Hellobee Boards


New Year, New Babes - January 2015 Postpartum Chat

  1. Espion

    pomegranate / 3577 posts

    @Cupcake: OMG. Your mother said that? I would have freaked out on my mother and showed her the exit. Your baby is perfect. (And umbilical hernias usually close on their own.)

  2. turquoisemama

    persimmon / 1481 posts

    Hi ladies! I'm finally joining in. It hasn't been too crazy over here, but I've just been too lazy to join. I still need to write my birth story.

    My little one is such a good sleeper so far. I am really hoping it will last! I usually get to sleep around midnight and DH stays up with her until about 3:00, gives her a bottle and puts her down. I take the rest of the night shift until DH wakes up around 12:00. We are night owls! LO is starting to sleep in 4 hour stretches so that's been really nice.

    She's pretty good a nursing so far too. She just has a small problem with falling asleep sometimes. Other than that, she is a good eater.

    AFM, I've been experiencing a little baby blues. Mostly getting sad about DH and I not having 100% of our time just for each other anymore. I feel so guilty when I get those thoughts, but I'm sure a whole range of emotions are normal after such a huge life change.

  3. Raindrop

    grapefruit / 4731 posts

    @sorrycharlie: Haha I don't like the newborn phase! I do love babies... just not newborns. Mostly due to the not sleeping through the night stuff... if I can sleep through the night I would probably love it a lot more. I'm also so happy that the whole MCADD was a miscommunication. Jeez that was nerve wracking! So glad that everything is okay.

    @oliviaoblivia: Thanks for asking! With the two tips I shared aboved I was able to almost double my supply in one day.. so instead of making 20ml per pump session I'm getting about 30-40ish ml per session now. Also my swelling is a bit down... lost another 8 lbs in the last 2 days... so I'm 192! All water weight I believe. Maybe when 10 more pounds of water is out of me I will finally feel normal. My feet and ankles still feel pretty tight. Other than that I'm doing pretty good.

    Haha about the eczema! I hope with the baby ointments she will be less scaly. Time to move her up a size in clothes!

    @SleepyMonkey: I hope she learns to latch better soon! Also good to hear that you got an appointment with a specialist... bummers it's so far out!

    @Cupcake: I love your LO's cute legs - I just want to eat them up! So annoying about your mom saying damaged goods... jeez... uncool.

    @MrsHansen82: Sounds like you guys have a good plan for attacking the night time shift! DH and I are still working on that... hopefully next week when I'm more capable I can help out more during the night.

    I hear you about not having enough "us" time but that's a normal feeling... Don't feel guilty! I also feel sad that I don't have any "me" time... everything for the first few weeks is about the baby... and sometimes I just feel like a milk machine. Definitely normal feelings.. I went through them last time too... I believe it gets better after a few weeks especially when the sleep more during the night. Haha. You are doing great mommy!

  4. turquoisemama

    persimmon / 1481 posts

    @Raindrop: Yes! Milk machine describes it perfectly! It's frustrating knowing I'm on demand all night.

    Also, you're already moving up a size in clothes?? I just had to go to Target to buy more newborn size sleepers and K is still almost too small for those. She is gaining fast though.

  5. SleepyMonkey

    grapefruit / 4006 posts

    @MrsHansen82: @Raindrop: hah. I told my mom with #1 that i felt like a milk machine. She thought it was hilarious. I thought it was depressing!

  6. turquoisemama

    persimmon / 1481 posts

    I think I spoke too soon about K sleeping in 4 hour stretches because she's been up every two hours last night....I think we are having a growth spurt or something.

  7. SleepyMonkey

    grapefruit / 4006 posts

    @Pumuckl: @cupcake: i didn't realize that these birthmarks are so common! When i posted on the main board about it last week, it seemed like so many of hb kids had them and most of them faded on their own. I think i scared myself on google with the extreme cases that needed surgery or steroids or laser treatment.

  8. Cupcake

    apricot / 495 posts

    @Espion: yes, my darling mother. H also has extremely blue eyes, (which obviously may change) but her, my sister, myself, and ds1 have the deepest darkest brown eyes. So that, and because he was born with hair, she proclaimed, "I think you brought the wrong one home. " I wanted to deck her. Btw, dh has blue eyes, and I reminded her of that, and she said something along the lines of "well what does he have to do with it."

  9. Cupcake

    apricot / 495 posts

    Ummmmm, you guys....... Is it POSSIBLE that I could have my PERIOD ALREADY? I'm only 5weeks pp, and stopped bleeding at least 2 weeks ago. It started again on Thursday, and I had mild cramps yesterday. I'm exclusively breastfeeding fwiw. WTF

  10. sorrycharlie

    hostess / watermelon / 14932 posts

    @Cupcake: yep. with O, I got my pp period back at 6 weeks. and every 28 days after. ebf.

    O & C actually had the same LMP day!

  11. oliviaoblivia

    pineapple / 12793 posts

    @Cupcake: a bunch of the December moms are cycling again. Yuck.

  12. Pumuckl

    pomegranate / 3601 posts

    @Cupcake: It could totally be and I can totally see why that would suck badly.

  13. Cupcake

    apricot / 495 posts

    @sorrycharlie: @oliviaoblivia: @Pumuckl: that's some bs.

  14. turquoisemama

    persimmon / 1481 posts

    @Cupcake: Oh man, that sucks!! I was hoping I had more time.

  15. Espion

    pomegranate / 3577 posts

    @Cupcake: Ugh. I am so sorry mama. My first's middle name is my late FIL's name. And it is an old-fashioned name. When we went to visit, my mother said, out loud, "I hope you don't call him *middle name*!!"

    She knew it was my FIL's name and that we specifically chose that name to honor him. (He passed two months after we were married.) Poor DH had to leave the room. And I flipped out on her. Moms have zero tact sometimes.

    @oliviaoblivia: I got your wall post. Thank you so much for checking on it for me. I'm trying to figure out why the FDA has only granted domperidone orphan drug status in the US when it used to be over the counter in the UK and readily available elsewhere in the world. (The side effect is for high dose IV not the low dose oral form.) It doesn't make sense, but in looking through the FDA statement, I wouldn't want to put you or a pharmacist at risk. For right now I'm pumping like crazy after nearly every session, and I'm taking the More Milk Plus supplement. Let's hope it works.

  16. charmed

    persimmon / 1177 posts

    So I wrote this up yesterday, then never hit submit. Oops I'll try to catch up again after I post this!

    @namaste: that's great you're working out! I've been getting my exercise pacing the house trying to calm a fussy baby I am looking forward to getting back to a real workout routine again.
    @Espion: I feel your pain on the constant nursing We call A the boob monster because it seems like all she wants to do is nurse.

    We tried out the Halo swaddle wrap the last two nights, and A slept 3-4 hours at a time. It was amazing. She's still really fussy (I think it's gas) most the day, but at least I'm getting more rest at night.
    Breastfeeding is still pretty rough. Thinking about going to exclusively pumping, but I'm overwhelmed with the thought of pumping so frequently, on top of everything else.

  17. Cupcake

    apricot / 495 posts

    @Espion: that's messed up!

  18. SleepyMonkey

    grapefruit / 4006 posts

    @Cupcake: boo! Sorry she made such an early appearance!

    @charmed: sorry you are having a rough time with breastfeeding. It is so hard! Have you seen an lc? There.are tons of exclusive pumpers here on the hb boards, i am sure you could get loads of advice if you wanted it.

  19. SleepyMonkey

    grapefruit / 4006 posts

    Whoa. Just had a minor scare, my post partum bleeding has been pretty light lately and i passed a huge clot just now. Like the size of my palm. The dr said as long as im not bleeding profusely, its ok. Im still a little shaky though...i get a littlr squeamish around blood!

  20. HappyBaker

    nectarine / 2242 posts

    @charmed: I'm exclusively pumping if you have questions! It's definitely more work since you have to feed, pump and wash bottles / parts, but I like it better than nursing my first because I know how much he is getting and it's not my sole responsibility to deal with if he is fussy / anyone can help feed him.

  21. Pumuckl

    pomegranate / 3601 posts

    @charmed: sorry you're having a hard time with BF. Concerning exclusively pumping you could give it a try for two/three days and see how you like it. At that point the kids will usually go back to the breast without issues. I had to EP a long weekend with my first because my nipples were so destroyed.

    @Espion: wow, in my family it's my grandmother that has zero tact. I cringe at what she says so often.

  22. turquoisemama

    persimmon / 1481 posts

    @SleepyMonkey: Yikes! That's a big clot! Glad your doc said all was okay though.

  23. Espion

    pomegranate / 3577 posts

    @SleepyMonkey: Holy cow, that would definitely freak me out. Glad everything is ok!

    DH and I are pretending we're not sleep deprived and watching a movie on the couch when one or both of us should be sleeping. (Little bit is sleeping in my arms.) The normalcy is worth it so far!

  24. Pumuckl

    pomegranate / 3601 posts

    @Espion: sounds like fun. I have a tendency of falling asleep on the couch before 9pm these days We're up for the day here.

    @SleepyMonkey: Woah I must've missed this earlier that sounds scary although I'm glad your doc says it's nothing.

    Little J actually slept in her crib tonight. It was nice to be able to cover myself up in my blanket and not be cold.

  25. Espion

    pomegranate / 3577 posts

    @Pumuckl: It is just now 9:03 pm, so I'm not usually far behind with my bedtime! We're going to try the swing tonight to see if we have any luck. Poor DH gets completely freaked out even though I basically "sleep" with one eye open. I see where he is coming from, though.

  26. Pumuckl

    pomegranate / 3601 posts

    @Espion: Yeah motherly instincts are hard to explain. FX the swing works. It's 7:30am here

  27. turquoisemama

    persimmon / 1481 posts

    @Espion: DH and I have totally been staying up too late watching our shows just to feel somewhat normal. It's worth it so far.

  28. Raindrop

    grapefruit / 4731 posts

    @SleepyMonkey: Wow scary! I'm so glad you are okay.

    @charmed: Another exclusive pumper... I'm probably not much help right now since I'm re-learning it. I had to exclusively pump with my first one and I totally sucked at it an barely made it to 3 months with only really supplimenting about half his intake ... this time though I'm trying to be better.

  29. MapleMoose

    grapefruit / 4213 posts

    @charmed: @HappyBaker: @Raindrop: I'm EPing again with #2. Although this time around I'm not stressing out about supplementing a bottle or two of formula at night. It helps her sleep longer because formula digests slower but also I don't feel like I have to pump every few hours overnight to fill enough bottles. I have been pumping before I go to sleep, then once overnight at her feeding usually around 2am, then every 2.5-3 hours during the day.

    I'm taking Motherlove More Milk Plus this time and eating lots of oatmeal. I already chug water all day so that hasn't changed. I'm making plenty of milk this time.

    I just bought the Freemie collection cups and a battery pack for my Medela pump. I have to care for my toddler during the day too so I needed portability. So far it's working great.

  30. charmed

    persimmon / 1177 posts

    @Cupcake: that sucks about your period coming back I am not looking forward to that.

    @SleepyMonkey: thanks. We did see an lc - at the hospital and a week later. Both said everything looks good, just try to get more breast in her mouth. I feel like it's more that she just wants to nurse ALL THE TIME and my poor nipples never get a break. It was a little better last night.
    And that clot sounds scary!! Glad everything is ok.

    @HappyBaker: @Raindrop: @MapleMoose: glad to hear there are lots of other pumpers! I'll let you ladies know if I have questions.

    @MapleMoose: do you think the Motherlove More Milk Plus is making a difference? And do you use the capsules or the liquid? I feel like if I'm going to pump I need to do whatever I can to keep supply up.

    A slept for almost 5 hours straight last night!! Even though I still woke up to check on her every couple hours, I feel like a new person today. Hope everyone else is doing well!

  31. MapleMoose

    grapefruit / 4213 posts

    @charmed: I do feel that MMP is working. I didn't use it the first time and I used to power pump to try to get my supply up. Now I'm taking the capsules 4 times a day while following the liquid restriction directions (no more than 1oz 15 minutes before and after taking a capsule). I just pumped 4.5oz this morning when I got up and DD2 only eats about 2.5-3oz per feeding so I'm able to store a few extra bottles in the fridge. I'm able to be ahead of the game rather than stressing because I need to pump enough to fill her next bottle, which is what happened with my first DD. Before I received the MMP from Amazon I was eating oatmeal and that seemed to help increase my supply too, although not as quickly. I track my pumping output in an app on my phone so I can see the trend.

  32. keepcalmcarrie

    persimmon / 1096 posts

    More sucky sleep around here. Kid is growing like a weed so I know that's it, but it doesn't make it any easier at 4 AM. I'm sure he's over 10 lbs already. He's almost too long for his 3 month footed sleepers too. LO#1 hit 16 lbs by his 2 month appt so I'm not surprised, but yeesh I forgot how tough these growth spurts are on me. They don't stay teensy newborns for long!

    @Cupcake: Ughhh, that sucks. I was toying around with the idea of relying on EBF as birth control, but I'm thinking not now.

    What is everyone doing for birth control? I'm considering Mirena now. No experience with anything other than the pill, but I haven't been on that in forever and I don't really want to start again.

    What about plans for TTC again? Between the sleep deprivation and the diapers, I'm thinking #3 won't be a consideration until Henry is at least 2 - so ideally a 3 year age gap. I got pregnant when J was just 13 months and not even walking yet, so I really had no idea what I was in for. And I knew it would be tough, but 2 under 2 is seriously no joke, I cannot do another age gap less than 2 years.

    I wonder how @Mrs. Blue is doing. I can't imagine twin toddlers and a newborn! Hope you're hanging in there, mama.

  33. Cupcake

    apricot / 495 posts

    @keepcalmcarrie: I was nursing when I get pregnant!!!

  34. Espion

    pomegranate / 3577 posts

    @keepcalmcarrie: After someone else got pregnant at 10 weeks PP, I'm forbidding DH from even looking at me funny. I would cry some ugly tears, for sure.

    I thought about the Mirena, but I'm leaning away, because honestly, I think it will be an ordeal to get in. I've never had a vaginal birth (which makes it somewhat easier to put in) and my cervix is super high and tilted away. Everyone had trouble checking it during my TOL with my first, even my male OB.

    In short, because I am a weenie, I'll probably go back on the pill. I was good about taking it and it doesn't mess me up.

  35. Espion

    pomegranate / 3577 posts

    @keepcalmcarrie: I wonder how this kid will grow. 16 pounds by 2 months! E only managed 8 lbs 13 oz by 2 months and that is how much DS2 weighed at birth!

  36. oliviaoblivia

    pineapple / 12793 posts

    @keepcalmcarrie: we were going to NTNP for now, but banddmmommy's announcement changed my mind. Not yet! Probably condoms/pull out until C is nine months.

    C is also on the crazy growth track, she was 1.5lbs less than L at birth and is only half a pound smaller at one month. She's gained three pounds since we left the hospital. If she continues this growth she'll surpass her enormous sister. I liked having a bitty baby, but it didn't last.

    @Espion: I had a Mirena before having my girls and insertion was a bitch. My cervix sounds similar, very high, tilted back, and full of angry nerves. I was fine the day after insertion and enjoyed four years period free. I'll get it again when we're done reproducing.

  37. keepcalmcarrie

    persimmon / 1096 posts

    @oliviaoblivia: Haha, her announcement changed my mind too!! I know we want 3, perhaps 4, and I initially thought it would be fun to have them all super close together. But I cannot imagine getting pregnant anytime soon now.

  38. mfa_lady

    pomegranate / 3921 posts

    @oliviaoblivia: @keepcalmcarrie: Yeahhhh so much for NTNP! I'm actually starting the pill (progesterone only because of BF) today. My midwife prescribed it for me when she discharged me from the hospital and said to start taking it a month after birth so I'll be covered by my 6-week checkup when I get the go-ahead to do the deed. It's not a super strong pill, so she basically said breastfeeding is my backup birth control for now. I'm not feeling great about that after recent HB developments, haha, but hopefully the combo will do the trick.

  39. Raindrop

    grapefruit / 4731 posts

    @charmed: LO had a newborn appointment yesterday for his jundice and it's at the newborn club that had LCs just there... I asked to speak to one because I have some clot milk ducts which I think were milk blisters and that was confirmed. The LC was actually very pushy about being a EP and not putting the baby to breast. It actually made me more stubborn about being EPing! I'm just not ready and she was being unreasonably pushy... saying breatfeeding is best and if you are okay with formula and doing more work... that is what you are deciding with pump. Whatever!

    @keepcalmcarrie: Hang in there... my LO is growing like a weed too! I totally forgot about this. Haha.

    I'm not allowed to try for #3 till my OB says the okay which might not be for 2-3 years... My mom said that's great because having the older kind of close (mine are not that close almost exactly 3 years apart) and one far away ... she's thinking 5 years is a great. I'm not sure. We were always on the fence about a third. So it just might not happen. Haha.

  40. SleepyMonkey

    grapefruit / 4006 posts

    We are on the fence about #3 too, but i was thinking that it might be nice to have the first 2 be more self sufficient before having another newborn. So maybe 5 years from now, but then i will be 39! Last week, i was thinking 2 might be it. But now i am back to thinking about 3. Anyway all this is to say i have no idea about birth control right now. I kind of hated the effects of hormones on my body and i felt really good off of it between lo1 and lo2. Copper iuds are out because i already have heavy periods. Not a lot of non hormonal options out there.

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