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New Year, New Babes - January 2015 Postpartum Chat

  1. Pumuckl

    pomegranate / 3601 posts

    @Espion: LOL, I can totally see that happening to me. Luckily girls don't shoot that far

    @sorrycharlie: Glad C is growing so well! And I hear you on being tired. B woke up at night two nights ago and would only go to sleep if I sat next to his bed. I kept waking up whenever I nearly fell off the ottoman.

    We had a lot of appointments this week. A weight check Tuesday, another audiologist appointment on Wednesday and the well visit with the pediatrician yesterday. And today we went back to the pediatrician so I could get vaccinated for pertussis.
    J is gaining weight beautifully as well she's 9 lbs and somewhere between 20 3/4 and 21 inches. Still over 1.5in shorter than her brother at birth Her birthmark is a hemangioma so we'll just have to wait to see whether it'll go away on its own or not. Nothing we can do currently except to keep track of its growth.
    Our trip to audiologist wasn't successful this time either so we have to go back in two weeks. I just hope that this will then be the last time we have to go there and they can finally get a reading on the newborn hearing test.

  2. namaste

    persimmon / 1313 posts

    @Espion: Hahahaha that's awesome! #winning indeed.

    @keepcalmcarrie: Way to go momma! I'm under my pre-birth weight but am definitely excited to do a real work out today. My nurses made a huge deal about it on Wednesday which was a nice self esteem booster but I just feel like my muscles need some help!

    @Pumuckl: So glad J is growing beautifully! I hope your next trip to the audiologist works out.

  3. Radish

    nectarine / 2079 posts

    B had her 2 week checkup today (at 2 weeks 3 days). She's up to 8 lbs 12 oz (8 lbs 6 oz at birth) and 21" tall. Finally lost her umbilical cord last night, but it still needs to dry out some more.

  4. Radish

    nectarine / 2079 posts

    It's so hard to comment individually from my phone, but I feel for those of you who have issues you are working through and hope things are resolved quickly. Hooray for all the good growth in babies and healthy weight loss for mamas. I still look 2 months pregnant but I'm not sweating it.

  5. keepcalmcarrie

    persimmon / 1096 posts

    @Pumuckl: Yay for good weight gain!

    Who wants to do a little survey to catch up in our babies progress (and our own)?

    LO's name (if you're sharing): Henry
    Age: 5 weeks tomorrow
    Weight: 11.5 lbs last week on our home scale
    Length: 22 inches at his 1 week appt - I'm sure he's longer now!
    Baby's temperament: Pretty happy and very easily soothed when he gets fussy, but not a chill baby who will just hang in the swing for a long time. He doesn't have any long crying spells, which I am extremely grateful for. As long as he's fed and snuggled, he's content.
    How's sleep?: Ugh, our biggest challenge! It's really not that bad, but he only wants to nap on me, and since I have a toddler, he naps a lot in the sling.
    Thing baby enjoys the most: Other than boobs? Bath time
    Any firsts? Not yet. Very excited for the first smile - I think it's in the works
    How are you doing?: Pretty good. I'm grumpy in the early morning and sometimes late at night because I'm so freaking tired, but other than that I'm good. Handling two is crazy sometimes, but actually not as bad as I thought. I'm getting a shower, putting on makeup, and doing my hair every day, because I'm vain and that's what it takes for me to stay happy I'm so so ready for warmer weather though!

  6. MapleMoose

    grapefruit / 4213 posts

    Checking in quickly... Both girls are sick and DH and I are coming down with another illness. Had DD2's one month appointment today and the pediatrician put her on prescription Zantac for reflux. Hoping it doesn't turn out to be food allergies like her older sister has. I'll try for a more positive update next time.

  7. oliviaoblivia

    pineapple / 12793 posts

    @keepcalmcarrie: good idea!

    LO's name (if you're sharing): Camilla Jane
    Age: 6.5 weeks
    Weight: (at 4 weeks) 10lbs 15oz
    Length: (at 4 weeks) 23"
    Baby's temperament: super chill. She is fussy for maybe twenty minutes a day if I haven't put her to nap soon enough.
    How's sleep?: too good to jinx!
    Thing baby enjoys the most: boobs and bouncing
    Any firsts?: we've had smiles for about a month now.
    How are you doing?: pretty great. I'm really looking forward to getting out more and being active again, but it's -9degrees today so we're staying put!

  8. oliviaoblivia

    pineapple / 12793 posts

    @MapleMoose: hopes your house gets healthy again soon!

  9. Pumuckl

    pomegranate / 3601 posts

    @MapleMoose: oh no, hope everyone feels better soon! B came down with a stomach bug yesterday. Hope nobody else gets it...

    @keepcalmcarrie: love the survey I'll try to get to it later.

  10. Radish

    nectarine / 2079 posts

    Age: 2.5 weeks
    Weight: 8 lbs 12 oz
    Length: 21"
    Baby's temperament: Very laid back. She only gets fussy if she wants to eat or if she needs to burp/spit up.
    How's sleep?: pretty good. She usually gets us up one or twice during the night and will go back to sleep easily most of the time. She's still napping most of the day and has very little awake time where she's not eating.
    Thing baby enjoys the most: sleeping.
    Any firsts?: I bumped her head for the first time yesterday.
    How are you doing?: mostly just tired and not looking forward to Sunday when my mom leaves. I'll have to cook, clean and do laundry again.

  11. charmed

    persimmon / 1177 posts

    So jealous of all you ladies that are close to your pre-pregnancy weight! I gained 35 and have only lost 15 so far

    @MapleMoose: hope you all get better soon!

    LO's name: Abigail
    Age: 4 weeks
    Weight: 8lbs 3oz (but that was 2 weeks ago)
    Length: 22" (2 weeks ago)
    Baby's temperament: Happy, except in the evenings.
    How's sleep?: Great, once we can get her to sleep. Getting her to sleep is another story...
    Thing baby enjoys the most: Boobs of course and being worn while I walk around.
    Any firsts? We had our first solo trip to the grocery store and survived
    How are you doing?: Really good. I'm anxious to be able to work out again, and I'm getting stir crazy but the weather is crappy so I don't really want to be driving a lot.

  12. Espion

    pomegranate / 3577 posts

    LO's name: H!
    Age: 22 days
    Weight: 8lbs 12oz (9 days ago)
    Length: 22" (same
    Baby's temperament: Little dude only fusses when I try to put him down for a nap, but I've been able to put him down TWICE today for a couple short naps! Yay!!
    How's sleep?: Rotten. He is up and down all night. Last night it was every hour. I'm jealous of any stretch of sleep that is longer than 2 hours!
    Thing baby enjoys the most: Right boob. Then left boob. Then right boob again.
    Any firsts? He gave me a huge smile today!
    How are you doing?: Oooooh, doing okay. Getting it together for this test next week. Wrapping my head around being gone for five whole days.

  13. turquoisemama

    persimmon / 1481 posts

    Age: 4 weeks on Monday

    Weight: 9lbs 13oz at her 3 week check up

    Length: 22.5in at 3 week check up

    Baby's temperament: Happy and not too fussy unless she is wide awake and left alone for more than a few minutes. She won't just hang next to me on the couch, but needs to be held. Anytime she starts crying, I can fix whatever it is pretty quick.

    How's sleep?: Sleep is getting better at night. She's started going 4 hours between feeds so that is nice. During the day sometimes she sleeps all day so I'm a little confused about that. Not sure if she sleeps too much or if its normal. She can go to sleep at 6:00 and sleep until noon, except for night feedings of course.

    Thing baby enjoys the most: Boobies, bath time, paci, car seat, swing most of the time, staring at the ceiling

    How are you doing?: Getting better. I'm less emotional and less down. Everyday it gets better.

  14. MapleMoose

    grapefruit / 4213 posts

    @oliviaoblivia: @Pumuckl: @charmed: Thanks ladies! Hope you all stay healthy. Hopefully B's stomach bug won't last long. That's never fun!!

  15. HappyBaker

    nectarine / 2242 posts

    LO's name: Logan
    Age: 6 weeks on Monday
    Weight: 9lbs 2oz (a week ago)
    Length: 22"
    Baby's temperament: He's generally really easy but won't nap unless he's on me!
    How's sleep?: Luckily at night he'll sleep in his RNP, he's pretty consistently doing 9:30-3ish, but the last stretch from 3-6:30/7 is full of grunting / sort of waking up and falling back asleep a billion times. He only drinks 2 ozs in the MOTN which doesn't seem like a lot!
    Thing baby enjoys the most: Bottles (crushes them in less than 10 minutes!), napping on my chest, his sister.
    Any firsts? He is JUST about to smile! Had our first blow out yesterday (I jinxed us by saying we hadn't had one yet)
    How are you doing?: Good now that we had a week with no blizzards and DD1 was at school a full week. We also were able to get out of the house a lot this week so that made the days go by faster. Only 3.5 weeks until I go back to work so I'm getting excited about that.

  16. Espion

    pomegranate / 3577 posts

    @HappyBaker: What are you doing for child care? I go back Monday after next, and we still haven't figured out how we're going to bridge the time until H is in daycare.

  17. Mrs. Blue

    blogger / pomelo / 5361 posts

    LO's name (if you're sharing): Graham
    Age: 3 weeks today
    Weight: 9 lbs. 13 oz. at his 2 week appt
    Length: 21 1/4 at his 2-week appt
    Baby's temperament: I'm still trying to get a feel for this little guy's personality. With the twins we had their personalities pegged the first week, but I just can't get a good grasp on G. I think maybe he's just super laid back.
    How's sleep? It's kind of hit or miss. He still sleeps a lot in the day. At night sometimes he will have one stretch that is 4-5 hours between feedings and then go 3 hours the rest of the night and then other nights it's every 2 hours.

    Thing baby enjoys the most: All baby cares about is getting his milkshake on. Boob moster here!

    Any firsts? Not yet.

    How are you doing? Ehh. I'm exhausted and kind of overwhelmed by three kids that are all so young. Physically, I'm doing well. I can still tell when I overdo it, but I'm generally recovering from the section well. As for weight loss, I have about 8 lbs to go to get back to my pre-Graham weight, but I still have a flabby, puffy tummy. I need to lose a lot of weight after the official baby weight, though, so I'm trying to start focusing on eating a little healthier and get out walking again.

  18. Happygal

    pomelo / 5000 posts

    @Mrs. Blue: I'm with you in the oversupply/crazy letdown camp. It's discouraging and I'm so ready for things to regulate. I get out of the shower and my boobs are leaking. Every night I lay out a change of clothing for me b/c despite my best efforts, I usually end up leaking somewhere. I'm stuffing diapers in my bras to help soak up milk. She's getting better at handling the letdown and I sometimes pump for a minute to release some of the pressure with a handheld pump. But milk often sprays everywhere, comes out her nose, etc. I would not attempt to NIP at this point which really limits time frames and getting out.

    Waaaaah! That's how I feel about it this morning.

  19. HappyBaker

    nectarine / 2242 posts

    @Espion: he's going to the same center my older daughter goes to. I hate that he'll be so young (9.5 weeks) but we really don't have any other options that would work. DD started at 12 weeks and did great and he has already been exposed to lots of her germs so hopefully it won't be too bad!

  20. Espion

    pomegranate / 3577 posts

    @HappyBaker: We're doing the same, but there is some lag time before they have room for him.

  21. HappyBaker

    nectarine / 2242 posts

    @Espion: oh that is tough! It seems like so much work to find a nanny for such a short time, friends of mine in the past have done different shifts with their DH - like one person works 5am-1 and the other 1pm - 9 but not sure how flexible your jobs are!

  22. SleepyMonkey

    grapefruit / 4006 posts

    Age: 1 month tomorrow! Time is flying.

    Weight: no idea. We go to the pedi in a week for ger checkup.

    Length: no idea.

    Baby's temperament: she is an easy baby. Sleeps a lot and eats. Fusses when she is hungry and when she is awake too long but doesn't full on cry a lot.

    How's sleep?: eh. She still eats every 3-4 hours at night. Last night she went 4.5 hours between feeds and that was the longest she has done at night.

    Thing baby enjoys the most: sleeping and being held.

    Any firsts? Started cooing the other day. Its very cute.

    How are you doing?: pretty good. A little tired but not sleep deprived. I'm sick of the cold weather and being stuck indoors. Feeling a little sad about missing out on time with #1. Dh spends way more time with her than i do nowadays and he is just an amazing dad. But Today she told me she missed me, like 5 times. It made me a little sad.

  23. Raindrop

    grapefruit / 4731 posts

    Wow I can't believe some of you are going back to work already! Time flies.

    I had a meeting with an LC today... turns out I do have a clog duct (not mastitis - thank goodness!) but she told me take lecithin to help with that... and the normal stuff... rest... breast feed more... put warm compressed on it... I never heard of taking lecithin and I have read a lot about clog ducts.

  24. SleepyMonkey

    grapefruit / 4006 posts

    @Raindrop: sorry to hear about your clogged duct! Hopefully you can get it out. I had a few with dd1 and massaging while nursing/pumping and warm compresses helped a lot.

  25. namaste

    persimmon / 1313 posts

    So many updates! @Raindrop: So sorry about your clogged duct. Hope it goes away soon!

    LO's name (if you're sharing): Aya

    Age:7 weeks tomorrow. D:

    Weight: 6lb 4 oz at her 1 month checkup. UGH. I'm super stressed about this even though her pediatrician says it's fine. I think I'm going to the LC clinic tomorrow morning just for a second opinion. She doesn't spit up often. She eats like a champ (both with bottles/without). She can easily down a 3 oz bottle. She has so many wet diapers daily. There's nothing that screams out of the normal, especially since she grew in height. Ugh baby stress! I just want her to gain weight but she seems healthy? The Internets even say wear her but I wear her all during my work day so idk. I'm at a loss.

    Length: 21.5 inches. She at least grew 2 and a half inches.

    Baby's temperament: She is pretty chill. I was worried that she would be attached but she enjoys hanging out on her own when I'm not wearing her and doesn't mind being held by "strangers". She only cries when she's hungry or has a wet diaper. I love taking her out!

    How's sleep?: She sleeps like a champ but I'm worried about moving her into her crib. I want to do so at the end of the month, especially since we're probably going to be moving soon.

    Thing baby enjoys the most: She loves tummy time!

    Any firsts? So many smiles and lots of chattiness when she's alert.

    How are you doing?: I'm doing well. She'll be two months soon and I'm just now in baby dedication planning mode when she's 3 months.

  26. oliviaoblivia

    pineapple / 12793 posts

    @Raindrop: I had one with L, they are uncomfortable! Dangle feeding and massage helped.

    @namaste: good luck at the LC tomorrow. Try to avoid stressing about it, babies grow at their own rate and if your doctor isn't worried that's a good thing.

  27. Radish

    nectarine / 2079 posts

    @namaste: I'm sorry the weight is stressing you out. Just keep doing what your doing - a growth spurt could be right around the corner.

  28. Raindrop

    grapefruit / 4731 posts

    @namaste: Aw I hope things go well with the LC!

    I think every baby is different. For our first kid... he was crazy grower (75% in the american scale)... I thought that was weird because all my friends had tiny asian kids (most of them were in the 1-5% and some were moved to the chinese growth scale.. yeah the chinese growth scale is different then the american one!) and my kid seemed like godzilla compared to them. LO is still bigger (a lot of the my asian friends kids started catching up after a while) than those kids but compared to non-asian kids he's about the same... so I started to worry a little less.

  29. Raindrop

    grapefruit / 4731 posts

    @SleepyMonkey: @namaste: @oliviaoblivia: Thanks ladies! The LC said it could take days to resolve my plugged/clogged milk duct. Hopefully when my lecithin pill comes in I won't have to deal with this more!

  30. keepcalmcarrie

    persimmon / 1096 posts

    Quick vent - I'll respond to other updates later...

    Henry is driving me nuts in the early morning. It's really the only time he's fussy, and he spends the hours from 4-8 AM grunting, snorting, moaning, crying - and either eating or pooping. I hate it! This is after a not-great night of sleep too. He was up every 2ish hours last night, and then he slept on me from 5-7 AM. The way he's nursing right now, it's like he's on a bender. At the end of it he and I are just covered in milk, and then he wants to take a nice long snooze while I get up with my crazy active toddler.

    UGHHH. The lack of sleep is really getting to me lately.

  31. keepcalmcarrie

    persimmon / 1096 posts

    Of course, 5 minutes after I posted that, he gave me his first real smile... these babies!!!

    It was lopsided and so stinking adorable.

  32. Happygal

    pomelo / 5000 posts

    @keepcalmcarrie: I'm sorry! I don't think we've had a true nursing cluster yet and I've heard it's really tough. Hang in there! Glad you can come vent here.

    The baby sounds can be so sweet and melt your heart. But the grunting and other "I fooled you--I'm not really going to sleep" sounds can be so frustrating, too! Then I feel guilty for getting upset with such a little creature who has no bad intentions. Motherhood is complex!

    Try to capture that little smile on camera and share it with us. I love them.

  33. oliviaoblivia

    pineapple / 12793 posts

    @keepcalmcarrie: hugs mama. The six week growth spurt is serious. But baby smiles are amazing!!

  34. Pumuckl

    pomegranate / 3601 posts

    LO's name (if you're sharing): J
    Age: 5.5 weeks
    Weight: 9 lbs last Thursday
    Length: 21 in
    Baby's temperament: Very chill. She'll only cry if she's hungry or in pain. Well and if she's getting overtired but I guess as a 2nd time mom you catch that a little earlier so it doesn't happen often.
    How's sleep? So good I'm too scared to say more because I might jinx it.
    Thing baby enjoys the most: Snuggles and having company. She doesn't like being alone in a room. She's fine with being put down but not in another room as long as she's awake.
    Any firsts? Smiles!
    How are you doing? Exhausted because B has a stomach bug so he's home from daycare. Luckily my DH is home in the evenings. But from tomorrow on it'll be just me and the kids all day and night. *yikes*

  35. oliviaoblivia

    pineapple / 12793 posts

    @namaste: how was your LC appt?

  36. mfa_lady

    pomegranate / 3921 posts

    @Espion: I am SO late to this party but pee in your hair!!!! That's super mom stuff right there.

    @sorrycharlie: Go C! What a big girl!

    @namaste: You are my workout hero. I'm a chicken, so I'm waiting til my postpartum visit (Friday) before busting out the workout DVDs and getting back to hot yoga. Although, honestly, I probably won't go back to hot yoga until I go back to work! I want to make sure I can handle that before adding another crazy thing to my schedule.

    @Radish: Go B!!!

    @MapleMoose: I'm late on this, too, but hope you guys are feeling better!

    @Pumuckl: Hope B is feeling better by now!

    @Mrs. Blue: I think I have a kind of crazy letdown, too--unless I'm feeding her all the time she sometimes chokes as well. Also, she was projectile spitting a couple mornings in a row and I called my LC and she said it's because my boobs are too full and they're more than she can handle in the morning if she's gone a longer stretch without emptying them. I mean, a good problem to have, I guess, but dang. It's tough!

    @Raindrop: I hope your duct is better! I had one last week and it was so weird/uncomfortable. I luckily caught it early, and dangle feeding + massage + lots of hot showers did the trick for me.

  37. mfa_lady

    pomegranate / 3921 posts

    As usual, I am WAY LATE on this. But I'm thinking of you ladies often and hope you and all your babies are doing great.

    Speaking of how we're doing...anybody have any tips for getting baby to stay asleep at night? We're really struggling with nighttime over here--she was doing great like from week 3-4, and then it's gone downhill from there. She will not fall asleep unless we're holding her, and then she wakes almost immediately when she goes into the crib. We're dying! I think we need to start putting her in the crib way earlier, like at 7 or 8, just to make sure she gets enough sleep. Because she's staying awake a ton at night (from 12:30-3 this morning) and then zoning out again from 7-10 after her first morning feeding. Anyway, that's a long and rambly FTM rant...so on to the updates.

    LO's name (if you're sharing): Eleanor

    Age: 6.5 weeks

    Weight: 9lb 9oz a week ago

    Length: 22 inches a week ago

    Baby's temperament: Sweet but not super chill. She makes you work for her!

    How's sleep?: See above. Blah! Not great. I've been reading and re-reading Mrs. High Heels' posts about sleep training Noelle because we're going crazy over here. I go back to work in 3 weeks and I'm not sure how I'll use my brain during the day if this keeps up...

    Thing baby enjoys the most: Eating! Ha. Bath time, until we actually start washing her of course. Also laying on her changing table and looking around. Strange but true--it's her favorite place...she'll lay there and coo and smile for ages.

    Any firsts? She's smiling, but it's still tough to be certain if they're for us or for the poots sometimes.

    How are you doing? I'm doing pretty well. Back to within a few pounds of pre-preg weight, although still have a super flabby belly and wide hips!, and am finally feeling ready to get out into the world a bit more. Just wish it wasn't flu season! I get super frustrated in the middle of the night, but other than that we're feeling good around here.

  38. Espion

    pomegranate / 3577 posts

    @mfa_lady: I wish I could help with the sleep, but that's how H has been from the very beginning. The only way to get him to sleep a longish stretch is to have him in bed with me.

    Poor DH has been on the couch, because he's deathly afraid of having the baby in bed with us, and I miss him. It is going to be baby boot camp this week, though, because I'm leaving for Dallas tonight.

    DH is going to solo-parent a nearly 4 week old and a nearly 21 month old for five solid days. Pray for him.

  39. mfa_lady

    pomegranate / 3921 posts

    @Espion: Ugh, that's what I've been doing, too! Sleeping next to me seems to be the only solution, and that CANNOT be a long-term thing for us. It just isn't possible for a lot of reasons. As for your husband...WOW. Go Dad! Will be thinking about all of you!

  40. Radish

    nectarine / 2079 posts

    @mfa_lady: have you tried putting a heating pad or something in her crib before laying her down? Maybe the temp change from warm body to cold bed is too much for her. Other than that, I've got nothing. Sleep is so different for every baby.

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