My daughter is 2 weeks old and ever since she was born, she favors turning her head to the right. I've seen her occasionally have her head turned to the left. She will turn it to the right when getting her diaper changed, when she's sleeping in the bouncer or rock n play or swing, when she's laying on her back, and even when I'm holding her on my chest.

I'm worried about her getting a flat spot on that side. I try to encourage her to turn her head the other way with some black and white cards I have and it works sometimes. I try to turn her head that way, but she fights me and won't let me turn it to the left. When I lay her down in her bouncer, I will turn her head to the left but it always ends up turned back to the right.

I plan to bring it up at her 1 month check up in 2 weeks. But wondering if anyone else had a baby with a preference like this? What did you do? Any tips to get her to turn her head to the left more?