Hellobee Boards


New Year, New Babes - January 2015 Postpartum Chat

  1. SleepyMonkey

    grapefruit / 4006 posts

    @namaste: ugh its horrible when you have a cold and a newborn. I think hand washing is the best way to prevent her from catching it but your breast milk should also have antibodies in it that she is getting. People just love babies I think! I always tell people to wash their hands or Purell them first before holding the baby.

  2. namaste

    persimmon / 1313 posts

    @SleepyMonkey: It's just so weird because there are so many other babies around lol but I guess new babies are more fun! This cold has just wiped me out!

    Oh man I have no idea RE your pumping question.

  3. mfa_lady

    pomegranate / 3921 posts

    @SleepyMonkey: I have no idea how to answer your question about pumping. I am trying to figure it out myself--I have a cousin who has exclusively pumped for both of her babies, and I text her like 40 thousand times a day. Good luck!

  4. CatchAFallingStar

    nectarine / 2806 posts

    Is anyone else feeling a tinge of "baby blues?"

  5. BabyPenguinXO

    kiwi / 549 posts

    @SleepyMonkey: don't mind me being nosy! But I saw your pumping question and wanted to help! I thought I was on the labor board anyways, to maintain your supply, if baby has a bottle and doesn't nurse, you will want to pump the same routine she would nurse. So if baby usually eats from just one side each nursing session and you don't pump the other side, then while she's having the bottle with DH, pump the side she would have nursed from.

    If you pump one side and she nurses one side, then pump both sides while she's having a bottle with DH.

    Anytime baby has a bottle, you have to pump to replace that session so that your body knows that milk is still needed. And your pumping session should mock the nursing session. Hope that helps

  6. SleepyMonkey

    grapefruit / 4006 posts

    @BabyPenguinXO: thanks so much for the advice! Don't apologize for hopping in here, I need all the help I can get. I actually ended up not pumping because I figured the pump that I did was to replace the next feed. I probably should have pumped closer to the bottle feed time though. Tomorrow I think I will try that instead.

    @CatchAFallingStar: mine are very mild this time around. I feel a sense of dread when the sun sets. But I have only cried one day but it was mostly because I was sad about my daughters birthmark on her face. I will say that with #1, the baby blues were brutal. I cried every day from days 3-20 I think. It was probably the toughest time of my entire life. Dont be afraid to reach out to us on this due date board or elsewhere to get the support you need!

  7. BabyPenguinXO

    kiwi / 549 posts

    @SleepyMonkey: hehe happy to help! I had to pump a lot with my first! But yes I would try to pump as close to the time baby has the bottle as you can, so you keep on schedule. Otherwise you lose track if youre pumping to replace a feed or what the heck is going on

  8. oliviaoblivia

    pineapple / 12793 posts

    @CatchAFallingStar: I haven't yet but have had some friends deal with some crazy PPD. Have you talked with your DH about it? We're all here for you if you need to talk. Hugs mama!

  9. Mrs. Confetti

    blogger / pomegranate / 3491 posts

    @SleepyMonkey: I definitely feel like so far I have more milk, or at least that it is coming in much sooner (already in on day 2. With my first, it didn't come til day 5).

  10. keepcalmcarrie

    persimmon / 1096 posts

    @CatchAFallingStar: I do. Most of the time I feel good, very happy - Henry is a cheerful, easy baby. But I get easily overwhelmed, and that makes me weepy. I think a lot of it is sleep deprivation, but some of it is certainly hormonal. Henry is 2 weeks old today, so I'm hoping I feel a little less emotional soon.

    Henry is such a chunker! He was 7 lb 14 oz at birth, and at last week's jaundice check he was 9 lb even. I supplemented with formula for the first 4 days until my milk came in to help with his jaundice, but we're EBFing now.

    Things with LO1 are pretty good - he lovvvvvves
    "baby" and wants to hold and kiss him. But he's also started misbehaving a lot when I'm nursing - jumping on our recliner, shrieking, just generally being a nutso - and he's not even 2, so it's hard to communicate and pretty impossible to discipline.

    I'm so worried about my mom leaving and being on my own all day while DH is at work!

  11. mfa_lady

    pomegranate / 3921 posts

    @keepcalmcarrie: I hear you on the not wanting to be home alone--and I only have one! I've only been home by myself for four days since E was born....and its hard work!

    Also, you guys...newborn sleep is so random! It's almost 3am here and E JUST went to sleep after much coaxing/rocking/bouncing/other tricks. I honestly think her belly reeeeeally bothers her--if she could just figure out this pooping thing she'd be sleeping like a champ every night. But she winds herself all up from the gas or whatever it is and then has trouble calming down. Wish me luck--who knows if she'll stay asleep this time.

  12. namaste

    persimmon / 1313 posts

    @mfa_lady: Hope E got some sleep last night!

  13. SleepyMonkey

    grapefruit / 4006 posts

    @mfa_lady: how did the rest of the night go? I read your post about 10 mins after you posted so we must have been up at the same time! Have you tried gas drops and stuff like that to help with the tummy issues? Newborn sleep is so crazy.

  14. Espion

    pomegranate / 3577 posts

    @mfa_lady: Hope your babe slept!!

    I've been up and down with H since around midnight and both DH and E are snoozing away. (It's 8:30 am here.) I'm totally working that into a nap today! (DH let me sleep from 8 or 9 pm until midnight, though!)

  15. mfa_lady

    pomegranate / 3921 posts

    @namaste: @espion: Thank you!

    @SleepyMonkey: She did stay asleep after I posted (even through a case of the hiccups--miraculous! I think she'd totally worn herself out). We have been using gripe water, but I may need to get some gas drops to try, too. She struggles SO MUCH sometimes and I can just feel the bubbles moving around in her little belly. I'll be so happy for her when she figures out this pooping thing a little better!

  16. Espion

    pomegranate / 3577 posts

    This kid sleeps way more soundly in our arms than anywhere else. Sigh! Oh well. He's a swaddle-dini, too. I may have to pull out an old sleep sack of E's. I have a feeling we're going to baby wear a lot!

  17. Espion

    pomegranate / 3577 posts

    @mfa_lady: I'm going to the natural food store to see if we can find some probiotic drops too. I'll probably wait until he's a few weeks old, though. Or dose every few days. We haven't tried gripe water yet, but H is one gassy baby too!

  18. pmrlady

    apricot / 316 posts

    @mfa_lady: Same here with the tummy problems. For J, the little remedies gas drops (simethicone) works well most of the time to calm her down. You can give it before or after feeds and it basically works by bringing in all the little gas bubbles together to make one large bubble so it's easier to burp out. But J also seems to be straining and grunting when trying to poop. I really hope it doesn't turn into full blown colic =/

    @CatchAFallingStar: I have definitely cried 3 or 4 times since J was born, mostly during her witching hours when she cries persistently and seems really uncomfortable and I don't know how to help her. I try everything and at some point she goes to sleep, but I don't really know what it was if anything that worked for her. I dread evenings and nights especially when DH is working his night shifts and I'm with her alone.

    @namaste: hope you feel better soon!

  19. charmed

    persimmon / 1177 posts

    @mfa_lady: having the same trouble here with A! Haven't tried gripe water/gas drops yet, but I might tonight if she gets super fussy again.

    DH gets frustrated when she's fussy because she constantly acts likes she wants to nurse. So he'll bring her to me and she'll nurse for 5 minutes, pass out for 5 minutes, then it starts over.

    @CatchAFallingStar: I have been really emotional- not necessarily sad, but lots of tears.

    And I'm hoping the appointment with the lactation consultant goes well tomorrow. Still having a lot of pain when she latches, then I have "lipstick nipple" when she's done, so something isn't right. And my right nipple is nearly healed up, but I'm scared to nurse on that side again until I get her latch issues figured out. Thankfully pumping has been going well.

  20. Pumuckl

    pomegranate / 3601 posts

    @keepcalmcarrie: ughh I so know what you're talking about. My mom left yesterday. Luckily my siblings are helping out a bit this week but as of next week I'll have the little people by myself 3 days a week. I'm just glad B is in daycare during the day so it's only about 5 hours per day that I really have to deal with two.

    @CatchAFallingStar: I feel pretty well so far but do react a little emotional on some things esp. the part about having the kids all on my own and then getting burdened with additional things overwhelms me a little.

    @charmed: Hope your LC appointment goes well today. My LC was a lifesaver with my first.

  21. Espion

    pomegranate / 3577 posts

    @Pumuckl: I can't imagine being by myself with E and H, mainly because E weighs 25 lbs and I can't pick him up.

    Ugh, newborn sleep. Poor DH took a squalling H last night to give me 2 hours of sleep, but I take "second shift"
    after that and got about an hour and a half of broken sleep since 2 am. Hopefully H will give me a good 3 hours between nursing sessions to get some rest today.

  22. Espion

    pomegranate / 3577 posts

    @charmed: Hope they can pinpoint the latch issues right off! I remember how bad it was with E.

    ETA: I'm glad DH will "stick it out" for at least a little while when H is fussing, but it makes it impossible for me to rest, because I know I could take him off the ledge with the boob so easily. But mama has to rest too!!

  23. Pumuckl

    pomegranate / 3601 posts

    @Espion: Yeah the first few days I couldn't carry B - he's probably around 32lbs (but also 3ft. tall). I can't imagine having to do that with a surgery scar. Luckily with my crazy fast last part of delivery I had an amazingly fast recovery.

    @Espion: @mfa_lady: sorry that the littles are having trouble with sleep. We really lucked out with J so far. If nothing is soothing her then taking her to bed with me has always done the trick so far. Not what I want to be doing in the long run but I have to keep reminding myself that she's merely 2.5 weeks old.

  24. Espion

    pomegranate / 3577 posts

    @Pumuckl: I've already caved to bringing him to bed. It got us through the first 6 months of E's life! It seriously wigs out DH, though. And H latches okay from a side-lying position, but my c-section makes it impossible to bend up and correct a shallow latch. Thankfully, I have no pain from the surgery except when I try to sit up!

  25. oliviaoblivia

    pineapple / 12793 posts

    @Espion: I'm four weeks out from my section and feel totally fine picking up my 30 pound 2 year old. I shouldn't, but I do it any way. DH is back at work and her poopy diapers don't change themselves!

    @charmed: good luck at your appointment today. My latch issues were literally fixed within ten minutes of our meeting starting. LCs are amazing.

  26. Espion

    pomegranate / 3577 posts

    @oliviaoblivia: I think I was carrying boxes at 3 or 4 weeks last time, so I'm hopeful I will have the same experience! (And now that I remember, I was carrying E in that gigantic Britax carrier immediately after birth anyway, ha!)

  27. Mrs. Tricycle

    blogger / pear / 1964 posts

    Hi guys! Just popping in to say hello -- went through and read to catch up. Always so comforting to see others in the same spot!

    Number 2 is officially two weeks old today -- and it's the first day DH has been back to work. We're doing well, all things considered.

    Wanted to chime in that the baby blues were soooo much better this time around. I've cried, like, once, this time, where as before it was a multiple times a day, every day, for a few months. Might be because #2 is a waaaay easier baby than #1, but whatever the reason, I'll take it!

    Hope you're all having a good Monday!!

  28. mfa_lady

    pomegranate / 3921 posts

    @Espion: Probiotic drops are a good idea, too. Mrs. Blue said they worked well for her kiddos!

    @pmrlady: @charmed: It's so sad when their little bellies hurt! I'm here by myself with E today, and she seems to be doing okay which I'm thankful for. Our ped also thinks she has a mild case of reflux, which I think is true because her spit up (even though there isn't ever much of it) smells pretty acid-y. We just try to keep her upright or at least on an upward slope as much as we can.

    @Espion: YES YES YES. This is how I am when my husband tries to help. It's the worst! I want him to feel like he can help, but I can't rest either--and our house isn't big enough for him to be able to get anywhere where I can't hear her crying. It's so hard! I hope you get some rest today!

    @CatchAFallingStar: I have cried a ton, but usually it's been for happy reasons. I have had a couple of little breakdowns, about the way my husband said something to me, or how tired I am, or something...but I am generally over-emotional anyways (my husband and I say "I have a lot of feelings") and I tear up on the regular even when I'm not postpartum. How are you doing?

    I'm happy to report that E had a normal night again last night! Even though I know newborn schedules are nonexistent, we've found that if we try to get her a solid afternoon nap and then keep her awake during the dreaded evening witching hours, she can go to sleep around 10 or 11 and sleep until about 3. AND, last night, I was able to get her back in her crib after an hour instead of the usual two! Now, though, I'm already worrying about tonight because she's been sleeping all morning with the exception of like 45 minutes total. (You'd think I wouldn't find a reason to worry about a 3-week-old sleeping all morning...ahh, motherhood!)

  29. mfa_lady

    pomegranate / 3921 posts

    @Mrs. Tricycle: Welcome!! Good luck at home, and so glad to hear your baby blues are better this time!

  30. pmrlady

    apricot / 316 posts

    Question, anyone else's babies get hungry again after having a big poop even though they ate recently? This has happened to J several times where she seems hungry after pooping even though she ate an hour before, and I don't know whether to feed her or try soothing in other ways to drag out the time some more.

  31. mfa_lady

    pomegranate / 3921 posts

    @pmrlady: Yes and yes. Depending on the time of day, I'll make the call on whether to try to soothe another way or feed her again. If it's at night before bed, I'll always feed her because I want to pack it in so she can sleep! Ha.

  32. SleepyMonkey

    grapefruit / 4006 posts

    @Mrs. Tricycle: welcome! Was on your due date board with #1 too.

    @pmrlady: yes, this happens to us! I just feed her again since I figure there is more room now in her tummy. Or it might just be a growth spurt and she is cluster feeding. Either way, I just feed her.

  33. oliviaoblivia

    pineapple / 12793 posts

    @pmrlady: sometimes C is hungry almost immediately after eating even without pooping. Girlfriend is hungry. Yesterday she spent half an hour sucking on empty boobs and getting mad. An hour later same thing. My nips are paying for it today.

  34. namaste

    persimmon / 1313 posts

    @Mrs. Tricycle: Welcome! So glad you're doing better this time around.

    My cold is a lot better but now DH and I both have wrist injuries. He's having a carpal tunnel flair up as he's been coding nonstop for the past three weeks and I think I twisted mine. So happy A is still a newborn so it's not too painful picking her up.

    We're taking A out to eat at a restaurant for the first time this Friday. She's been out other places so I'm not too worried. Any plans to take your LO's out anytime soon?

  35. oliviaoblivia

    pineapple / 12793 posts

    @namaste: we go out a lot. Mainly because big sister gets a little stir crazy. We went to a wedding last weekend. It's so easy to take newborns out because they hardly cry and just sleep through everything.
    Hope your wrist gets better soon!

  36. HappyBaker

    nectarine / 2242 posts

    Just had to pick older DD up from daycare because she is puking = my first time alone with both kids and one of them keeps throwing up / pooping everywhere!

  37. Espion

    pomegranate / 3577 posts

    @HappyBaker: oh no! I hope she gets better quickly!

    Guys, we just spent 30 minutes stuck in an elevator on the way to our weight check. Took everything I had to hold. my. shit. together.

  38. mfa_lady

    pomegranate / 3921 posts

    @namaste: Oh, no! Hope you and your husband feel better!

    @HappyBaker: Oh my goodness. You're superwoman--you got this! Hope your DD feels better!

    @Espion: OMG. I'm glad you got out of there!!!!!

  39. MapleMoose

    grapefruit / 4213 posts

    @Espion: Holy cow, I'd flip out! I hate elevators anyways, I always feel like I'm walking into a germ box. But to get stuck in one with a newborn?! Nightmare.

    @HappyBaker: No fun. Hang in there mama. Hope her vomiting doesn't last long.

    @namaste: Ouch! I had to wear a wrist brace when DD1 was an infant. She had undiagnosed food allergies and was always in so much pain that I couldn't put her down and it strained my wrist. You never realize how great healthy wrists are until they crap out on you lol. We haven't taken DD2 out anywhere yet except one ride in the car to the Starbucks drivethru and then DH stayed with the girls and I ran into the food store for milk. But that probably doesn't count.

  40. SleepyMonkey

    grapefruit / 4006 posts

    @namaste: we took her to a bday party and to target this past weekend. Does that count?

    @HappyBaker: oh no. I hope it passes soon for her and no one else catches it!

    @Espion: agh- i would have been freaking out!

    When does the engorgement stop? Its been 9 days since my milk came in and i still feel engorged sometimes. She only takes one side per feeding, so one boob will go 6 hours without being emptied. Its truly annoying me. And then she has so much trouble latching on my left side when its engorged.

    Im feeling especially filled with dread with this snowstorm coming...dh keeps scaring me by talking about what happens if we lose power and have no heat.

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