalmcarrie: did you end up getting antibiotics? Did it turn into mastitis? Hope you are feeling better. I have this bruised feeling in my left boob but no lump. Ugh. I hope its not mastitis.

    Well, baby just slept 4.5 hours instead of 2.5 which is a small victory in my book. She cluster fed tonight before going down, i wonder if that helped fill up her tummy.

    We arr nowhere near rolling over but she does roll from her back to her side occasionally because she likes sleeping on her side.

  36. turquoisemama

    persimmon / 1481 posts

    @SleepyMonkey: I have the same bruised feeling but no real lump that I can pinpoint. I'm wondering how big a plugged milk duct lump is anyway. I've been massaging it a lot but man does that hurt!

    Today was pretty rough for me. K was super fussy and we had a bunch of family visiting so I think she maybe was just over stimulated. She has hardly slept at all and seems like she's never satisfied with milk. Maybe she's having a growth spurt. She's been super inefficient with nursing too. She'll hang out in my boob for 20 minutes but barely be nibbling. She was doing really great up until now. Finally tonight I pumped and gave her a bottle to make sure she was getting enough. DH is trying to soothe her now but it's 12:20am and no signs of going to sleep any time soon....

  37. SleepyMonkey

    grapefruit / 4006 posts

    @MrsHansen82: when i have had a clogged duct before, they were a size of a ping pong ball. So not huge. You can def feel it, it is hard and feels different than the rest of your breast. The whole top half of my boob feels tender to the touch though. Hmm i wonder if i should pump even though it isnt a clogged duct? Im confused!

  38. SleepyMonkey

    grapefruit / 4006 posts

    @MrsHansen82: same with my baby. She didnt sleep for 4 hrs and was totally overstimlated and kept wanting ti eat! Hoepfully your baby will go down soon for you!

  39. HappyBaker

    nectarine / 2242 posts

    @MrsHansen82: @SleepyMonkey: just wanted to commiserate - we're awake too!

    When I get a clog I feel like it starts as a bruised feeling, so I'd probably keep nursing /pumping on that side more.

  40. keepcalmcarrie

    persimmon / 1096 posts

    @SleepyMonkey: I did get antibiotics - I think it was mastitis. Super painful, a lump about the size of a ping pong ball under my nipple, redness, and just a general flu feeling. I never did get a fever but I felt awful. Feeling much better now! I think it would have gone away without the antibiotics actually, but I didn't want to mess around with it. I pumped and massaged a lot, and nursed a lot more frequently on that side. Yesterday I had milk spraying out at every feeding, not just during letdown, and it started feeling much better so I'm guessing it's resolving. I do still feel small lumps but I might just be obsessively poking now Hope you and @MrsHansen82: start to feel better!

    Henry is definitely fussier than usual right now. I'm thinking it's the 6 wk growth spurt (6 weeks yesterday) but he's also spitting up A LOT all of a sudden and not pooping as much (I think it's normal to decrease frequency around this time, but still). I'm somewhat suspicious of dairy as I tried adding a little back in and it might be bothering him. It's hard to tell because he's never inconsolable, and in fact still really doesn't cry that much (maybe 30 minutes per day?) but the suddenly abundant spit up is weird.

    6-8 weeks is supposed to be the peak of their fussiness generally, so our little ones should start settling into more predictable moods, eating and sleeping patterns soon! Last night I stayed up drinking wine and watching a documentary with DH. Fed H at 11:30, we didn't go to bed until 1, and he was up at 3, 5:15, and then for the day at 7:30. Ughhhh!

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